IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies...

Post on 19-Oct-2020

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  • IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for

    Power, Energy and Control

    (25th to 26th September 2020)

    Electrical Engineering Department

    Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India

    The First IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and

    Control (STPEC) 2020 will be held in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Visvesvaraya

    National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, M.S., India during 25th to 26th September 2020.

    This conference is Financially Sponsored by IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)

    and Technically Sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS). It is jointly

    organized by IEEE Bombay Section Joint Chapter of PELS/IES and Visvesvaraya

    National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, M.S., India.

    The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for electrical engineers and researchers to

    present their research work and to share experiences and ideas in the area of power, energy,

    control and related engineering applications. The conference program will be having plenary

    sessions and technical paper presentations. Distinguished speakers will be invited to deliver

    keynote speeches on emerging technologies in power, energy and control engineering.

    Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the experts from these related fields.

    Focus areas of the conference are Power Electronic Converters and their control, Smart Grid

    Technology, Renewable Energy Resources, Distributed Generation and Grid Interconnection,

    Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage & Battery Charging techniques, FACTS devices, Power

    Quality, Wide band gap devices, Control systems and its application to power and energy,

    signal processing applications in power and energy, semiconductor devices and circuits etc.

    Conference Tracks:

    Power Systems and Smart Grids

    Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives

    Power Electronic Converters

    Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems

    Transportation Electrification and Automotive Technologies

    Control Systems and Applications

    Machine Learning & Signal Processing for Power & Energy Applications

    Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

  • Chief Patron

    Shri Vishram Ji Jamdar,

    Chairman BoG VNIT Nagpur


    Prof. Pramod M. Padole,

    Director VNIT Nagpur

    Honorary Chairs

    Prof. K. Gopakumar, Prof. Bhim Singh, Prof. Bijnan Bandyopadhyay,

    IISc Bangalore IIT Delhi IIT Bombay

    General Chairs

    Prof Jason Lai, Prof. Akshay Rathore,

    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Concordia University, Canada

    Virginia, USA

    Prof. H. M. Suryawanshi, Prof. M. V. Aware,

    VNIT Nagpur VNIT Nagpur

  • General Co-Chairs

    Prof. Suryanarayana Doolla, Mr. Arvind Kumar,

    IIT Bombay Center Head, TCS Nagpur

    Prof. V. B. Borghate, Prof. (Mrs.) M. A. Chaudhari,

    VNIT Nagpur VNIT Nagpur

    Organizing Secretary

    Dr. Pradyumn Chaturvedi, Dr. Arghya Mitra,

    VNIT Nagpur VNIT Nagpur

  • Organizing Committee

    Technical Program Chair Industry Interaction and Sponsorship


    Prof. Anshuman Shukla,

    IIT Bombay

    Prof. M. V. Aware,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Mattia Ricco,

    University of Bologna, Italy

    Prof. V. S. Kale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. P. Sanjeevikumar,

    Aalborg University, Denmark

    Prof. S. S. Bhat,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Huai Wang,

    Aalborg University, Denmark

    Prof. M. S. Ballal,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. Marco Lissere,

    Keil University, Germany

    Dr. Ritesh Keshri,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Rongwu Zhu,

    Keil University, Germany Publicity & Website Chairs

    Dr. Sanjeet Dwivedi,

    Danfoss Power Electronics, Denmark

    Prof. V. S. Kale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. M. K. Khedkar,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. S. S. Bhat,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. M. V. Aware,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. V. B. Borghate,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. B. S. Umre,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. M. R. Ramteke,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Ritesh Keshri,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. P. S. Kulkarni,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Finance Chair Dr. Ritesh Keshri,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. (Mrs.) M. A. Chaudhari,

    VNIT Nagpur Hospitality & Travel Chairs

    Dr. M. M. Lokhande,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. S. S. Bhat,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Bhooshan Rajapathak,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. B. S. Umre,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Publication Chair Prof. D. H. Lataye,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Ashwin Dhabale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. V. S. Kale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Bhooshan Rajapathak,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr (Mrs) Nita R. Patne,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Mr. Siba Kumar Patro,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. (Mrs) Rajashree Satputaley,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr Arghya Mitra,

    VNIT Nagpur

  • Technical Programme Committee

    Dr. P. Sanjeevikumar, Aalborg University, Denmark

    Dr. Huai Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark

    Prof Jason Lai, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA

    Dr. Mattia Ricco, University of Bologna, Italy

    Prof. Marco Lissere, Keil University, Germany

    Dr. Rongwu Zhu, Keil University, Germany

    Dr. Max Maoro Santos, Federal Technological University of Parana, Brazil

    Prof. M. V. Aware, VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Sanjeet Dwivedi, Danfoss Power Electronics, Denmark

    Prof M K Mishra, IITM

    Dr. (Mrs.) N. R. Patne, VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Ritesh Keshri, VNIT Nagpur

    Dr Ashwin Dhabale, VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. H. M. Suryawanshi, VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. V. B. Borghate, VNIT Nagpur

