IEE」 serial Tutorial

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Th■ ollmal●I the`nstittlt_oflna_・●Eltltroniヽ Engh"6 ofLpan Vo141 No 5(2012)

IEE」 serial Tutorial

Expeeted Hunlan Resoutce Devclopment rOI Sinndaittation

Ac● vities as an internatonal Standal a■ 7atiOll StF■ 蛯y(o

Bnianced Standardiza■ on


Thc Un、oも to'Color do Boo l●■CO uSA

くSuntm,,> ]o modomゞ oc o“s fomalslaぬ di′ al on s onc oKans to

hep b■ ,にo lhe oo昴:mcti,1お sim for p∞

`t with薔o publc dosI● or

open sぬ nd,同 ヾいo"do● 、ヾヽould a q,ndII」 iz● lo,●●mmitt● b,1● 、cc t● o

mp。■,nce cf Ⅲ、腋●誹mわ nd、 ,1●

暉 ■,餌 oi n● "w,ndimPI●ved wih tho:nPo●

`ncc F (ゃ口,ヾ●nd'm` loで、plnd m`去 ●l、 and

Oo■ oo●In hに J通 00S10 tttuc exに nsbns● This P,Pcr prcso● ぉ ,blond

燎ヽoloa viぃ と。1、mio,饉 iコ ::oヽ ,lK:“so子いも ]、いヽ d]trett s,c●●SS:OnS

oF stan薇樋s hivo lκ m blantt in qo,to `1■ rヽcnt ways A t、 卜●i“ :

,ppoκh to b,1,1,∝ oompuibilil● 、ほnd,a薇 :。n n. stundt薇 ヽi、

:d.A● J`“ a]ong wi],wooα shicxmplo、 o,its implementalioI

l Standalds are Fundamenial

・■lc adoption of、tandardl mats an inゃ onant stagc in the

ptsstge fFOm u SCicntinc tlovelty to a coinimeに ial product‐1'

T∝hnical smdardizatlon has b・・m succesi‖ y nccomplished in

eve,y technic,: anぃ 1● o]uding: 響●● possible n、 osutneni lyp● .

SCttW t卜 に,ds interluces to public telephone ne● 、1■ks, Intmet

protocols andぃヽ″are intor僣 ces

Econolnics iden■ ■、 that , standala creat゛ both privス に and

ptl1lic cnccts a A sp∝ incal:。n eg intel x86 mic● con■ puに ,

interFaces a1lows a commecial o嘔 aniZation to completely colに ol

lhe specincatiOn A pub:,o stalidal● su響試s ll at conimtrcia]

σ,niZttiOns do not compleclv control the standald As example

lhc m。けe tnglhヽ conlFoned,30Vemmenls` But mo■ and

more widely used、 tandarふ .esいblished in pllblic standora、 ation

eomm■tces, arc conlollod by palents held by commcrcial

O摯●:Zatbns.〕 ') And palents tt not u、e Onty wγ that

commc“ i31 organi7ations oxcn co ltr。1 。ver standal● レation

いOCCSSes and the pub:1で ζ●ndmts cに,にd

Bal,ncing:卜 o int∝ est oFlhc ptlblc wi口 ,lhe in[は sts o'privaに

dNelopes when developing and deinil18,stan● rd is incttasi“

01菫culi because sianda“ s 1lave gЮ atcl iinPad aS iC uso of

tethnology lnttastt Therem mOた 、厳keholdm pttlpate in

the standa lli2otion pЮ css and mo■ int口℃ゞ ts n∝ d lo Oc

acconl1lodatd This Paper飩 3●s 、vith a 1lstolc81 Ⅲ spective on

sta ldalds and idcntifles how dimm)i classcs(suCCOSions)Of

stmdlldゞ have dittrent needsお ,pubhc,ccessibli,(openness)

and κ9ire dircttnt approachcsto ba〕 a■ce commooi81 gain FЮm

this● anuge ne■●appЮacts to btlttce current ttd“ ture clsscs

。lstanda“sat pK ptゝ d

This paper is an apansion and uldating oF a pieviousty

published pape■`

2 The Succe∬ ions or standaras

Sincc hulllall、 cl■に、ed fottr dilTclcnt a8cs ofhuman eiviliation

h拇o been idcnti■ ed: huntertttheres agtaHan industri21 and

infOF nthOn`)In eath agc the tahllologies necesttry b sustain it

w、 c discovecd or involled The tem,,rra∬'o″



renI、 tO the standaFt S thtt ac IIst appli“ in each tectЮ :ow age

(Cg、 a“Cuhure manui‐ tl● ng andinfoma6on,stemSη )in t卜 iS

mBmer the succession oF sは ndards for an symbolゞ cn gs,|``

then the Nccession or standards rOr a‖ measuκ ments emttes;

then tre、 uccession oF stallda7ds lor similan,eme■ eS;etc in the

fol]o″ ing ages, the now on`oing standaldi′ ation of the sane

sutcession continaes to pFOVide n∝ o、き0血 dards natis new

mcowtmeni stol〕 OoTus erneBc in t卜 e industha]age The iimpact of

、8ch st,ndaFdS ミlCcession is inost appaК nt and contentious

during its introductoO age ARcr tho introductorv age the basic

concep“ a~ mOre wide, acCel ted and the on going

standardization inヽ mfe wccessions is icss contentiOus

Table l `dds to lhe Four ages ot civiliz● tion a nnh, the post

i1lfo nlation ago in cacli succ、 sba of stand“ the st]「

祀1llfoК ing mechanisms wllich can creat increased ∝onomic

retums a℃ addilive:,neasuremen standtts cvidence coordination

erO.、, similarity standardS evidenc● botll coOrdination and

scaliny[mmis ctcis compalbn:, まandards ‐ :dt・nce

coordln“on●31ing4mming and nいЮR encts,eに nereftre

slandams in c301l succeeding standtts stlccession have greater

econolnlc lmpact

・ K Kズ、卜m`■ 'he Fnt“ P●■●uT anu Standaos :ntoo,lo,:●

Slandadiァ`t:on,s a Sttale3 c Tooi Con mended Pa"、

・ ol thC IEC

Ctutma(y Chnlo,ざ 200` pp 143-154 Goヽ、こ Swi12● ,lmd:

[niemmio、,lEに otro燎 h面ol Commls,o■

nc,mma oFthe lls● lllに ofimage El∝ tЮnts Ettites of,o"n Vo141 No5(2012)

Ъ u。 l shnlatts,К oossi。■,

I H● oに,G,lhor● ● |

|(b・おre,000 BC)|―――――― ― ― ― ― | ■

E●o,om c


Agml:o, [ndustna;


1■●・ c,、 o、 ot●m001

PЮduct("、 ●●oc



Com● 6b‖ :,

れ duots und‐ Ⅳics

Four ucnds a,c idenltneu aoЮ、s the stand,も sllcc゛ SiOns that

,ppenrin Table ll

Row I&2-inCrasins complcxi″ ortechical stalldalds

Row,一■nctasing comp〕 txiッ oF puuic acccssibni,

(Openncs、 )

Row 4 1hc expanSon ol"vme gah slpp● Iにd"n酬s●■durds sutcessions

Ro、v5-■ ncHttsin8“o:、 Omic inipact of standards dte to the

ndditive nature oF駿 11■●ntoleing em∝ ts

These fotlr trends idmti,w,l has b∝ ome mOE фttelllito

611d a balancc bc● ″ccn thc P■ vate ttin and public good a s● ndaFrl

"ollld cn,b〕

e This p,per Ⅸ,mines the sianda“ 1,ation,Ю cesC'

in each age and ident:Aes lo″ thぶ e trends have developed and

what is′ Oan bo dono lo imlJЮ vc tho b唸:ance or curreni

stalldaldi2a● 011 and ttal dards

3 Hunter‐ Catherer Age

The nN succcssion o(slallaams,wmも olゞ 8ndards,emetted as

humans dNeloped ule cOmmon symbols oFan磯 !ty lalguage An

CaFly fOrm ofりmbol stanあ rds was ciay:Okols to rc"smi

dittEnt colnmOdiies ased in the Near Cast at a● ine when the

Sr.l plants wolc ,lanttd for fooO end ,nin,ls were bein8

dometticated(10000 BC)St:ch t,にns■ o陀 found in the gmves oF

b」 綱 oas hdlea● 嘔 the m,onance OFtllese symbЫ Ыmdards

ヽヽtにn numb∝ s,possibly the■ ぶtl‐chnical ltandards enlo鳴


U=じ k(3000 BC)in MeSOpolamiaめ

Today the,mbols compnsing lhe Hind l Anbic ntl■ beヽ (l,2,

3.etc)a祀 口lC mosl conlmonly utt lttl n caI● tandaFl in thc

worid Ever・ thcagh och cultuЮ llat Ⅳolved ind"endent!y

cКated ils owa numba wslm.the de● re to tは de cventu3!,lCd tO

a common numblT wstenl acЮ ss the wolld ヽ :s“mo■sれにs

how al∝onomic“]f● 随ct(t財 din3)。VCr a voッ long

periodせ onsolid=ted the mmy direrent働 rly digit symbols lllto one

wolldい、11o number wゞ cm

Palmi ownesh',

Sc1ling and loaming Noさ、o,k

4 AgraⅢan Age

Mtasurement standards, the second sКcession of standalds

we〔℃ a signittcant Fantor in the dNelopnicnt of agranan

civi:izations ・Nommic hlbes hae no need for iand

mcawi帥ぃts Divisi。 ■0,the lands。 ,a plmitive Pcollle dOCS not

bcconle a nec● sitt ulltil SOCic, haS rcachcd the icvel oi settled

a『 iCl1ltt ral dNelopincnt ''

Meattronel・ l sta ldards provi“ llle ttthlS md me3suts used

R】 planting, ●llltiviion and co[1“ ting iaxes, lhus,ssisiing in the

nse oF Babメ Or ald E理, By 3001 BC the deini● otl,of

measuremenl s● ndardN wcc kept w an allい 。●1ン sllCh asを


temple〕°' In economic tom、 widely util,zed

measu、 ment stand,にs create co¨ in,6ng efrccも wh:.h se,c tO

Tnake tra、 ∝tions e3S‐ By 2250 BC cuntncェ another economic

illcasuR■men、 cnablod lllo`℃ COmplox tは nぬctions and ilthα

expandcd hade l'

Sdlers evenJu゛ =vendOr orpЮ duce,have lol g tcOgnレ ed th■

Ineasumat sland8rds re“ ce thur ad■ anlar by hcreasi鴨

"cecompctition t2' lИ casu“ ment standalム orci valuc to ゛e pllblic

hetter knonledge of what iliey atc puκ hasitt but little value to

1le senc, VヽithOllt value o lle sener Or manuraciut■ ll c

dePlolttnt 。

'COlnmon measuttment stalldanls has lleen a s!o″pЮccss Over a veゥ 10ng Pcrlod thc coo“ination ttcts of

comn,on mensurement standalds assistd rade causing :oca]

mcasur●・m●・nt sta`lda ds io melge inlo region,l standa ds ar d

eventua“ y into ll e lnternationat Systen cf units(sI)mぬ suren ent


Symbd and measttmo■ stallda,dlな●on tts accomp"Sedけ

localicades or 8oVemmenis B,■ aftel the Frencl,and Amel can

溜 oし■ons a chmr in hoW sttn“●sw¨ devdoped ald

mainiained eneted At the bcginning oFthc indu工 Halぉ vo:u●on

aヾnd,おlzalcl beg,■ lo be accon・Plもhed llot,goWemmenヽ btt

by salldar● 7a10n Commi■ ∝ sin EDgland and Fttnce

ln Engit,d the Rolュ I Sociely bttn meelng ln 1660 King

■t,ollmか oF lhe in■ mに ofimage El∝●ollles E"intu、 of力Pn Vo141 N。 5(2012)

