I day 4-c key recom from cndrc meeting on preparedness-ocha

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Nepal Presentations at Regional DP / DRR Workshop Biratnagar July 14-15, 2010


There were a total of 58 recommendations from the 26 district level Lesson Learned Workshops and 2 Regional Workshops held at the end of 2009 and in the beginning of 2010 (website)

Now, tried to summarize in the following 21 recommendations from MOHA and other humanitarian partners (website)

Major Recommendations from the National Workshop on Disaster Preparedness

Endorsed by the CNDRC 16 April 2010

Activities Responsible agency

Supporting agencies

• Identify Disaster Focal Person in Every Concerned Agencies working in the districts

DDRC Line Agencies including DDC, I/NGO, Red Cross, UN Agencies, DLSA

• Assessing the skills and knowledge of Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force in district DP process


• Organization of DP orientation program in five regions

RDRC MoHA, RDRC, Regional offices

• Establishment of Emergency Operating Centre (EOC) in five selected districts

MoHA/DDC DDRC & I/NGO, Red Cross, UN Agencies, DLSA

• Orientation, training and meetings on Disaster Risk Reduction and cluster approach before preparation of Disaster Preparedness (DP) Plan


A. Recommendations on Institutional Strengthening

Activities Responsible agency

Supporting agencies

• Preparedness workshop in 60 districts before June 2010

• 60 districts to prepare Disaster Preparedness (DP) plan if possible, and/or Disaster contingency plan (DCP) in 50% districts

• Identify evacuation sites and safe shelter areas alternative to schools and Madarsa

• Identify potential warehouses within the district

• Identify district lead support agency to support coordination role (MOHA prepared the list)

DDRC / MOHA Line Agencies including DDC, I/NGOs, Red Cross, IOM, UN agencies, DLSA

• Emergency resources allocation in every agency possible

MoLD /DDC DDRC, I/NGOs, Red Cross, UN agencies, DLSA& Cluster leads,

• Expansion of Community Based Disaster Preparedness Programme (CBDP) in more 20 districts)

MoLD/DDC Line Agencies, I/NGOs, Red Cross, UN agencies, DLSA

B. Recommendations on Response Preparedness

Activities Responsible agency

Supporting agencies

• Ensure collaboration and coordination among Government agencies, Civil society, private sector, I/NGOs and Un Agencies

DDRC MoLD, DLSA, I/NGOs, Red Cross, UN agencies

• Establish district monitoring mechanism at district level

DDRC Line Agencies/DDC, DLSA, cluster leads, I/NGOs, Red Cross, UN agencies, FNCCI

• Follow some well established standard on Relief Package according to family size and different needs rather than following ad hoc system

DDRC NRCS in close consultation with IASC Cluster Leads & Gov Cluster Focal Persons

• Involve the political parties in the District Disaster planning process

MoLD/DDC DDRC to coordinate

• Explore and involve private sector in district Disaster Preparedness planning process


C. Recommendations on Response Coordination and Monitoring

Activities Responsible agency

Supporting agencies

• Carryout awareness campaign using the available Disaster Preparedness information package

DDCs and VDCs

DLSA , I/NGOs, UN Agencies, Red Cross, DEO/MoE

• Ensure coordination of all media sectors before, during and after disasters for correct reporting and issue press releases from time to time

DDRC I/NGOs, Red Cross, UN agencies and DLSA

• Ensure use of common assessment tools by all the actors during and after emergencies

OCHA/NRCS Line Agencies, I/NGOs, UN agencies, DLSA

• Initiate hazard and risk assessment in districts

MoLD I/NGOs, Red Cross & UN Agencies, DLSA

D. Recommendations on Information Management, joint Assessment and Public Awareness

District Lead Support Agency (DLSA) Mapping for District Disaster Preparedness

Initiatives - 2010

Support district DP planning exercises in collaboration with all the actors

Brief on objective and outcomes of the workshop to all stakeholder

Coordinate with DDRC and organize series of meeting before workshop

Coordinate/provide support - technical and financial, data collection

Orientation on key principles of minimum standards for effective response

Consider the successes, challenges and gaps highlighted from the past

Ensure participation of all cluster leads/members and other stakeholders

Share the outputs of the DRR initiatives with IASC

The information will be posted on the website -NIP for wider communication

Responsibilities of District Lead Support Agency (ToR)