    Prof. Anshuman Shukla, IIT Bombay

    Prof. Suryanarayana Doolla, IIT Bombay

    Dr Tanmay Bhattacharya IIT Kharagpur

    Dr. Susovan Samant, NIT Rourkela

    Dr. Lalit Kumar, NIT Raipur

    Dr Subhojit Ghosh, NIT Raipur

    Dr. Arun Verma, NIT Jaipur

    Prof. M. K. Deshmukh, BITS Goa

    Dr. Venugopal Rao, NIT Goa

    Dr. Shreeraj, NIT Goa

    Dr Akbar Ahmed, KKWIER, Nashik

    Dr Tanmoy Pal, IIEST Shibpur

    Dr. Sayantan Chakraborty, Jadavpur University

    Dr. Paresh Kumar Nayek, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad

    Dr Raveendhra Dogga, Zunik Energizes Oct Ltd Roorkee

    Dr Rahul Varma, IC Electricals Pvt Ltd Haridwar

    Prof V T Somashekhar, NIT Warangal

    Dr K K Gupta, Thapar University Patiala

    Dr A Kirubakaran, NIT Warangal

    Dr Nitin Gupta, NIT Jaipur

    Prof Manjari Pandit, MITS Gwalior

    Prof Rajesh Kumar, NIT Jaipur

    Dr Sudharshan Karthik, IIST Thiruvanantapuram

    Dr Pankaj Swarnkar, NIT Bhopal

    Prof R N Patel, NIT Raipur

    Prof M. M. Renge, RCOEM Nagpur

    Dr Snehal Gawande, YCCE Nagpur

  • Technical Advisory Committee

    Prof. G. Buja, University of Padova, Italy Prof. Alberto Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy

    Prof. Chandan Chakraborty, IIT, Kharagpur Prof. Sivaji Chakraborty, Jadavpur University

    Prof. Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Denmark Huai Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark

    Sanjeet Dwivedi, Danfoss Power Electronics, Denmark S K Panda, NUS Singapore

    Sun Jian, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, NY Akshay Rathore, Concordia University, Canada

    Sheldon Williamson, UIT Oshawa Himanshu R Pota, UNSW Australia

    Vinod Khadkikar, MIT, UAE Ashwin Khambadkone, NUS Singapore

    Drazen Dujic, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland Prof Bhim Singh, IITD

    Prof K. Gopakumar, IISc Bangalore Prof G Bhuwaneshwari, IITD

    Prof B G Fernandese, IITB Prof. Abhijit Abhyankar

    Prof Vijnan Bandyopadhyay, IITB Prof Suryanarayana Doolla, IITB

    Prof Pramod Agarwal, IITR Prof Shailendra Jain, SLIET Prof Anshuman Shukla, IITB Prof R K Nema, NIT Bhopal

    Prof Shailendra Sharma, SGSITS Indore Prof Rakesh Saxena, SGSITS Indore Prof A K Wadhwani, MITS Gwalior

    Prof Laxmi Shrivastava, MITS Gwalior Prof Manjari Pandit, MITS Gwalior

    Mr Arvind Kumar, TCS Nagpur

  • Prof. Frede Blaabjerg Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark

    Frede Blaabjerg (S’86–M’88–SM’97–F’03) was with ABB-Scandia,

    Randers, Denmark, from 1987 to 1988. From 1988 to 1992, he got the PhD

    degree in Electrical Engineering at Aalborg University in 1995. He became an

    Assistant Professor in 1992, an Associate Professor in 1996, and a Full

    Professor of power electronics and drives in 1998. From 2017 he became a

    Villum Investigator. He is honoris causa at University Politehnica Timisoara

    (UPT), Romania and Tallinn Technical University (TTU) in Estonia.

    His current research interests include power electronics and its applications

    such as in wind turbines, PV systems, reliability, harmonics and adjustable

    speed drives. He has published more than 600 journal papers in the fields of

    power electronics and its applications. He is the co-author of four monographs

    and editor of ten books in power electronics and its applications.

    He has received 32 IEEE Prize Paper Awards, the IEEE PELS Distinguished Service Award in 2009, the EPE-

    PEMC Council Award in 2010, the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award 2014, the Villum Kann

    Rasmussen Research Award 2014, the Global Energy Prize in 2019 and the 2020 IEEE Edison Medal. He was

    the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics from 2006 to 2012. He has been Distinguished

    Lecturer for the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2005 to 2007 and for the IEEE Industry Applications

    Society from 2010 to 2011 as well as 2017 to 2018. In 2019-2020 he serves a President of IEEE Power Electronics

    Society. He is Vice-President of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences too. He is nominated in 2014-2019

    by Thomson Reuters to be between the most 250 cited researchers in Engineering in the world. Prof. Frede is also

    the recipient of prestigious 2020 IEEE Edison Medal.

    Title of Keynote: Design for reliability in power electronic systems

    Abstract: In recent years, the automotive and aerospace industries have brought stringent reliability constraints on power electronic converters because of safety requirements. Today customers of many power electronic

    products expect up to 20 years of lifetime and they also want to have a “failure free period” and all with focus on

    the financials. The renewable energy sectors are also following the same trend, and more and more efforts are

    being devoted to improving power electronic converters to account for reliability with cost-effective and

    sustainable solutions. This presentation will introduce the recent progress in the reliability aspect study of power

    electronic converters for power electronic applications with special focus on renewables. It will cover the

    following contents: the motivations for highly reliable electric energy conversion in renewable energy systems;

    the reliability requirements of typical renewable energy systems and its implication on the power electronic

    converters; failure mechanisms and lifetime models of key power electronic components (e.g., power

    semiconductor switches, capacitors, and fans); long-term mission profiles in Photovoltaic (PV) and wind power

    applications and the component level stress analysis; reliability analysis methods, tools, and improvement

    strategies of power electronic converters for renewable energy systems. A few case studies on PV and wind power

    based renewable energy systems will also be discussed.

  • Prof. Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai

    James S. Tucker Professor

    Virginia Polytechnic and State University, USA

    Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical

    engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1985 and

    1989, respectively. In 1989, he joined the Electric Power Research Institute

    (EPRI), where he managed EPRI-sponsored power electronics research

    projects. From 1993, he worked with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    as the Power Electronics Lead Scientist, where he initiated a high power

    electronics program and developed several novel high power converters

    including multilevel converters and auxiliary resonant snubber based soft-

    switching inverters. He joined Virginia Tech in 1996. Currently he is James.

