I21 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Walk with students at Christian Celebration Center as they journey through 21 Days of Influence.




influence21 is a twenty-one day experience that elevates your closeness with Jesus AND empowers you to influence those around you. So, what is influence? Influence is the love and power of God affecting

someone through YOU. During the next 21 days, you are invited to point people to Jesus!

Our hope is that you would give yourself fully to Jesus over the next twenty-one days to experience a greater level of His power

in your life. Nine dynamics are included to help empower you during this 21 day revolution.


ONE: 21 DAYS IN GOD’S WORDDuring the next 21 days you will be reading and reflecting on the inspired

writings of Mark, who was one of the early New Testament disciples. Questions are written in this manual to help you ponder and experience

God’s Word.

TWO: 21 MINUTES OF PRAYER A DAYWe don’t recommend a stopwatch :) However, challenge yourself to go

beyond your normal routine and enjoy encountering the living God through prayer. Daily prayer starters are included to help you experience

the awesome power of prayer.


One of the exciting aspects of influence21 will be the 21 acts of service at home. Have fun with this by helping around the house and

doing chores you wouldn’t normally do (without being told). Truly serve those around you.

FOUR: 21 INFLUENCESJesus called us all to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) He also said, “we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.” (Rev 12:11) Over the next 21 days share what God has done in your life with at least 21 people. This can be a little scary at times, so ask God for the power of the Holy Spirit to

give you boldness as you love people by sharing the good news with them.

FIVE: 21 MINUTES OF JOINT INTERCESSIONOver the next three weeks, set aside 21 minutes a week to intercede with

other Christians. You could spend this time praying for your campus/work at Thrive Prayer or schedule a time at school or home to pray with others.

SIX: 21 PROMOTING OPPORTUNITIES Along with telling people about Jesus, look for ways to tell them about your

church, the Thrive service, and your Thrive Group.

SEVEN: SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATIONSYou will be given 6 passages to memorize throughout the next 21 days.

These are meant not only for you to memorize, but also for you to meditate on and apply to your own life.

EIGHT: 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AT SCHOOLEach day at school/work begin your day with a moment of prayer for your

mission field. It can be when you walk in the door, at your locker, or even in your first class.

NINE: 21 DAYS OF FASTINGThroughout history, men and women of God have fasted to see God’s plan

unfold. Fasting is when we give up something in the natural to see something happen in the supernatural.

OUR FAST IS TWO FOLD:You could choose to have a Food Fast, by fasting from a particular meal or

type of food on certain days. In addition, challenge yourself to have a Media/Entertainment fast. You could fast the internet, television, music, or

your phone for certain amounts of times/days. Keep in mind that the purpose of fasting is to maximize that time for prayer and the

cultivation of spiritual things.





influence21Daily Prayer Guide

In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us the important parts of prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect model given by a perfect Savior in instructing us how to pray. Jump into this amazing opportunity called Prayer!

Praise: “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.” Begin by praising the name and existence of God. This could be in the form of a song or our declaration of who God is. Prayer is worship.

Kingdom Advancement: “Your kingdom come.” Pray that God’s Kingdom of power and light would come in our lives and then shine in our world.

God’s Will Accomplished: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Instead of praying that our desires will be fulfilled, pray that the desires, will, and purposes of God will be accomplished. Pray that the heavenly thoughts of God about you will be lived out by you. Lay down selfishness and pride and embrace His will.

Provision: “Give us this day our daily bread.” In this part of prayer, rest in the fact that God knows what you need. As an act of trust, pray for your needs and thank Him for meeting your needs according to His wisdom and will.

Forgiveness: “And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.” God is faithful to forgive us our debts (the things we owe Him, offences) as we confess and believe on Jesus as our Savior. Now, it’s your turn. Who has wronged you, offended you, or sinned against you? Pray for His grace to enable you to let go, forgive, and move on from the hurt others have caused. Experience freedom!

Protection: “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Pray for protection from temptation and from the evil one. Thank God for His faithfulness and for always offering a way of escape from any temptation.


“’Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed Him..”


OBSERVATION: Who was sent to prepare the way for Jesus? What was his message (in your own words)?

What was the good news that Jesus was preaching (verses 14-15)?

APPLICATION:What does it mean to be a fisher of men? Would you call yourself a fisher of men? Would the students in your classes call you that?

When Jesus called them, Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets. James and John even left their dad in the boat. What do you think it was about Jesus that caused such an extreme reaction? Do you have the same reaction when he calls you to do something?