Districts District Lead Support

Agency (DLSA)Districts

District Lead Support Agency (DLSA)

Districts District Lead Support

Agency (DLSA)

Baglung AAN Ilam NRCS Baitadi Oxfam

Bara AAN Jajarkot NRCS Nawalparasi Oxfam

Dhanusha AAN Jhapa NRCS Rautahat Oxfam

Khotang AAN Myagdi NRCS Saptari Oxfam

Parbat AAN Okhaldhunga NRCS Sarlahi Oxfam

Parsa AAN Panchthar NRCS Surkhet Oxfam

Rasuwa AAN Rukum NRCS Arghakhanchi UNDP

Kavre ADRA Banke NRCS/SC Bajura UNDP

Palpa ADRA Bhojpur NRCS/SC Dolakha UNDP

Salyan ADRA Dadeldhura NRCS/SC Lamjung UNDP

Kanchanpur CARE/SC Jumla NRCS/SC Mahottari UNDP

Achham IRD Mugu NRCS/SC Sindhuli UNDP

Bardiya IRD Sank-sabha NRCS/SC Sindhu-palchok UNDP

Doti IRD Siraha NRCS/SC Solukhumbu UNDP

Dailekh LWF Taplejung NRCS/SC Sunsari UNDP

Ramechhap LWF Terhathum NRCS/SC Syangja UNDP

Kailali Mercy Corp/SC Makawanpur Plan Nepal Tanahun UNDP

Pyuthan Merlin Chitwan Practical Action Kapilbastu UNICEF

Rolpa Merlin Bajhang UMN Udayapur UNICEF

Dolpa Mission East Kaski WVIThe details of the Agency Presence Mapping is attached (A3 Paper size) Humla Mission East Rupandehi WVI

Kalikot Mission East/SC

Mapping of the District Lead Support Agency for District DP Planning Activities in 2010

Guidance Note For Preparing the District

Preparedness Planning

(DP Plan)


• Provide DDRC to provide the tools on the disaster response preparedness planning activities,

• Achieve a common strategy on district disaster preparedness activities among the national, regional and district level agencies, and

• Designed to help District Authorities, NGOs and UN agencies to manage response effectively during the disasters,

Assumptions/Outcomes of from the Guidance Note

1. Preparedness Calendar will be ready at DDRC level (a series of meeting) for coordination Meetings

2. Listing the documents and maps required for response preparedness

3. All documents mentioned in this guidance note are the only suggestions,

4. Resource mapping –agency level

5. Nomination of focal person in every agency,

6. Strengthen the cluster approach for the response

7. Strengthen coordination mechanisms at the DDRC level

How to Use Guidelines

Preparedness Calendar for coordination meetings:

• The Guideline suggests at least three meetings (agenda suggested)

• Review the vulnerable VDCs

• Instruct agencies and government staff to collect key preparedness information.

• Review and update reports on preparedness presented to DDRC/CDO

• Set schedule for flood response coordination meetings

• Review the further need of meetings -can be more than 3 meetings,

• Etc….

Suggested Meeting Schedules

Preparedness Calendar for coordination meetings:

• The Guideline suggests at least three + meetings (agenda suggested):

1. First Meeting: Review vulnerable VDCs and instruct agencies and government staff to collect key preparedness information.

2. Second Meeting: Review reports on preparedness information presented to DDRC and CDO

3. Third Meeting: Review updated reports on preparedness information presented to DDRC and CDO and set schedule for flood response coordination meetings.