    S. Tucker Endowed Chair Professor and the Director of Future Energy

    Electronics Center (FEEC). He is also a Visiting Professor of Nanyang

    Technological University, Singapore and a Mount-Jade Scholar Visiting Professor of National Chiao-Tung

    University, Taiwan.

    Dr. Lai has published more than 480 refereed technical papers, one book chapter and 2 books. He holds 27 U.S.

    patents in the area of high power electronics and their applications. He received several distinctive awards

    including Technical Achievement Award in Lockheed Martin Award Night and 13 Best Paper Awards from IEEE

    conferences and journals. His teams won the First Prize Award in Texas Instruments Analog Design Competition

    in 2011, Grand Prize Award from International Future Energy Challenge in 2013, the Top Three Award from

    Google Little Box Challenge in 2016, and American Made Solar Prize Competition Finalist in 2020.

    Dr. Lai is an IEEE Life Fellow and the recipient of 2016 IEEE Industry Applications Society Gerald Kliman

    Innovation Award. He is the Founding Chairs of Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation

    Electrification (ACEPT-2016) and IEEE Future Energy Challenge (IFEC-2001), General Chairs of IEEE

    Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics (COMPEL 2000) and IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference

    (APEC 2005). Currently he serves as the Publications Chair for IEEE Transportation Electrification Community

    and the Editor for IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

    Title of Keynote: Wide Bandgap Devices - Key Features and Impacts to Power Electronics


    Abstract: Within only a few years on the market, silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) devices are already widely adopted in commercial products and are having shortage of supplies because even with their high

    price/VA-rating, the performance boosted by these WBG devices makes their integrated system much more cost

    effective as compared to the system using the well-optimized Si devices. On the horizon are gallium oxide (Ga2O3)

    devices, which promises a higher bandgap and breakdown voltage level that will further revolutionize the high

    power area. This presentation will first compare WBG device Figure of Merit (FOM) to see the trend of their

    application areas and then focus on existing the power electronics design considerations with the WBG devices.

    The use of WBG devices, especially GaN devices is now challenged by the circuit components such as gate drivers

    and parasitic components. The main challenges with parasitic components are due to fast di/dt and dv/dt and

    magnetics. For a conventional voltage source converter, the parasitic inductance in the phase leg can introduce a

    large voltage spike that false-triggers the opposite side or other phase leg switches. This phenomenon is well

    known even with the traditional silicon devices, but it is much more severe with GaN devices because of their low

    threshold voltage. As these devices are pushed to mega-hertz switching for size reduction, more challenges will

    arrive. Even the PCB parasitics are impacting the circuit behaviors. The PCB capacitance adding on to the junction

    capacitance can result in long charging and discharging time for ZVS and also result in resonant frequency shift.

    The PCB traces can dramatically increase the resonant inductance, which not only results in resonant frequency

    shift, but also creates different resonant characteristic between individual phase-legs.

    Another impact that is not obvious is the WBG related body diode voltage drop, which is typically 2 times with

    SiC and as high as 5 times with GaN. Traditional inverter designs with Si IGBT normally add a dead time of more

    than 2 µs in between upper and lower devices, and modify the PWM with dead-time compensation. During the

    dead time, the current must flow through anti-paralleled diodes, which will result in a large conduction loss and

    related heat with the use WBG devices. Synchronous rectification becomes essential now with dead time in 10’s

    ns range, or two orders of magnitude reduction as compared to Si IGBT case. Such a big difference practically

    makes the traditional dead-time compensation techniques obsolete.

    Overall for our new generation power electronics engineers to deal with the use of WBG devices, there is a need

    to learn a whole new set of knowledge base, skills, and design considerations.

  • Prof. Subhashish Bhattacharya

    Duke Energy Distinguished Professor

    North Carolina State University, USA

    Subhashish Bhattacharya received his PhD from the University of

    Wisconsin-Madison in 2003. He worked in the FACTS (Flexible AC

    Transmission Systems) and Power Quality group at Westinghouse R&D

    Center in Pittsburgh, which later became part of Siemens Power

    Transmission & Distribution, from 1998 to 2005. He joined the Department

    of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University

    (NCSU) in August 2005, where he is the Duke Energy Distinguished

    Professor and a founding faculty member of NSF ERC FREEDM Systems

    Center, Advanced Transportation Energy Center [ATEC] and the US DOE

    initiative on WBG based Manufacturing Innovation Institute – PowerAmerica - at NCSU. A part of his PhD

    research on active power filters was commercialized by York Corporation Inc. [now part of Johnson Controls] for

    air- conditioner chiller products. His research interests are Solid-State Transformers, Integration of renewable

    energy resources, MV power converters enabled by HV SiC devices, FACTS, Utility applications of power

    electronics and power quality issues; DC Microgrids, high-frequency magnetics, active filters, and application of

    new power semiconductor devices such as SiC and GaN devices for power converter topologies. His research is

    funded by several industries, NSF, DOE, ARPA-E, US Navy, ONR. He has over 500 publications, 2 book chapters

    and 5 patents with several pending patent applications.

    Title of Keynote: HV SiC Power Devices Enabled High Power, Medium Voltage Power

    Converters and Applications - MV Solid-State Transformers and High Speed Drives

    Abstract: This presentation will outline the applications of High power and Medium Voltage power converters in all industry sectors - HVDC, FACTS and power quality, MV motor drives (including high-speed machines with

    high fundamental frequency), MV DC grids, MV grid connected converters for renewables such as solar, wind,

    etc., MV converters for mining applications, MV converters for traction applications, MV converters for industrial

    applications such as steel mills, cement, and others; with present OEM solutions. The improvements required in

    efficiency, power density, specific power and volumetric density metrics are forcing the industry to re-evaluate

    present state of the art Silicon power devices based solutions in terms of the potential offered by recently

    developed HV SiC power devices for HV and high power (MW class) power converters. The opportunities for

    HV SiC devices for MV and high power converters and utility applications and the challenges to apply these HV

    SiC devices successfully will be presented in-depth with SiC device voltage ranges from 1200V to 1700V

    MOSFETs, and HV 10 kV - 15 kV MOSFETs, JBS diodes, and 15 kV SiC IGBTs. The potential and challenges

    of the HV 10-15 kV devices to enable MV power conversion systems, including MV motor drives, FACTS and

    MVDC grids will be explored with demonstrated application examples of SST (Solid State Transformer), MV

    SiC power converters for grid tied solar applications, MV motor drives, shipboard power supply applications and

    MV DC grids.

