IB Mathematics HL Exploration: Investigating the origins and applications of Euler’s number e in...

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The number e is considered one of the most important and fundamental constants in mathematics, with applications in areas including, but not limited to: calculus, compound interest, complex analysis, exponential growth and decay, probability, and statistics. Thus, the ubiquitous nature of e can be seen, often “mysteriously” appearing in unexpected situations. One particular example, which leads directly into the topic of my exploration, is in Bernoulli trials, a type of experiment whose outcome is random and can be only one of the two possible, “success” and “failure”. Suppose the chance of success on each trial is 1/n and n trials are performed. Then, for large n (i.e. 1/n is very small), the probability of getting no successes in all n Bernoulli trials is approximately 1/e. I will first discuss the binomial distribution, leading then into the Poisson distribution, which contains the constant e in its probability mass function. I will go through the process of deriving said function, so that we may see the origin of e in them. Hopefully, this will allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of e, and the role it plays in mathematics.


  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Investigating the origins and applications of Eulers number e in probability theory and statistical distributions

    Introduction to Eulers number and its applications

    Eulers number, denoted e, is in many ways a unique and fascinating number, with many interesting and often unexpected properties. Like , it is an irrational number, meaning its decimal places dont recur, and also a transcendental number, meaning it isnt algebraic, in other words, not the solution to any polynomial equation with rational coefficients. Although it can be defined or expressed exactly in several different ways, its decimal representation begins 2.718281828459045 It is often characterized as the base of the

    natural logarithm, ln x. Two ways to express it exactly are as follows: the limit of 1 + !!

    ! as

    n approaches infinity, and as the sum of the infinite series = 1 + !!!+ !

    !!+ !

    !!+. The

    constant can be defined in many ways; for example, e is the unique real number n such that the derivative of the function nx (the exponentiation operation) is equal to the function itself. It is also the unique positive real number n such that !

    ! = 1!! .

    The number e is considered one of the most important and fundamental constants in mathematics, with applications in areas including, but not limited to: calculus, compound interest, complex analysis, exponential growth and decay, probability, and statistics. Thus, the ubiquitous nature of e can be seen, often mysteriously appearing in unexpected situations. I first came across various factoids demonstrating this while reading books on popular mathematics, by authors such as Rob Eastaway and Professor Ian Stewart. I read those books because I am naturally fascinated by these sorts of math, and found the topics discussed all quite interesting. However, I distinctly remember being completely astounded by the many properties of e. One particular example, which leads directly into the topic of my exploration, is in Bernoulli trials, a type of experiment whose outcome is random and can be only one of the two possible, success and failure. Suppose the chance of success on each trial is !

    ! and n trials are performed. Then, for large n (i.e. !

    ! is very small), the

    probability of getting no successes in all n Bernoulli trials is approximately !. This will be

    explained and explored in more detail later. Another bizarre place in which e (and ) comes

    up is in Stirlings approximation for large factorials: !~ 2 !

    !. This too will be used later

    in my exploration. It is for reasons like these that I was initially intrigued and decided to look into this number further. The more I researched, the more I was amazed. Thus I decided that e would form the topic of my exploration. I found that e also appears in the probability functions of various distributions. It seemed not obvious to me at all why a seemingly arbitrary number defined by very abstract concepts such as limits and infinite series, and found in calculus and complex analysis, should have any relation to probability and statistics, which is largely grounded in and based on modeling real-life observations. I will first discuss the binomial distribution, leading then into the Poisson distribution, which contains the constant e in its probability mass function. I will go through the process of deriving said function, so that we may see the origin of e in them. Hopefully, this will allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of e, and the role it plays in mathematics.

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Preliminary information on relevant distributions

    Introduction to probability distributions

    In probability and statistics, a distribution, or more properly a probability distribution, assigns a probability to each measurable (countable) subset in the set or range of possible outcomes in a random experiment. Random experiment is a very broad, general term, and includes everything from tossing a coin n times, to measuring kinetic energy of particles in a gas at a given temperature. The range of possible outcomes for each experiment is equally disparate: e.g. 140 to 190 cm for heights of students, versus 0 to 30 phone calls in one hour. The probability distribution should be thought of as a function, where the input variable is the outcome, and the output is the probability, and can be graphed visually.

