Identity Management for Web Application Developers

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Identity Management for Web Application Developers

Prabath |

Feb 2017

Identity Landscapes and Identity Management 101

Identity Federation and SSO

Identity Provisioning

Access Control

Securing APIs

Identity Governance and Administration


● The Director of Security Architecture, WSO2● Authored the book Advanced API Security - and three more

About Me

Login to Salesforce with SAML 2.0

Login to Google Apps with SAML 2.0

Login to AWS with SAML 2.0 (IdP initiated)

Apache module for SAML 2.0 (with a PHP app)

Apache module for OpenID Connect (with a PHP app)

Login to a Java EE web app with SAML 2.0

Login to Salesforce with Facebook

Securing access to Google Apps with FIDO MFA

Just in time provisioning

Associating workflows with user provisioning


Outbound provisioning to Google Apps

SCIM provisioning with the API


XACML API for policy evaluation

Engaging XACML policies in to the login flow

Python client to get OAuth 2.0 access tokens

Client Credentials grant type

Password grant type

Authorization code grant type

Closer look at the JWT with the Chrome plugin

Publishing and securing an API with OAuth 2.0


Identity Landscapes & Identity Management 101

Feb 2017

Identity Constituent Types

Uniqueness of Identity Constituents

Ownership of Identity Constituents

Temporality of Identity Constituents

Environment Effect

Level of Trustworthiness


Multiple Dimensions of Identity


Skin color / hair color / eye color / first name / email


The boy who always scream in the classroom.

The girl who never comes to lectures on time.

The man who always drives reckless.

The lady who always starts anything with a ‘no’


Obama’s daughters were shopping at the Macy’s.

Osama’s son boarded to a plane.

Identity Constituent Types

Globally unique

IRIS, fingerprints?

Unique within a closed environment

SSN, driving license number, emp number, first name

Uniqueness of Identity Constituents


Biometrics, DNA, first name, last name


Via relationships, memberships

Externally endorsed

Not totally under your control

Ownership of Identity Constituents


Bio-metrics - but not all

Near fixed

First name, citizenship

Temporarily fixed

Phone number, email address

Temporality of Identity Constituents

Environment Effect


Identity has a magnitude as well as a direction.


Public identifiers

Facebook / LinkedIn profile


Private identifiers


Identity is “people’s concepts of who they are, of what sort of people they are,

and how they relate to others” — Hogg and Abrams 1988.

“Identity is used in this book to describe the way individuals and groups

define themselves and are defined by others on the basis of race, ethnicity,

religion, language, and culture” — Deng 1995.

Identity “refers to the ways in which individuals and collectivities are

distinguished in their social relations with other individuals and

collectivities” — Jenkins 1996.

Defining Identity

“National identity describes that condition in which a mass of people have

made the same identification with national symbols — have internalized

the symbols of the nation …” — Bloom 1990.

“Social identities are sets of meanings that an actor attributes to itself while

taking the perspective of others, that is, as a social object. … [Social

identities are] at once cognitive schemas that enable an actor to determine

‘who I am/we are’ in a situation and positions in a social role structure of

shared understandings and expectations” — Wendt 1994.

Defining Identity

“By social identity, I mean the desire for group distinction, dignity, and place

within historically specific discourses (or frames of understanding) about

the character, structure, and boundaries of the polity and the economy” —

Herrigel 1993.

“The term [identity] (by convention) references mutually constructed and

evolving images of self and other” — Katzenstein 1996.

“Identities are … prescriptive representations of political actors themselves

and of their relationships to each other” — Kowert and Legro 1996.

Defining Identity

“My identity is defined by the commitments and identifications which

provide the frame or horizon within which I can try to determine from case

to case what is good, or valuable, or what ought to be done, or what I

endorse or oppose” — Taylor 1989.

“Yet what if identity is conceived not as a boundary to be maintained but as a

nexus of relations and transactions actively engaging a subject?” — Clifford


“Identity is any source of action not explicable from biophysical regularities,

and to which observers can attribute meaning” — White 1992

Defining Identity

“Indeed, identity is objectively defined as location in a certain world and can

be subjectively appropriated only along with that world. … [A] coherent

identity incorporates within itself all the various internalized roles and

attitudes.” — Berger and Luckmann 1966.

“Identity emerges as a kind of unsettled space, or an unresolved question in

that space, between a number of intersecting discourses. … [Until recently,

we have incorrectly thought that identity is] a kind of fixed point of

thought and being, a ground of action … the logic of something like a ‘true

self.’ … [But] Identity is a process, identity is split. Identity is not a fixed

point but an ambivalent point. Identity is also the relationship of the Other

to oneself” — Hall 1989

Defining Identity

How close we can model one’s real identity in the digital world?Most of the successful businesses try to model human behaviors from the

real world in the digital world.Facebook, Uber

What are the benefits?Map identities across different disconnected environments.Know exactly who you talk toIdentify fake user accountsMake context aware decisions

Personalized user experienceWeighted endorsements : LinkedIn?Make knowledge based authentication more effective

Lead to password-less authenticationMake account recovery more effective

Fraud detection

Real Identity vs Digital Identity

Understand the dynamics causing digital identity systems to succeed or fail in various contexts, expressed as the Laws of Identity.

