I-Iig · His finn lour ot

Post on 12-Apr-2018

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I-Iig /ri Flight Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of

earth. And danced the skies on laughter-silvered


Sttnward I've climbed, and ;oi11ed the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds-and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of-wheeled and soared cmd swung

High in the sunlit silence. Jlov'ring there l"ve chased the shouting wind along, and

fltt11g My eager craft through footless ltaJls of

aiT. Up, ttp the long delirious, burning blue I've topped the wind-stoept heights with

easy grace Where Mve-r lark, nor even ecigle f1.ew­And, while with silent lifting mind I've

t·rod The high ttnt-respassed sanctity of space. P1lt out my hand and touched the face of

God. - Pilot Officer J. G. Magee






Coklinc-l Wadnun "'" bc')m 1n Bridge", ()ftogon, ''*> 29th. 111M.

ApJ)Oin.tcd to th.e Unued States Mtlil.&T)' AcadC"my r1•orn llltt Sl411C" of 0 ·""gon, and ;ifl('r 4 .)'-t'oin< ot Wt"i1 l"'oln1 w•• .-radu~ted. :;end commtsslone<l a Stt01ld t.lcutcnan1 in the U.S. Infantry. His finn lour ot <lut) \\ ;:1.11 at the Vnncc>uvt-r lloirr.,ck._ W;a'lhh1~u111. h1tt•r h4' wa1 tran1rcrred to 1h.e- Zlst ln!s.ntr).·. Scholle ld Barrack& nownil, ~wvinR both posts with honor and dl!tlneHon,

C:olonul W (1(lnU1n b1:g:1n hi$ Arm~ F'lying CQ"-"'l.'r whl'n he Wtlt auh~ned 10 A11• Corps PU~ht TNitnlng i.-~hrua1 y,

* * ~ 1933 ill Randol1>b F~d. Tex.a'-. He" compkt<'d pursun 1niining at 'Kt'llY Field. Tex.as m 1934 T1tt" C0tnma.nd­tn.c ORJeer or this field. ~ivf.'d hla raUnc nf Sen1or pllo' araduaun~ Irom lb~ Ait Corp!!; T4c,:lle•l SChool •• MaX\\.f'll Fit":ld in ).fontt~onwry, Alabam.-.

He- ha:s served as .;an olfl('.'('r a;I March Yield, SIOCklnn J\"i('ld. intd Cardenet• t"ield. C<1Uro 1'nl-. and •t KC!ll)' Jt~leld, Texa•. Al p~nt time he It lhu t.-omrnnndina omcer or the AAFAFS. DotJ1tlal. Ariton•. the 1'ewt1>1 ftl Hu! 1wfn engine school!'> 0 1 ti\~ uruiy A Ir Force•.

... Betn?een lw>o 1nou11tain ranges in the deep desert

region of Arizona tf1ere lies a \7af fe}7 ... a spacious

valley ...

.. . novo tf1e drone of n1/1ir/ing propellers breaks tl1e

peaceful silence of ll1e valley . .. t/1e azure skF is j,·/Jed

roit/1 t/1e WJings of aircraft piloted by //ping 111en ...

In t/rzis ·valley tl7.ere is a little tovon .. . a to\1Jn like

nzost othe1· to"?J1S, no"? engulfed in supp/ping tf1e

needs of f,gl1ting n1e11 ... and a to,vn non-1 alive n11"t/1

n1en and pilots of Ll1e Arnzl1 .1tir Forces ...

Cadet Officers

1-\ / ( " \\'. <.'. Brnph;r

\ / ( " II. Jtt. Rrot•kett

1-\ / (" \\', A. E'dp_r

J\ / ( ' It. ( ". t 'lou rnoy

A/ C J . W. Uinkl•

A / Cs. A. Robinson

Director of Training


Dir(:t fo1' uf /1Jyi11J!

L1·. CoL. t'. P. s·1 u•o1vAN-r DirerJor of T rai11ing

Commandant of Cadets


LT. T. F. MCH UGH. J•.

CAPTAIN R_ A. K ESNER Co-111nta11da111

LT. F. E. Mll~K. JR.