    Below: Various probability distributions, including both discrete and continuous

    As will become evident soon when explaining Bernoulli trials, process, distribution, etc., subtleties in terminology must be dealt with care when discussing this topic, and key ones ought to be explained. One such distinction is with the types of probability distributions. Generally speaking, there are two major types of distributions, with a fundamental difference. Those dealing with discrete random variables (e.g. number of something, or times an event occurs) are known as discrete probability distributions, modeled by whats called probability mass functions (PMF). On the other hand, continuous random variables (e.g. height, weight, velocity, etc.) follow a continuous probability distribution, which is a probability density function (PDF). Confusion may arise, as both PMFs and PDFs are probability distribution functions (also PDF; note this more broad sense will not be used here). Correct usage of these terms is important, as I hope to work to rigorous mathematical standards.

    Figure 1: Coin Tosses (Binomial)

    Figure 4: Kinetic Energy (Maxwell-Boltzmann) Figure 1: Phone Calls (Poisson)

    Figure 2: Heights (Normal)

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Link with Bernoulli trials and binomial distribution

    The situation described above of e arising from Bernoulli trials naturally links to what are known as the Bernoulli and binomial distributions. I believe a proper understanding of this is vital, as it is the basis from which we will derive the Poisson distribution, the PMF of which, as mentioned involves e. To begin, we must have a more formal mathematical definition of a Bernoulli trial. The outcome of each Bernoulli trial (a Bernoulli variable, say, Xi) is a component of a Bernoulli process. A Bernoulli process is a sequence, finite of infinite, of discrete, independent, random variables that only one of two values, either 0 or 1. More simply, the process can be thought of as a repeated coin flipping, with each trial being a coin flip, and each outcome or variable is either heads or tails. The coin could be biased, as long as its consistently biased, i.e. the probabilities dont change.

    In such Bernoulli processes, it can be said that the associated variables all follow the same Bernoulli distribution. Mathematically, this can be written X ~ Bern(p), where X represents a random variable, the ~ indicating follows (a certain distribution), and Bern(p) represents the Bernoulli distribution with parameter p, which is, by convention, the probability of getting on each trial, a success, 1 or heads, etc., 0 p 1. This notation will be used again frequently in this paper.

    Because the Bernoulli distribution is only looking at each instance of a random variable on its own, there are only two possible outcomes, and the probabilities are simply p and (1 p). It is not a particularly interesting probability distribution; far more interesting, useful and common is binomial distribution, of which the Bernoulli distribution is a special case. The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution, giving the probabilities of the total number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments (or better, Bernoulli trials, as explained above), with the probability of success on each trial being p. Thus, for a random variable X that follows a Bernoulli distribution, the notation given above is tantamount to writing X ~ B(1,p), i.e. n = 1.

    In general, if a random variable X follows the binomial distribution with parameters n (total number of trials in sequence) and p (probability of success on each trial), we can notate this as X ~ B(n, p). The probability of getting exactly x successes in n trials is given by the following probability mass function, the first useful, non-trivial one that shall be introduced in this paper:

    = P = = !(1 )!!!

    for 0 x n, x . (Note that sometimes q is used in place of (1 p), such that there are three parameters, n, p and q.) The is the combinations, or nCr (n choose r),

    function, and is the binomial coefficient in binomial expansions, hence also the namesake of the binomial distribution.

    It is fairly straightforward to understand the origin of this probability mass function, as shall be briefly explained below. The probability of getting x successes is px, and n x failures is (1 p)n x. However, since the x successes can occur in any order and place in the n trials, we must take into account the number of combinations, with the combinations

    function, i.e. there are ways to distribute the x successes in a sequence of n trials.

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    The Poisson distribution

    Link and Introduction to Poisson distribution

    The Poisson distribution is another discrete probability function that gives the probability of a certain number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space, if you already know the mean number of events in that fixed interval, and the events occur independent of when the last occurred. It is related to the binomial distribution in that it is the special case where the parameter n tends to infinity and p tends to zero; with np being the aforementioned mean number of events, denoted by m (or ). The Poisson distribution has only one parameter, that is, m 0.

    Below are some examples of discrete phenomena (non-continuous, usually meaning integral number of times) that can be modeled using the Poisson distribution. Note the wide range of occurrences and applications in very diverse fields.