How we can prevent the loss of trust and go forward to give Internet users a deep sense of safety, privacy, and certainty about whom they are relating to in cyberspace.

Community effort initiated by Kim Cameron from Microsoft.

Seven Laws of Identity

User Control and ConsentIdentity systems must only reveal information identifying a

user with the user's consent.OpenID user consentOAuth 2.0 scopesUMA access control policies

Seven Laws of Identity

Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained UseThe solution that discloses the least amount of identifying

information and best limits its use is the most stable long-term solution.

Bartender only needs to know whether his customer’s age is greater than 21, not the age.

Uber drivers need to call its passengers, only within a given, limited time period, but they do not want to know the passenger's’ phone numbers.

Seven Laws of Identity

Justifiable PartiesDigital identity systems must be designed so the disclosure of

identifying information is limited to parties having a necessary and justifiable place in a given identity relationship.

Relying party information should be revealed to the user.Microsoft Passport

Seven Laws of Identity

Pluralism of Operators and TechnologiesA universal identity system must channel and enable the

interworking of multiple identity technologies run by multiple identity providers.

No single identity system is going to suffice in all contexts, and no single identity provider is going to be justifiable in all contexts.

Seven Laws of Identity

Human IntegrationThe universal identity metasystem must define the human user

to be a component of the distributed system integrated through unambiguous human-machine communication mechanisms offering protection against identity attacks.

The last couple of feet between the computer console and the human is where most bad things happen.

Phishing and other social engineering attacks exploit the user. A stable identity system mitigates these threats.

Seven Laws of Identity

Consistent Experience Across ContextsThe unifying identity metasystem must guarantee its users a

simple, consistent experience while enabling separation of contexts through multiple operators and technologies.

A stable identity system presents an easy-to-understand abstraction to the end user that is consistent no matter what underlying technology or identity provider is involved.

Seven Laws of Identity

Directed IdentityA universal identity system must support both "Omni-directional" identifiers for

use by public entities and "unidirectional" identifiers for use by private entities, thus facilitating discovery while preventing unnecessary release of correlation handles.

Many public entities need to behave like beacons, broadcasting their identities to the world. However, expect them to use a private identifier to track user’s personal activity, so stable identity systems must support both omnidirectional identity (beacons) and unidirectional identity (my private relationship).

SAML NameID PolicyPersistent Pseudonym IdentifiersTransient Pseudonym Identifiers

Seven Laws of Identity

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the security discipline that enables the right individuals (or things) to access the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. (Gartner)

Business benefitsBusiness oversight Business relationships Business agility Service delivery User productivity Cost reduction Security Regulatory compliance

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management

Identity Federation & Single Sign-On

Feb 2017

Single Sign On - login once - access a set of services without further


Federated identity management enables identity information to be

developed and shared among several entities and across trust


Single Sign On can be within a single trust domain and between

multiple trust domains.


SAML 2.0 Web SSO

OpenID Connect




Standard Based Identity Federation

Identity Provider

The authority behind user identities

Makes assertions about users (authentication, authorization,


Relying Party / Service Provider / Client

Relying on an assertion provided by the identity provider.

Provides services to end users

Can be a mobile app / web app

Trusts one or more identity providers


An XML standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data

between entities which is a product of the OASIS Security Services

Technical Committee.

SAML 1.0 was adopted as an OASIS standard in Nov 2002

SAML 1.1 was ratified as an OASIS standard in Sept 2003

SAML 2.0 became an OASIS standard in Mar 2005

Liberty Alliance donated its Identity Federation Framework (ID-FF)

specification to OASIS, which became the basis of the SAML 2.0


Thus SAML 2.0 represents the convergence of SAML 1.1, Liberty ID-FF 1.2,

and Shibboleth 1.3.

SAML 2.0 - Overview

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

XML Schema

XML Signature

XML Encryption (SAML 2.0 only)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) -


SAML 2.0 - Base Standards


Authentication, Attribute and Authorization information


Request and Response elements for packaging assertions


How SAML Protocols map onto standard messaging or communication



How SAML protocols, bindings and assertions combine to support a

defined use case

SAML 2.0 - Components

OpenID Connect

SAML is XML based while OIDC is JSON based

SAML has multiple bindings while OIDC has one binding

Both are enterprise ready

In last couple of years - there were more OIDC implementations

than SAML

OIDC is more mobile and SPA friendly

Build a new app today? Use OIDC!

