Hyphenated Adjectives

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Hyphenated AdjectivesUsing multiple adjectives for clarity

Prepared by Logan Aimone University of Chicago Laboratory High School


lily-livered sign-waving



At times writers will use commas to punctuate a series of adjectives before a noun when these adjectives are separate and independent of each other. When two or more words are combined to form a compound adjective, a hyphen is usually required (like lily-livered, sign-waving, school-to-work).

Rule: Frequently associated

When two or more words that are frequently associated are used as adjectives, they are not hyphenated. • high school • grade point average

Rule: Adverbs

Adverbs modifying adjectives are not hyphenated. • usually hot • very smart • well done

Rule: A-N or N-N

Use a hyphen if the term used is an adjective-noun or noun-noun construction and is ambiguous and unfamiliar. • 20-page report • high-speed train • small-business owner? (may be optional) • high school curriculum

Rule: Multiple adjectives

When two or more words of a part of speech modify another word used as an adjective, the words must be hyphenated to that adjective. • at-bat average • fire-engine-red Mercedes • tough-as-nails personality

Rule: Equal-force adjectives

Use commas to present adjectives that modify with equal force unless they are joined by conjunctions. • spicy, tangy flavor • spicy-yet-tangy flavor

Rule: Repetitive

Use a hyphen and space to show adjectives that modify the same adjective. • 30- to 40-foot drop • but: near-to-total failure

Hyphenated Adjectives

Let’s practice these new-to-you skills!


Identify each adjective and ask yourself which word it modifies. Do your best. Hyphenate where appropriate. Commas may be necessary to separate compound adjectives.


a pop and candy machine a pop-and-candy machine

Hyphenated Adjectives

Try some more…


a basketball play calling chart


those mean spirited freshman seeking seniors


mellow Mountain Dew powered journalism writing machines


above the fold news story


victory starved crazed Maroon fans


bring a three to five foot streamer to wiggle at the less than inspiring team


a student funded all expense paid senior trip


write a 750 to 1,000 word article on free press rights


a two for the price of one offer at the student and teacher organized BSA and ASA activity

Hyphenated Adjectives

How’d you do?


a basketball play calling chart a basketball play-calling chart


those mean spirited freshman seeking seniors those mean-spirited, freshman-seeking seniors


mellow Mountain Dew powered journalism writing machines mellow, Mountain Dew-powered, journalism-writing machines


above the fold news story above-the-fold news story


victory starved crazed Maroon fans victory-starved, crazed Maroon fans


bring a three to five foot streamer to wiggle at the less than inspiring team bring a three- to five-foot streamer to wiggle at the less-than-inspiring team


a student funded all expense paid senior trip a student-funded, all-expense-paid senior trip


write a 750 to 1,000 word article on free press rights write a 750- to 1,000-word article on free press rights


a two for the price of one offer at the student and teacher organized BSA and ASA activity a two-for-the-price-of-one offer at the student- and teacher-organized BSA-and-ASA activity