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, I want to be a son or daughter You are pleased with . . .When you speak, help me to follow Your voice immediately . . .I choose to be a fisher of men, even when that feels awkward, uncomfort-able, and hard . . .


OBSERVATION: Read verse 22. What was the difference between Jesus’ teaching and the teaching done by the “teachers of the law”?

What did the evil spirit call Jesus in verse 24? Does that surprise you? Why do you think it called him that?

APPLICATION:Read verse 35. If the Son of God needed to make prayer a priority, what does that say to us? In all honesty, is your prayer time a faint memory (I used to), an obligation (I have to), or an addiction (I can’t wait to)?

In verse 41, Jesus was deeply moved and filled with compassion for the man with leprosy. What does it mean to be “filled with compassion”? When was the last time you were filled with compassion for someone else?

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, You are so powerful that even the enemy has to declare who You truly are . . .Help me to be filled with compassion for those around me who need physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Use me, Jesus . . .


“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”


OBSERVATION: Why did the teachers of the law accuse Jesus of blaspheming?

Read verse 17. What was Jesus really saying?

APPLICATION:What was Jesus impressed by in verse 5? Is there someone in your life who might need you to help carry him/her to Jesus? What can you do tomorrow to show Jesus to that person?

In verse 20, Jesus makes it clear that fasting is to be a part of a believer’s life. Why do we fast?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, I want to reach the ones who are sick and need a doctor—the ones who need You . . .Guard me from spiritual pride and considering myself better than others . . .


OBSERVATION: Why were the Pharisees so upset with what Jesus had said and done?

Why would Jesus not allow these evil spirits to identify Him in public?

APPLICATION:What qualities do you think Jesus was looking for when he chose the 12 disciples? Would He have chosen you? Why or why not?

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He was often misunderstood—by His friends, His family, and people who were supposed to be “religious”. Have you ever been misunderstood by others because of your faith? How did you respond?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, increase in me the qualities that you saw in the 12 disciples . . .Help me not to be blinded by “religion.” I don’t want to miss seeing and knowing the truth about who You are . . .


OBSERVATION: What point do you think Jesus was making in the parable of the sower?

How would you describe the “kingdom of God”?

Read verse 35. Did the disciples have any reason to doubt that they were going to make it to the other side? Why did they doubt?

APPLICATION:Do you more often try to hide your faith or share it? Why?

Has there ever been anything that God has told you (through His Word, someone else, or spoken to you personally) that you have had trouble believing? Why did you struggle with trusting Him?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, let me never forget that You are the God who can calm the wind and the waves. Despite how I may feel, I will not drown as long as I keep my eyes on You . . . Lord, I want to be a seed who produces a crop, a light who shines for all to see . . .


OBSERVATION: Why do you think the man with an evil spirit came out from the tombs to meet Jesus?

Why did the people of the Gerasenes beg Jesus to leave their region?

APPLICATION:What does verse 5 teach you about the enemy’s plan for men and wom-en? How does he use the same plan today?

What does the story of the sick woman and Jairus’ daughter teach you about faith? How does what Jesus says in verse 36 speak to you person-ally? What do you need to trust Him for?

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, I pray freedom for those who are bound by chains of fear, addic-tions, and insecurity . . .I choose a life of faith—trusting you despite the circumstances . . .


OBSERVATION: Why could Jesus not do any miracles in His hometown?

What were Jesus’ instructions to the disciples if people would not listen to their message? Was it up to them to make people listen?

Does it surprise you that God allowed John the Baptist to die? If John would have had the choice to stay on earth or to go be with the Lord, what do you think he would have chosen? Is death for a believer neces-sarily a bad thing?

APPLICATION:How do you feel about death? Does the thought of your death scare you? Why or why not?

Jesus asked the disciples to give a crowd of 5,000 men plus women and children something to eat. That is obviously impossible in the natural, but He wanted them to think in the supernatural. How can we as believers learn to think outside the box of what is possible?

PRAYER STARTERS:Help my belief in what is possible not to be determined by what I see in the natural world . . .Jesus, I walk in confidence today, knowing that I have nothing to fear. You are with me . . .


OBSERVATION: In verse 8, Jesus tells the Pharisees that they have “let go of the com-mands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” What does He mean?

According to Jesus, what makes someone “unclean”?