\ - r \


' I


' ·~ er-\ c;;:-:-

c - ...._ -

( I(_ ,


With rhc passing o f che fciendlr Primar)' Trnintr, rhc Rosie Trainer appcaml co be (nnd wns) " si1c.1blc :111d intricare mechanism to master. Peculittrly, the painfully incessaat dem.1nds for prttision c:rc::uc..-<l :1 p.sychologi<.11.l heat wbich a1elteJ with osu:11siblt e:lSC a pr<.""acqu ired cockiness. J)ressure ;u'IJ pre· ci5ion, decisive coord ioares of che Dasie Training gn1ph. h~1d rhci.r cff-ecc: something iatinicely more v,1 lu~1blc

1h.u1 coc.·kiness, rcsulced·ioiciach•e, and ability.

The veil o( g lamour dissolved: our saghis were oligncd wich calculat in)l coolnesi upon • dcfinicc objcc· 1ive. Our Ji,·cs s.ttmed to become the confusing surging and ebbing of S"-'ett and v.•orry. laughrcr nnd pcdcccion More dr:um. more crngedy, nc" fm:ndships. The nucleus of our existCllCe tmly bc:amc che ton)f;lnt ctunge and suain ,.,-c had :ultic1pau:d ConS«Urive denunds bred a son or furiou.s conccnrrnrion.

OlSic instilled a liiulity of direction and ducy clue h>rdened che tnent3l pn:<cp<> of cvciy gr:1du3IC, a ch.iroetcriscic which will undoubccdly pro,·c inv•lu;ablc ac • future dote.

1l1c s«ond •et ended. Jea,·in!l us confiJent 1f tlOt 111f.lliblc pilots. and ,·ery, ' '<I')' murh clrycr around Lhe c 1r$.

Revicu1iog Adv:1nccd is a ratller difficult t...sk~ since Y.'t' h:ivc been ronsc.111dy an1icipa1ing th<- fu1ure.. When lookfog 31 • fcllO"' Cadet, -...e have Srtn him ns an officer ~nd a compeu!nt piloc:, or one • ·ell oo hos way co compctcncy. We've livod so long in me fuourc. doai 1he present nod ne:u past is b:ord 10 grnsp; ond the foture, now suppoocdly l.\n).?ible. appears to be more clu.sive thnn \Ve should c.,rc to have it.

As Caders1 a ccrt.lin broadness of experience bas be<.-n achieved,

v. hcthcr 1n flying.. extrn<.'Urncular acuvidcs. or ruminating 1he compli eiuoos of a conduet becoming a.n officer and a genclem.-an. Uhimarcl; •nd apparendy. o:ht end of our Strivin~ for personal pin 15 10 rtnde some or us valuable an the arca.inmcnt or a much ln.r~er vu.1.ory; [t

this cod we dedic:tre our 1raining--if necessary, our lives. Proudly rather than morbidly, ~re rcn1embered the rello"' Cnd<.'tS \\11!0 hav1 already saca.fic.·cd 1oc:.dly. Fundan1enr:.,11y, " 'e arc cxpt'-111.J:llJlc.: ;_111J "'~

knou' u . Therefore, in AJv:a.nccd as shall be in our Tn.inin1t Unirs. Out concern h3.$ been " 'ith bUSlllC':ioS·like qualities or 1he profession,

NeiLher in1crludt: nor m)'th to minds no«' steeped in r(-alism, Cadet life \Yill pa$.~ \Vithout a '\Vhic or 1noun1ing. A1rho1..1gh (.'Y(.'r y phnse has pasM.-d nlrnO.'il before ir beg:u1. \V(.· 111us c have lived :i hone.Ired )'tars to have kno,v1l chis rna11)' friends. lcnrned rhese niany 1hings, to have becon1e this cough and tired.

The cn<I of Advanced will mark the beginning of our usefulness. One job, "ell done. d<"Sc"'"" another. TI>is 1imc app:>rently. Lhe scakcs will be a Jicde higher nnd for obviou) r<.·asons '''e 0'1usr be succcS~Jul.