    The number of soldiers killed by horse-kicks each year in the Prussian cavalry (a classic example, used by Simon Poisson, for whom the distribution is named)

    The number of misprints per page of a book The number of phone calls arriving at a call center per hour The number of mutations in a stretch of DNA caused by radiation The number of cars arriving at a traffic light per minute

    Because in real life situations, there cant be infinite trials, nor can the probability of an event be zero (at least without being pointless), the Poisson distribution is used to approximate the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small. The binomial PMF was quite tedious to use to work out probabilities manually, and even after the advent of computers, required more processing power. Though that is less of an issue now, we still use the Poisson approximation simply because its good enough. A real-life example of this use is in predicting the number of times a web server is accessed at any given minute, to design systems that can handle the flow of web traffic. The whole business of large n and small p may be sounding familiar from my introductory paragraph, and indeed, that is the link that the Bernoulli trials have with the Poisson distribution.

    So far, there has yet to be an appearance of the topic of this paper, Eulers number e, again after the introduction, amidst all the explanations about probabilities and distributions. However, I believe it will soon be seen that discussing those topics is important, even crucial, in investigating and trying to derive the PMF of the Poisson distribution, which, the reader might remember, involves e. As we were speaking earlier of the Bernoulli trials, when n is large and p is !

    ! (i.e. very small), the probability of getting no successes in all n Bernoulli

    trials is approximately !. We can calculate and verify this using the PMF of the Poisson

    distribution, as this is a situation in which it can directly be applied; we simply substitute the correct parameter in the formula below.

    In general, if a random variable X follows the Poisson distribution with parameter m (the mean number of successes in a fixed interval of time or space), we can express this as X ~ Po(m). The probability of getting exactly x successes (or times an event occurs) in the given interval is given by the following probability mass function:

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    = P = =!!!


    for x , and x! being the factorial of x. As can be seen, the topic of this paper, Eulers number e, finally makes an appearance in this formula.

    To apply the Poisson distribution PMF formula to our now twice-mentioned example, we must first work out the relevant parameter m and argument x. The mean number of successes m in n trials, with the probability p being !

    !, would have the expected value of np =

    n x !! = 1. Since m = np, m = 1 and X ~ Po(1). To find the probability of getting no successes

    in all n trials, we set x = 0. Thus, P = 0 = !!! !!

    !!= !

    !! !!

    = !!, as asserted.

    The Poisson distribution can be applied to random experiments (wherein the sequence of outcomes does not follow any sort of pattern) with many possible outcomes, each of which is rare. The law of rare events comes into play here, and will be looked into in detail in the next section.

    The law of rare events or Poisson limit theorem

    To understand how the Poisson distribution is derived, we must understand what is known as the law of rare events, also known as the Poisson limit theorem. The rare events alludes to the low probability of an individual event occurring in a random experiment. Because each event is so rare, if we perform a large number of trials, in other words, it has very many opportunities to happen, wed expect the mean number of occurrences to be of moderate magnitude. So conceptually, the PMF modeling these events will tend towards some smoother, intermediate function.

    Essentially, each event can be thought of as a Bernoulli trial (the idea is more rigorously justified below), and so its more precisely modeled by a binomial distribution. But when the probability p is so small, and the number of events n is so large, the Poisson limit theorem states that the Poisson distribution can be used to approximate it (Figure 5).

    Figure 5: As n increases, the Poisson distribution becomes a better and better approximation (m = np = 5 for all) Note: Density(k) refers to the relative likelihood for a random variable to take on a given value k, as calculated by the PMF

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Suppose we know the mean value, m. There are 3 main simplifying assumptions one must make to define a Poisson process, and allow us to think of it as the limiting case of the binomial distribution:

    The number of events occurring in non-overlapping time intervals is independent. The probability of an event occurring in a very short time interval of length h is mh. The probability of having more than one single car arriving in a very short time

    interval is essentially zero.

    Assumption 1 means knowing how many events occur in a given time interval does not influence how many will occur in the next. Assumption 2 means the number of events occurring depends only on the length of the interval, and not when it occurs. Also, it means the probability in each short time interval is identical. Assumption 3 allows us to treat a very short time interval as a Bernoulli trial, with happening as a success, and ensures that only one success or failure will occur. Overall, the three assumptions imply that these short intervals are independent Bernoulli trials with identical probability of success, giving us the basis for applying the binomial distribution as the starting point for our derivation.

    Derivation of Poisson distribution (Proof of the law of rare events)

    Mathematically, the law of rare events, or Poisson limit theorem, states that if

    , 0, such that then

    !(1 )!!! =!

