IBM BPM Overview

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Success stories included


An IBM Proof of Technology

IBM Business Process Manager v8.5An Overview

© 2013 IBM Corporation

IBM Software


� IBM BPM V8.5 Product Overview

� Summary of the key capabilities

� IBM BPM 8.5 Mobile Enhancements

� Smarter Process in the Cloud

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Industry References


IBM Software IBM Approach to BPM

Model-driven Automation +

Collaboration & Sharing

Simplified Experience to

Maximize Business


Powerfully Simple

© 2013 IBM Corporation3

Accessible Anytime,



Visibility, Scalability,

and Governance

Powerfully Simple

IBM Software

� Blueworks Live: cloud-based business process MODELLER. The product integrate social

networking principles with business process modeling.

� IBM Business Process Manager: a comprehensive BPM platform giving you visibility and

insight to manage business processes. Enables you to discover, document, automate, and

integrate business processes.

Other related products:

IBM Smarter Process Platform:

Business Process & Decision Management

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Other related products:

� Operational Decision Manager: provides the power to intelligently automate a wide range

of decisions across business processes and applications.

� Business Monitor: a cross-process, cross-system comprehensive business activity

monitoring (BAM) software that provides real-time operational visibility and actionable

insights to improve business outcomes.

Work together to deliver effective solutions for business operation improvement

IBM Software

Obstacles to Scaling Up BPM Success 4

• 1000’s of application assets• Growing disorganization• Poor reuse

Managing Assets &Dependencies • Multiple dev teams

• Multiple dev systems• Parallel development

Developer Productivity

© 2013 IBM Corporation5

Many Assets

Many Authors

Many Processes

• 100’s -1000’s of projects• Multiple versions per project• Dozens of servers in multiple environments

Complexity ofProcess Lifecycle

IBM Software

BPM Leverages SOA Infrastructure









& Ops



IBM Business

© 2013 IBM Corporation6




IBM Business

Process Manager

Advanced Edition

IBM SoftwareIBM Business Process Manager V8.5


Mobile App

Process Server

Core BPM Advanced Automation & Integration

BPMN BPEL AdaptorsProcess RulesPerformance

Data WarehouseIntegration

Social Collaboration

Coaches Dashboards




© 2013 IBM Corporation


Process Designer /



DesignerProcess Center


Process Center Network Multiple Process Centers

Server RegistryShared Assets

Versioned Assets

IBM Software

IBM BPM “Shared Model” Architecture

Service & Integration Development

Process Developers

Process & Rule Modeling

Business Modelers

© 2013 IBM Corporation8

Shared Process


Business Monitoring & Optimization

Managers / Analysts

Task Portal & Forms


• Single shared process model – assets are always in synch• Single integrated platform – everything you need in one offering• Lower technical effort – less development time, cost, risk

“… the picture ISthe process …”

IBM Software

IBM BPM provides governance of entire BPM lifecycle

Business & IT Authors IT Developers

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Enables collaboration between business authors and IT developers

� Maintains dependencies between components in composite BPM Process Applications and

reusable Toolkits

� Allows single-click deployment of process apps to run-time servers and displays status of

running process apps on each server

� Includes execution environment for development and testing

� Multiple Process Center support including the ability to search and share content between

process centers

� Enhanced Governance capabilities including user-defined processes for snapshots and

deployment events 9

Business & IT Authors IT Developers

IBM Software


� Based on the BPMN 2.0 Standard

– Ease of adoption

� Single Interface that enable business process authors and analysts to:

– Model and implement

– Simulate

– Inspect and debug

– Examine process performance

© 2013 IBM Corporation

– Automatically optimize


IBM Software

IBM BPM Integration Designer

� Authoring of complex

integrations and fully automated

Straight-Through Processes

– To support integration needs

of Process Apps authored in

Process Designer

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Eclipse-based Integration

Designer makes it easier to:

– Build reusable SOA services

– Orchestrate existing services

– Access backend systems

� Oriented to the more technical

integration specialist


IBM Software

� Powerful BPM UI Capabilities

– Web 2.0 Process Portal delivering a highly collaborative work experience with

increased social capabilities and visibility for knowledge workers

– Coach Designer with the ability to create and reuse custom, user-defined Coach

controls, sections and templates

IBM BPM –End User Experience

© 2013 IBM Corporation

controls, sections and templates

• Coach Designer promotes User Interface (UI) reuse and maximizes UI

development productivity

– Improved business process outcomes by significantly enhanced support for out-of-

the box and custom dashboards

• Real-time dashboards provide out-of-box visibility into work-in-progress

– Expanded REST/JSON API for mobile application development

� Additional powerful UI features

– IBM Business Space UI framework - for creating an integrated and customized user


– Federated task view for performing tasks, managing work items, tracking

performance and responding to events-all in real time12

IBM Software

Consistent Document Management

� Uniform storage and access of process-related documents

– New internal repository provides the same CMIS-based access as external ECM


– “CMIS Toolkit” now delivers a single, consistent way of accessing all process


– Migration / backward compatibility with previous IBM BPM versions

Content Management Interoperability Services

© 2013 IBM Corporation13

Internal CMIS


FileNet CM




External CMIS


External CMIS


External CMIS






CMIS Toolkit

� Document List

� Document Viewer

� C/R/U/D services

Content Management Interoperability Services

IBM Software

IBM BPM 8.5 Mobile Enhancements� Where we were as of 8.0.x :

