iaeste china intro

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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In the aftermath of WWII, in 1948

A man by the name of James Newby had an idea

To promote the exchange of technology and culture between countries

And by doing so, accelerate the development of each nation

The task was given to the best and brightest university students from each country

The future great minds and leaders of those nations

The students were given an opportunity to live in a different country and work at one of the top organizations there

And so, the

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


… was born

Over 60 years later IAESTE is now …

More than 7000 students

From 95 countries

From 95 Countries

Experiencing life and work in 4000 of the top institutions and organizations across the globe

So that’s what we do

Now what can we do

For you?

We’re now entering the talent age

Where the fight to find the best people has become a full-blown war

Because we all know, 80% of the value is created by 20% of the people

If I told you that we could help you find those top 20%?

If I told you we could find you the foreign students from the top universities with strong technical backgrounds, experience and strong local connections

If I told you we can find you potential candidates for your overseas branches?

If I told you we can find you Chinese students with international exposure and experience?

Would you believe it?

Every year over 7000 students participate in the IAESTE Program

So what’s special about these students?

Applying for an international internship itself is something that takes


And Pro-activeness

To succeed in a completely new environment and work with people from different cultures takes


And Teamwork

And after those months of internship they are able to gain

Technical experience

And Worldview

Keeping in mind that these 7000 individuals have been through rounds of selection ensuring that they are

The best and brightest of their generation

Individuals that would surely shine in any company

Individuals that have the potential to be one of your company’s top performers

So you’re interested in having these students work in your company

We can find them

Whatever technical background

Whichever University

Undergrad, Masters, or Ph.D.

You want to find talent for your branch in say, Germany

We will find you top talent from Germany and bring them to China

During those few months of internship you will be able to judge for yourself if they are what you are looking for

If they are, you can hire them directly for your German branch office

You want top Chinese graduates with international experience

We have records of every Chinese intern who has participated in the IAESTE International Exchange program

Each of them having worked at some of the best organizations in the world

Each of them equipped with soft skills, confident and highly capable

We are a truly international network

Dedicated to searching for talented individuals to meet your company’s specific needs

Like a highway spanning across the entire globe

A highway that the best and brightest minds travel on

Why not make your company a destination on this highway tooWhy not make your company a destination on this highway too?

If you’re interested Please contact us