4. “N” number of Meeting: As per the need, it can be extended the meetings,

Suggested Key Documents

1. Maps• District map: road network, river system, VDC boundaries; settlement;

2007-9 flood affected areas;

2. Suggested Documents• District demographic information (census data)• District report on last years flood; and other flood years;• Who What Where Mapping of I/NGOs and UN programs (3 “W”)• Minutes of Flood Response Review Workshops• Meeting Support Documents• Agenda for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and additional flood preparedness meeting ;• Attendance form ;• Meeting minute format ;

Contd. Key Document

3. Preparedness Documents• Flood Preparedness Calendar;• List of VDCs for identifying those with flood risk;• Resource Mapping • Terms of Reference (ToR) of cluster lead/co-lead• Sharing of National Legislative documents• Contact database for distribution (www.un.org.np)

4. Flood Response Coordination• Daily / Weekly Monitoring Report Format (suggested)• Geographic division of responsibilities format (suggested)

Agenda for 1st Preparedness Meeting

1. Review the reports of lesson learned workshop, previous meeting minutes, District map showing road, river, VDC & 2009 flood affected areas

2. Identify disaster vulnerable VDC/wards and its’ potential impact

2. Resource mapping: Who What Where …agencies with resources,

3. Identification of evacuation sites or shelter areas during disasters

4. Discussion to campaign Disaster Information Awareness Package,

5. Discussion with VDC level Disaster Management Committees

6. Identify the cluster leads/co-leads and agree on its’ ToR

7. Contact list of all humanitarian actors in the district (suggested),

8. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

Agenda for 2nd Preparedness Meeting

1. Review Flood Preparedness Calendar;

2. Report on Identification of Disaster Risk VDCs and Wards

3. Reports from cluster leads

4. Report on Available Response Resources and discussion

5. Review of Emergency Fund and Emergency Fund Needs

6. Report on ongoing activities• Identification of evacuation sites or Shelters• Public Information Campaign • Identification and repair of drainage systems• Formation of VDC level Response Committees

7. Date, time, and Next Meeting

Agenda for 3rd Preparedness Meeting

1. Review Flood Preparedness Calendar;

2. Report on Identification of Disaster Risk VDCs and Wards

3. Reports from cluster leads

4. Report on Available Response Resources and discussion of Response Resources

5. Review of Emergency Fund and Emergency Fund Needs

6. Report on ongoing activities• Identification of evacuation sites or Shelters• Public Information Campaign • Identification and repair of drainage systems• Formation of VDC level Response Committees

7. Date, time, and Next Meeting

Format #1: Resource Mapping Format

(to be filled by each agency and submitted to DDRC)Name of Agency_________________ Location of Stocks:__________________

Date of Report: ______________________

Name of materials Quantity Remarks (location, specifications)

Food Items

NFI/ Shelter Items

Medical Items

WASH Items

Logistics Items

Education Items

Search & Rescue Items

Format #2 Potential Partners for flood response:S.N.

Partner Focal Point

Food NFI Medical Kits

WASH Logistics Education SAR Fund Staff





Format #3: Sector Leads for flood response




Focal Point

Contact address

Contact No.


1 Food

2 NFI/Shelter


4 Health

5 Logistics

6 Education

7 Search and Rescue

Format: Daily / Weekly Reporting

To _________________________ From____________________

Copied ___________________________ Date of Report:_______

Period Covered (which date to which date): __________________

Area Covered by Report (District, VDCs, etc): ______________

Needs Identification: – VDCs affected, number of beneficiaries identified, houses

destroyed, etc

Assistance Provided: Services and materials provided by – GoN, NRCS, I/NGOs, UN, Pvt Companies and others ….

Assistance Planned (services and materials provided by GoN, NRCS, I/NGOs, UN, Others etc..)


Geographic Division of Responsibilities:

To the right put the name of each organization

In each box list the VDCs where the organization is active

Organization One:

Organization Two:

Organization Three:

Organization Four:

1 Food

2 Logistic

3 Water and Sanitation

4 Health

5 Education

6 Search and Rescue

7 Reporting to CDO / DDRC

8 Shelter / NFI

Thank You