IDRP Booklet 2015-2016

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International Dental Research Program Booklet 2015-2016


Valid until: Spring 2016

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IDRP Description 2015-2016 03

Selection Process and Logistics 04

University of Coimbra (Portugal) 05

Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia) 07

University of Monastir (Tunisia) 10

Charles University Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) 11

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) 13

Saratov State Medical University (Russian Federation) 14

Omsk State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) 16

International Association of Dental Students

Standing Committee on Research and Education

Al Quds University (Palestine) 20

University of Khartoum(Sudan) 23

Universidad Austral (Chile) 25

Istanbul University (Turkey) 26

Medical University of Lublin (Poland) 30

Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan) 31

El Bosque University (Colombia) 34

Benghazi University(Libya) 36

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon) 37

Table of Contents

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“A vast contribution

in the future of the dental research field”


The Standing Committee on Research and Education within IADS is proud to assure the successful continuity of the Inter-

national Dental Research Program - the first worldwide dental research exchange network which aims to transfer and foster

research knowledge to the ones who desire to make a difference within their dental communities.

The students will attend dental research internships which consist of assisting a dental research project developed within a

foreign University partner of the IDRP network. The internships takes place for about 2 to 8 weeks, the students being selected

through a rigurous selection process and eventually having the facilities covered by the host university. In 2014, 20 Universi-

ties worldwide offer research internships to talented dental students and young graduates, in: Portugal, Tunisia, Colombia,

Italy, Chile, Jordan, Armenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, Russian Federation, Cyprus

(North Cyprus), Turkey.

The Program is a new limestone in the dental student research activity, which purposes to enlighten talented dental students

who one day will be the ones to push dentistry towards innovative and more successful treatments.

Pavel Scarlat Mahmoud Majzoub

IDRP network Founder IADS International Scientific Officer

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Selection Process

The students have to submit the complete application

to the IADS National/Local Scientific Officers or the

Project Leader (Mentor). The University receives the

applications and has the option to select the students

who better fit the scientific project.

a) A complete application consists of:

1) Curriculum Vitae in English

2) A letter of intent ( a short description of the scientific

activities should be attached)

3) Two letters of recommendation

4) Copies of Medical Certificates and Awards.

The application materials should be written or trans-

lated in English.


- The Program/network consists of Universities offering

dental research internships to international students

who are rigurously selected by the University.

- A team of IADS National/Local Scientific Officers are in

charge of successfully implementing and assuring the

continuity of the Program.

- The Universities have the full right of selecting the stu-

dents who better fit the dental research internship

- The student is involved in a dental research internship

for a period of time ranging from 2 to 8 weeks, and at

the completion of the internship it is granted with a

Certificate of Participation in the IDRP research intern-


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Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Area of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine

Name of the research project:

Evaluation of bone formation using different physical forms of

porcine heterologous bone grafts in a Rabbit Cancelous Bone


Project Leader (Mentor): Fernando Guerra DMD, MSc, PhD ;

Rui Isidro Falacho DMD, MSci ; Cláudia Brites, Lab Assistant.

Description of the project: Bone grafting materials have sev-

eral clinical indications to improve tissue regeneration. There is

an increasing search for biologic modalities that may enhance

bone healing of specific sites while improving the handling

features and the ease of use.

A porcine cancellous-cortical collagenated bone mix in the

granulated physical form (Osteobiol Gen-Os®) has been used

as a gradually resorbable bone substitute to provide support in

bone neoformation and facilitate blood clotting and the sub-

sequent invasion of repairing and regenerative cells due to its

collagen content. Granules of mineral hydroxyapatite derived

from porcine cortical bone without the presence of tissue col-

lagen are also are also used as bone substitutes.

With the purpose of improving handling, simplifying the surgi-

cal technique and optimizing clinical efficacy, other physical

presentation forms have been developed (Putty, Gel, Tablet).

This research aims to assess and compare the performance of

porcine bone substitutes in the different presentations and


What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The Student will have a chance to participate, ob-

serve and assist in the whole extent of the research, as well

as in the experimental procedures.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

quire during the research project? The Student will acquire

awareness on how to correctly plan and develop scientific

research, as well as a vast knowledge in the field of bone

regeneration, animal research, histological techniques,

histomorphometry and microscopy.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required? It will be required basic knowledge in

the area of animal experimentation and histology.

Language(s) of use: English or Portuguese.

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 6-8 weeks

Hours of work per day: 4 hours

Available months: July and September

Students to be accepted: 2 students.