SAML 2.0 vs. OpenID Connect

Login to Salesforce with SAML 2.0

Login to Google Apps with SAML 2.0

Login to AWS with SAML 2.0 (IdP initiated)

Apache module for SAML 2.0 (with a PHP app)

Apache module for OpenID Connect (with a PHP app)

Login to a Java EE web app with SAML 2.0

Login to Salesforce with Facebook

Securing access to Google Apps with FIDO MFA

Demo Time!!!

Identity Provisioning

Feb 2017




Single Sign On


Standard-based Provisioning

SCIM 2.0

Standard-based Provisioning

SPML 1.0 Request / Response

Standard-based Provisioning

SPML 1.0 Request / Response

Standard-based Provisioning

SPML 2.0 Request / Response [DSML]

Standard-based Provisioning

SPML 2.0 Request / Response [XDS]

Standard-based Provisioning

SCIM 1.1

SCIM 1.1

{"schemas":[], "name": {"familyName":"siriwardena", "givenName":"prabath"}, "userName":"prabath", "password":"prabath123", "externalId":"prabathext", "emails":[ {"primary":true, "value":"", "type":"home"}, {"value":"", "type":"work"}]}

curl -k --user admin:admin -d @add-user.json --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Users

SCIM 1.1

{"schemas":["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"], "displayName" : "OSDC", "externalId" : "OSDC", "members": [ { "value": "f64e6507-756d-4a14-ac43-c9d02167f411", "display": "prabath" } ]}

curl -k --user admin:admin -d @add-group.json --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9445/wso2/scim/Groups

SCIM 1.1

Authenticating SCIM Requests

• HTTP Basic Authentication• OAuth 2.0

Authenticating SCIM Requests

Authenticating SCIM Requests

curl -v -X POST --basic -u XQi6DUDPnMW_FH_VK3f1gBetNAsa:VfKb7MHzH7Q0U6YdNV6ehhetCpka -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ea7f76f134eb9bbb12d4b06b93e1d0a3" -d @add-user.json --header "Content-Type:application/json” https://localhost:9445/wso2/scim/Users

Get the Access Token from the OAuth Authorization Server

Add a user with via SCIM

Authenticating SCIM Requests

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Federated Provisioning Patterns

Just in time provisioning

Associating workflows with user provisioning

Outbound provisioning to Google Apps

SCIM provisioning with the API

Demo Time!!!

Access Control

Feb 2017


A capability

Negative permissions are hard


A set of permissions


A set of users

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Make access control decisions based on roles

Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)

Make access control decisions based on attributes



Permissions are assigned to a role and a role is assigned to user (a group

of users)

Many to many relationship between user to role.

Many to many relationship between permission to role.

Hierarchical RBAC

Senior role and Junior roles.

A senior role acquires all the permissions belong to its junior roles.

A user can perform a given task if he/she inherits the required

permissions, either from a role he/she belongs to or from any other

juniors roles.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Constrained RBAC

Enforce Separation of Duties (SoD)

Separation of Duties (SoD) spreads authority and responsibility for an

action or a task over multiple users.

Symmetric RBAC

Supports permission-role review.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Fine-grained Access Control

Requirements from Health Care, DRM, Registry, Financial, Online Web

XACML 1.0 - OASIS Standard – 6 February 2003

XACML 1.1 – Committee Specification – 7th August 2003

XACML 2.0 – OASIS Standard – 1 February 2005

XACML 3.0 – OASIS Standard – 10th Aug 2010

XACML - Overview

XACML - Reference Architecture

XML based

Represents access control logic in rules

A given XACML policy can have multiple rules

A XACML engine can have multiple XACML policies

Only the XACML policies applicable to a given XACML request will

be evaluated.

XACML - Policy Language

The smallest execution unit in a XACML policy is a Rule

A Rule can return back Permit or Deny

Rule combining algorithms decide how to combine multiple

decisions from multiple Rules

The policy combining algorithms decide how to combine multiple

decisions from multiple policies.

Obligations and Advices

XACML - Policy Language

The XACML core specification defines XML based schema for the

XACML request and response.

JSON Profile for XACML define XACML request and response in


The REST profile XACML define how to invoke the XACML PDP in a

RESTful manner.

Multiple decisions

XACML - Request/Response Protocol


XACML API for policy evaluation

Engaging XACML policies in to the login flow

Demo Time!!!

