Idea juicing…

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Idea juicing…. Our name is “Why Lemon” is because we are interested in finding out the idea and innovate (or as we call it: juicing out the idea). We are the people and the group that will innovate and we will “juice out the ideas” and use the “juice” to solve problems. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Idea juicing


Our name is Why Lemon is because we are interested in finding out the ideaand innovate (or as we call it: juicing out the idea). We are the people and the group that will innovate and we will juice out the ideas and use the juice tosolve problems.


Our groups logo is easyto explain, the wordwhy in the logo is grey.The grey colour signifyour iron (grey) will to think of ideas or as wecall it search for the lemons. The questionMark signifies for ourdesire to inquire. TheSpiral shape below the word lemon signifiesour endless flow ofimagination.This is how we made ourlogo.

Idea juicing to us, the lemon is the idea and juicing simply means to innovate.Thus it truly means, idea innovating or to innovate. We are the group that willinnovate to solve problems. Thus the motto, idea juicing!

Ideas: Cherrie Art: Yu Jie (he filled up for Danshu as she is not present in school fora week)Review: Danshu (when she is present of course)Job: Everybody! Music: The Arka Teks I Know You Know

I Know You KnowThe Arka Teksnull230257.92