João Pedro Pires

IADS Regional Director of Europe

email address:

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Yerevan State Medical Uni-versity (Armenia)

Department of Prosthodontics

Name of the research project:

Removable partial and complete dentures

Description of the project:

The project is focused on methods of retention and sta-

bilizations of complete and partial removable dentures,

principles of design of removable partial dentures,

laboratory stages during removable dentures fabrica-


Retention is the principle that describes how

well the denture resists the force of gravity, adhesiveness

of foods and the forces associated with the opening of

the jaws. Denture is prevented from moving in the verti-

cal plane. Stability is defined as the quality of a denture to

be firm or constant to resist displacement by functional

stresses. Stability is the principle that describes how

well the denture base is prevented from moving in the

horizontal plane, withstands horizontal forces. During our

research project we pay attention on the factors which

affected on stability and retention:

1.Anatomical factors, which include size and quality of

denture bearing area.

2. Physiological factors (viscosity of saliva).

3. Physical factors, which are adhesion, cohesion,

interfacial surface tension, atmospheric pressure and

peripheral seal.

4. Mechanical factors (implants, denture adhesives,

clasp systems).

Before designing a removable partial denture we do

surveying. Objectives of surveying are the followings:

1. To design a removable partial denture such that it’s

rigid and flexible components are appropriately posi-

tioned to obtain good retention and bracing.

2. To determine the path of insertion of a prosthesis

such that there is no interference to insertion along this


3. To mark the height of contour of the area (hard and

soft tissues) above the undercut.

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4. To mark the survey lines (height of contour of a


5. To mark the undesirable undercuts into which the

prosthesis should not extend.During laboratory stages we

study casting procedures of removable partial dentures

metal framework, stages of acrylic resin polimerisation.

The research work will include statistical, clinical, experi-

mental components of chair scientific work.

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

search project?

The student will observe,assist and will be directly in-

volved in the research program.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the

research project?

The student would be acquainted with basic

procedures,new and routine techniques of making re-

movable partial and complete dentures.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

The student is required to have knowledge about the

partial and complete adentia and the level of jaws atro-

phy. To have basic skills regarding Prosthodontic Den-


Language(s) of use: English and Russian

The minimum number of weeks available to partici-

pate: 3 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months: 2015

Students to be accepted: 2


Ani Harutyunyan

IADSNational Scientific Officer

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)

Department of Orthodontics

Name of the research project:

Application of self-ligating brackets in orthodontics

Description of the project:

The research work include statistical,clinical, experimental

componenets of departments scientific work,for second

research project - comparison of dental and alveolar

changes as a result of application of self-ligating braces

various types

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


The students will get a chance to participate, observe and

also assist in research and the experiments

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

The student would be acquainted with the new and routine

techniqes of orthodontic treatment and planning

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

Basic knowledge in TMJ anatomy, knowledge in basics

of gnathology and orthodontics, Basic skills in use of


Language(s) of use: English and/or Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate:: 3 - 4 weeks

Hours of work per day: 4-8 hoursAvailable months: 2015

Students to be accepted: 1-2 students


Ani Harutyunyan

IADSNational Scientific Officer

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Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Monastir (Tunisia)

Department of Dental Medicine.

Name of the research project:

Scientific paper writing in dental traumatology.

Project Leader (Mentor): Pr. Latifa Berrezouga

Description of the project:

This project is based on an investigation of an original

clinical report regarding an adult patient victim of a verti-

cal root fracture misdiagnosed as an apical periodontitis

on his maxillary central incisor. The extracted tooth was

studied using cone beam computed tomography and

scanning electron microscope.

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

search project?

The student will be involved in the clinical investigation

and understanding of the report and in preparation of the


What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

The student will learn how to write step by step a manu-

script according to international guidelines.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

The student should have clinical knowledge about

dental trauma and particularly vertical root fracture and

apical periodontitis

Language(s) of use: English.

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2-3 weeks

Hours of work per day: 4 hours

Available months: October-November

Students to be accepted: 1 students.


Salma Abid

NSO of Tunisia

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Charles University Prague(Czech Republic)

Name of the research project:

Cultivation of human dental pulp stem cells in media contain-

ing human blood plasma

Project Leader (Mentor): Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D. Jakub

Suchanek M.D., Ph.D.

Description of the project:

Dental pulp represents rich and accessible source of stem cells,

which can be utilized anytime during the life of the patient.

Dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) cultured in vitro are greatly influ-

enced by the composition of the cultivation medium. In previ-

ous years we were able to reduce the amount of supplements

of animal origin (especially fetal calf serum) in culture medium

from the usual 20% to 2% and supplement culture medium

with recombinant growth factors. This resulted in a change of

basic biological and phenotypic properties of cultured DPSC.

We expect (and our unpublished results confirmed this) that

the addition of human plasma to the culture medium has not

only beneficial effects on basic biological properties, higher

proliferative potential and stability but also effects changes in

the phenotypic profile of DPSC. Our activities lead to achieve

higher yields during cultivation process and to prepare proto-

cols for future clinical application of stem cells in clinical dental

practice and in the other clinical fields.

