IESO Question Paper 2011

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  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011




  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011




  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    ASTRONOMY written test IESO 2011

    Name__________________ Country ___________________________

    1. Imagine that a new planet, named Pippo, is discovered beyond Pluto. Its revolution period is 320years. What would be its average distance from the un in !stronomical "nits #!"$, assuming

    circular orbit%_/1 pt.

    a. 23.& !"

    b. 30.' !"c. &(.) !"

    d. *3.( !"

    2. ! person weights '0 +g on arth, if he goes to the surface of the -oon and upiter, he weights/

    _/1 pt.

    a. more on the -oon and upiter than on arth

    b. more on upiter and less on the -oon than on arth

    c. more on the -oon and less on upiter than on arthd. less on the -oon and upiter than on arth

    3. iven your passion for !stronomy, your friends have given you a sidereal watch as a present for

    your birthday. !t 10 a.m. you adust it with the time of your cloc+. ollowing the time given by thesidereal watch, when arriving at the railway station net day to catch the ).00 a.m. train, you find

    that the train is not there. What do you do%_/1. pt.

    a. I wait for the train because it will be there in few minutes

    b. I go home because the train has already left few minutes before my arrivalc. I wait for the train because it will be there in some hours

    d. I guess the train has been cancelled today.

    &. In a science fiction movie, the main character decides to loo+ for his friends4 spaceship, lost on-ars surface, using an optical telescope placed on the arth. 5he resolution of the telescope is 1

    arcsec and -ars is at a distance of (0 million +m. What is the minimum si6e of the spacecraft to

    allow him to see it%_/1! pt.

    a. 2.*0 mb. 2*0.* +m

    c. 2*0.* m

    d. 2.*0 +m

    7. 8oo+ing at the given stellar map, can you estimate the position of the un as seen from irius,

    using the same map%_/ 2 pt.

    a. yes, the un is diametrically opposed to irius in the constellation of 9ercules

    b. no, the un is not visible from irius

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    c. yes, the un is diametrically opposed to irius in the constellation of "rsa -inord. yes, the un is diametrically opposed to irius in the constellation of the :ctans

    (. !ssume the diameter of the -oon to be 20; smaller than the reality, what should the average

    distance between the arth and the -oon be, in order to still have total solar eclipses on the arth%_/1. pt.

    a. 20; bigger than the realityb. )0; smaller than the reality

    c. 20; smaller than the realityd. )0; bigger than the reality

    '. 5he following illustration shows the 9ert6sprung=$ diagram for an evolutionary

    trac+ of our un. 5he un currently locates at position !, but it will to move to position ? after 7

    billion years. #!ssume the un is a blac+body and its current radius is '107+m. 1!"@1.710)+m.$

    #i$ When the un evolves to ?, what is its radius% Aalculate it by using the information of the

    diagram._/1. pt.

    a$ 100 times larger

    b$ 7'.) times larger

    c$ 12(.& times largerd$ 17'.3 times larger

    #ii$ Write your process of calculation._/1. pt.

    ). 5he synodic period of a certain asteroid is )B' years. !ssume the arth revolution speed is 30

    +mBs. !nswer with the rounded>off figure below decimal point. In the assumption of circular orbit,find/

    #i$ the period of the revolution of the asteroid #year$_/1 pt.

    #ii$ the radius of the revolution orbit #!"$_/1 pt.

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    #iii$ the speed of the asteroid #+mBs$_/1 pt.

    TOTA" SCORE# 1$.