  • Prof. Alberto Borghetti

    University of Bologna, Italy

    Alberto Borghetti was born in Cesena Italy on May 29, 1967. He has

    received a laurea degree cum laude in Electrical Engineering in 1992 at

    the University of Bologna, Italy. Since then he has been working at the

    Electric Power Systems Laboratory of the same University, currently as

    Professor of Electrical Power Systems. He has been serving as a

    member of the PhD Committee in Electrical Engineering of the

    University of Bologna since 2008. He has been a member of the board

    or external reviewer for the final evaluation of doctoral theses at various

    universities in Italy and abroad. He has been the scientific coordinator

    of two research projects between CESI and the Department of Electrical

    Engineering of the University of Bologna about issues related to

    distributed generation. He was local responsible for a national project

    PRIN 2005 on power systems vulnerability of and a project PRIN 2007 on heat and power co-generation units.

    He has been local responsible for the project SMARTGEN co-financed by the Ministry of Economic Development

    in the framework of the program “Research for the electricity sector” and the three-year European ENIAC JU

    project E2SG "Energy to smart grid" (2012-2015) coordinated by Infineon Technologies AG. He participates in

    the Centre for Industrial Research funded by the Administration of the Emilia Romagna Region under the

    European Regional Development Fund and in the Advanced research centre on electronic systems ARCES of the

    University of Bologna.

    He is author or co-author of more than 150 publications in various journals, monographs, proceedings of national

    and international conferences. He is co-author of 6 brochures of CIGRÉ (International Council on Large Electric

    Systems), He is co-author of IEEE Standard 1410 - "IEEE Guide for improving the lightning performance of

    electric power overhead distribution lines".

    He is an IEEE Fellow (class 2015) for contributions to modeling of power distribution systems under transient

    conditions. He has received the ICLP Scientific Committee Award 2016. He has received the 2018 CIGRE

    Technical Council Award for Study Committee C4. From 2010 to 2016 he served as an Editor of IEEE

    Transactions on Smart Grid. Since 2018 he serves as an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Since

    2008 he is a member of the "Editorial Advisory Panel" of the international journal "Electric Power Systems

    Research", published by Elsevier. Since 2018 he serves as an Associate Editor of "Journal of Modern Power

    Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE)", SGEPRI Press and Springer. Since 2019, he serves as an Editor-in-Chief

    for Electrical Engineering – Archiv fur Elektrotechnik. With Shigeru Yokoyama he has been Guest Editor of the

    Special Issue "Lightning protection of power systems," Electric Power Systems Research, Vol 85, 2012. He

    regularly serves as reviewer for several journals including Electric Power Systems Research, IEEE Trans. on

    Power Systems, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Trans. on

    Smart Grid, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy,

    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution. Since 2017 he is member of

    the advisory group AG C4.1 “Strategic directions” of Study Committee C4 “Technical performance”. He has

    served as Special Reporter for the Session 2018 for Study Committee C4. He has participated in the Management

    Committee of the European COST Action P18 "The physics of lightning flash and its effects" (2005 - 2009).

    Title of Keynote: Resource Scheduling of a Local Energy Community

    Abstract: The talk focuses on the operation of a local energy community. The community is a set of prosumers each of them may be equipped by local generation, energy storage systems and loads. The scheduling procedure

    must distinguish between the power exchanged with the external grid and the power exchanges between the

    prosumers in order to prioritize the use of local resources and self-consumption. The procedure should also provide

    the price of the internal transactions. The performances of the approach are shown for various operating conditions

    of a distribution network in which the direct transactions between prosumers are allowed.

  • Mr. Sushil Kumar Soonee

    Advisor, POSOCO India

    Sushil Kumar Soonee is an Electrical Engineering Honours graduate

    from IIT Kharagpur class of 1977. He also did research in Power System

    Operation in IIT Kharagpur (1983–84). After brief stint in Private

    Sector, he joined Central Electricity Authority (CEA) through Combined

    Engineering Services Examination. His deep interest in Power System

    Operation brought him to POWERGRID when the five Regional Load

    Despatch Centres were transferred from CEA to POWERGRID. He has

    more than three decades of experience covering technical, commercial,

    managerial, pool governance, regulatory affairs, interconnections,

    market development, open access, power exchange, power system

    technology, EMS/SCADA, settlement, Renewable Energy Certificate,

    Transmission Pricing etc. He has first-hand experience of grid

    management as RLDC head in three out of five regions in the country

    viz. Eastern, Southern and Northern.

    He is actively involved in the GO-15 (formerly known as VLPGO i.e. Very Large Power Grid Operators in the

    world). He is very active in fostering the growth of Power System Operation faculty and building sustainable

    Institutional mechanism to support the rapidly developing Indian Power sector. He is steering the Power System

    Operation of the pan-India grid as the Chief Executive Officer of POSOCO which is a wholly owned subsidiary

    of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. He has worked extensively for integration of state grids to form

    regional grid in Eastern and North-eastern region and later contributed in the formation of the synchronous N-E-

    W grid. He has been closely associated with drafting of the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), implementation

    of Availability Based Tariff (ABT) mechanism and introduction of Open Access in India.

