I increased women's engagement in computer science!

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Lynn took her first CS class in the fall of 2011. She led a weekly study group through the ~1000 member meetup group called Women Who Code, where she taught what she learned from the previous week. She's now started PyLadiesSF, the San Francisco chapter of PyLadies, a global mentorship group for women in the Python community.


{ this could have been me }


{ doesn’t this look sexy? }http://www.flickr.com/photos/osde-info/5562963001/sizes/l/in/photostream/

{ }http://cs50.net

{ }n00b

{ }http://inflatr.com

{ }

{ }why hasn’t this been done before?

{ }let’s fumble through this together

{ }# ladies who love# coding in Python

{ }http://www.robynnavarro.net/

{ }lo e<3

{ }{ @roguelynn }