Charles lll gmnted nlo Rwal S∝ :o● t ehalに rin 1663 Asa ts,li

of thc er●lts of tle Royol Socit!ゝ hヽe“ ie ltiflc(faCtめascol

dcscription tn` pDblication oF、 ″hnt had pretio違 sty t、on cttFl

enterged口 'Tle Royi Sotitl,S ptlbhcttions on measu記 :nent

instrunlolも dcttned lhe then‐ cuncnt meamren釧 t ККlnology S`

勁 e struttlre of thc Rovai S∝ toy e“ablished a powerlul

conceprtllat a bulanco belween public inictss (the Kingも

ChnCう md pllttle inに retts(ofthe membe・ s)coullゞ tnぬ ldlな

tochnologメ.' Wit卜

the auNent Of mmsutment instruments

■goous mcЖwcmo「tt st田 〕dardS becalne pmc● cal A


。中 niZation lo the Royal Socicty 麒、s establishcd in France in

1666 By 17''(oOCrふ e Fttnch revolutio■ )the tllen mttcd

l lnsti鳳 i nationai des scia、 ccs゛ dcs a“ s established ibe t∝ hnicュ〕

|=sヽ of tlЮ mchnc syst●nt a■ ct‐based shlldard mca、


WSiCmけ '

5 1ndustrlal Age

SI Sinilar"w sttunrds‐Tl,c nse of the lmachine industr■ WhiCll wc as、citte with the

lndu●●ltt RNolullon(176018301, waS n,de posSuc the cxislencc oF a vasi nunlber Or stand,"s “)

Si】 nit証i● standa“ s,the thim succcssion of毀 舗Oa7as,devじ loped

during lhe lndusllini tvolution io“ 輌nc thcにstllts or tpetilive

manutttunng proccsses Slllliari,Standa・ ds hdudi“ pЮcc.,

stanф●s,゛re,slamams and qua‖ ″ doAn■ions ●ettne he

minimtlnl admissible ■●bu、 Wh‖e the

te measure】 nt・I■

standad dclnes the uni、 to incasuК the volume oF a bottlc,

SmH面● 雨alldards deine how silllilar in● 2t・,“ape or lnaterials

onc boι Oc is to the nⅨ t(IS0 905め Simn¨ ty standards lke

measurement s● ndms inelea“ prce c(滉mpetition potentially

rdllcing PIivate gain(prOttis)l10″ evet sinna■ :y standards also

or‐I ndvantagos oF scate md leming which can inllrove

c価oienり in manufactullng,distr bt!ion and use

The intPoll=nce ofsimnar patt was l`tidenlned for the n,id

repalr of guns uFler a bRItlo Thunas'olに 、on paid a visil to llo

Fttncll 夕、inith Le Blanc in 1785 and reporにd on the value or

similar 8un pans tO thc US CongIぉsi■ef l',p 437]in thC eaJy

180も sinlilar,創"s weに

possible onty anong he guns iom the

samc manlll■ cl“I M8intain1lg sinna pans,ve tle b ller a

stⅨ例,8“asOn tO maお お‖o、″っn purchases lloln tte onginat

manllfattご cι ヽcrtby lmillng scconderv comp゛ ■ion and

Poterlally increasing tl e enは ,祀ncur` Pro薇、 Exalnp〕 es of

,Oprlettt products in thヽ 中 od that preduded second甲

COlllpetiloni guns、 :織 in tack enugeS 2°)5re hydmnt aanges.2)and

nuじ and"lls[、11' p 433]Thc impo■ anco io thc public of

intercmngeabin,ぃ PecuヽOr to COmpanbniO)amOn3 mul● Pie

rn"uractwts prodt ets was cventuany ttК ogni2ed for an thcte


Many● mes the aun,。■les slepped in to require sim3ari0

sぬnd3 ds as cxa・ lple for t‐ain tratk gatlges in Engl鋤 d ttd

Amerlet び J、o USA Wn,]ndtlstrics Board dllr ng Wo■ ld Wちr]

WhiCh dFana10ally leduced the variation among s mila,consmer

goodsな 'Witl1 8ovemment diκ dion,InanuFacヽ rers foctlsed on● e

adlarttges of∝

hgncammg e瞳 、 enhanted,“ml●,st田ldaras The manuFactuた,could gain in pЮ ducloll(、 calng)

oFlcicncics the distnbution cllain coJd 3ain in handling al週

pЮmol:on tsCa[n3)OF ICiencics,the end usos coじ ld gain in

opelation and mailltcnmcc(ltanling)。 地Ciencies,and tle pubhて

as。 蓼hed by ●c hcrcastd hkdmood OF compaiIOn

ManulК●た、 and

velopers Lve lealntd to rcco● :2e lhC

advantages oF s,milar ty standards, but ll ey still want to control

th6r m8 kes and inclcasc thcir pЮ nヽ

The malkd cont ol that the fnanじもd鳳=げ

nay lo蒻 by pubhc

stal daltiz8tion my“ comDensated with patent ioyaltv ts A

p・ltenls valuc to l卜 e mnuⅢ lurer●蒟vユ te Fi● mw bca Юyahy

fee ri unit sold by liccnsccs The va!ue to the public(pubiヽ C good)

。1 lhe coardination and scaling′ :carnitig ecol,om,c


associated、4th siniltt prodtcts includes the lower pЮ d,niOn

dist,ibutiol,and use cosis per unit in the simpleS cant・ as long as

the Юya,fcc、 た、s then the reduc● ω ヽproduclon,``け lbuion

and use csヽ the publに goodヽ sα、cd by palen、 coI IЮ lllng

"miler producヽ This explalis how similantl standaだ s wnh

patents as inccntives lo ll● mmu●ctuti provide a tttt“ balance

o,pnvaに 摯 in and puЫ おgood than meぉ ulemmtsland田 に、

5 2 011ell st8mdardLat:on

When■ m‖ a■tyゞm`,Idi21:onヽ ,ccolnplshed,pllЫ i

commi"ees mlher than by goveinmmも ,new VequiRmm、 お,

劇nh“ rdi2威 ion ar ncttd llle aulhorヽ as pttvヽ ously idtntincd l o

●q¨tnlmヽ for open stan山dization''The Fo‖ o″ i鴨 輌ve祀 late

to ll・ e stand,rdi7alion pЮ cess

l)Openness―‐l stakфolde、 may pintipをte in the

stendaldi78tiOn process

2)Consensus― all inκretts att di“ ussed and agttment

FOund,no donlination

3)Due pocess― balloing nl d al appmls pЮ tess m,be u、d

tO nnd i∝Olut:on

4)0,en Ch8ng― an changes to all oistlng slandald are

ptposed ,DO

d in the sbnda“ization o嘔aniZation

■li、 ‐le ts nurly :“ たКなe ofopm murte a雰 o∝■s

and is tlle inost signiicant dirtrcncc bch″ ∝n oPcn

stalldalds and open stylllce

5)いn doα ment―口1 :nay accoss standardi7a10n

comnlittee“ cumenヽ dmヽ and compieted standads

Thc ●棗i tllee Fu]eS are witlely “

oⅢed by Slande dization

comminees T le tatlerヽ .o■ les att not widely accepted


The lotlmal oFthe instunc Oflmar Electronis EnginteFS OfJapan Vo1 41 No 5(2012)