The project is in full compliance with research and develop-

ment strategy of the Czech Ministry of Health, presenting

the thesis linking the basic and applied research. The proj-

ect will continue to develop unique methods and interna-

tional cooperation.

The proposed project is focused on modifying stem cell cul-

ture conditions of human dental pulp in order to sustain the

isolated cell lines characteristics of stem cells and culture

to achieve higher yields. Properties of cultured cells will be

characterized over time in correlation with cells grown in

medium containing calf (animal) serum. The examination

will focus on the growth characteristics of cells, xCEL-

Ligence growth profiles, examination of telomere length,

immunophenotyping, and differentiation potential of stem


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Optimization of culture conditions will not only maintain long-

term desirable properties of stem cells as their self-renewal and

clonogenicity, but also prevent their premature senescence and

damage. In addition, using human plasma will facilitate the trans-

fer of experimental findings to the possible therapeutic applica-

tions of stem cells.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


The students will get a chance to participate, observe and also

assist in research and the experiments.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

during the research project?

The students will acquaint with basic procedures and techniques

of experimental histology, odontology, molecular biology, tissue

engineering, stem cell culture and get the unique chance to look

to the possible future of their jobs.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies


Advanced knowledge in cell culture, tissue engineering and

laboratory methods are required.

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6-8

Available months: From 15th July untill 15th October, maybe


Students to be accepted: 2


Lucas Kazda

IADS National Scientific Officer - Czech Republic

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Tehran University of MedicalSciences (Iran)Students Scientific Research Center

Name of the research project:

Assessing the relationship between interpersonal

skills(capacity for caring, willingness to commit to lifelong

learning, and desire to serve in underserved areas) and the

educational performance of the dentistry students of Tehran

University Of Medical Sciences

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Ladan Ranjbar Omrani

Description of the project:

The aim of this study is to assess the different psychologi-

cal factors affecting the students’ educational performance.

Besides the well-known extrinsic factors like educational

facilities and well-updated teachers and professors and etc.,

there are some intrinsic factors like the motivation, integrity,

interpersonal skills, capacity for caring, willingness to commit

to lifelong learning, and desire to serve in underserved areas.

These factors seems to be as equally important as extrinsic fac-

tors and thus, if we know them and try to control and improve

those intrinsic aspects, the educational system would improve

magnificently. Hence, we are planning to design a study to

investigate these characteristics.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

during the research project?: Becoming familiar with different

educational systems, Designing questionnaire, analyzing data

using SPSS, professional scientific writing.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required? No specific knowledge, skills or certain

level of studies

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks Hours

of work per day: 6 hours

Available months: February, March, April, May, October,


Students to be accepted: 2 students


Sajjad Ashnagar,

Regional Coordinator & National Training Officer,

email address:

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Univer-sity (Russian Federation) Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Ortho-dontics

Name of the research project: Chairside diagnosis of risk of

developing periodontal diseases during orthodontic admis-


Description of the project: To obtain and analyze the im-

mediate results of a chairside diagnosis of inflammatory

periodontal diseases utilizing BANA-test

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, reg-

istration of clinical changes, documentation, mathematical

analysis of the results.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

quire during the research project? Knowledge: etiology and

pathogenesis of the inflammatory diseases of periodontium;

basic common treatment of the inflammatory diseases of

periodontium; use of clinical indices, collection, processing

and analysis of the material, professional oral hygiene, treat-

ment of periodontal disease in adolescents.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : Experience in diagnosis of inflammatory

periodontal disease collection, processing and analysis of

the material, professional oral hygiene, a plan the treatment

of periodontal disease in adolescents.

Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6 hours

Available months: May, June, September, October, Novem-


Students to be accepted: 2-3 students

Special remarks:

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Univer-sity (Russian Federation) Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Ortho-dontics

Name of the research project: Determination efficiency of

photoactivated disinfection in treatment gingivitis among


Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate

Professor, D.E. Suetenkov

Description of the project: To obtain and analyze the imme-

diate results of treatment inflammatory periodontal diseases

when applying technology, “Photosan”

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, reg-

istration of clinical changes, documentation, mathematical

analysis of the results.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? SKnowledge: etiology

and pathogenesis of the inflammatory diseases of periodon-

tium; basic common treatment of the inflammatory diseases

of periodontium; use of clinical indices, collection, process-

ing and analysis of the material, professional oral hygiene,

treatment of periodontal disease in adolescents

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : Theoretical training on the courses of

Periodontology, public dentistry.

Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6 hours

Available months: May, June, September, October, Novem-


Students to be accepted: 2-3

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Omsk State Medical University (Russian Federation)Department of the Pediatric Dentistry

Name of the research project: Prenosological diagnostics of

dental caries in children.