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011




  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    ATMOSPHERE written test IESO 2011

    Name__________________________ Country ________________________

    1)The diagram bellow showed the average structures of the atmosphere based on its properties i.e.temperature, molekular bond and electrical. Match the letter in the boxes with right option from the

    list given bellow.1. Homosphere 2. Heterosphere 3. onosphere !. "xosphere

    #. Troposphere $. %tratosphere &. Thermosphere '. Mesosphere

    ._/2 0!2" # $)

    2)(onsider the following figure where are reported the surface energ) balance terms for different

    surface and da)*night conditions._/% &t'

    + - net radiation

    " - latent heat fluxH - sensible heat flux

    / il h t fl

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    (hoose the correct surface description for each case0


    a moist surfaceda)b moist surfacenight

    c dr) surfaceda)d dr) surfacenight

    2a moist surfaceda)

    b moist surfacenightc dr) surfaceda)

    d dr) surface night


    a moist surfaceda)

    b moist surfacenightc dr) surface night

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    %)4hich two gases are responsible for the absorption of ver) shortwave 5e.g., ultraviolet incoming

    solar radiation6 _/1 0!" # 2)

    1 molecular ox)gen2 o7one

    3 carbon dioxide

    ! water vapour# nitrogen

    ()8oin with lines the surface t)pes with the corresponding surface albedo _/1' 0'2" # ()

    9resh snow :1: ;

    %oil 223# ;

    4ater ':

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    *) =n aircraft departs from = 5airfield elevation 1&::ft with +9"

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    a. (B2from the geosphere to the atmosphere b) volcanic activit).

    b. (B2from the geosphere to the h)drosphere and the atmosphere b) erosion.

    c. (B2from the biosphere to the atmosphere and h)drosphere b) respiration.

    d. (B2from the h)drosphere to the atmosphere b) diffusion.

    e. (B2from the geosphere and the biosphere to the atmosphere b) anthropogenic


    f. (B2from the geosphere and the h)drosphere to the atmosphere as a result of global


    9rom0 "arth s)stem research laborator) 5http0**

    12) /raph 2 describes the annual changes of atmospheric (B2concentration.

    The data shown indicates a minimal concentration in Bctober and maximal in 8une.The reason for that change is0_/1 &t'

    a. ncreased (B2flux from the geosphere to the atmosphere as a result of change in fossil

    fuel consumption between summer and winter.

    b. (B2flux between the atmosphere and the h)drosphere as a result of temperature


    c. (B2flux between the atmosphere and the h)drosphere as a result of wind speed and


    ,ra&- 1.

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    d. (B2flux between the atmosphere and the biosphere as a result of changes in

    photos)nthesis activit).

    e. (B2flux between the atmosphere and the biosphere as a result of forest fires.

    f. (hanges in (B2flux between the geosphere and the atmosphere as a result of changes insedimentation rates.

    9rom0 "arths)stem research laborator) 5http0**

    1%)Man) scientists conclude that the increase in atmospheric (B2concentration is a maGor factor inglobal warming. The results of continous monitoring of atmospheric (B2concentration indicates

    that some (B2from the atmosphere is absorbd b) the oceans. 4hat would happen if (B2 in the

    atmosphere increases6 5Mark all correct answers_/% &t' 0!%0 # 10)


    a. The pH of ocean water will become higher * lower

    b. The temperature of ocean water will increase * decrease

    c. The amount of seaice in the =rctic will increase * decreased. Bcean capacit) to absorb (B2will increase * decrease


    e. The amount of organisms with carbonate skeleton will increase * decrease

    f. The distribution of marine organisms will change as result of the changes in water

    temperature. True * false.

    g. The change in water pH will expand * reduce coral reefs


    ,ra&- 2.

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    h. The changes in ocean temperature will affect volcanic activit) in ocean ridges. . True * false.i. The changes in ocean water pH will increase * decrease the rate of (a(B3sedimentation in

    the continental shelf.