6 infOrlnation Age

Co】凛paibniけ shndards, 1卜 o otlrlh succcston oF sundards

einette when lwo indepel・ dcllt、imlari,Stmdms are no:on・ er

t●chttcany su鋼 deni to d“ nc an hier島∝ A plug and a socket

o“ h derlned by dimttent silllll姉 ty ttmatts mγ or may not“

COm"1:ble T卜e re:at,onshiP between tlで phg and Юcket.、vヽ ct卜ci

COⅢ8Hb!C Or incoⅢ811ble is dcrlned by an interace stan● Id

which identin、 卜ow ttch plug and socka sim13● ,Standa“

ェ1掟 es to lllc o● en A compatbuⅢ y stand釦烙

輌ncs a colllpahЫe

inte face

`l Sinmin●and cOmp耐 bil:●

The relationship bc■ ″ecI: si:nilaltv and comp“ bili″ needs

some clarintat on Sitn■ rdi2■ lion oF simibrltv(。 g similュ ■

olothing sizcs l,m腱 ! 蓼 des、 tlme 20neS Or bnに, vo"電c)

r●・duces vanation ana theに lom redtces ,otenlial i:inovat ol、

HO″eVeF ule Smndaldi28■ot oF compnHbi:i● incКaStt VTiaion

and innovation 2.' As eXむ mplo compatibni● ・tandards and

specincatiOns include: WiFi, lhc cellut証 ar intrF4te thc

Un vesal seritl Bus(uSB 20),and WindovJM ApFli・ ations

Pro中m lnttrfaces(APIsヽ in Cach ea唸 , talge ncw ina kets

(Wireless phOn∝ ,inemo,cardS,PC sonwa祀 )haVe

emasd Aom thc mation of these comp漱 ibililv sla■ daras′


CornPatibllッ s●ndardizFion der13鰺 in"rtacs and pЮ ocols

、″hich increasc innovation and invention Similariν

standardizaton deino sptiSc rrop“ eS oF a lltodu● t oi ser■ce

wh“hS熱 ‖mnα"10h.btlt uccrca,the co、


operaton ■nd m・.htenance While simila■ ty al d compatibility

slmOardiation have complcお ly Oirerent efrec“ ,simla■ッ ind funelbnaly l● ly intem″ ined in al cases.

、vhen d,e sinlil,riッ or each OF●″o inicmatcd Ontitits(og、 n tCll

phone and bК s愴|●n)ヽ standattized a compatЫ 。祀lalon“

"b“″oon the two standa・ diフ

o面 ticsヽ a],dttn“ (og、 lhe

sttnc PЮ tocO` COnn∝ t bolh)r`

62 1ntnces

A defned inlo慟cc s andald is nccttn,fOr pυ blic conncction

lo t teleP卜 one nemork a t(■ n"ler opentlng sド leln tl e hile net

or 3 .elluIRi nctwolk Deaning , 0。,plα interf.nce rtquilcs

deining the p,st■ 3nd m● 1:Hayered proto∞ l intertaces The

OPcn Systelll Licrconn∝ t(OSI)Standald iS0 7498“ sOr bes

seven possible 18yぃ of technical standBrdζ For al・ interlace The

dennitiOns or,ll● eiり麻 requima n■ 8ゅecittc intcrfacc art the

COmP'|lintv、 tand・ Tds oFthatintettce

Colllbatiblc intα iaces Te n∝ ossa, fOr a oommunicalons

llalketto de.ctop beyond a nl臨 じ魚clurerヽ inilat cuslolmer base 2`)

Con● albinυ is oF unに ●aluc unlぃs thett at a uso■ able

nШmber of pЮ d“is or stwiccs to be compatibt with As t

nelworkヽ numbtr Or co■ nections(interFaces)incRase the value oF

a ttwon to a ser inclcascs ln economic tems this is temed a

lヽCA″Ork e■ ct Tle ne●Ⅳork dmェ l identllles that uie valuc。 ,cach

neヽvork comection gЮ ws ●゙ o 3m me n、 mber of

tonneciions=')N●い0,kずおcts d,m as¨ tO ll e larger nctwork

and aw3y ton smalbr canpe● ng ne●lorks cventual,ct讚 ng

!o●●in Lock in a winne● late an etFect givべ the manuFacturer

or dtveloPcr who comtols an intcrfa.c control of the market(s)

t卜at inte fate cnabls 2` ' Tlle posい bility of achieving !ocrin

motlvtts manuttctuFerS and developes to patcnt illteFfaK eS oi bc

う、t10 the markct in the hope or contЮ ‖1=the rnarket that an

intel hce deines Vヽhぼe a single manuttdtrer or dtvcloper cannol

contЮ l an interFace mark‐ t,a consonium OFthem mγ attenlytto

dcvo!op pronott and conllol inmces that aぉ poten● auy


The 、●luc of Patenヽ ot compalible intrtBc、 fol Ⅲ

(Xヨ niZation● et contF01S Such patents nay be much 3tater than

the vaue OF patm、 col trolling sinilari, Lock h erabl、 the

manunc●に、 and dcvo!ope、 who pЮ nt FOn ∞ ltroned

in●JNes:oた ,p8鯰 ater twards Ю'Micoso金 (PC SOharinlorraces)and lntO(X86 micЮ prtccsЮ rinterら ces)ac cXampl●

oFthe enoonous valuc c,cated when m intcifacc locle in 3 1arge


Controlung hte fatesで田 greotly increa“ pr vate gain bui m,y

d∝Icasc PmbliC 800こ [n ttsponm to atlempts tO control impOnani

interlac、 dinlent interlac‐ onen enler8e: US FetleFal

Communica6ons Commisston Pa 1 68 rul厖 (19“ )ocatcd no″

p●blic hterfeces to S&Tヽ cOntrOlled telephone nemOrk Elhemet

(IEEE 8の 3)was an allemative to IBMヽ paimttd tokcn■ ng

networks(IEEE 802 5)the Chinese have daeloped TD‐ SCDMAcdlじ lar ttthi。 103y to cOmpete with, patented 3G ocl]ular