Project Leader (Mentor): associate Professor I. M. Voloshina

Description of the project: The research is aimed to study

the efficiency of various diagnostic methods of dental

caries in children. This study will involve both traditional

and creative innovative techniques of the caries diagnostic

developed at the Department of the Pediatric Dentistry of

the OSMA.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

ies required? : The students must follow the require ments

which are determined by the standards of studying at the

dental faculty.

Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6 hours

Available months: February-June

Students to be accepted: 1-2

Special remarks: The choice will be preferably given to 4th

and 5th year student


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical University(Russian Federation)Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics

Name of the research project:

Chairside diagnosis of risk of developing periodontal diseases

during orthodontic treatment

Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Profes-

sor, D.E. Suetenkov

Description of the project: To obtain and analyze the immedi-

ate results of a chairside diagnostics of inflammatory periodon-

tal diseases utilizing BANA-test

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? Assisting dentist in registration of clinical changes,

documentation, mathematical and statistical analysis of the


What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

during the research project? Etiology, pathogenesis and treat-

ment of inflammatory periodontal diseases; evaluation of oral

hygiene status by common oral hygienic indexes, processing

and statistical analysis of the results.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

ies required? : Experience in diagnostics of inflammatory

periodontal disease, professional oral hygiene, processing and

statistical analysis of the results and treatment planning of

periodontal disease of adolescents.

Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-


Students to be accepted: 2-3

Special remarks

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Omsk State Medical Academy(Russian Federation)Department of the Therapeutic Dentistry

Name of the research project:

Study of the diagnostic problems of fissure caries.

Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, professor L.M.


Description of the project: The aim of research is to reveal

the most effective diagnostic technique of fissure caries

Methods: cavities’ investigation by using caries-marker,

DentEst system, electric pulp test system, x-ray, fluorescent

intraoral video camera «SOPRO LIFE».

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? Assisting in clinical examination of patients with

fissure caries by using standard and modern diagnostic

methods, working with fluorescent intraoral camera Sopro-

Life and DentEst system. Processing and statistical analysis

of the results.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? Studying modern

methods of fissure caries diagnosics, the principles of using

intraoral camera Sopro-Life, DentEst system. Furthermore,

students will be given an opportunity to learn the tech-

niques of minimally invasive preparation treatment of cavi-

ties on phantoms and assisting dentist in the clinical cases.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : The students must follow the require

ments which are determined by the standards of studying

at the dental faculty.Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months:September-December; February-March

Students to be accepted: 1-2

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical University(Russian Federation)Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics

Name of the research project:

Researching the properties of polyelectrolyte coatings for

the surface modification of orthodontic microimplants

Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate

Professor, D.E. Suetenkov

Description of the project: Researching the properties of

polyelectrolyte coatings for the surface modification of orth-

odontic microimplants

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The student will carry out laboratory procedures of

physical and chemical properties of the new coatings and

composites based on chitosan, antiseptics and metals. The

student will work with the atomic force microscope.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? The experience of the

experiment in the laboratory

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

ies required? : Theoretical training on the courses of Ortho-


Language(s) of use: English, Russian

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months: May, June, September, October, Novem-


Students to be accepted: 3-4Special remarks

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.


Andrey Baltaev

National Scientific Officer Russian Federation.

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Al Quds University (Palestine)

Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Name of the research project:

Innovative Oral Health Promotion and Early Disease Pre-

vention Delivery Program at Ministry of Health Maternal

and Child Health Care Centers, East Jerusalem / Occu-

pied Palestinian Territories

Project Leader (Mentor): Elham Kateeb BDS MPH PhD

Description of the project:

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine

whether a combination of pre- and post-natal preven-

tive and behavioral interventions is effective in pre-

venting early childhood caries in young children with

problematic access to care.

Project description: The study seeks to determine

whether the implementation of a culturally-appropriate

early childhood caries intervention reduces dental dis-

ease burden among young children. This project targets

expectant mothers and their newborns, over a three-

year intervention period which coincides with the vac-

cination program that offered by the MCHC centers in

MOH public health clinics. This 3- year study promotes

and offers good dental care during pregnancy and uses

Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Anticipatory Guid-

ance (AG) to counsel mothers on caring for their chil-

dren’s teeth. This project will apply fluoride varnish on

the mothers’ babies’ teeth twice per year for 3 years.

At the same time, mothers will receive MI and AG in an

effort to address the dietary and oral health concerns

of their children. The goal of the study is to intervene

early enough in the child’s life to prevent the onset of

early childhood caries, or at least, reduce the rates of

the disease so that fewer young children require com-

plex dental treatment under general anesthesia.

What will be the student’s involvement within the

research project?

