Icinga 2 and Puppet - Automate Monitoring

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Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Icinga 2 and puppet

automatic monitoring.. ?

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Who am I?

• Walter Heck, Software engineer turned DBA, turned

Sysadmin, turned entrepreneur, promoted to CTO

• CTO/Founder of OlinData (http://www.olindata.com)

o Icinga partner for Holland, India and Southeast Asia

o Puppet Labs training partner for most of Asia and part of Europe (Not NL!)

o Linux Foundation training partner

o MySQL consulting

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Overview• What is puppet?

• Basic icinga setup with puppet

• Zones, hosts, objects

• Puppet’s exported resources

• What’s next?

• Questions

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

What is Puppet and why do we care?

• Configuration management software- http://www.olindata.com/blog/2014/08/puppet-master-agent-setup- http://olindata.com/blog/2015/03/setup-puppet-server-centos-70

• Scales very well (from 1 to 200k+ nodes)

• Multi-platform (windows, *nix, Mac OS, BSD)

• Commercially supported Open Source

• Infrastructure as code

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Typical Puppet Architecture

Puppet Master

Puppet Code (.git repository)

web01.olindata.com icinga.olindata.comdb01.olindata.comPuppet Agent Puppet AgentPuppet Agent

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

● No official icinga2 module on the forge

● Github repo in strange state○ last commit to ‘master’ branch

for icinga2 module: 30 Jan 2015 (!)

○ use ‘develop’ branch instead: 261 (!) commits ahead of master

check out: https://github.com/Icinga/puppet-icinga2/pull/94

please help me bug @lazyfrosch for this ;)

Puppet module status: ‘up for improvement’

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Puppet modules

● Your best bet for now: use github repos directly:○ mod 'icingaweb2',

■ :git => 'https://github.com/icinga/puppet-icingaweb2.git'

○ mod 'icinga2',■ :git => 'https://github.com/icinga/puppet-icinga2.git', ■ :branch => 'develop'

○ mod 'puppetlabs/mysql', '3.6.2'

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Prerequisite: mysql (or postgres)

class profile::icinga::db {

$icinga2_webdb_password = ‘mypw’

$icinga2_ido_password = ‘mypw’

$mysql_whitelist_range = ‘192.168.%’

mysql::db { 'icinga2_web':

user => 'icinga2_web',

password => $icinga2_webdb_password,

host => $mysql_whitelist_range,

grant => ['ALL'],


mysql::db { 'icinga2_data':

user => 'icinga2',

password => $icinga2_ido_password,

host => $mysql_whitelist_range,

grant => ['ALL'],



Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Setting up the icinga server

$icinga2_db_ipaddress = hiera('icinga::mysql_ipaddress')

$icinga2_web_fqdn = hiera('icingaweb::fqdn')

$icinga2_ido_password = hiera('icinga::ido_password')

class { 'icinga2':

db_type => 'mysql',

db_host => $icinga2_db_ipaddress,

db_port => '3306',

db_name => 'icinga2_data',

db_user => 'icinga2',

db_pass => $icinga2_ido_password,

manage_database => true,


Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Set up icingaweb2

● requires webserver + php

● please use https!

● populate the database

class profile::icinga::web {

class { 'icingaweb2':

manage_repo => true,

install_method => 'package',

manage_apache_vhost => true,

apache_vhost_name => $icinga2_web_fqdn,

ido_db => 'mysql',

ido_db_host => $icinga2_db_ip,

ido_db_name => 'icinga2_data',

ido_db_user => 'icinga2',

ido_db_pass => $icinga2_ido_pass,

web_db => 'mysql',

web_db_name => 'icinga2_web',

web_db_host => $icinga2_db_ip,

web_db_user => 'icinga2_web',

web_db_pass => $icinga2_webdb_pass,

web_db_port => '3306',



Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Setting up an icinga native client

class profile::icinga::client {

include ::icinga2

include ::icinga2::feature::command

class { '::icinga2::feature::api':

accept_commands => true,

accept_config => true,

manage_zone => false,


# icinga2::pki::puppet class needs to be declared

# after the icinga2::feature::api class in order

# to avoid resource duplication

contain ::icinga2::pki::puppet


Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resources


Puppet Master


@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress,}

Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

1. Puppet agent run

6. Send to node

5. Retrieve from PuppetDB3. Store in PuppetDB

2. Export to PM

4. Collect on ICINGA

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Exported resourcesnode ‘icinga.olindata.com’ {

# Collect all exported host objects Icinga2::Object::Host <<| |>>

# Collect all exported service objects Icinga2::Object::Service <<| |>>

# Collect all exported zone objects Icinga2::Object::Zone <<| |>>


node ‘web01.olindata.com’ {

@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn: ipv4_address => $::ipaddress, }}

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

# This is a resource default

Icinga2::Object::Apply_service {

assign_where => 'host.address && host.vars.remote == true && host.vars.remote_endpoint',

command_endpoint => 'host.vars.remote_endpoint',


icinga2::object::apply_service { 'user':

check_command => 'users',


icinga2::object::apply_service { 'load':

check_command => 'load',


icinga2::object::apply_service { 'process':

check_command => 'procs',


Adding some initial things

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

What’s next?

● create profiles for each type of application, eg profile::icinga::apache, profile::icinga::gitlab, etc.

● check out https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-vagrant/ for nice vagrant examples (not so nice puppet though ;) )

● add grafana, business process monitoring, etc.

● create users, usergroups, hostgroups, etc.

Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

Icinga Training NL

● Official icinga training in the Netherlands on July 18th-21st

● Tickets only 1350 EUR(!)


Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016


@walterheck / @olindata




Icinga Camp Amsterdam 2016

We’re hiring!NL based consultants
