«I knew there had to be a better way to build mobile app»

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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I  knew  there  had  to  be  a  be.er  way  to  build  mobile  app  Alius  Petraška,  Senior  Mobile  Developer  

This talk will go on for!12 hours *

* not really

You want to make mobile app because

•  The world is moving

•  Everybody's making mobile apps these day

•  It makes million dollars

•  For your business

•  ...


•  You're not mobile app developer?

•  You don't know Java, Objective-C?

•  You want to build app that run !everywhere

•  Other ten thousand reasons...

Native Apps

•  Proficiency in each platform required

•  Entirely separate code bases

•  Timely & expensive development

•  Diminishing returns

•  More Platforms. More Problems.

•  Why are we still coding for multiple platforms?

But you want to go with cool web technologies…

Hybrid Apps

•  Hybrid Apps: HTML5 that acts like Native

•  Web wrapped in native layer

•  Direct access to native APIs

•  Familiar web dev environment

•  Develop a single code base (web platform)

!Let’s try Hybrid!


2009: PhoneGap started at Nitobi 2011: PhoneGap purchased by Adobe 2012: PhoneGap donated from Adobe to Apache 2012: renamed as Cordova Today: PhoneGap is a distribution of Cordova

Under the hood

The UI layer is a web browser view

•  100% width •  100% height

Headless web browser •  No URL bar •  No decorations •  No zooming •  No text selection

How does Cordova work?



•  Started in 2014

•  13700 stars on Github

•  Top 50 most popular open source projects in the world

•  Over 320,000 apps created 2014 (Every month, over 50,000 new apps)

•  Based on Angular JS

•  Set of tools to create hybrid apps



Angular JS •  Awesome MVC framework

•  Developed by Google and the community

•  Features

•  Live data binding •  Two-way binding •  Attaching code-behind to DOM element •  Directives •  Repeating DOM elements •  Templates •  Dependencies Injection

•  Single Page Application Framework

Ionic Framework

•  A Front-end framework for mobile apps

•  Contains a lot of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components

•  Uses Angular JS to power up your mobile apps

•  Uses Cordova to create, build, run, deploy mobile apps

Ionic solves screen size issues

Example #1

Example #2

Example #3

Ionic Creator


Intel XDK

but I’m Windows guy…



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