Participants will be trained and caliberated to do the


Screening and data collection, Oral Health Motivation

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Explore, Discover, Improve

and Education using anticipatory guidance and motiva-

tional intervewing techniques, Fluoride Varnish applica-

tion and data handeling and processing.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

Students will be trained on new techinques in

Oral Health promotion such as motavational

intrerviweing(MI) and anticipatory guidance (AG). In ad-

dition, they will get the chance to apply fluoride varnish

in unconventional settings such as public health clinics.

If students are intrested in research design and data

analysis, some training will be provided to them in basic

and advanced levels.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

Students need to have at least one year clinical train-

ing, and already know the basics of prevention and

community dentistry. Arabic langauge is needed for

MI, AG and data collection; however, fluoride applica-

tion, screening, data handeling and processing do not

need this skill.

Language(s) of use: italian / english /spanish

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

Hours of work per day: 4 hours

Available months: September 2015 to May 2016

Students to be accepted: Each semster we can train

and caliberate 4 students


Rabee Tomeh

National Scientific Officer

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Explore, Discover, Improve

Al Quds University (Palestine)

Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Name of the research project:

Periodontal Practice and Referral Profile of General Dentists

in Palestine.

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Tarek Rabi

Description of the project: the questionnaire based sur-

vey will assess the periodontal practices by general dental

practitioners and when and why they decide to do referrals

this will help understand more about the referral system by

GDP and if they do referrals at all and which treatments they

provide themselves

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? He will assist in data collection, analysis, literature


What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? data analysis skills,

how to do a literature review and how to write a paper to be

submitted to a peer reviewed journal.

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 3-4 hours

Available months: september 2015 to may 2016

Students to be accepted: 1


Rabee Tomeh

National Scientific Officer

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Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Khartoum(Sudan)

Department of maxillofacial surgery

Name of the research project:

Vascular lesions of the oral cavity

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Nazik Omer Elbashir

Description of the project:

Epidemiological cross-sectional laboratory based study

to study the different categories of vascular lesions of the

oral cavity .

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

search project?

The student will review records and microscopic slides

of diagnosed cases of benign and malignant lesions and

analyze data to final frequencies

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

- Examination of H & E section by light microscope.

- Data entry.

- Data analysis.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? The student should be aware of the oral

pathology and in particular the classification of benign and

malignant vascular lesions.

Language(s) of use: English ; Minimum number of weeks to

participate: 2 weeks ; Hours of work per day: 5 hours Avail-

able months: June ; Students to be accepted: 2 students

Contact person:

Anfal Imam

National Scientific Officer

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University of Khartoum(Sudan)

Name of the research project:

Anatomical location of implant closly related struc-


Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Abbas Gareeballa

Description of the project:

Anatomical location of the mental foramen in suda-


What will be the student’s involvement within the

research project?

Collection of samples (anatomical cadaveric

samples) and analysis

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

Data collection technique

Data analysis

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required?

-Research Methodology


-Research ethics

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3-4weeks

Hours of work per day: 4-6

Available months: April - May

students to be accepted: 2 students

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Universidad Austral (Chile)LABORATORY OF POLYMERS, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences

Name of the research project: Wafer Sponge ®, polim-

erical matrix of tissue regeneration (uses in periodontal

tissue, diabetic foot, and complex wounds in skin and

oral mucosa).

Project Leader (Mentor): PhD. Ignacio Moreno-Villosla-

da.PhD. Sandra Orellana Donoso

Student contributor: Nicolás Cohn Inostroza (NSO)

Description of the project:

Wafer-Sponge® (

sponge-85602695.html), new replacement for the

treatment of wounds such as diabetic foot complex

and venous ulcers, which works similar to an artificial

skin material. We want to develop in wounds of oral


What will be the student’s involvement within the

research project?

The student may assist in tasks related to developing

new properties wafer sponge, adding a wafer sponge

natural products extracted from plants and see the

cell reaction in human fibroblasts or keratinocytes,

and quantify the Molar concentrations of this naturals


What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

The student can develop chemical techniques (UV-Vis

Spectrophotometry), cell cultures in human fibroblast

or keratinocites

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required?

Basic Chemistry, Basic Sciences.

| 26

Language(s) of use: English and Spanish.

Thenumber of weeks available to participate:

Minimum: 2 weeks ; Maximum: 4 weeks.

Hours of work per day:

minimum 4 hours per day ; maximum 8 hours per


Available months: March to June and August to


Students to be accepted: 2 (two) students.

Special remarks:

- Motivation for the research in sciences, tissue regenera-

tion, cell cultures and chemistry.

- The student can be present the results in our Na-

tional Congress of Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration,

see the promotional video:


- The student must submit a motivational letter.


Francisco Perez

National Scientific Officier


27 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Istanbul University (Turkey)Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Peri-odontology (Turkey)

Name of the research project:

Evaluation of dental students’s awareness of periodon-

tal status and contribution of dental education on their


Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Dr. Erhan Firatli, Dr. Duygu


Description of the project: Our study aims to evaluate

the extent of students’ awareness of periodontal health

and determine the contribution of their dental education

on this awareness. The study will be performed in dental

students of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry.

