IA summit 2010: Conversion Rates | What makes them convert?

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Conversion RatesSmall design tweaks that make a difference

Kejun Xu

Information Architect | User Experience Designer

IA Summit 2010 | Phoenix, AZ


- Bargain Network, Inc.

- Membership based foreclosure listing service

- Online registration form to convert organic/paid search traffic

- Usability testing, Surveys, A/B Testing, etc.

What do others do out there?




What do you think is the most important in web conversion?

The Art of Persuasion

Rhetoric - the art of persuasion.

Ethos - credibility of the source of communication.

Logos - the proof of truth through reasonable argument.

Pathos - the stirring of emotion in the individuals.

User Experience Goes Deep


Answer users’ questions


Call to action but push soft

Web real estate above the fold

Social validation

Provide a unique user experience




Sample: 30 days of conversion rates

Set 1: conversion rates based on the total unique visitors

Set 2: conversion rates based on the 1st page of registration

Set 1: 1A% vs. 1B% (1A>1B)

Set 2: 2A% vs. 2B% (2A>2B)


T‐test is a widely used inferential statistical test to look at the significance of the difference between two independent samples.


Set 1 T-Test:

Set 2 T-Test:


Answer Users’ Questions

Answer Users’ Questions

Three week’s data: The drop off from reg 2 to confirmation page decreased from 1.8%.

Call to Action but Push Soft

Call to Action but Push Soft

Call to Action but Push Soft

Launch date: 7/9/2009

A week before & after:Bounce rate decreased 10.7%

Real Estate above the Fold

Launch date: 7/16/2009

A week before & after:Bounce rate decreased from 14.2% to 12.1%.



Social Validation

Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on the street while 38 witnesses watched and did nothing to help. Social scientists became fascinated by what they called the "Bystander Effect" and a whole series of research studies began to study why it is that people will take action to help when they are by themselves, but not if they are part of a group.

Queens NY in 1964, Kitty Genovese murder

Susan Weinschenk, 2009

Social Validation

“I’ve seen your recruiting ads, so I know you are legitimate.”

- Usability testing participant

Social Validation

What makes them stay?

What is the unique user experiencethat we can provide to our users to drive conversion & retention?

What is Our Niche?


Barnes, C. (2006). Packaging for affect [PDF document]. Retrieved from: http://www.designandemotion.org/society/knowledge_base/?root=47

Puscher, F. (2009). Optimizing Conversion Rates: It’s All About Usability. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/15/optimizing‐conversion‐rates‐its‐all‐about‐usability/

Smashing Editorial. 7 More Useful Tips To Help Your Site Convert. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/13/7‐more‐useful‐tips‐to‐help‐your‐site‐convert/

Weinschenk, S. M. (2009). Neuro Web Design: What Make Them Click (Voices That Matter). Upper Saddle River, NJ: New Riders Press.

Xu, K. (2008). Product Communication and Consumer Experience by Emotional Design. Proceedings of 73rd Association for Business Communication Annual Convention.