    He is a Fellow of Institute of Engineers, (India), a Senior Member of IEEE and Member of CIGRE with a keen

    interest in C2, C5 and D2 committees of CIGRE. He is also an active member of IEEE PES (i.e. IEEE Power and

    Energy Society) and TSO comparison. He has authored several technical articles that have been presented in

    various forums. His current area of interest besides power system operation is electricity market design and human

    capacity building. He received several distinguished Honors and Awards that includes, Distinguished Alumnus

    Award in the 60th Convocation of IIT KHARAGPUR, Industry Excellence Award NPSC 2014, 2011 PES Chapter

    Outstanding Engineer by the PES-IAS Delhi chapter for outstanding leadership and contribution in Power Grid

    Operation, Control & Regulatory Mechanism etc. He has authored many peer reviewed international and national

    journals and conference papers.

    Title of Keynote: Power System development and operation in India

    Abstract: Power system in India has evolved from fragmented small systems to one of the largest synchronous grids and emerging power markets in the world. The talk would trace this exciting journey and share insights and

    suggestions for the future.

  • Dr. Mangesh B. Borage

    Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India

    Mangesh Borage received B. E. degree (1993) from Shivaji University,

    Kolhapur, India, M. Tech. degree (1996) from Banaras Hindu University,

    Varanasi, India and Ph. D. (2012) from Homi Bhabha National Institute,

    Mumbai in electrical engineering. He joined Bhabha Atomic Research

    Centre (BARC), Mumbai in 1994. Since 1995, he is with Raja Ramanna

    Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore. He has developed a

    large number of power converters for electromagnets in Indus accelerators,

    Infra-Red Free Electron Laser at RRCAT and Facility for Antiproton and

    Ion Research (FAIR), Germany – a mega science project being realized in

    international collaboration, and, many other specialized applications such

    as laser diode drivers, induction heating, super capacitor chargers, high-

    power inverters etc. His research interests include soft-switching and

    resonant converters, power factor correction, high-frequency magnetic components and high-frequency power

    converters, in general. Dr. Borage is recipient of University Merit Certificate from Shivaji University in 1993, Dr.

    Homi Bhabha Award at BARC in 1995 as well as DAE Excellence in Science, Engineering and Technology

    Awards, namely, Scientific and Technical Excellence Award in 2012 and Group Achievement Awards in 2008,

    2016 and 2018.

    Title of Keynote: Power Converters for Particle Accelerators: Challenges and Opportunities

    Abstract: Particle accelerators, used for variety of scientific, industrial, medical and societal applications, are complex machines involving several inter-related multidisciplinary sub-systems. Power converters form an

    important integral part of an accelerator, characterized by variety of types, unconventional functional requirements

    and stringent performance specifications that are largely different than the conventional applications. These

    challenges, coupled with their uniqueness, act as the major drivers for continued research opportunities as well as

    large-scale engineering in this area. The talk will touch upon these aspects of power converter topologies for

    particle accelerators, in general, with specific reference to some of the developments for power converters for

    Indus-1 and Indus-2, India’s only Synchrotron Radiation Sources that are operated in round-the-clock mode as

    national facilities at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore.

  • Date / Time 8:15 9:00 10:00 10:45 12:30 13:15 14:00 15:45 16:30 18:15

    25th September Inauguration KN-1 TS_PE1; TS_ED1 KN-2 B





    TS_PS1; TS_CS KN-3 TS_PS2; TS_PE2; TS_TA

    26th September TS_PS3; TS_PE3 KN-4 TS_PS4; TS_RS1 KN-5 TS_PE4; TS_ED2 KN-6 TS_PS5; TS_RS2;

    TS_SD + TS_ML Valedictory

    Name of Technical Session Technical Session (TS)

    with Sub-session

    Power Electronics

    Converters TS_PE

    TS_PE1, TS_PE2,

    TS_PE3, TS_PE4

    Power System and Smart

    Grid TS_PS

    TS_PS1, TS_PS2,

    TS_PS3, TS_PS4, TS_PS5

    Control Systems and

    Applications TS_CS -

    Electrical Machines and

    Industrial Drives TS_ED TS_ED1, TS_ED2

    Renewabale Energy Sources

    and Storage System TS_RS TS_RS1, TS_RS2


    Electrification and

    Automotive Technologies

    TS_TA -

    Semiconductor Devices and

    Circuits TS_SD -

    Machine Learning & Signal

    Processing for Power &

    Energy Applications

    TS_ML -


    Session Resource Person

    KN-1 Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, USA

    KN-2 Mangesh Borage, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India

    KN-3 Sushil K Soonee, Advisor, POSOCO, India

    KN-4 Subhashish Bhattacharya, North Carolina State University, USA

    KN-5 Alberto Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy

    KN-6 Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

    Keynote Session Coordinators

    KN-1: Dr. K. Raju KN-1: Dr. K. Ramsha KN-3: Dr. S.S. Bhat

    KN-4: Dr. J.P. Singh KN-5: Dr. A. Mitra KN-6: Prof. (Mrs.) M.A. Chaudhari

    Parallel Technical Sessions will run as per the code mentioned

  • TS_PE1

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. B. Venugopal Reddy,

    NIT Goa Prof. H.M. Suryawanshi,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. M.R. Ramteke,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 14

    Title: Integrated Magnetics based Dual Output AC/DC Flyback Converter Topology

    with Active Front-End Power Factor Correction for Low Power Medical Applications

    Paper ID: 62

    Title: A New Converter for Reduction of Common Mode Noise in EPS of a Nano

    satellite Paper ID: 66

    Title: Solar Powered Brushless DC Motor enhanced by Maximum Power Point Tracking

    Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network

    Paper ID: 67

    Title: Thirteen Level Multilevel Inverter Structure having Single DC Source and

    Reduced Device Count

    Paper ID: 84

    Title: Matlab Simulation Study and Comparison of Different Multiple Carrier PWM

    Schemes For Multi Level CHB Inverter Paper ID: 198

    Title: Development of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology Paper ID: 95