It consists of two parts. In the first part, all students

from 5 different classes will be asked for a question-

naire about general oral health, peridontal health and

their ethnic/social properties . In the second part,

50 students of each class will be selected in order to

determine their periodontal status using certain peri-

odontal measurements. Additionally CPITN index will

be applied in order to determine need for treatment of


28 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


They will be involved in planning of research project, distri-

bution and data collection of questionnaire part, and asisting

to local students(researchers) in clinical evaluation part of the


What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

quire during the research project?

The students will be able to have skills and knowledge in or-

der to evaluate oral and periodontal status of any individual.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level or stud-

ies required?

Students should have knowledge about basic periodontol-

ogy, periodontal tissues and evaluation.

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month

Hours of work per day: 3 hours

Available months: 1-6,9-12

Students to be accepted: 2 students


Hülya Çerçi

IADS National Scientific Officer - Turkey

| 29

Explore, Discover, Improve

Istanbul University (Turkey)Faculty of Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

Name of the research project:

Evaluation of Cyototoxicity in 3T3 Fibroblast Cells by Root-

Pepair Materials

Project Leader (Mentor): Associate Professor E. Bahar TUNA


Description of the project: The research work includes MTT cy-

totoxicity assay and gelatine zymography assay. the aim of the

study is to investigate the effects of tricalcium silicate based

materials on the cytotoxicity in 3T3 fibroblasts.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The student will observe, asist and will be involved in

the research project. The role of the student is examine to all

subject during the research program.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

during the research project?

Basic knowledge about cell culture technics, regenerative


Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies

required? : Basic laboratory skills, basic clinical skills, knowl-

edge about preventive and pediatric dentistry, restorative and

biomaterial experience.

Language(s) of use: English, Turkish

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 week

Hours of work per day: 4 hours, 3 times a week

Available months: March, April, May

Students to be accepted: 2 students at the same time


Hülya Çerçi

IADS National Scientific Officer - Turkey

30 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Medical University of Lublin(Poland)Department of Conservative Dentistry and End-odontics.

Name of the research project:

Diagnosis, visualization and managment of dental caries.

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. hab. Renata Chałas.

Description of the project: The main aim of the project is to

recognize caries during dental examination and visualize it us-

ing by digital tools.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? Student will be an active member of the project

group and will take part in all procedures.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

during the research project?

Students will gain a knowledge how to diagnose the caries

with different methods and how to manage early caries lesions

with ozonotherapy.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies

required? : Dental examination.

Language(s) of use: English.

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months: August

Students to be accepted: 5 students at the same time


Natalia Pochroń – TSS Lublin

| 31

Explore, Discover, Improve

Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)College of Oral Medicine

Name of the research project:

Translational research on targeting oral cancer stem cells

Project Leader (Mentor): Prof .Cheng-Chia Yu

Description of the project: Oral cancer stem cells have been

known to have the capacity to promote tumor progres-

sion and metastasis, and also contribute to radio-resistance

and chemo-resistance. Nevertheless, an effective approach

targeting oral to improve oral cancer-related malignancies is

urgently required.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? TThe participated researchers in the project will

get the technical training in various scopes, including oral

biology, molecular biology, stem cell biology, tumor biology,

and experimental animal biology.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? Onology and cancer

stem cells research

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

ies required? : non

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6

Available months: 3-months

Students to be accepted: 3-4


Eric Lee

IADS National Scientific Officer

32 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)Name of the research project:

Roles of matrix metalloproteinases in oral cancer progres-


Project Leader (Mentor): Professor Chiao-Wen Lin

Description of the project: Our laboratory studies the pro-

cess of tumor metastasis, using compounds and ingredi-

ents obtained from crude herbal extracts and natural foods

with potential anti-cancer abilities.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? Learn basic methods in molecular cell biology, the

principles and applications.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

The student will perform techniques such as cell culture,

DNA and RNA isolation, RT-PCR, real-time PCR, cell migra-

tion, proliferation assay, western blot and gelatin zymogra-


Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

ies required? : Students need to have a good understand-

ing in biology and molecular cell biology.

