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Dear Readers,It is with great enthusiasm that we present to you the first edition of ‘I-Connect’ - a bulletin aiming at strengthening the anti-corruption web amongst youth whilst providing information on the Integrity Club project and other youth driven initiatives. Your views and suggestions pertaining to the issues covered are of interest to us. Kindly share your feedback with us in terms of suggestions, rubrics, games, etc. via cviolette@icac.mu or contact us on 402 6909/ 04. Stay tuned and make the difference! Sign up for the Anti-Corruption Pledge on www.icac.mu

Integrity Clubs in Secondary Schools:Grooming Anti-Corruption Ambassadors for a Brighter Future:

I-CONNECTA publication of the Independent Commission Against Corruption with the collaboration of Integrity Clubs in Secondary Schools





Bulletin, Aug 2019 Volume 1, Issue 1 http://www.icac.mu fb.com/icacmauritius youtube.com/icacmu


A publication of the Independent Commission Against Corruption with the collaboration of Integrity Clubs in Secondary Schools

Bulletin, Oct 2019 Volume 1, Issue 1 http://www.icac.mu fb.com/icacmauritius youtube.com/icacmu






School Campaign 2019Some 6,500 students of Grade 12 empowered on the dangers of


Interview“L’Integrity Club project a

permis aux jeunes d’acquérir et de développer de nouvelles

compétences’’Indrajeet K. Seetul

Upcoming events …

Photo Gallery:

Integrity Clubs on the Move - A Glimpse

Slam :

‘La Corruption - Parlons-en’d’Adrien Beaugendre


Facts & Figures ...



In line with its mandate, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Mauritius has since its inception left no stone unturned to engage youth in the promotion of integrity by adopting novel and impact-oriented strategies. One of those initiatives gearing towards

grooming a new breed of responsible citizens has been the setting up of Integrity Clubs (ICs) in secondary schools in 2008.

The philosophy behind the project is that youth must be empowered and provided with

the right opportunities to engage in the fight against corruption because they have power

to change the socio-economic setting. ICs are such platforms where youth can reflect on the

problem, voice out their views and interact with peers through a myriad of anti-corruption activities.

Over a decade, the project has gathered momentum and reached 120 clubs which are now operational in

secondary schools in Mauritius and Rodrigues. From feedback received, impact has been

visible in the short term, in very many schools, for example students and staff are more

cautious about their behaviour and promote the right conduct. We have also seen a growing

number of young people participating actively in anti-corruption activities such as debate, sketch,

fresco painting, production of short films etc. Club members are now being encouraged to consider

moving out of schools boundaries to promote integrity in the community and organise inter ICs activities.

A series of initiatives have been undertaken by the ICAC to boost up the Integrity Club project.

This year, a Training of School Facilitators (educators designated by Rectors to guide

members and assist the clubs) was conducted in April 2019 to empower them on the essentials of

the anti-corruption legal framework, and discuss ways and means to render ICs more effective and

visible. Over and above a series of interactions on the concept of ‘Integrity’, the ICAC also organised an

Annual Meeting at national level with 245 executive members of ICs in May 2019 to remind them of the objectives and functioning of the project, share experiences and highlight constraints.

More so, after leaving school, members are encouraged to pursue their engagement against corruption via other established platforms such as the Inter-University Students Anti-Corruption Forum and the Civil Society Network Against Corruption. We expect that the youth, imbued with the principles of integrity, demonstrate resistance and intolerance to corruption and malpractices.

SCHOOL CAMPAIGN 2019:Some 6,500 students of Grade 12 empowered

on the dangers of corruption

As part of its on-going activities, the ICAC conducted an anti-corruption awareness campaign in some

100 secondary schools in Mauritius and Rodrigues during the period February to July 2019, reaching around 6,500 Grade 12 students. The theme of this year’s campaign was ‘Youth as Anti-Corruption Champions for a Brighter Future’.

This initiative aimed at; (1) creating greater awareness on the dangers of corruption among the youth; (2) emphasising the need for nurturing a culture of integrity; as well as (3) promoting responsible citizenship and good practices.

The campaign was officially launched on Thursday 28 February 2019 at Curepipe College by Dr. N. Beekarry, Director-General of the ICAC, in the presence of Mr. B. Lutchmiah, Director of the Ministry of Education and H.R., T.E. and S.R., Dr. Jimmy Harmon, Deputy Director, Service Diocésain de l’Education Catholique, Mr. R. Sewpal, Rector of Curepipe College. Dr. Beekarry highlighted the importance of education in the national strategy to fight corruption and discussed the critical importance for youngsters to uphold integrity in their different roles and responsibilities.

He also made an appeal to the youth to get engaged in the fight, to stay away from malpractices, and adopt good habits.