technolos i″Ъ:le exal"tes in thc three p evioと s successions of

standerds sugsst that a single standai for a sing:o たqui“ment

heneiヽ the pubhc b.tadnぬ hng trade,these exampに 、 Of

compatible intc】 Facos st 8gesi that `ttcnlptt tO FCquit a singlc

conhlled interFact even if食 ■ゝnally stalldaldized may αmplicale

tttde ■,ヽ ゃPttrs to be caused by the wi:lne■ i`ke‐all aspect oF

compalbniけ sla ldi,ds

Onc indicm:on Ofthe winnc■ take‐ all aspect is a・ standm● wa■‐

As ⅨanPIヽ cmsida the video diま い at war(a colnlDanbnitv

Wa,:Blu、 Ray oi HDOVD D This Ыandams wa,。 ccuttd when

COmPelng implementer● with direttnt lechnical solu● ons to thc

■ntorraco be。だ。cn the disk and the ditt p],ycr r.・ ●Ica to agec on

me technical solulon to be holuded 1l a nxed cOmpalbl,

"an03 d This delaycd●lc inass na・ Ka For、 idco disk playc、

A shndamsヾar represmts a sl.ndadiztion prOc“s breakdown

The,oumal oflhc hstintc Oflmagc EIcctЮ ntcs Engin∝ rs o',allan Vo1 4:N。 5(2012)