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

Hours of work per day: 8

Available months: Year round

Students to be accepted: 1


Eric Lee

IADS National Scientific Officer

| 33

Explore, Discover, Improve

Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)Name of the research project:

Developement of bone grafts for tooth repair and regenera-


Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Shinn-Jyh Ding

Description of the project: The research project focuses on

investigating the physicochemical properties, in vitro bio-

activity, biocompatibility of new biomaterials such as bone

cement, hybrid implants, and regeneration membrane for

bone and tooth repair and regeneration.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? The student will involve in experiment design,

procedures, analyses and discussion. If possible, the student

can perform the research independently.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

quire during the research project? The student would learn

design principles and analysis skills of dental materials and

know how to write scientific papers. More importantly, the

student gains experience in laboratory research.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : The student is highly motivated to

pursue a career in dental materials research and engaged

in various exploratory ventures in addition to the clinical


Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

Hours of work per day: 8

Available months: Year round

Students to be accepted: 1


Eric Lee

IADS National Scientific Officer

34 |

El Bosque University (Colombia)

Name of the research project:

Designing, construction and evaluation of a hollow fiber

based perfusion bioreactor for the expansion of dental

origin stem cells

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr Juan Carlos Munevar

Description of the project:

In this research project, we designed and built a hollow

fiber technology-based perfusion bioreactor for the pro-

duction of dental origin stem cells in a relevant volume

for clinical use. Once built, it will proceed to evaluate its

efficiency by evaluating expansion and phenotype of

dental stem cells obtained to refine the operating param-

eters of the device.

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

search project?

Students will take part on every stage; theorical and ex-

perimental of the project along with the mentor. Who is

going to lead and guide the project. This project also has

a bioengineering faculty advisory from either students

and proffesors

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

Get better understanding of the dental pulp tissues and

futher more the dental pulp stem cells origin, function,

obtention, extraction and maintenance which will help

them think about clinical applications of this cells. More-

over they will acquire important basic laboratory skills

where they will be able to count the cells, culture them,

standardize inoculum protocols, get to know different

biomaterials and see the cells behavior in them.

Learn how to set up proliferation assays, check cells

markers and profiles, how to use an electronic micro-


Learn how to incoulate cells in bioractor systems and do

it. Control and monitor culture parameters in this system.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

They must have accomplished the second year at the

dentistry falculty.

Language(s) of use: English, Spanish

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 8 weeks

Hours of work per day: 6 hours

Available months: February to June

Students to be accepted: 2 students.

| 35

El Bosque University (Colombia)

Name of the research project:

Identification and characterization of human papillomavirus

16 and 18 pre-neoplastic injury in head and neck.

Project Leader (Mentor): Sandra Perdomo

Description of the project: The project is to identify the

existence of HPV human papillomavirus in pre-neoplastic

lesions also provide an alternative treatment for head and

neck cancer thanks to early diagnosis

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? Student participation will be experimental in all the


What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

Skills and knowledge in the area of molecular biology

including experiential learning which includes viral DNA ex-

traction, cell culture, state of the art in head and neck cancer

associated with HPV and research for treatment.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : Basic knowledge of laboratory work and


Language(s) of use: spanish or english

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 5 weeks

Hours of work per day:2

Available months: February to may and August to Novem-


Students to be accepted: 2


Juan Sebastian Pinzon Afanador

National Scientific Officer

36 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Benghazi University (Libya)Periodontal Department

Name of the research project:

Periodontal diseases prevalence and oral hygiene compli-

ance among 6-12-year old schoolchildren - a -war study

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Eljhawi Ahmad

Description of the project: To examine the prevalence of

periodontal diseases in 6-12-year-old schoolchildren from

Benghazi during the Libyan war 2015 and investigate the

children compliance to the oral hygiene care offered by the

Libyan crescent society in the oral health Care day 2015.

Focusing on 6-12-year-old schoolchildren from Benghazi,

Libya, this study addresses the following purposes; to assess

the level of periodontal diseases, oral hygiene compliance

shortly after the end of Libyan crescent activities in the oral

health care 2015; and to provide baseline information for

planning and evaluation of oral health promotion pro-

grammes for Benghazi schoolchildren.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


periodontal examination before and after education, moti-

vation m oral hygiene instruction for displaced children with

their families in (50) schools from Benghazi.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

papillary bleeding index, plaque index will be performing

on 1000 children at base line and after one month of oral

hygiene education, motivation and instruction.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : The students should be aware of the

Periodontal persediour and periodontal tools .

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Hours of work per day: 4-5

Available months: September - October

Students to be accepted: 10-15


Taha Sultan

email address:

| 37

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Leb-anon)Name of the research project:

Prevalance and quantity of Endodontic treatment in a

group of lebanese population

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Roula S. Abiad

Description of the project: EPanoramic oral radiographs

will be collected from patients in the Bekaa region of

Lebanon. Radiographs will be evaluated for missing

teeth, caries, restorations, periodontal bone loss, ad-

equacy of endodontic treatment , and periapical radio-

lucencies.Data will be statistically analyzed and related

to the demographic situations in that regions.

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

search project and what practical skills and knowledge

would the student acquire during the research project??

Students will be involved in reading articles, data

gathering, writing of the manuscript and submission

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level or

studies required?

To have the eager to do research and be able to free

time and do the effort

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2weeks

Hours of work per day: 3-5 hours.