– Full complement of REST APIs

– An IBM BPM iOS app in the iTunes App Store

�Native Objective C app using iFrame for Coaches

– A sample hybrid app (Android, iOS) in BPM Samples Exchange

�Built with IBM Worklight, using iFrame for Coaches

� Summary of enhancements in 8.5 for developing mobile clients

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Summary of enhancements in 8.5 for developing mobile clients

Entitlement for IBM Worklight Enterprise Edition Environment for development

New mobile toolkit with optimized mobile coach views in BPM Samples Exchange

�Written using

�Will require 8.5 due to some required coach changes including dojo level

and better support for transitions

�Content to include: Location / Map, Camera, Mobile view layout, UI controls,

illustrative sample process, Worklight BPM Adapter to call BPM REST APIs

IBM Software

IBM Operational Decision Manager

Automate and govern repeatable decisions

� Provides an elegant development environment, along with dedicated, business user

interfaces, for automating and governing frequently occurring, repeatable business decisions

across processes and applications.

� Helps support the ‘smart’ in Smarter Process, supporting decision automation inside

business processes, mobile applications and cloud environments.

© 2013 IBM Corporation

business processes, mobile applications and cloud environments.

� Provides an integrated repository and management components, allowing subject matter

experts to maintain and govern their business decisions.

� Provides the runtime components to automate decision logic, enabling the detection of

business situations and precise response based on the context of the interaction.


IBM Software

IBM Business Monitor

� IBM Business Monitor provides detailed business activity monitoring to help improve

business agility. It offers customizable dashboards, notifications and alerts to provide near

real-time visibility into business operations, transactions and processes for better business

insights. IBM Business Monitor helps identify evolving business opportunities, trends and

issues through statistical analysis of current and historical data.

� Provides near real-time calculations and analysis that provide insights into business

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Provides near real-time calculations and analysis that provide insights into business


� Customizable dashboards that display current, historical and predictive information.

� Automated notifications and alerts that help you respond to evolving business trends and


� Visibility across disparate business systems that span multiple applications and products.


IBM Software

Smarter Process – Cloud Overview

There are three Smarter Process cloud offerings:

IBM Blueworks Live

Public CloudIBM BPM on Cloud

Public CloudIBM BPM Application Pattern

IBM ODM Application Pattern

Private Cloud

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Process & Decision

DiscoveryProcess Orchestration

& Optimization

Process & Decision -

Built-in Expertise

IBM Software

Blueworks Live

� Capturing processes: provides various tools using the collaborative principles to discover

those processes with maximum accuracy. Blueworks Live uses a of elements from the

BPMN 2.0 notation.

� Data import and export: Blueworks Live allows users to import diagrams from Microsoft

Visio. In terms of export, users can automatically generate outputs in Microsoft Office


© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Centralized collaboration: uses many social networking features, enabling team

collaboration: Instant messaging, Live news feeds, Commenting (process changes)

� Automating simple processes: Blueworks Live provides its users also with automate process

feature, used for ad-hoc processes governance. Instead of using e-mails to communicate

certain agendas, in-built workflow is used, so all the information is contained in one place,

and all the involved people are notified in the moment, when their participation is required.

� Over 300,000 business assets.

� Free Trial:

IBM Software

Industry References


� BBVA: proceso operativo del área Corporate & Investment Banking para la ayuda a la toma

de decisiones, consiguiendo realizar decisiones con mayor facilidad y seguridad integrado

en la plataforma tecnológica de BBVA CIB.

� CaixaBank: proceso “Hazte cliente” de captación de clientes por Internet, consiguiendo

reducir el tiempo necesario para realizar la contratación de 60 días a 21 días en el 90% de

© 2013 IBM Corporation

reducir el tiempo necesario para realizar la contratación de 60 días a 21 días en el 90% de

los casos.

� Banco Espirito Santo: ha permitido la reestructuración de los procesos claves. Permitiendo

el acceso a usuarios de negocio de forma fácil y con la mínima intervención de TI.


IBM Software

Referencias por Industria


� Laboratorios Hipra: consiguió la reducción de costes por lotes defectuosos. Vea aquí el

caso completo:

� Alliance Healthcare: optimización del proceso de “gestión de incidencias”, consiguiendo

pasar de una resolución de incidencias de 2 días a 7 horas y un ahorro de costes del 47% y

© 2013 IBM Corporation

un cumplimiento SLA del 100%..


� Allianz: ha mejorado la visibilidad y eficiencia en la gestión de reclamaciones al

implementar IBM BPM.

� Allianz: ha acelerado el procesos de detección de fraude en un 50% y aumenta la

productividad de los empleados en un 60%


IBM Software

Referencias internacionales


� Confederação Nacional das Empresas de Seguros Gerais, Previdência Privada e Vida,

Saúde Suplementar e Capitalização: ha reducido el tiempo de gestión de reclamaciones

en un 95%, aumenta 50 veces la capacidad de transacciones y reduce los costes operativos

con IBM BPM.

© 2013 IBM Corporation

� Banco Fibra: ha mejorado sus ventajas competitivas y agilizado su proceso de solicitud de



� Instituto de Tecnología de Monterrey: ha mejorado la eficiencia operativa y el tiempo de

lanzamiento de nuevos servicios, así como mejora la gestión de los sistemas.

� Centro Médico ABC: ha logrado implementar procesos ágiles en la resolución de

problemas y mejorado el cumplimiento regulatorio e intercambio de información.


IBM Software


© 2013 IBM Corporation22

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