Securing APIs

Feb 2017

Managed APIs

● The definition of the API has evolved over the time.● It’s not just about the Application Programming

Interface.● Hosted, web-centric and public facing.● Public facing does not always mean it’s outside your

enterprise.● Expose business functions to the rest of the world.● Managed APIs

○ Secured○ Monitored○ Throttled

●Who’s going to access your API and from where?○ Employees, within the domain or outside the domain or both.○ Partners ○ Suppliers○ Customers○ General Public

Think About the Audience

● Is it a human or another system?○ A user logs into a web app and the web app accesses an API on

behalf of the end user.○ Web app does not worry about the who the end user is when talking

to an API

Think About the Audience

●Who is having control over the system, which talks to the APIs○ Mobile app talks to an API - the end user has the total control○ Web app talks to an API the end user has no control○ SPA talks to an API the end user has no control○ Trusted clients / public clients

Think About the Audience

● Direct Authentication○ Trust the user directly - user could validate the trust by presenting a

token known to the user and the service provider (API) both.○ User credentials are under the control of the service provider.○ Authenticate to Github API with username/password.

● Brokered Authentication○ Do not trust each and individual users - but some entity who can

assert a legitimate user to access the API.○ User credentials are not under the control of the service provider.○ The identity of the asserting entity can be validated by signature

verification.○ Login with Facebook

Bootstrap Trust

● Direct Authentication○ Username/password based authentication (basic auth)○ OAuth 2.0■Authorization server and the resource server under the same

domain.■OAuth for authentication?

○ TLS mutual authentication■Trusts each certificate

○ JSON Web Token (JWT)■ Self-issued JWT

○ Kerberos/NTLM○ Custom API keys

Identify the Audience

● Brokered Authentication○ OAuth 2.0■ SAML 2.0 grant type■ JWT grant type■….

○ TLS mutual authentication■Trusts the issuer

○ JSON Web Token (JWT)■Trusts the issuer

Identify the Audience

OAuth 2.0

Authorization Code Grant Type

Implicit Grant Type (I)

Implicit Grant Type (II)

Client Credentials Grant Type

Password Grant Type

SAML Grant Type

Federated API Access

JWT Grant Type

Federated API Access

Federated API Access

Self-Contained Access Tokens

Self-Issued Access Tokens

Federated API Access

Token Exchange

Chained APIs

API Gateway Pattern


Fine-grained Access Control

● Use TLS in all the flows (bearer tokens)● Store access tokens/refresh tokens/client credentials in a secure

storage (at the client side)● Store hashed access tokens/refresh tokens/client credentials in a

secure storage (at the server side)●Make sure access tokens/refresh tokens have the proper length to

tolerate brute-force attacks.○ The token value should be >=128 bits long and constructed from

a cryptographically strong random or pseudo-random number sequence

● Use strong client credentials○ Use short-lived assertions as the client_secret

● Use OAuth state parameter to tolerate CSRF attacks.● Use scoped access tokens.● Use PKCE to tolerate authorization code interception attacks

(native mobile apps)

Security Considerations

● Enable throttling by user by application● Use TLS token binding to tolerate token exports● Restrict clients by grant types● Avoid using the same client_id/client_secret for each instance of a

mobile app - rather use the Dynamic Client Registration API to generate a key pair per instance.

● Short-lived access tokens● Long-lived refresh tokens● The token expiration time would depend on the following

parameters.○ risk associated with token leakage ○ duration of the underlying access grant ○ time required for an attacker to guess or produce a valid token

● One time access tokens (based on the use case)● Client should validate the token audience

Security Considerations

Python client to get OAuth 2.0 access tokens

Client Credentials grant type

Password grant type

Authorization code grant type

Closer look at the JWT with the Chrome plugin

Publishing and securing an API with OAuth 2.0

Demo Time!!!

Identity Governance & Administration

Feb 2017

Identity governance and administration (IGA) solutions manage

identity and access life cycles across multiple systems.

Automated provisioning of accounts among heterogeneous


Fulfillment of access requests (including self-service)

Password management Governance over user access to target

systems via workflows and automated policies.

Risk scoring of a user's combined entitlements Segregation of

duties (SOD) enforcement


Role management & role mining

Configuring a Role-Based Access-Control (RBAC) system, i.e.,

creating roles and assigning users to roles and permissions to


The term “role mining” is used in a more narrow sense to refer to

automated approaches to role engineering.

The role mining process discovers relationships between users

based on similar access permissions that can logically be

grouped to form a role.

Role engineers can specify the applications and attributes that will

return the best mining results.


Role consolidation

Prevents the creation of new roles with almost the same

membership and entitlements of existing role

Role Consolidation tells how similar two roles are based on the

two criteria: role membership and entitlements

Audit case incident management and analytics

Historical change, performance, recommendations for

entitlements or certifications, and so on.


User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

UEBA is separate area of study, which focuses on analyzing the

behaviors of organizations’ insiders (employees), outsiders

connected to their networks (such as third party

contractors) and flagging security vulnerabilities across

organizations’ assets that hold sensitive data.


Thank You!

Feb 2017