    Title: Fractional order PI controlled Flyback converter with MPPT tracked PV system Paper ID: 98

    Title: Interleaved High Step-up DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Applications

    Paper ID: 101

    Title: Control Strategy for Photovoltaic-Battery Based Standalone System


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Mattia Ricco,

    University of Bologna,

    Italy Prof. M.V. Aware,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. (Mrs.) R.J. Satputale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 103

    Title: A Simplified Modulated Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel

    Converter Paper ID: 107

    Title: Closed loop control of A Quasi Z-Source Four-Leg Inverter Paper ID: 109

    Title: Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategy for Transistor Clamped H-bridge

    Multi-level Inverter Paper ID: 121

    Title: Comparative Analysis of PI Control with Anti-Windup Schemes for Front-end


    Paper ID: 134

    Title: A multi-input hybrid converter for small off-grid solar photo-voltaic system

    Paper ID: 141

    Title: Performance Analysis of Modified Hybrid 2-qZS dc/DC Boost Converter for PV

    System Paper ID: 142

    Title: A Review on the Generalized Formulations for Selective Harmonic Elimination

    (SHE-PWM) strategy

    Paper ID: 149

    Title: Investigation of Passive Rectifier Circuits for Modular Solid State Transformer


    Paper ID: 163

    Title: Grid voltage detection method based on a novel adaptive notch filter for control

    of transformerless dynamic voltage restorer

  • TS_PE3

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Subhendu Dutta,

    IIT BHU Prof. (Mrs.) M.A.


    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Jay Praksh Singh,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 170

    Title: DC-Link Voltage Balancing with Fuzzy Logic Controller for Shunt Active Power

    Filter of More Electrical Aircraft

    Paper ID: 190

    Title: Integrated Magnetics based Dual Output AC/DC Pushpull Converter Topology

    with Active Front-End Power Factor Correction for Low Power Medical Applications Paper ID: 197

    Title: Design and Development of Multilevel Inverter Topology Paper ID: 85

    Title: Performance Analysis of A New Carrier Rotation Method for Cascaded H-bridge

    Multilevel Inverter

    Paper ID: 207

    Title: An Isolated Dual-Input Dual-Output DC-DC Converter with Bi-directional

    Feature for Low Voltage DC Grids Paper ID: 209

    Title: High Frequency Transformer Design and Winding Loss Analysis of Critical

    Conduction Mode Flyback

    Paper ID: 225

    Title: Power Factor Corrected Bridgeless Converter for Sensorless PMBLDC Motor of

    Ceiling Fan

    Paper ID: 226

    Title: Analysis of Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method of Modular Multilevel

    Converter (MMC) for the Application of SPWM, NLC & SHE-PWM Modulation


    Paper ID: 261

    Title: A Nine-Level Inverter for Open Ended Winding Induction Motor Drive with



    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr Lalit Kumar,

    NIT Raipur

    Prof. V.B. Borghate,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 264

    Title: CHBMLI Based PVDG System With Improved Power Quality Features And

    Battery Backup

    Paper ID: 266

    Title: Numerical Series Based Switching Angle Calculation for Multilevel Inverters

    Paper ID: 269

    Title: A Reliable Multilevel Inverter Topology

    Paper ID: 271

    Title: Performance Analysis of a New Single Phase Single Source 7-Level Inverter

    Topology Using Different SPWM Techniques Paper ID: 278

    Title: Automated Algorithm to Determine Design Curves in Parameter Space for

    Interconnected Converters

    Paper ID: 280

    Title: Unipolar Modulated Voltage Sensor-less One-Cycle Controlled Inverter for Grid

    Connected PV System

    Paper ID: 307

    Title: IoT based Multipurpose Uniform Water Showering Mechanism for Urban

    Agriculture Paper ID: 310

    Title: Bidirectional Soft Switched LCLC based Solid State Transformer for Smart Grid


    Paper ID: 314

    Title: Efficient Secondary Power Conversion Techniques in Multi-output DC-DC


  • TS_PS1

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Vivek Shrivastava,

    NIT Delhi Dr. S.S. Bhat,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 9

    Title: Minimization of Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem using BAT Algorithm

    Paper ID: 47

    Title: Comparative Group THD Analysis of Power Quality Disturbances using FFT and


    Paper ID: 68

    Title: Characteristics Behavior of Shunt DC Electric Spring for Mitigating DC

    Microgrid Issues Paper ID: 71

    Title: Design and Implementation of Autonomous Low Voltage DC Microgrid with

    Hierarchical Control

    Paper ID: 78

    Title: Energy Usage of the Sugar Industry in West Maharashtra

    Paper ID: 81

    Title: Distribution Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Injection Using

    Improved Elephant Herding Optimization Paper ID: 82

    Title: Tackling Issues Related to PMU Deployment in the Grid using a Novel Algorithm Paper ID: 96

    Title: Performance Investigation and Reactance Statistics with Monte Carlo Simulation

    of Saturated Core Fault Current Limiter

    Paper ID: 106

    Title: Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Scheme for Protection of Microgrid


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Prof. Manjari Pandit,

    MITS Gwalior Dr. P.S. Kulkarni,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 110

    Title: Steady State Power Flow Analysis of Battery Integrated Unified Power Quality

    Conditioner Paper ID: 114

    Title: Robust Discrete Mode Stabilizers for Heffron-Phillips SMIB Model Paper ID: 313

    Title: A SVM based Fault Detection and Section Identification scheme for a Hybrid