APPLICATION:Because of the faith and perseverance of the Syrophoenician woman, Je-sus healed her daughter of an evil spirit. When Jesus hears your requests, does he see overwhelming faith and perseverance? Explain.

Jesus chose to heal the deaf and mute man in this passage in a very inter-esting way. Why do you think He did that? Think of a time you expected God to answer your prayer a certain way, and He answered differently. How did you respond?

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, I choose to honor you with my lips, my heart, and my actions. I never want to be guilty of hypocrisy . . .Even when I don’t understand the way you answer my prayers, I choose to trust You. You are working it all out for my good . . .


“Then he (Jesus) called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up

his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.”


OBSERVATION: Put the memory verse in your own words. What is Jesus really saying?

Read verse 21. What did the disciples not understand?

APPLICATION:Some say that having faith in God is believing that He exists. Others say it is trusting in Him. What do you see is the difference between these two definitions? To you, what does it mean to have faith in God?

Today, if Jesus asked you the same question He asked Peter in verse 29, what would you say?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, I need Your strength to live each day dead to myself and surren-dered to You . . .I not only believe that You exist, but I choose to trust You with my life . . .


OBSERVATION: Why do you think the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus was saying when he spoke of His death and resurrection?

Why could the disciples not drive out the demon? What does that mean?

APPLICATION:What is it that is hard for you to believe? Maybe it is hard for you to believe that Jesus is really there or that He loves you passionately or that He really does have an amazing plan for your life. Maybe it’s hard to believe that He will answer a specific prayer or fulfill a promise He has given you. Why is it difficult for you to believe it? How can you increase your faith?

PRAYER STARTERS:Help me to overcome my unbelief about . . .I pray for those who are held captive by lies of the enemy. I ask for victory through Your name . . .


OBSERVATION: According to Jesus, who is the greatest?

What is the point that Jesus is making in verses 42-48?

After reading verse 48, does it sound like hell is a real place? Why?

APPLICATION:Is it easy for you to serve others and put them before yourself? Why or why not?

Take a moment to stop and ask God this question: “Are there things that I need to literally cut out of my life?” Now take some time to listen and respond to what He tells you.

PRAYER STARTERS:Father, I don’t want anything to come between us. I will do whatever it takes to cut out the things that I need to get rid of . . .I pray that I will learn to serve others before myself although it isn’t always easy to do . . .

DAY TWELVEMEMORY VERSE: : MARK 10:27 “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”


OBSERVATION: According to Jesus, what was the reason why Moses permitted divorce?

What does Jesus say about divorce?

How can a person “receive the kingdom of God like a little child”?

APPLICATION:Why do you think the rich young ruler walked away sad? When he did this, how do you think Jesus felt?

The rich young ruler had followed all the rules and was a good guy, but Jesus saw his heart. What does Jesus see when he looks at your heart?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, I want to show others that nothing is worth more to me than You . . .Increase my faith, Lord. All things are possible . . .


OBSERVATION: When Jesus asked James and John if they could drink from the cup He would drink from, what was He really asking?

Why do you think the other ten disciples were so angry with what James and John asked of Jesus?

APPLICATION:What do you learn from this chapter about what it really means to be “great”?

What was it that caused Bartimaeus to be healed? What, by faith, are you believing God for today?

PRAYER STARTERS:Humble me, Lord. I want to learn to serve others as You did . . .Jesus, increase my faith in the area of . . .


OBSERVATION: Why did the people of Jerusalem give Jesus such a welcome?

Why was Jesus upset about the people selling things in the temple?

According to Jesus, why is it so important that we forgive others?

APPLICATION:Is it easy for you to forgive people who have hurt you?

If there are people you know you still need to forgive, take some time to pray and ask for His strength to let go of the offense—even if they don’t deserve it. (Remember that we didn’t deserve to be forgiven either.)

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, I need strength to continue to forgive people when they hurt me or when they hurt loved ones . . .Right now, I pray for those who have hurt me . . .


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your

neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”


OBSERVATION: What are parables? Why do you think Jesus used them when He taught?

What was the meaning of the parable in verses 1-11?

APPLICATION:What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Who do you know that shows this kind of love for God?

Would other people say this about you? Do you have this kind of love for God? If not, how can you grow to love Him more?

Is it easy or hard for you to love others as well as you love yourself?

PRAYER STARTERS:I want to fall more and more in love with You every day . . .Help me to love others more. It’s easy to get too focused on myself . . .


OBSERVATION: Look at what Jesus says in verses 5-17. What are some signs that the end is coming soon?

