Ict chapter 1

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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● ICT = Information & Communication


● No universal definition

● Information & Communication Technology

(Shore, Levis, Hubbley, Hartoyo) :

o The scientific knowledge of art or skills on how to

interact between interlocutors in transferring

processed & meaningful data as well as ideas,

emotions, skills and knowledges.

● Technology functioning to support the

process of conveying information and

communication especially in education

areas (Hartoyo).

● CALL (Computer-Assisted Language

Learning), the internet, generic

computer applications.

1. Exposure to ‘authentic’ language

2. Access to wider sources

3. Opportunities to communicate with outside


4. A learner-centered approach

5. Development of learner autonomy

❖ Standard office applications

○ Word processing

E.g. Microsoft Word: write, letters, reports etc.

○ Spreadsheets

E.g. Microsoft excel; Analyze financial information; calculation;

create forecasting models etc.

○ Database software

E.g. Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Access; Managing data in many


from basic lists (e.g. customer contrast through to complex material

(e.g. catalogue).

○ Presentation soft-ware:

E.g Microsoft Powerpoint: Make presentations, and publish in digital

format via email or over the internet.

● Desktop Publishing

E.g. Adobe InDesign, Quark express, Microsoft Publisher: produce

newsletter, magazines and other complex document.

● Graphics software

● E.g. Adobe photoshop and Illustrator; Marcromedia Freehand and

fireworks; create and edit images such as logos, drawings or

pictures for use in DTP, web sites or other publications.

❖ Specialist applications

● Accounting package

E.g. Sage Oracle: Manage an organization’s accounts including

revenues/sales, purchases, bank accounts etc.

● Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computers to assist the

design process, it exist for many types of design: architectural,

engineering, electronics, roadways

● Customer Relation Management (CRM).

Sofware that allows businesses to better

understand their customers by collecting

and analyzing data on them such as their

product preferences, buying habits etc.

Often linked to software applications that

run call centers and loyalty cards for


● Hypertext is an electronic document

that links information with associated

materials non-sequentially.

● Opening information of our interest

without have to start from the first


● For instance: a link displays

documents A,B,C,D. We can open

document D without starting from

document A.

Ted Nelson

● Hypertext → electronic document in

the form of plain text connects to other

plain texts

● Hypermedia → plain text connects to

other media such as graphics, video,

spreadsheet, animation, and sound.

➢ Ease of tracing references or creating new


➢ Information structuring

➢ Global views

➢ Customized documents

➢ Modularity of information

➢ Consistency of information

➢ Task stacking

➢ Collaboration

➢ Disorientation problems

➢ A massive number of nodes make

information hard to be obtained

➢For business

➢For information resources

➢For education- The computer assisted learning (CAL) → for

personal learning

- for clearer explanations, description and

illustration using pictures, sound, music,

animation, and video.

● For learning language and teaching


● Learning all language skills: listening,

speaking, reading, writing as well as

vocabulary and grammar

● The best and most successful result in

learning grammar