    AC/HVDC Transmission Line with Wind Farm Integration

    Paper ID: 129

    Title: Effect of Lockdown on KVAh Billing System A Case Study

    Paper ID: 136

    Title: Seamless Transition of Grid connected and Islanded modes in AC Microgrid

    Paper ID: 137

    Title: A Review of Nanogrid Technologies for Forming Reliable Residential Grid

    Paper ID: 138

    Title: Probabilistic Modeling of Li-Ion Battery Remaining Useful Life

    Paper ID: 140

    Title: Virtual Synchronous Machine Based PV-STATCOM Controller

    Paper ID: 298

    Title: Development of an Intelligent POD Controller to Mitigate Power Oscillations

  • TS_PS3

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Binoy Karmakar,

    University of Calcutta Prof. S.R. Tambey,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 156

    Title: Study of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter: Control Schemes and Switching


    Paper ID: 172

    Title: Development of an Index for Preventive Control Ranking and Selection for

    Voltage Stability Analysis Paper ID: 175

    Title: Optimal Micro PMU Placement in Practical Distribution Network: A Graph

    Theoretic Approach

    Paper ID: 181

    Title: A Mathematical Modelling of Grounding System Buried in Multilayer Soil

    Structure Paper ID: 186

    Title: Adaptive Notch Filter Control Algorithm for 5-Level Distribution Static


    Paper ID: 200

    Title: Spectral analysis for condition assessment of Transformer oil under different

    aging conditions

    Paper ID: 203

    Title: Reactive Power Enhancement of a PLL less PV inverter for AC Micro-grids

    Paper ID: 206

    Title: Design of False Data Injection Attack for Automatic Generation Control

    Paper ID: 223

    Title: Substation Energy Analysis by Combined Approach of CVR in a Distribution

    Network with Smart PV System


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Prof. M. K. Deshmukh,

    BITS Pilani, Goa Dr. V.S. Kale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 227

    Title: Generator LOE Protection by Using Offset Mho Relay in the Presence of

    STATCOM Paper ID: 229

    Title: A Forward-Backward Sweep and ALO Based Approach for DG Allocation in

    Radial Distribution System

    Paper ID: 238

    Title: Effect of Infeed Current and Fault Resistance on Distance Protection for Teed-

    Feed line

    Paper ID: 254

    Title: Space-Phasor Based Investigation of Dynamic Voltage Stability under the

    Proliferation of Renewable Sources to Long Transmission Lines Paper ID: 265

    Title: Hybrid EO-SCA Based Economic Load Dispatch Paper ID: 273

    Title: Kalman filter based dynamic state estimation of Power system with UPFC Paper ID: 274

    Title: A K-Nearest Neighbour based protection scheme for UPFC compensated Double

    circuit transmission Line with Wind farms

    Paper ID: 276

    Title: Input Features Selection using RReliefF Algorithm for Electricity Demand

    Forecasting Paper ID: 282

    Title: Investigation of Performance of Electric Load Demand Forecasting with New

    Architecture Realized in Long Short-Term Memory Deep Learning Network

  • TS_PS5

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Biman Saharoy,

    NIT Durgapur

    Prof. M.K. Khedkar,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 285

    Title: Comparative analysis of Economic Load Dispatch with constriction factor based

    Particle Swarm Optimization

    Paper ID: 292

    Title: Optimal Design of Microgrid with Demand Side Management in Presence of

    Electric Vehicle Paper ID: 294

    Title: Fault Location for Large Transmission Networks using Synchronized Voltage


    Paper ID: 296

    Title: Development of PV tied UPQC using PSO based PI tuning Controller based on

    SOI-QSG PLL Paper ID: 297

    Title: Power System Stability Optimization using Differential Evolution Tuned SSSC Paper ID: 153

    Title: Load Frequency Control of a Wind Energy Integrated Multiarea Power System

    With CSA Tuned PIDD Controller

    Paper ID: 299

    Title: PMU-based Real-time Load Balancing Strategy for Lights-out Case in India – A

    Case Study

    Paper ID: 309

    Title: Transmission Line Maintenance Management Using Early Fault Detection

    Technique Paper ID: 115

    Title: Wide Area Damping Controller Techniques of Improving Stability of an

    integrating Grid


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Pankaj Swarnkar,

    NIT Bhopal Dr. B.A. Rajpathak,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. A. Dhabale,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 108

    Title: Computing the Control Input for State Transfer Problem in Efficient Way for

    Classroom Teaching

    Paper ID: 139

    Title: Design of Non-linear Control of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

    Paper ID: 155

    Title: Study of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter: Control Schemes and Switching


    Paper ID: 180

    Title: Design of Diving System Controller for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

    Paper ID: 184

    Title: Characterization of 1D Linear Piecewise-Smooth Discontinuous Map

    Paper ID: 182

    Title: Controller Design for Decoupled Model of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

    Paper ID: 199

    Title: Nonlinear Control of the Reaction Wheel Pendulum Using Passivity-based control

    And Backstepping Control Paper ID: 277

    Title: Analysis of PSO-PID controller for CSTR temperature control Paper ID: 300

    Title: Active Compensation of Disturbances Using Dual Motors in Telescope Motion


  • TS_ED1

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Rakesh Maurya,

    NIT Surat Prof. B.S. Umre,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 10

    Title: Online Detection And Correction of Inter Turn Faults in Transformers

    Paper ID: 36

    Title: Dynamic Modelling, Simulation & Analysis of High Power Induction Motor

    Paper ID: 52

    Title: Modelling Three Phase Variable Frequency Drive Using a Frequency Coupling


    Paper ID: 152

    Title: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of an Induction Motor with Stator Inter-

    Turn Faults Paper ID: 173

    Title: Development of an Index for Preventive Control Ranking and Selection for

    Voltage Stability Analysis

    Paper ID: 183

    Title: Speed Sensorless Finite Set Model Predictive Speed Control of Induction Motor

    Paper ID: 201

    Title: Multi-Objective Design Optimization of a Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction

    Motor for Electric Propulsion System using Genetic Algorithm Paper ID: 216

    Title: Stator Inter-Turn Fault Diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Paper ID: 222

    Title: Self-Tuning Vector Controlled PMSM Drive Using Particle Swarm Optimization


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Mahendra B. Ghat,

    Siemens Mumbai Prof. M.S. Ballal,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 228

    Title: Control Of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors using fuzzy logic considering

    Parameter Variation and Diagnostic Capability For Hostile Environment Applications

    Paper ID: 253

    Title: New Optimized Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding Design for MMF

    Harmonic Reduction Paper ID: 286

    Title: Diagnostic Approach and Condition Monitoring Methods to Boost up the

    Reliability of Transformer

    Paper ID: 291

    Title: Modeling of Dual Excited Synchronous Generator with slip frequency excitation


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Subhojit Ghosh,

    NIT Raipur

    Dr. (Mrs.) N.R. Patne,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 51

    Title: Control Technique with Integrated Low Voltage Ride Through Capability and

    Anti-Islanding in Grid Connected Inverter

    Paper ID: 88

    Title: Design of Solar PV Based EV Charging Station with Optimized Battery Energy

    Storage System Paper ID: 94

    Title: A Supervisory Control Scheme for Efficient Power Management and Seamless

    Transition in AC Microgrid

    Paper ID: 100

    Title: Real-Time Battery Monitoring System for Solar Infrastructure

    Paper ID: 123

    Title: Overview of Generation of Electricity using Tidal Energy

    Paper ID: 148

    Title: Techno-economic Analysis of 1 MWp Floating Solar PV Plant

  • Paper ID: 157

    Title: Performance Comparison of Standalone AC Microgrid with Inner Loop

    Proportional Integral and Proportional Resonant Current Controllers Paper ID: 178

    Title: Mitigation of Flicker on Variable Speed Wind Turbines with Permanent Magnet

    Synchronous Generator

    Paper ID: 221

    Title: Design and Implementation of a Solar Inverter without Batteries for IoT Nodes

    and Household Application


    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Susovan Samanta,

    NIT Rourkella

    Dr. Ritesh Keshri,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 80

    Title: Resiliency Analysis of Grid connected Solar PV System with Battery Support Paper ID: 239

    Title: A Novel Curve Scanning Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm

    Under Partial Shading Conditions

    Paper ID: 240

    Title: Comparison of Incremental Current Based MPPT Algorithms for Wind Fed DC

    Microgrid Paper ID: 242

    Title: Design of PV Emulator Fed MPPT Controlled DC-DC Boost Converter for

    Battery Charging

    Paper ID: 249

    Title: Development of Standalone Photo-voltaic System using Two Phase Induction


    Paper ID: 251

    Title: Performance of BDFIG During Balanced and Unbalanced Grid Conditions

    Paper ID: 267

    Title: Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station on System Stability with Integration

    of Wind Farm Paper ID: 270

    Title: Efficiency improvement of a dual boost converter with zero voltage switching

    technique for battery charging application of a Solar Home Lighting System

    Paper ID: 290

    Title: Optimization of Levelized Cost of Hybrid Wind-Solar-Diesel-Battery System

    Using Political Optimizer

    Paper ID: 308

    Title: Ameliorating frequency regulation in micro-grid employing Demand Response



    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Anmol Saxena,

    NIT Delhi Dr. M.M. Lokhande,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 17

    Title: Design Considerations for a On-Board Charger Based on PSFB converter with

    ZVS Paper ID: 105

    Title: Design of Autonomous Electric Vehicle Detecting the Roadside Buildings Paper ID: 122

    Title: Modelling and Simulation of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Paper ID: 124

    Title: Fuzzy Logic Triggered Charging Infrastructures for Electric Vehicles Paper ID: 150

    Title: Simulation Research of Low-Voltage Modules of Rectifier in 3kV Railway


    Paper ID: 215

  • Title: Energy Recovery Through Regenerative Braking of Position Sensorless

    PMBLDC Motor for LEV

    Paper ID: 262

    Title: Significance of Driving Cycle on Performance Parameters and Range in Small

    Electric Vehicle Paper ID: 268

    Title: A design solution to reduce electrical/electronic complexity with secured CAN

    architecture for an automotive power system

    Paper ID: 283

    Title: Energy Management of Dual Energy Storage System with Average Current Mode

    Control for EV Applications

    Paper ID: 304

    Title: Mathematical Approach to Generate Efficiency Maps for Induction Motor and

    Optimization for EV

    Paper ID: 312

    Title: Improving Vehicular Traffic Efficiency by Infrared Sensors

    TS_SD + TS_ML

    Session Chairs Paper details

    Dr. Ashis Kumar Dhara,

    NIT Durgapur Dr. P. Sharma,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Dr. Nikhildeep Gupta,

    VNIT Nagpur

    Paper ID: 57

    Title: High Gain Amplification Using Oscillating Quiescent Point

    Paper ID: 86

    Title: Performance evaluation of Cascode GaN HEMT

    Paper ID: 135

    Title: Comparative analysis for semiconductor device selection in Vienna Rectifier for

    fast EV charging application

    Paper ID: 60

    Title: Sensor Minimization for Energy Management in Smart Buildings

    Paper ID: 61

    Title: Hybrid ANN based Incremental Conductance MPPT-Current Control Algorithm

    for Constant Power Generation of PV fed DC Microgrid

    Paper ID: 147

    Title: Wind Power Uncertainties Forecasting based on Long Short Term Memory Model

    for Short-Term Power Market

    Paper ID: 162

    Title: Optimized Operation of Available Energy Resources Based on Energy

    Consumption Time

    Paper ID: 230

    Title: Classification of faults in a TCSC compensated transmission line using data

    mining algorithm