IASLC news

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ELSEVIER Lung Cancer 11 (1994) 413-421



At the 7th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Colorado Springs, in June 1994 a series of Board meetings were held. The following is an excerpt of these meetings.

Membership status

A marked increase in new members has taken place, especially during the past 6 months mainly due to the possibility of joining the Association in connection with registration to the 7th World Conference. The number of members as of June 15, 1994 was 1237 from 56 countries.

Two-thirds of the members have paid their dues. Practice has been to exclude members who have not paid for 2 years. The membership fee has increased from 50 US$ in 1988 to 100 US$ in 1994. In the same period, the US dollar has lost 20% against the European currencies. The Board agreed to raise the fee for the next three years to 115 US$.

Pacific Rim

Europe 27.0%

N. Amer. 33.4%

Fig. 1. IASLC Membership by geographical distribution.

0169-5002/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved SSDI 0169-5002(94)00410-8

414 IASLC News/Lung Cancer I1 (1994) 413-421

1988 1990 1992 1994

Fig. 2. IASLC Members 1988-1994.


Dr. Rudolf Joss informed that 80% of the society money goes to the journal, 12% to workshops and conferences, and 8% to administration. Overall, the budget has improved, partly because of grants to the IASLC from the pharmaceutical industry.

World Conferences

The 7th World Conference in Colorado had about 1300 registrants - half of whom were members - and about 200 new applicants wishing to have membership of the IASLC.

As previously decided, the 8th World Conference on Lung Cancer will take place in Dublin, Ireland, lo-14 August, 1997, with Dr. Desmond N. Carney as the Secretary General.

The only application for the 9th World Conference in the year 2000 was from Japan and the Board agreed unanimously to accept this application.

With regard to the world conference in 2003 an announcement will be placed in Lung Cancer in late 1995 requesting bids by June 1996. According to the geographical rotation tradition of the Society, the 2003 conference should be placed in the Americas, preferably South America.

Conference program

It was agreed to continue the tradition of having satellite symposia, but not during the official program. It is important to keep the tradition also of having the program committee approve satellite symposia programs. Satellite symposia could be placed both before the conference and after the conference.

IASLC News/Lamg Cancer II (1994) 413-421 415


All abstracts submitted to the 7th World Conference were printed in the book, but only 70% were presented at the conference. Unfortunately, 40% of the abstracts were of rather poor technical quality, making retyping necessary.


At present, the following workshops have been planned:

1995/1996 5th IASLC Lung Tumor Biology Workshop, Germany. 1995 3rd Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Czech Republic. 1996 Combined treatment Modalities, France/Germany. 1996 4th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Gdansk, Poland.

The exact dates and locations will be announced in Lung Cancer.

Tobacco Policy

The proposal for IASLC recommendations on Tobacco policy was discussed and it was decided to present it at the General Assembly for approval (the Recommenda- tions are published in the present issue of Lung Cancer).


A lengthy discussion took place concerning the Bylaws of the IASLC. Suggestions for amendments were made and a Bylaws Committee chaired by Dr. Dan Ihde will refine the changes, which subsequently will be mailed to all members for a written ballot.

Nominating Committee and Election

The Nominating Committee presented candidates for new Board members who subsequently were approved at the General Assembly.

The IASLC Board of Officers and Directors for the next 3 years are as follows:


Office President

President- Elect

Vice- President

Past- President


Executive- Director

Secretary- General


IASLC News/Lung Cancer II (1994) 413-421


Name P.A. Bunn, Jr.

G. Motta

G.D. Sorenson

Y. Hayata

J.B. Wensen

H. H. Hansen

D.N. Camey

E.C. Holmes

Address Div. of Medical Oncology, University of Colorado Cancer Ctr., 4200 East Ninth Ave. Campus Box B-188 Denver, CO 80262, USA Universita Degli Studi Dir. 1st Patologia Chir. V. le Benedetto 10, 1-16132 Genova, Italy Department of Pathology, Darthmouth- Hitchcock Med. Center, Lebanon, NH 03755, USA Department of Sur- gery, Tokyo Medical College 6-7-1, Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160 Japan Department of Oncology, Finsen CenteriRigshospitalet DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Department of Oncology, Finsen Center/Rigshospitalet DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland Department of Surg. Oncology University of California, 54-140 CHS Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA

Tel. 1 303 2703007

39 10352982

1 603 6507644

81 3 33427645

45 35454097

45 35454090

353 1 8384444

1 310 2061028

Fax. 1 303 2703304

39 103537262

1 603 6506120

81 3 33420893

45 31356906

45 31356906

353 1 8381378

1 310 8257575

IASLC News/Lung Cancer II (1994) 413-421 417








F.A. Shepherd

Y. Shimosato

T. Nan&e

P.A. Rocmans

R.P. Abratt


Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, ML2-035 Toronto, Ontario M5G-2C4, Canada Clinical Laboratory Division, National Cancer Center Hospi- tal, 5-l-1, Tsukiji, Chuoku, Tokyo 104, Japan Div. of Thoracic Surgery, National Cancer Ctr. Hospital, l-l, Tsukiji S-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104, Japan Department of Thoracic Surgery Hopital Universitaire ERASME, Route de Lennick 808, B-1070 Brussels, Belgium Department of Radiation Oncology Groote Schuur Hospi- tal, Cape Town, South Africa


1 416 340 3833

81 3 35422511

81 3 35422511

32 2 5553985

27 21 4044266


1 416 340 3220

81 3 35453567

81 3 35453567

32 2 5556490

27 21 4485707


IASLC Officers and Board of Directors

President Paul A. Bum, Jr.

President-Elect Giovanni Motta

Vice-President Past-President

George D. Sorenson Y. Hayata

Treasurer Jens Benn Sorensen

Director E. Carmack Holmes

Secretary-General Desmond N. Carney

Director Y. Shimosato

Director T. Naruke


P.A. Rocmans

Executive-Director Heine H. Hansen

Director Frances A. Shepherd

Director Raymond P. Abratt


IASLC Presidents 1974- 1994

Paul A. BUM Y. Hayata Clifton F. Mountain Heine H. Hansen 1994-1997 1991~i994 1976-1978 1988-1991

Ronald G. Vincent George A. Higgins Oleg Selawry 1985-1988 1978-1980 1974-1976


Highlights from the 7th World Conference