    ! !!(1 )!!! =



    The proof is as follows: Firstly, because we are dealing with large factorials, we can

    replace n! with Stirlings approximation: !~ 2 !

    !. Here, ~ denotes is asymptotically

    equal to, appropriate since we are working with limits.

    ! ! !

    !(1 )!!! ~2


    2( ) !!!

    !!(1 )!!!

    Simplifying fractions:

    2 !

    2( ) !!!

    !!(1 )!!! =

    !!(1 )!!!

    ( ) !!!!!=!!(1 )!!!


    since (n x) ~ n as n , we are able to cancel out those square root terms; and !!


    !!!(! !!! ) = !!!!!! = !! = !!

    Because np m, we can replace p with m/n:

    !!(1 )!!!


    !(1 )



  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Now divide the first factor in both the numerator and denominator by nnx.


    !(1 )




    !(1 )


    1 !!!

    !!=!(1 )


    1 !!!


    with !!

    !!!!= !!(!!!) = !, similar to above. Now again, since (n x) ~ n as n :

    !(1 )!!!

    1 !!!

    !!~!(1 )


    1 !!!

    Now we must evaluate the following limit, which involves indeterminate forms:




    In order to do so, I had to research and learn various techniques and transformations of limits, in order to deal with and evaluate all the different types. Indeterminate form of type 1!: Transform using


    ! = !"#!!! !"! lim!!


    != !"#!!! !" !!


    Indeterminate form of type 0 : Let = !!, then


    ln 1 = lim


    1ln 1 !"#!!! !" !!

    !! = !"#!!

    !" !!!"!

    Indeterminate form of type 0/0: Applying LHpitals rule, which states that for two functions and that are differentiable on \{}, where is an open interval containing , and \ denotes but not in, without, or relative complement, with regards to sets: If


    () = lim!!

    () = 0 or , and



    exists, and

    ! 0 \ {} ( denoting for all), then



    = lim!!


    . So, we have:


    ln 1

    = lim!!

    ln 1

    = lim!!



    1 !"#!!

    !" !!!"! = !"#!!


    Factoring out constants:


    !"!! = ! !"#!!!

    !"!! = !!!! = !!

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Ditto for lim!!


    != !!. Therefore:

    !(1 )!

    1 !!!




    !; Q.E.D.

    In the final steps involving taking the limit, I have finally explicitly seen the direct origin of the e in the Poisson PMF. I noticed the similarities with the limit definition of e: the

    limit of 1 + !!

    ! as n approaches infinity. I began to see some of the real world connections,

    in particular to compound interest rates, where we can think of the continuous compounding as a limiting case (represented by the aforementioned limit from which e arises). Moreover, much like how the Poisson distribution approximates the binomial when n is large and p is small, the formula for continuous compounding, which you can see contains e, A = Pert (where A is future value, P is principal or initial amount, r is annual nominal interest rate, and t is number of years money borrowed) approximates the future value when r is very small but number of times the interest is compounded per year is very large.

    Stirlings approximation

    Derivation of Stirlings approximation

    In the derivation above of the Poisson distribution PMF from the binomial distribution PMF, we replaced the factorials n! and (n-k)! of the nCr function with Stirlings approximation for large factorials. I have decided that it is worth proving the formula below, firstly to see why we are justified in using said approximation (by considering the fact that we are taking the limit as x for both functions), and secondly to investigate the interesting fact that e (and even ) once again unexpectedly appears in the formula. So, we must prove that for large values of n,

    !~ 2


    Recall the definition of the factorial function:

    ! = 1 2

    Take the natural log of both sides, as this turns n! into a slowly varying function, meaning it will converge at infinity. I noticed that since e is the base of the natural logarithm, it is already coming into play here:

    ln ! = ln 1 + ln 2 ++ ln

    = ln !


    Because n is large, approximate the summation with an integral:

    ln ! ln !


  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631


    Solve using integration by parts: Let

    = ln d =1d

    d= 1 =

    ln d = d = ln 1d

    = ln 1 !

    !d = ln +

    Putting the anti-derivative back into the expression:

    ln ! ln !


    = ln !!