asド機ndardiヵ tion shonld be a balmced,Ю ccs Stal dards wa、

occui becausc tic∝ o■omic"akes areャ ●″ |:gh The mor usc、

口io at comp:ヽ ble with one fomat, 1lc moκ desittblo(and

pro■1“ r)lllal fOmmt becolll● fOF SpeCnc mmuFact瞳`and


Thet ac also polltlcal o、 amples o suppOtt multinlc stand“ s

fol the sRmo価 ncJo■ ticimCd mu■i nOdc oPcm10n):The ch ncsc

governmo ltヽ ,osh For theil o″ n connlunica● ons technologv in

Cllincse cominu:ticalions systelms・)As oilc OXRmp]c Chin,did

nol pa面dpate in thc Ocvdollment Of 2G ccllular stmdard、

lhctお■I Chincso com"niCS ad ‖10o :mo口 octual ofopeny

rctating lo the nat gぃ Qntion 3G cellul■ sねndaOs Tt・ addぉ ss

this eco lomic pЮ blclη、 China cho■ e to standardizc an additiol、 al

3GてompatibiEty sttn“

(■flSCDMA)al d suppo嗽 thc usc of

t卜is icchn。 1。 3y in Cl,il、e''' Then eЮ ss ticensi:lg of t卜 c TD―

SCDMA uhnology with technoio3y nom Otht・ l com"lliCS,1lows

the Chinese companics to minimi2e rOytiッ p●口lCniS tO oller

eompanics for uゞ c ofthc 3f● p8ten`

The d:salvantige is til,t catll mu1ltm、 ode cclt phoilo system has

one moた cellul■ にchnolo● (8ndヽ SoCiateu developnlent cも )ヽ

When col]plioncs wcre noi p“ gr,mmabに rtquinng another

standero would:lave bem meal impossibic And aけ`de w,,with

China could havo result“ No、t win pЮ gramlmabに ccu p卜 ones,

m additionai smndald secns a less disiuptive、 vay to r● olve mch

a PIOb tt W` ` mull modc,C cuヽ 1■ 、nd ndaplヽ o■ u∝ s

sh(、″ho″ muni node opettnon can mi●

te IPR issues

The privat gain Possiblo 、vllci, patents ょ、 apP cd l●

compatibi",・ tandard,ぉり be tOO much The combination of

ooordination sc,lins ne卜 だo■ md i terface ctols is too mticing

to manulacture、 al d dtveloper.:thi、 、eems o be the Юol oFtlle

intratlsBcnCy of compet:、 companis in inte race standaldiフ ation

discussions(eg Jヽ e be● ″een lhe Dlo‐ my Disk ald

HD DVD vidco Oisk fo,ぃ :s)Fo tunalelン ho evolu● on of

にchnolosy ptsentヽ neW wuyto Кso,ve lhis

C3 0pen sundards

Comll,lbility siandardiフttion Кqui,cs flltthcr rqRircments to

create olDen Standaraゞ (di範祀nt than"en slandardi7a● on)Th。

fo:lowing FOui rtquilen ents,It inlp。 ■ant ror the public しenc●、

ht have yello be requiled bv mo■ 山 ndaluizaio l。零mizパ lons

,Olle WO!d Same aゞndard fo, tho sarne function

woJdwidt・ Given the tser 3dvanmg゛ omttd bv ne,。 rl

erttts,wolld Wide compa● blly beco】 、cs mot impo■`nt

7)Ol.el IPR¬ ow tt nc c職ド lo :PR necessaly t。

imploincni tl e bttic con patibility stanф Fd IPR on

interttces increases the"tent el Fo,lock‐ in which is anti‐


8)Opel acce、 s―o●ediVe contormance mechansms tOr

lnPleme`1ュ tion icsling and user eva]oュ tiOi、 Compatibility

conおmmce tqRIre、 mort co〔 mplox tcsting than sim‖ ar ty


')0■80ing stppoll― standatOs are suppOlted until `er

intetst ctascs it is `lctr impossib:t io change 、cry !age

communicutlons ne● ″orks at once Ю once imerfaccs a祀

standadiスed backwald compatib‖ i● nlui be maintaincd

for<″ long rHodg

, Solullons ror the POst lnfOrnla● on Age

IF the equipmentlso薇 waに pttv ding an ntcrface is

progttinmabお and changeable such as celulな pLones,lableヽ o,

p∝Ы】ュl cOmpol● 、,then mu“ipに d:frcRnt sofl■ at ve、 ions may

suppolled on the sa:ne cquipmcnt(C g Mozilla and Micrysofl

lntemet ExPkYer brow,s on the sanic coAl,じ lω U∝ rS COuld

solcct k■wcon the direrent sOnware Or use a convcdtr when they

kno″ whatto chanざ io achieve comp81ibility Wヽ cn usc、 att not

a″at of whattoお to Thieve compatibuiy which is most onen

:he cate an tttomatic llcans to scicct almong inult,plo dintttnt

ぃヽ″由F plotocolゞ or interttcも ヽneeded Such a meansヽ にTed

adapt,い■,The post lnfollnatio■ 電e is betinling to use adaptable wstems

Adaptablc systems occur whcll mtonolnous clcincnts ofa netwo■

call dem fv negothに md sdect,■面 g dttmt,Ⅲ a,c

ca"bil■ icゞ to ilnp10mert the mosi desitl バ‖ thte lunctions

idmtilc,tion ne301atiotl md se!ection nlu“ exist For a system to

bc adaplablo Vヽ卜en systens― いctuding their lltt・ nce_I佗

inicto p=ocessor bas“ with lo″ costま独dい ■ヽにnemtlry they can

bt adapt,olc if adaptability siandalds arc“ incd DinヽIctt fotms

ol tdapm● 1,mndard、 ォlКauv α tヽ and are quite succesnL

T le lnost widoly used adaptable systems cur"ntw att baSed On

etiqu"es'う An etiquette is a co〔 nmunic毬じons protocol lllェ

oonnctts beO″ ocn :lodes io implcment applicalicr、 κci輌。

,daptable sysl‐m● Much l,ke ar etlq ette between humans

ctiquctte protocols onlγ addressいow to oommunicate Examples

include:The lntemalonal tlecommunic8tlons Union(I]」 )■30

(an。lqucti● has mainia[n“ comp・ [blity bcl"ccn GЮ u, 3

●csimite rn3chin、 For about thiny yea、 ;ITU Di=:● I Sublc■ be,

Linc(DSL)、tand`rds which usc C 994 1(an t・ liquctt● to Support

lontard al d backward compa● bli,an10ng the direrenl,pes of

DSL tansccives:in 1lc intemet En,Dttnng Ъゞ FoEc RFC

3261,Ses■ on llllh■ ■on PblotO](m elqocttc)iS used to ne8otitte

mu]timtl:a connmunicatiOns incloding νbicc over lllternet FЮ tocol


Ot卜cr appro chc, incltlde ineta 〕anguagく s such as SiandarKl

Ceneran2ed Markap Languar (SGML IS0 8879)and iS

dtllvalives in●luding E■ msiblo Markup Lan3n ago(XML)Such

mela lanwarヽ Cuttntけ ,roVide onty a mmns to iden■ ,

T卜o Jouina〕 ol the instinlc oFImage Elett onに s Engin∝ ●oF,alyan~Ъ14:No5(2012)

に ,■ onshiド にav118 netot■ |。■md撻lo■ion to゛he,precsses

Rlco1 3 je,anCSC icsintile machi:、 e manu厳●lttet ont` an

味ampl● o,tho bょ 1毬nco PoS'iblo beo″ een PubliC good al〕 d P■v,to

gnin using ndゅ Lblo proは ols S● ning in ■● 1980、、 Ricoh

oitered over ■me dittκ nt prOp●c:aψ hig:.l d■ a late C3

以csinRc capRЫ hties to i゛ corporate custom“,Each hiJtt dab

‐lc ねcsimilo onhallctnlent was pro l ietav and avai],ble only

be● cen Ricoh acsimil●・ machmes scvoial y船 、an絣 ∝ch Rlcoh

P Opnuaw hi♪ 。,Sp tu podllo was htloduc“ ah日でr sPC“

enllancenle ltヽ illlila to whal Ricoh o時 ed w玉"mdamized in C3

icsiinilc at 、vllich Point Ric。 11 、″。uld inlЮ dl ce an even higi、 cr

d`ta mに ■hc n30 ctiqι lcttc aゞndard deflned fol G3 Facslnlile

rnachl)os suppo,ted eompetibni,wnh bOl、 RicOh ploPIIcta,

taltrcs and the G3 st●n lBIls This abilit.b suppoll deslmble

propricta。 おatuts whit n,intaining con palb■ ly with the C3

icsimne standard con● buted to Ricollヽ Posilon 3s tle l油 嘔est

COつ OmteねCsimne mpplier a)inany yCaK By ic waゝ 口lis is

authoヽ pasonal knowledge 肝om llan cip,ttng in C3 facsirnile

standamiヵ tiOl

PЮpneta, fullCtionゞ are idendtled acR,ss publc adゅ 籠blt

interr8os using a loglly caltronablc identinei lc g、 a tmdemark)