    G. The changes in ocean water pH will increase * decrease the rate of (a(B3sedimentationbelow the (alcium (arbonate (ompensation >epth 5((>. True*false

    TOT' PT' 20

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011




  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    HYDROSPHERE written test IESO 2011

    Name______________________ Country________________________

    1. Tides in te Eart system.

    The Figure illustrates two (labelled A and B) different configurations of the Earth-moon-sun system.Which of the three statements below is correct? _!1 "t

    a. onfiguration A re!resents a s!ring tide" while configuration B re!resents a nea! tide

    b. The two configurations re!resent a s!ring tidec. onfiguration B re!resents a s!ring tide" while configuration A re!resents a nea! tided. The two configurations re!resent a nea! tide

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    2. Water Masses in the Atlantic Ocean

    i) Match the corresponding water masses listed below by letter (a-e) to the correct

    location in the map. Each water mass category applies only to a single color(grey excluded since it indicates the bottom topography) _/1 pt (0.20x5)

    a. North Atlantic Deep ater (NAD)b. Antartic !ntermediate ater (AA!)c. Mediterranean ater (Med)d. "ur#ace ater (")e. Antartic $ottom ater (AA$)

    ii) %ceanographers were able to collect two water samples as reported in the tablebelow. !ndicate in the two circles in the #igure which is "tation A and which is"tation $. _/0.5 pt

    #tation Tem!erature () #alinity

    A -$ %&.'

    B %.&

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    #. C$imate %eed&a'(s in te Eart system

    1. *ut the correct arrow heads to com!lete the albedo feedbac+ loo! s+etched in the figure abo,e_!0)*"t.

    &. The feedbac+ is_!0)* "t.a. Always !ositi,eb. Always negati,e

    c. eutrald. #ome times !ositi,e and some times negati,e

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    +. Te ,$o&a$ 'ar&on 'y'$e.

    This is a schematic !icture of the global carbon cycle with some estimates of the maor carbon ()

    reser,oirs and flu/es from 0* ($112).

    1. What are the units of the ,alues on the gra!h? ( is the symbol for carbon) _!1 "t.

    a. +g m-%

    b. *g c. mol d. 3t

    e. answers b. and d. are truef. answers b. and c. are true

    &. 0ndicate the estimated direction(s) of the flu/ by circling the correct arrow head._!1)* "t. -0)2* /

    '. 4abel the flu/es in the four blan+ bo/es by writing the corres!onding letter from the list below5_!1 "t. -0)2* +

    a. ocean !um!b. terrestrial net !roductionc. anthro!ogenic emissionsd. soil res!iratione. land-use changef. weathering

    . The !resent atmos!here contains about 211 in the form of 6$. Estimated fossil fuel reser,escontain at least &$11 " mostly in the form of coal. At !resent" about half the 6 $!roduced bythe burning of fossil fuels remains in the atmos!here. 0f this ratio remained constant and we burned

    u! all of our fossil fuels instantaneously" by how much would atmos!heric 6 $rise in the longerterm? (E/!ress the answer in terms of the new 6$stoc+ di,ided by the current one)_!1.* "t.

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    uestion *

    The gra!h re!resents the mean daily discharges" e/!ressed in m%7s" of a s!ring in the entral A!enninesregistered between 8arch $9 and A!ril :2. The table shows the data used to build the gra!h. om!ute in themost accurate way the water ,olume coming from the s!ring between A!ril :$ and A!ril :2._!2 "t.

    ;atedd-mm ;ischarge (m%7s)

    $9-1% 1.:11

    %1-1% 1.:%

    %:-1% 1.:1

    1:-1& 1.$1

    1$-1& 1.:1

    1%-1& 1.:21

    1&-1& 1.:'$

    1-1& 1.:2

    1'-1& 1.:&

    12-1& 1.:%1

    1-1& 1.:$

    19-1& 1.:%9

    :1-1& 1.:$1

    ::-1& 1.::

    :$-1& 1.::$

    :%-1& 1.:11

    :&-1& 1.19:-1& 1.191

    :'-1& 1.1'

    :2-1& 1.1:

































    date (day)


    a) '*+,, m'

    b) +,, m'

    c) ,. m'

    d) ,. m'

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011




  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    GEOSPHERE written test IESO 2011Name__________________________Country ________________________

    1. Based on Ruddiman (2001), the gloal temperature !lu"tuation "an edistinguished into !our di!!erent time s"ales due to di!!erent me"hanisms# $se the

