Hydro Electric-Reynaldo, Alexander, and Javion

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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By: Reynaldo, Alexander Castillo, and Javion


H.E. Star

Our company makes electricity out of water. We use a dam to trap the water and then it goes through a generator to create electricity.

The H.E. Star staff There is Reynaldo he is the boss of the

company he studied at University of Guadalajara for 8 years. I am Alexander I am the right hand man I studied at The University of Colorado for 7 years. There is the left hand man his name is Javion studied at University of Texas Tech. Reynaldo ,and Javion have worked here for 10 years.

Hydro Electric

Hydro Electricity is when water is used to make electricity.

Our Advantages

1. There is no pollution or waste.

2. Once dam is built we let the energy free.

3. It is better than wind, solar, or wave power.

4. Energy can be made fast.

Nuclear disadvantage

A disadvantage of nuclear power can waste a lot of money for safety and if it fails then it can cause major damage.

Solar disadvantage

A disadvantage of solar power is it will not work without solar/light.

Wind disadvantage

A disadvantage of wind power is that it can kill flying animals.

Wave disadvantage

A disadvantage of wave power is it makes a lot of noise.

Geothermal disadvantage

A disadvantage of geothermal power is that there aren’t many places you can put a geothermal station.

Biomass disadvantages

A biomass disadvantage is growing fuel can be difficult.

Biogas disadvantages

A disadvantage of biogas is that they burns a lot of the biogas.