Available months: October March

Students to be accepted: 5-7 students.


Housam Askar

38 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Name of the research project: comparison of the effect

of differnet rotary nickel titanium instrumrnts systems on

maintaining root canal curvature

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Roula S. Abiad

Description of the project:

Diffrent rotary nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) instruments will be

used to instrument mesial roots of extracted mandibular

molars. Root canal curvatures will be measured before and

after instrumentation. The results will be compared and


What will be the student’s involvement within the research


Students will be involved in: data gathering,samlpes prepa-

ration. Testing,writing of manuscript and submission

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

TTo know hot to identify a problem, gather possible an-

swers, research it then mold it into a clear sequential


Develop skills ,dexterity and confidence in performing

preclinical endodontic concepts on extracted teth using dif-

ferent rotary nickel titanium instruments.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : Execute the basic procedures of pre-

clinical endodontics correctly and effectively.

To know how to use rotary nickle titanium instruments

To have the awger to do research and be able to free time

and do the effort

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2weeks

Hours of work per day: 3-5

Available months: October and March

Students to be accepted: 5-7 students


Housam Askar

| 39

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Name of the research project: regenerative dentistry and

tooth stem cells

Project Leader (Mentor): Prof.Azza El Badry

Description of the project: The research will focus on the

location,origin and current isolation approaches of stem

cells and their potential utilizations in making a biological

tooth (bio-tooth).

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

project? they will search studies that have proved that stem

cella are capable of producing dental tissues including den-

tin, pulp and formation of bone like structures.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? Understand recent

advances in gene-based therapies for dental hard tissues

regeneration. They also learn how to analyze the current

knowledge and challenges in the clinical use of stem cells in


Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? : They should have basis of oral biology.

Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 5weeks

Hours of work per day:3 hours

Available months: 2 months, september and october

Students to be accepted: 5 students


Housam Askar

40 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Name of the research project:

clinical effects of Hyaluronan gel in smokers versus non

smokers chronic periodontitis patients

Project Leader (Mentor): Assoc.Prof.Nayer Abo el saad

Description of the project: Comparing the efficiency of ap-

plication of topical Hyaluronan gel in deep pockets in smok-

ers versus non smokers chronic periodontitis patients

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


Selecting the suitable patients,performing sealing and root

planning, topical application of Hyaluronan

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?:

Comprehensive periodontal evaluation includong recording

plaque index, gingival index,bleeding on probing, probing

pocket depth measurment .

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required?

Preventive periodontal knowledge

Language(s) of use: English and arabic

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 8weeks

Hours of work per day: 4 hours

Available months: 6 months

Students to be accepted: 5 students.


Housam Askar

| 41

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Oral rehabilitation department

Name of the research project: Evaluation of a slot retained

fixed partial denture

Project Leader (Mentor): Mohammed Rayyan

Description of the project: It is a project that aims to evalu-

ate a new conservative preparation design for fixed partial

denture to replace a posterior missing tooth

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


In the data collection , sample preparation, testing , manu-

script , writting and submission

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

They will acquire the skills of data gathering, sample prepa-

ration, know different testing procedures, ways for manu-

script writting and submission

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? :

The student should be eager and interested to do a re-


Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4weeks

Hours of work per day: 5 hours

Available months: sptember and october

Students to be accepted: 2


Housam Askar

42 |

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Oral rehabilitation department

Name of the research project: fracture strength of an inno-

vative preparation design for lingually inclined teeth

Project Leader (Mentor): Mohammed Rayyan

Description of the project: The project aims to find a conser-

vative solution for lingually inclined posterior teeth

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


In the data collection, sample preparation, testing , manu-

script , writting and submission

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

They will acquire the skills of data gathering, sample prepa-

ration, know different testing procedures, ways for manu-

script , writting and submission.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? :

The student should be eager and interested to do a re-


Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4weeks

Hours of work per day: 5 hours

Available months: sptember and october

Students to be accepted: 2


Housam Askar

| 43

Explore, Discover, Improve

Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Oral rehabilitation department

Name of the research project: microlaminates versus con-

ventional laminates

Project Leader (Mentor): Mohammed Rayyan

Description of the project: Its a project that aims to compare

the conventional prepared veneers to the new microlami-

nates. To stress on saving more valuable tooth structure

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


In the data collection,sample preparation, testing, manu-

script , writting and submission

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project?

They will acquire the skill of data gathering, sample prepara-

tion, know different testing procedures, ways for manuscript

, writting and submission.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

studies required? :

The student should be eager and interested to do a re-


Language(s) of use: English

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4weeks

Hours of work per day: 5 hours

Available months: sptember and october

Students to be accepted: 2


Housam Askar


Mahmoud Majzoub

IADS International Scientific Officer

International Dental Research Program