IBPS Problem - Copy.pptx

Post on 24-Jan-2016

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How to solve a Circular Table Problem in Bank Exam?

Lets have a look at a model problem.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Pawan PMahesh MChandu C

Ravi REti E

Seema SHina HAnita A

Lets first find out who is facing inside and outside by carefully analyzing the clues from the question.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

2 boys and 2 girls are facing outside.So the remaining 2 boys and 2 girls must be facing inside.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Pawan PMahesh MChandu C

Ravi REti E

Seema SHina HAnita A

Hina and Ravi are facing each other. This is only possible if they are facing inside the circle.

Hina and Ravi are facing each other. This is only possible if they are facing inside the circle.

Pawan PMahesh MChandu C

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Also Mahesh is facing Inside as given in the problem.

Pawan PMahesh MChandu C

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

Also Mahesh is facing Inside as given in the problem.

Pawan PMahesh M InsideChandu C

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

The remaining 2 boys must be facing outside as I said earlier.

Pawan PMahesh M InsideChandu C

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

The remaining 2 boys must be facing outside as I said earlier.

Pawan P OutsideMahesh M InsideChandu C Outside

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Either one of Anitha or Pawan is facing outside as per the problem. Since Pawan is the one facing outside its obvious that Anita must be facing Inside.

Pawan P OutsideMahesh M InsideChandu C Outside

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A

Either one of Anitha or Pawan is facing outside as per the problem. Since Pawan is the one facing outside its obvious that Anita must be facing Inside.

Pawan P OutsideMahesh M InsideChandu C Outside

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A Inside

The remaining 2 girls must be facing outside as I have said earlier. This can also be confirmed by another clue that out of Anita and Eti, one of them is facing outside.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Pawan P OutsideMahesh M InsideChandu C Outside

Ravi R InsideEti E

Seema SHina H InsideAnita A Inside

Pawan P OutsideMahesh M InsideChandu C Outside

Ravi R InsideEti E Outside

Seema S OutsideHina H InsideAnita A Inside

Now we have a detailed info of who is facing inside and who is facing outside. Lets solve the problem with rest of the info we got.

Lets split open the circular table for our analysis.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

Remember both Chandu and Seema are facing outside. So if you align in Seema’s direction Chandu will be third from left of Seema


Remember both Chandu and Seema are facing outside. So if you align in Seema’s direction Chandu will be third from left of Seema


Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.


Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.



Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.




Now we have got two pieces and we need to align them.



There is only one possible alignment.


There is only one possible alignment.Remember there are only 8 spots for 4 girls and 4 boys available.


Even if you place the pieces the other way around it doesn’t make a difference because this a cut section of a circle. Remember? C will always be next to M and A will always be next to S.



Now we got the alignment done, we need to fit in Hina and Ravi. For that we have two possible combinations.

Lets try placing Hina and Ravi randomly in two possible combinations.


Lets try placing Hina and Ravi randomly in two possible combinations.


Lets try placing Hina and Ravi randomly in two possible combinations.


But this is wrong. Why?Lets have a look at the problem.

Circular Table Problem

Four boys, Pawan, Mahesh, Chandu and Ravi, and four girls, Eti, Seema, Hina and Anita are sitting around a circular table. Two girls and two boys are not facing the centre. No three girls are sitting together. Chandu is second to left of Seema, who is not sitting next to Mahesh. Eti is third to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is to the left of Anita and one of them is not facing the centre. Pawan is third to the right of Mahesh, who is facing the centre. Hina and Ravi are facing each other and both are not sitting next to Mahesh or Anita.

So 3 girls can never sit together. But here we got A, S and H.


Lets try placing Hina and Ravi in the second combination.


Lets try placing Hina and Ravi in the second combination.Yay!!! no conflict with any of the rules.

This must be our solution







The problem may seem to have a lot of steps but with practice you can do the steps in fraction of a second.

So Keep Practicing!!!

Thanks for watching this slideshow. If you have any queries feel free to drop me a mail
