IBM Universal Behavior Exchange

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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in just 3 clicks?Can you create marketing tailored to customer behaviors

IBM Commerce

Meet Rosie. Rosie is a digital marketer for Alpine Adventures – a ski resort – and wants to use customer data to drive the relevant, personalized marketing experiencess her customers and prospects deserve.

However, getting a current view of her customer’s latest behavior and preferences and acting on this context across channels isn’t easy.

Meet Mr. Chan. The Chan family has been researching ski vacations but the Facebook ads they’ve seen from Alpine Adventures have been generic, and he scrolled right by them. The family instead received an email from a competitor that was more tailored to their needs and never even bothered to compare the competitor to Alpine Adventures. The Chans chose the competition and Rosie and Alpine Adventures lost a potential customer.





Hello Mr. Chan & Family,



Rosie is frustrated. One of her biggest challenges is creating a connected view of her customers’ actions across all the brand’s engagement channels. She wants to be able to deliver consistent, tailored experiences for her customers across channels in the moment.

“I can’t react to my customers in the moment.”

“I can’t access a single view of customer data across channels.”

“I need my applications to talk to each other.”

“It is too hard to provide a consistent experience

across channels.”

“It is too hard to provide relevant offers and content

to my customers.”

“Getting the right analytics to inform interactions

in the moment is difficult.”

Rosie isn’t alone in feeling this pressure. With marketing departments using an average of 30 different technologies, it’s hard to act on insights from any channel in any channel.

Rosie wants to spend less time on the mechanics of marketing. She wants to spend more time creating the breakthrough personalized experiences her customers and prospects deserve.

Let’s see how Rosie could’ve used IBM Marketing Cloud with Universal Behavior Exchange to win over the Chan family.

With UBX, marketers like Rosie can:take controlmake moments matterenrich results


Take control. Connect the flow of data between marketing solutions without opening a project with IT. You control the flow of customer data including audiences, events, and profiles between certified applications in as little as 3 clicks.

Make moments matter. Automate personalized campaigns using triggers based on the customer behaviors you select. Respond to customer behavior from any channel in any channel.

Enrich your results. Boost performance with more targeted campaigns that save money, increase acquisition, and build brand loyalty.

Meet our partners. UBX is powered by an open ecosystem of certified solution providers across social, mobile, CRM and paid advertising.

Learn more by clicking on the logos above.

With IBM Marketing Cloud with UBX, Rosie is now able to deliver the Chan family experiences personalized in the moment based on their social activity and online browsing. The Chan family gets a fun ski vacation at a great price – and it only took Rosie minutes to craft this personalized experience. UBX enabled Rosie to personalize at scale, increase response rates, and improve ROI across paid, owned, and earned channels.

and see how IBM Marketing Cloud with UBX can enable you to create personalized marketing campaigns in three clicks.

Try the interactive demo