    = ln + 1

    The + 1 term can be ignored, since it becomes insignificant as n :

    ln ! ln

    To express in more familiar format, exponentiate both sides. Here, I see this is where the e comes from in Stirlings formula, at least using this derivation:

    !~ !"!!!! = ! !! =


    Better approximations may be found by adding more terms after the n (method and explanation for finding these terms involve advanced mathematical theorems, such as the Euler-Maclaurin formula and Walliss product, both of which are are beyond the scope of this paper). Adding the next term, we get:

    ln ! ln +12ln(2)

    Again, after exponentiating both sides, we get the familiar format of the formula:

    !~ !"!!!!!!" !!"!! = ! !! 2

    !! = 2


    the most common format for Stirlings approximation, Q.E.D.

    An alternative, more precise variant of writing the asymptotic formula is as follows:



    2 ! = 1

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631



    I had set off in this exploration to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the role Eulers number e plays in statistics and probability theory. I decided that the best way to achieve this was by teaching myself the fairly advanced skills and techniques in the relevant areas of math to be able to derive the probability mass function of a distribution, and more importantly, genuinely understand every step in the proof. I believe I can honestly say I have fulfilled this aim.

    I chose to investigate the Poisson distribution, firstly because it obviously involves e, which is a requisite, but primarily because I felt it leaded naturally from an area I already knew a bit about, namely, Bernoulli trials and the binomial distribution. At times, the math involved in deriving the formula was rather complex and difficult to understand, especially because in the formal published papers and sources I used, written by and for professional mathematicians, often contained a lot of shortcuts or left things unexplained. I had to personally research anything that didnt make complete sense, until I was satisfied myself that I truly comprehended.

    From my work in this exploration researching the derivation of the Poisson PMF, I feel that I have really gained somewhat of a better understanding of the nature of e and why it occurs so ubiquitously. In my introduction, I noted how strange it seemed to me that e, which is defined by abstract concepts as a purely mathematical construct, has uses in statistics, which is based on real life. I am now able to reconcile the two ideas, at least in my head. The reason e appears is because, often in real life, we deal with very large numbers using approximations. We dont need to know, for example, the exact number of bacteria in a sample, nor can we. Like my example of continuous compound interest, these are approximate models of the real world, and often we need simplified models because the real world is simply too complex. For example, we see this in economic models, or in physics, where small angle approximations are frequently used. This is where, mathematically, limits come into play. And as a consequence, in many cases, so does e.


    Eulers number e is indeed one of the most remarkable, unique and fascinating numbers in all of mathematics, and the work and research I did have utterly convinced me of that. It is so much more than just a simple, arbitrary number: with its manifestations and applications ranging far and wide, e is a truly universal and fundamental constant. Just within this exploration, I looked into two, honestly quite disparate, and ostensibly unrelated occurrences of e. The Poisson distributions PMF, in which e features, is a model for real world phenomena, while Stirlings formula is an approximation of the factorial n!, largely used in combinatorics and number theory.

    However, as we have seen and demonstrated, the two are intrinsically linked, and is most readily appreciated when we go back to the roots and investigate from where all these formulae come about. Having a real understanding of any topic can often allow an individual to make more profound insights. The fact that e links together so many diverse areas of mathematics can be thought of, in a broader sense, to apply to areas in life beyond math. Everything is interconnected in some fashion, and if one takes the time to look for and understand these connections, they gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the world.

  • Haihao Liu 12W IB Mathematics Higher Level Candidate No.: 2631



    Clark, Noel. Derivation of the Poisson distribution (the Law of Rare Events). Physics 2150 web page for Fall, 2012. University of Colorado, 29 Aug. 2012. Web. 2 May 2013 .

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    Eastaway, Rob, and Jeremy Wyndham. How Long is a Piece of String? More hidden mathematics of everyday life. 2002. Reprint. London: Portico, 2008. Print.

    Ma, Dan. Poisson as a Limiting Case of Binomial Distribution. A Blog on Probability and Statistics. Wordpress.com, 18 Aug. 2011. Web. 2 May 2013 .

    Prokhorov, A.V., and contributors. Poisson theorem. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Encyclopedia of Mathematics, 1 Mar. 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2013.

    Stewart, Ian. Professor Stewart's Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities. 2008. Reprint. New York: Basic, 2009. Print.

    Weisstein, Eric W. Poisson Distribution. MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. Wolfram Research, Inc., 8 May 2013. Web. 9 May 2013.

    Wikipedia contributors. Poisson Distribution. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Feb. 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2013

    Wikipedia contributors. Poisson Limit Theorem. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 Dec. 2013. Web. 14 Feb. 2013

    Wikipedia contributors. Stirlings Approximation. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2013