that is tthstrred betw● en lhe communicating ends Only when

ea● ●nd presents lhe speci6o iOcntitter is the prop● cta,inCti01`

supponed in this man■ c a commacial compmy ぐould oFer

Dllblc sonvar hlericos to neい ″ork 鉛Ⅳcs and "、 onal

o(mpultr applicaHons yct ofFer propiary opettttion of spccinc

capabilili゛ that the commeri,1 でompany 、″isiles to control

similar`tlo R・ cch exolmple

Thc use of adaptabi:ity standards ailolts d 、clopcls lo ch,■ c

お, thelr prOphemry tthnolo3y us“ via publlo standardi2ed

in(errnccs IF ll e prOp,icterv Ⅲ h■ ology is、,luablo implome!ite、

or ustt wit have ttnsol to Pay Cor is u、 Many differtnt

med、anisins att possiblo (o cont,cnS8:e ll,c entre,κnclri cha■ c

おl dowlllonds per irnple nentation fees. u、 88o おS pe■ odic

mai:1,cn8、 c″側pporl ftes. o, sitmply the sales advantages oF

ofFell“ imPЮved poお m`nce

The last(oFthe 10)req■ ittmettts may be thc mostimpOnani 10r


10)Open itterfa∝― suppon mtyη ti。。 (backWard

Com"ibniy) and Rllow plop● etn, advantage b・ lt

aゞnd調レed h,olrlocs lre nd“ dden O,c"“Hcl oen

interilces ale aduptl1 le

8 Adalltab洒 ャSiandalds OfFeF a Nelv Bahnce

The dcvelopmo■ of adapttb:lity standalds、 dcttn“ in public

stm`“ iza●on committeP,, i、 necess,, tt ore,te open interfate

まandatts Thct is also a nem to lcview 、nt aゞl,dardization

policies T ie slandattization colnlni態 沿s reasonable and non―

diT■ minaloTy(RAND)intellectual Ⅲ peny polcics have worked

Nvtll for sim 18:● 紋and8撻 s bul a t not sumcient For comp4tibi‖ ly

sほnd,記s Poしlic sね ndtmiな tiOn committ∝ s nc“ to tquire

adャtおinty stttd8 ds fol new com"jble inoites(eg LTE

0, WiFi、 Vヽ,Max)Any cOntЮ‖ed tchnolos in pubic

compaibln,sttndarus shOuld bc adaptabic unless■ c co口詢 1led

lechndoy dc,■ yots,c“ er puЫ に,od umn"vJt gahAKl,ptabili,shndurds allow●

=ntalktt to lnd ie balancc whcrc

thc Pl blio good is ati傲 st cqtlal to thc Privato 3ain

As tcchnolo8ics dcvclop no″ waves of hullan ci、 1lization

Cmette ln cach wave of civilization thc balance bet、 veen thc

Pr vate 3● inご a tw and the nee“ ol so(lⅢ l、 achiCVed

dittc ltlメ ¬ e inlonmalon ar iS btl‖ t on the technologics that

びcate infomatioll systems Thc expallding slandattitttion orthese

mhnologics is t ha〕 1lma■ or the infonnation a● 11。 WCVer

propneね Iy contol of infonma● on technolo, 血 ndardS iS

●mgng the balar ce Oelw●●T pr、 ale gai,and ptlblc good PoЫ

infonnatiol asc ドta〕:dalds oRr ncw w,s o κhiete commetial

aONantige yet mppon Open゛ anda lls


l)j E Holmま lt n:R‐●o測sand tsenК hヽ ,Engin∝ ,:ng end indusitぬ 1

,icnce Scto,`oditon Londo● :Chapnlan altt Hatl p 65(1"7)

2)C PK:■ d〔d"ヽド=:Simd,`Sas pubic coll●ol:vc,。


atc g。 。|、

Kッk!os V● : 36 No 3 pp ,77-396(t983)

3)Mctに Co■●ont:o■ (■ d) R.l■ c、

rt●口 1■lPち 、ヽ、、ゝ bipr frler


4)A Upu‐ goヽc: Th● Es、mtia Cu:“ to St,ndtt Chapter 4

lnt:に ot●ュ: Prll e" RightN And Sinndlm Sdi:n3 1,ttp lll ww

∞ n、o■いmhftl(ップヽ ●nl“ sttdintdに m“ Ⅲp

5)'Sim∞o M Ryman:Meawl■ the p。 あ manec ol読,ndais

sollng Org,niations rig [ Thc inoК ,sc in toml :PR d:,1。 叡r● s

l:、 len,otiaぃ : Sianda,dimtion aS a Stmttit r● o]Iec α ol...。

Cha:l● ngo P ,|(2006)

o AЪ n。■■ .■ :・dW● oヽ Now YNrkt Bttntm Bo改 s(り 80)

つ PA D,viO:Smt new stundar3s f・ Im● ∝。lomに ,ol stunttdレ aron

in thc int,mょJoo`ざ P Do、 goⅢ` P S ncman(Eds, Econoinio

Poli, ond rc● ln。 1、:eat ■iRIm●■ce Chmllrias Engiandi

Ca、brid● Universilv PTes(1,87)

')]Iluはo R Omsleini neハ ょ。,,lers Gin Newヽ 武:L“わOPuin,m

Pp 29-45(l,,7)

9)AV● R chもo●:Eng:“ ■,■o Mα ●ヽ」og tO 1800 C帥 lⅢdge MA:

羽,c Soいcly fol tho Hヽ tコッol■ ,hnoloα'nd The MIT Pに

s, p l


'0)'C Skinno「M∞、o■、■■|ヽ●♪ヽ C Si■ 8cL E J Hol畔 aro A R

Ho'(E3sI∧ HiSl● r ol■ oヽ oologμ もヽ: ]「 ,7● Lo面 o:0、 odUnive、 1,Pド (1%4)

]l)A E Bo′ rヽ n,o :lsto● oal Mdro[ogN Lold● ,:, M D●ot■ So,、

Lld p lo2(1953)

12)C Shapu● 1l R Van,,1,fO al● ●Ruに,Boゞoo MA,H`、 ard

Bosit)‐ s So!,ool P,も s p 231(,99)

13) ,EC S12ono(2006)Rct,iovod■ o, htiPプ ム諄,、■:"ctVЮヽ|、i′

14)A R J R ●||loid● no 3oい oninさ 。f Ⅲc Changc hm CmiMystり to sctn∝ os,B,sis tor T∝ ino og》 фaplc,23 Hi蛍o,olTtclinot電 )Vbl iv LondNn:0、 ford U“ ve“ 1)R、s(1958)

c,mmtt ofthel■ Ыittlt_oFinar Electroni、 Engh蒻、JO"on Vo141 No 5(2012)











I Spratt T卜c H:stoγ ol lho Roy,I So“ew of LOndon l● ,t● o


,卜は,mlK,,o″ にd・.● Lo,do● (16/● 7)

R Fr“el:A Cult● に o'ltnl,love● ぃ,1 ■、1ヽnolos und the Wぶlem

MO● |● i●mC。 ■br d,MA:Thc MIT Prss,3● 7(2007)

H A Kl● nt『 hcヽ″o=哺 o,Mcow、InCntS Ncw Ycr t Simon and

Schusto■ p lo8-11,(19741

indoヽ ltt St,■ ф

i7,Ion NowヽЪはlN,lo,ia indust,鼈 ]Cotlreに 1、。。

Bo●rd(19● 9)

K R Citben:Moch no■ (瑚、 1,C Singo■ E : H。lmyard(Els)A

["豆oγ o,Tc hl、ol"yヽもlo:ne iV:Thc indtl、 16ol R.・ |●lution(1,50-

1850)Noヾ York1 0xt■ Ooi、 c、 ly pres■ 958)

D P,fe■: TInok,鰤∬ Conincnヽ P,t卜 、Thmugh H sヽ ■ Tho

Unive¨ ity o,Chi“go p本、s(200,)

R C Cocヽぃne,M曖 uゞreN f● I PЮ♂腱ss 恥`

inJon DC:Nttion,1

Bo●ェЦo'Sl,■ d祠 s US Depn■ Inool ol(bmmelte m 8■ 86( 16rl)

D Homonway lndus"ソ だ:lo V luntav P10фoi Stindatts

QmbnⅢ MA■ B“httI PoЫ i● h3,2(1,S)

K KtthmeA・ Open Si,nd`“ ゞ AC厠 l rot Aolo■ b■ (d Pallo,a

tho l、 trrU K`iciよ、,oPc Conl● ●■●o G`mo、 QS、コИコland M`y12

(2008)and wb〕 h`● d in ]EEE αttnunic,lo■、M,winc bヽ1 4?