◆ Commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day – 09 December

◆ Creation of an online dedicated corner for Integrity Clubs

◆ Production and distribution of badges to IC members

◆ A mini survey to assess the impact of IC project at school level

◆ 2020 Conference on Education for Justice in collaboration with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

◆ Organisation of an event in the context of International Youth Day

◆ Anti-Corruption Competition

◆ Design of a logo for Integrity Clubs


Dr. N. Beekarry handing over leaflets bearing anti-corruption messages to Mr. B. Lutchmiah

Mr. T. Hurree welcoming the audience

2 October 2019 I-Connect, Volume 1, Issue 1


L’école a un potentiel énorme dans l’inculcation des valeurs, contribuant ainsi aux efforts collectifs à faire reculer les fléaux sociaux. Qu’en pensez-vous ?Une institution académique ou professionnelle a un rôle clé dans la formation du jeune qui y passe la majorité de la période pendant laquelle il/ elle forge sa personnalité. C’est surtout aux enseignants et à la direction des institutions d’assumer comme il se doit ce rôle de dispensateur de valeurs et de contribuer ainsi à la formation de citoyens éclairés.

Vous avez été la cheville ouvrière du club d’intégrité de Terre Rouge SSS et celui de Mayflower College. Racontez-nous …Au fait, le travail accompli n’est pas uniquement celui du facilitateur mais aussi des directeurs des établissements concernés. C’est la raison pour laquelle les actions entreprises ont eu un impact positif non seulement au niveau des écoles mais aussi auprès du public en général.

Outre l’organisation d’une série d’activités, nous avons eu l’opportunité de participer à des ateliers de travail organisés par l’ICAC. L’IC project a permis aux jeunes d’acquérir et de développer de nouvelles compétences pour être des citoyens avisés. Par exemple, en les attribuant des nouvelles responsabilités durant l’organisation des activités. Même si l’encadrement éducatif, est préalablement dispensé par l’école et les parents, il est admirable que d’autres entités du pays- telle que l’ICAC- prennent part à ce processus.

Néanmoins, s’investir dans de telle initiative n’a pas toujours été chose facile ...Il y a bien des contraintes comme celui du temps et des exigences du métier de l’enseignant, mais une équipe motivée et engagée peut toujours trouver la bonne formule. L’apport des directeurs des deux établissements a été le catalyseur de même que la présence d’un co-facilitateur. Organiser au moins une activité annuellement est faisable.

Un dernier mot Monsieur Seetul ...« En cherchant des gens à embaucher, recherchez trois qualités: l’intégrité, l’intelligence et l’énergie. S’ils n’ont pas la première, les deux autres vous tueront», a dit Warren Buffet. Alors, équipez nos jeunes de la première des trois qualités afin qu’ils soient des professionnels responsables.

In ter v iew

Indrajeet K. Seetul,Facilitateur

du Club d’integritéde Terre Rouge SSS

“L’Integrity Club project a permis aux jeunes d’acquérir et de développer de nouvelles compétences’’

This dedicated corner is geared towards giving voice to IC members/ facilitators and Rectors to express their views on

issues related to integrity.

For his part, Mr. T. Hurree, the IC President of Curepipe College, emphasised the benefits of having such clubs at schools and highlighted some of the forthcoming activities.

Over and above the unveiling and projection of a video on The evolution in the Fight against Corruption in the Education Sector, a project competition was launched by the ICAC so as to recognise and reward innovative and impactful anti-corruption initiatives led by youth having demonstrated significant effort in implementing projects. The participation of a significant number of ICs in the competition is worth noting. The prize-giving ceremony is tentatively planned for November/December 2019.

It is fitting to point out that this activity would not have been possible without the valuable support of the Ministry of Education and H.R., T.E. and S.R. and other key stakeholders.

According to feedback gathered, students, educators and Rectors were generally appreciative of the campaign which was of high relevance since it helped students better understand the importance of integrity and provided supplementary information to students as corruption is listed as a theme for the University of Cambridge General Paper examinations.

■ Lady Sushil Ramgoolam SSS

As said by Benjamin Disraeli: “The youth of a nation are the trustees of posterity”. With this idea in mind, the IC of Lady Sushil Ramgoolam SSS organised a sensitisation campaign targeting students of Grade 7 of the school with a view to create awareness on the dangers of corruption.

■ La Ferme College, Rodrigues

Le Club d’Intégrité du collège de La Ferme, Rodrigues a été lancé cette année, notamment deux ans après l’ouverture du collège. «En avril dernier, on a assisté à un atelier de travail animé par un officier de l`ICAC – ceci nous a aidé à mieux comprendre les dangers et conséquences de la corruption, la philosophie qui sous-tend la raison-d’être du club et notre rôle en tant que membres du club. Ensuite, on a élaboré un plan de travail beaucoup plus adapté et mieux approprié».

■ Le Lycée Mauricien CollegeIC members of Le Lycée Mauricien College conceived a painting depicting common sources of corruption existing worldwide. The painting was offered to the Rector and to the school librarian and is today displayed in a place of high visibility.