Over the years, different people have tried to predict the year when they think Jesus will come. What does this chapter say about that?

APPLICATION:How does reading this chapter about end times make you feel? Why do you think you feel this way?

PRAYER STARTERS:I pray for the billions of people in this world who still don’t know you . . . Knowing that You could come back at any time, I want to be passionate about sharing you with others today . . .


OBSERVATION: Whose house were they eating at in this passage? What does this tell you about Jesus?

The timing of Judas’ betrayal here is quite interesting. What happened right before he left? Knowing Judas’ love for money, what about this event could have caused him to go to the chief priests when he did?

APPLICATION:Jesus knew that the disciples (His closest friends) would, that very night, run away in fear and deny even knowing Him. He even knew that Judas would betray Him. Now, try to put yourself in His situation. If you would have known that your best friends were going to desert you when you needed them most, how would you have felt? What would you have said to them on that night?

How did Jesus act towards the disciples that night? Did He seem angry with them? Did He respond differently than you would have in His situa-tion? Explain.

PRAYER STARTERS:I pray for those who are chasing after wealth and material possessions. Help them to realize that it’s only in YOU that we find true joy . . . Teach me to respond with love and forgive others when they wrong me . . .

DAY EIGHTEENMEMORY VERSE: MARK 14:36 ““Abba, Father,’ he said, ‘everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet, not what I will, but what you will.’”


OBSERVATION: In your own words, what was Jesus praying in verse 36?

According to verse 55, what evidence did they find against Jesus?

APPLICATION:Have you ever known that God wanted you to do something but you didn’t want to do it? Were you able to pray something similar to verse 36? Why or why not?

Who did Jesus say that He was? Who do you say that He is?

What is the “rooster crow” that sets off guilty feelings inside of you? Have you confessed your sin to Jesus? Do you believe you are forgiven? Why or why not?

PRAYER STARTERS:Jesus, I surrender my life to you. It’s not about what I want; it’s about what You want . . .I can’t thank you enough for Your grace. You have chosen to forgive and rescue me. It’s too much for me to comprehend . . .


OBSERVATION: Pilate knew that the chief priests handed Jesus over to him because of their envy. Why would the chief priests have felt that way?

Make a list of all the things that Jesus suffered, mentioned in verses 16-32.

APPLICATION:Re-read your list. How do you feel as you read it? Does it cause your stomach to turn, a lump to rise in your throat, or your eyes to water? If yes, why? If not, why not?

PRAYER STARTERS:Lord, I never want to take what you did for granted. I never want to be-come numb to it because I have heard it so many times . . . You suffered and died in a horrible way for me. Thank you, Jesus . . .


OBSERVATION: Why do you think the centurion proclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God? What could have changed his mind?

APPLICATION:All of Christianity hinges on what happened in Mark chapter 16. If Jesus wouldn’t have risen from the dead, he would have just been another man, and the good news of Christianity would be a lie. Many believe that to be true. In fact, people will tell you that Jesus was just another good teacher. BUT, that would mean He was either crazy or a liar because He said He would rise again, and He proclaimed to be the Son of God. People will also tell you that none of it really happened—that the Bible is just a book of nice stories. BUT, historical evidence says otherwise. People will even tell you that God doesn’t exist. BUT, how do you explain His supernatural work in our lives, divine miracles, and the creation of the world? Bottom line is that truth is not determined by what other people say. Truth is simply truth. So, what do YOU say about the Truth? Deep down inside, what are you convinced of about Jesus Christ? What would you say if Jesus asked you the same question He asked Peter: “Who do you say that I am?” Take some time writing down what YOU believe about the Truth.

Next question. Has that belief transformed the way you think, act, and live? Your head knowledge about who Jesus is should cause a heart change. Otherwise, you aren’t really convinced. If you are positive that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the King of Kings, how does that change who you are and how you live? Spend some time writing down how your life has been transformed by what you believe about Jesus.

PRAYER STARTERS:Thank you, Jesus, for who You are. I am completely convinced that You are . . .

DAY TWENTY-ONEREFLECTION DAYTake some time to look back over your notes from the past 21 days. Then, prayerfully and thoughtfully answer the following questions:

What are some verses from Mark that really stood out to you?

What has God shown you in the past 21 days?

In what areas have you been challenged?

In what areas have you grown?

What’s next? What do you plan to do now to continue learning and growing in your knowledge of Him?