No 5(2091

K KTooヽ incr Tho E::lr● DItぅ o●, ●nd Stand,Id、 lo(●●,■lonal

,帥よrlレ,lon ts,S楠お

●Todt Commmdct Pape、 loη ぬcにC

Contcnaげ Cllal●n● 200` pp ]43-154(2006)ヽ :`s pap。=“蒟nos

sinna● ly an`oαmp,1[Ы I(y st,nd鍍


K ttκ hmo■ 7ho Maiho■ 、

io,l Bass of Slandun s Proce dinド oF

●o S●olatも o● 0 :●●●v,I:鰤 in ]o●●nt[。 o ■●hnol●gl (sI:T)

Cotr`tt● ,c,Goooマ u SwiヱoHmO(● 005)

M L K,2 C Shopilo,Ne13oR ex:● mmlにs 。。mp● Iion a面

compat b‖i,The Am“ om ion●nt Rcい ぃ、ヽ 175 No 3o'8"

B 81“oo A Odyオ∝ 3 ■1ly:・ Mcにalfeヽ |,w is wrong iFEE

Sドぼum NA ll●1 43 No 7 pp 34-3'(2006)Rctr:ev● d fom

hti,ノu、、●sp醸泄mtは oM,OFy4]"Ⅵヽ B A“hur Soi「 総inおrch3 moo卜

'雨Sn,、 n ccono n:cs lo R W

Ando、 on K , A● o、■D P')os(EOs)Tho EI● ●omy as An Evolving

Co,oO:o Systom senta Fc 11,stim:o sludi“ io (he scio● oc of

comploxit卜 Pl ,3: ヽ ,Oing MA:Addil● n‐We● ey,ublishing c。


A UPao3mve c。ぃ∝la nnd the Юに o「 the goNemmcntin standa ds

蒻tti:,.● [` 0 ゆ hin ' Abb te (Eds) St,ndalds Poloy おr

i、lonn,Im inl,structu“,ambr■ ,MA:Tヽo MIT Pに 、 (り ,5)

S M Bonsen , F,ntll Chosing hぃ ″to com`痙に:stn cgio,and

l cticS in st,m●

zaton Tう o■メm,]orE。。,。mに RIsp・ .l:vos Vb:

8N。 2(1'舛 )

ht,,〃ww lt ong,dstoo耐20(),′ 09′ 19ゐ 1l my、 、hu‐o、■stnt●oFttc

"。nion,そ iv si。 ぼ

R Qm C P。 11。yt The nぃ● st“

`ま卜|●●ビ lEEE Specin川、 NA

V● 1 42 No :2 ,, 49-52(2005)AⅣ=:“

に試 卜tlp:″ ,^聟■■に。tmm

teo orgldooい ′23`,

, Stぃ、an X Shen C Ws= : C● 卜am: FΠ,o3G m4C:象 andard,

=nd the dぃolop肛ol of mobile bЮ,dbo,d in Chinご Tccl■o:ogy

Analysi、 と Stntegio M釧 88cmeli Vb1 23 :s、 口o7 pp 773-788


K Kた oh¨o 知 К rtLndammlュ]mt瞭 o「 stttd■d,: たohnical

pa、p∝tive IEEE Commu1lo,lio■ sM%`z ne V01 '8 No ` pp

70■ 0(2000ヽ A]、oo唸 uoble at htp″ w、‐os、体 。0ゴfumt∝ htm:

Ken KItI CIMERKol, KRECHl● IER (hκ hm●・rt..,、 ム .●I)is a

l.ttuぉ r,tthc Univmity ofColomdo Bo●lder a)

uSA Hc mtht a tiて ビ oκ d:i uni 3nduato

engioee,ing e。 ・se on the thcor of st● da,も H●

やヽ Pr emln chttr o『 tho Stanこrd、 証

`[,oovationin ]Jもm江lon T..l●。1●gy (Sl:T)oonftrencc in

2001(B。 ●:de,C02 2003(DelR Nethcnatts,and

・ 007(Ql摯]Car`da)● nd t●■og口 nl Cヽ■ o,

SI:T 200, (T● kyo Ja,n) ma 2011 (BttH:。

Gomaγ):。 2006 ho祀 o6ved a,Ⅲ ■ヽ ∝。● PIZ●

in t:,o]EC Cて 、にoa,chal'',PTc,。 Om"|lon

lo l'9S an`20● 01● すon l、 l pl:κ ,1 lllc Wbrld

Slan“ロド Dり P岬 O cOmp。|:,:on Foln l,90 1o

節02 卜● w,s l卜 e founding :∝ hoica] oditor of

Communicmions sland,rds RQ、 o■ ttthnic,1

,。um● S tep● nあg on ttdards、は ■oぃ 8`sSい0)o Te:ecommunに ょion、 in“パ1■y Assocht oo

(T:A)い o lolcrtl,iton31 Te,ccommunicntions U茄 o●

(lTU) ana the じ。。pea, ■ にcommm:calio■ ,

St=ndard, Insti● t (EISI) HC ha、 ,:“ b●n

SOC Ctay Or T:ATヽ 29(1に sim:に 、 nsヽ 、)1'∞‐


n US ddegaに 0 1Tu■ stu"GЮ ●pS(hx)14(Pに viou、 m。 lom st釧

、ヽ 、 15(、DSL)

md 16(m“ er v deo co■ fercne昴 ,,Nat。● Ho

c lt uled on sland,dia● on stnltg:ヽ 19802000

●r ollonts inc]ud:ngi F,証。。 ■loαュ BT,lsh

Tehon NEC D● bJt huAste"d Commun:● a●切s patiうo■lcsis Hc is a

Se,,io,M¨ b● ,oit卜●lEEC anc a l■●mm 。1■Ъe

Society for St,nd,Id,Prottsionats