Global Change Makerswww.global-changemakers.net

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centrewww.u4.no

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimewww.unodc.org

Youth Networkwww.youthnetwork.com

Hong-Kong Ethics Development Centrewww.icac.org.hk/hkedc

Transparency Internationalwww.transparency.org


3October 2019I-Connect, Volume 1, Issue 1

PHOTO GALLERY:Integrity Clubs on the Move - A Glimpse

This rubric comprises contributions from Integrity Clubs (ICs).Anti-corruption activities and projects undertaken by other ICs will be

given due consideration in our next issues.Président du

Club d’Intégrité (2018),Collège Dr. James Burty David



compositeur et interprète


La Corruption: Parlons-enJe suis mort la corruption m’a tuéLa société m’a poussé dans un chemin trouéPour tous ceux à qui des billets leur donnent une raison d’espérerJ’espère que me voir ainsi vous donne envie de pleurer

Mort face à de mortels billetsQui viendra me sauver ?Plus de contacts à contacterToutes ces fois où ma monnaie m’a offert la facilitéMaintenant je ne peux plus payer le ticket d’entrée

Tous ces patrons que j’ai pas fini de soudoyerQui se satisfirent de se voir au sommetToutes ces pattes que j’ai graisséesPendant que mon honneur décédait

Se faire pistonner pour monterMais comment monter si ton intégrité est sous le plancher?

Mort face à de mortels billetsJe vous ai conté mes regretsMaintenant je vous laisseJe vais faire face à mon jugement dernier

■ Quartier Militaire SSS (Girls)

The IC of Quartier Militaire SSS (Girls) has been set up early this year. Since then, activities such as talks, powerpoint presentation, posting of quotes on integrity etc. have been organised. A visit was also held at Shelter for Women and Children, Forest-Side to promote integrity as an antidote to corruption.

■ Loreto College Quatre-Bornes (LCQB)

Le 14 mai 2018 marqua le lancement officiel du ‘LCQB Integrity Club’. Plusieurs activités ont été organisées pour marquer cet évènement, durant l’Integrity Week’ décrétée par l’école, notamment une causerie ayant pour thème ‘Integrity for a better future’, la projection de la vidéo intitulée ‘The Race’ (disponible sur ICAC YouTube Channel), une exposition sur une des valeurs de la fondatrice, Mary Ward – ‘intégrité’ et la distribution d’un pamphlet axé sur l’intégrité, qui a été développé par les membres du club.

■ Terre Rouge SSS

Following a film projection, a talk was conducted whereby students and executive IC members of Terre Rouge SSS gave an insight of the consequences of corrupt activities, to Grade 7 students. This activity was followed by the organisation of an anti-corruption poster competition. Four posters have been retained for wide distribution.

4 October 2019 I-Connect, Volume 1, Issue 1


Across - Clues

1. strength and originality in a person’s nature

3. the way in which someone behaves5. the state or fact of having a duty to

deal with or take care of something or someone

8. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or policy

11. the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect

12. morally good, justified or acceptable14. moral or legal obligations

Down - Clues

1. the abuse of position or authority for personal gain

2. due regards for the feeling and rights of others

4. principles or standards of behaviour6. the quality of having strong moral

principles7. the ability, willingness or capacity to

tolerate something9. treating people equally/ just or

appropriate in the circumstances10. behaviour showing high moral standards13. intense and selfish desire for wealth,

power or food


If there isn’t an Integrity Club at your school yet, contact us



Réduit Triangle, MokaTel: 4026600, 4026909

Fax: 4026959Hotline: 142

Email: icacoffice@intnet.mu

Disclaimer:The opinion and views expressed in this bulletin does not reflect the official ones of the ICAC but rather represent those of the contributors. We would like to thank all those concerned.

Kindly forward your answers via cviolette@icac.mu by 31 October 2019.

A drawing of lots will be held in November 2019 to determine the ten winners.

Good luck!

WIN TOKENS! Test your knowledge

1). Where is ICAC Headquarters situated? a) Moka b) Port-Louis c) Rose-Hill

2). What is ICAC’s three-pronged strategy to fight corruption?a) Investigation, Condemnation and

Educationb) Education, Prevention and

Investigationc) Education, Communication and


3). When is the International Anti-Corruption Day, declared by the United Nations, commemorated? a) 9th October

b) 9th November c) 9th December

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rank for Mauritius over 54 countries in the 2018 Ibrahim Index of African Governance, Mo Ibrahim Foundation.

rank for Mauritius (over 180 countries) in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2018 released by Transparency International, with a score of 51.

public bodies in Mauritius are implementing the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Framework, as at 31 July 2019, to reinforce public sector integrity and governance. This systemic change has drastically reduced bribery rates in government institutions on account of the education and prevention work. (Report on Global Corruption Barometer Africa 2019).

persons convicted in Mauritius for corruption and money laundering as at 30 June 2019