A1ul u•h,:n. 111 larl. 1be figh1 iJ UJOnJ G'm/. kcqp 1ne Jtill 1NiJ111h{ttul.

Loui.s Unu~meyer, " Pr.iycr"'

/ I






History of Flying Au,gU$l 2. J9Q9, with the 1nc:rits o( :iircrrifc in w:irfare

still r•thcr hazy. the Army Air Force 8°' under w•y. The embi·ro of the Signal Corp<. the 6rsc Army flying school was established in October l909 >< College Park, 1'.f;u yh111d, chc :sc:udcrus c:onoi:1ting: er1 tirel)' n.nJ not:•bly of Lic urcn:uics Frank P. l.ah1n1 H . H. Arnold, nnd thrt.'f.' ochers coo nuJnerous to mention.

By Much. 1911, Co<lgrcss apprupri"'ed $12~.000 for Army aviauon; and by Scp<ember, 19 l ), the Army bad

17 planes """ n pusunnd or 23 officers ar1'1 91 enl isted 1nen. \X'hc.:n \Ve declared \V:lr upon Gcrrn:1ny i n 19 17. A rmy aviation consisccd of 65 officers 05 nf whom were flyers). 1,087 enlisccd men( and 55 airplnne<. Ac me time t>f the Armistice we had 757 pilots. 481 ob· servers, 740 planes. 77 balloons. and 491 fewer cnemr

airplanes at che front. Four hundred sixty•r\\.'O of the llnchc "ere accredited tu 6'.l pilv•s-•he rate bas lately btto increasing.

Our :1ir pt)\Ver and interest in :1eronnutic:.s d'viadlcd 1hro\1>;h 22 years of rcorJ;nniz~tion ur1cil in J une. 1941, we had 10.697 office,., 126.66o cnlisre<l men, ""d 8.707 :1\1iouion c.-aclcu in a rruc dccadt'nt dtrnocratic fashion.

On March 9, 19-12 Clime the latesr ph:uc in 1hc dcvd· opmcnt of 1he nacion's rnili r;:1ry aviacion co the posj£ion of one of t he three c lcmcncs of tbe 1\rin y. cogecher 'vich c;rouncJ f orres a.nd Supply. The l)C\V or,i.;anizarion ha.s hecn proven Cti"'ble ol <he flexibility 11nd efficiency of

opemcioo ncccssa.'1' to acoxnpllsh its cnorrnous assigned cask.

Training Group II

Group Commander


Opera•io11f Offi•er 0.PTlllN !., C. JOCHIM

Group Co11111u1udl!r

Squadron Commanders

LT. D. i.t. 1)A\' 1:$

Squadron Conunander SQu.UdTOJ'I V

LT. J . E K,\1,Tr,:oi11.ACfl

Squadron ConnnandeT SQuUdrurt VI

LT. 1. C. MA\'f'tl'LO Squ.ttdf'On Ctunt1wnd~r

SquadrQn VII

Lr. \V. H- PCAllSOS s:11u<uJru11 Co1nnuuu!cr

Squadroit VIU

Lt. R. F. Knipp

Squadron VI

Squadron VII

'111 OFllCIRI -

Squadron VIII

{ I

"!J-Ce wea'ls a pai'l o/ silvei wings. "

! )

Cadets Step

_ Out



Wit II Stardom




A IC H. M. CHADOOURNli Peaturcr

A/ C jOHN M. (.AHAM /f.ttilor

A/ C WI. R. CONKl.IN Photo'

111 1he pagc.r of 1his bQok drou1 IQ au .cud. 1bu t•diUJr u•i.Jhe1 '" t•xprcJ.r hiJ fi11ccre grati.t11do lo the St.1«01ul M11ppi11.~ sqtktdron of O<JufilaJ for the excullem b<1ckgrom11/ photofiraph.r tJSed 1hro11ghottt the hook . ... T o the ,,;, bt11• f>hoto 1e•li<>11 1t11d lo Privulet 1'11bleporlcr. l'lpm. "'"' G1·p/ nf P11hli< R<'fatin"i office, our wl;olelm1r1cd apprcd{(tir>n i1 ex1e11ded , ..