    !ollowing !igures pro%ided# &hi"h !igure est shows the !lu"tuation o! temperature in'ntar"ti"a i"e "ore re"ords during more than one intergla"ial phase#_/1 pt(') ig# A (! "i#$ (*) ig# * (+) ig# +

    2. Sea!loor drilling and seismi" analsis re%eal a thi"- laer o! salt at a "ertain depthin a %er large part o! the .editerranean Sea# &hat "an ou "on"lude !rom theseoser%ations_/0$% pt


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    a) The .editerranean Sea has an important e"onomi" %alue that has not eene/ploited et#&! 'ere was a perio) wen te *e)iterranean Sea a+most )rie)out$

    ") The .editerranean Sea is %er oung#d) The .editerranean Sea is a reli" o! the Teths Sea#

    3. In the !ield, ou !ound an out"rop with three horiontal unde!ormed laers, oneao%e the other# The lower unit is a laer o! +olomite, the middle laer is asalt, andthe upper laer is imestone # &hi"h o! the !ollowing oser%ations would lead ou tothe "on"lusion that the asalt is a la%a !low_/1 pt

    a) There are a-ing signs3 onl in the lower part o! the limestone laer#) There are a-ing signs3 in the lower part o! the dolomite laer#

    ,! 'ere are -& si#ns on+y in te upper part o te )o+omite+ayer$d) 'll o! the ao%e#

    4. To whi"h ""le o! matter is imestone "onne"ted_/0% pt

    a) 4hosphorus ""le)Car&on ,y,+e") Sul!ur ""led) 5itrogen ""le

    5. The reason that the magneti" anomal stripes o! the same age are wider in the4a"i!i" o"ean than the 'tlanti" O"ean is6_/0% pt

    a! 'e rate o ma#mati, intrusions at te East Pa,ii, Rise is astertan te rate o tis pro,ess at te *i)At+anti, Ri)#e$&!The .id7'tlanti" Ridge is lo"ated e/a"tl in the middle o! the o"ean and there!orethe rate o! the opening o! the ridge is e8ual on oth sides#,!The 4a"i!i" O"ean is older than the 'tlanti" O"ean#)!The ring o! !ire around the 4a"i!i" O"ean redu"es the rate o! re%ersals o! the

    Earth9s magneti" !ield#

    6. +uring the last three illion ears the main internal energ sour"e o! the Earthhas een6_/0% pt

    a) The pressure o! "olumns o! ro"- and o"ean#) The !ri"tion that o""urs at the plate oundaries#


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    ")Ra)ioa,ti3e )e,ay o isotopes$

    d) The radiation o! the sun#

    7. In the Botta""ione Gorge, near Guio (Ital), there is an out"rop o! interest# It"ontains a thin "la laer with signi!i"ant geo"hemi"al anomalies su"h as high iridium"on"entrations# It is dated to an numeri"al age o! :;#; .a# &hi"h "hronostratigraphi"oundar "orresponds to this laer _/1 pt$a! Creta,eous/'ertiary&! ower *reta"eous

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    &hi"h o! the !ollowing is the true stri-e, dip and thi"-ness o! gre strata !rom the map4lease note that there are two methods used to show stri-e6 8uadrant method designated (>) and aimuth or magneti" earing method designated (')# The "hart showsthem oth as > and '# 2 pt $

    choice Strike Dip(degrees


    Thickness (m.)

    A Q N-S

    A 180 degrees

    45 70 to 75

    B Q S 60 degrees E

    A 120 degrees

    45 90 to 100

    C Q E - W

    A 90 degrees

    30 70 to 75

    D Q N-S

    A 180 degrees

    30 90 to 100


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    9. &hi"h one o! the !ollowing minerals is used as a gem in @ewelr, is used as anindustrial arasi%e, is a sili"ate, and has an isometri" mineral smmetr#

    *ir"le the est

    answer ao%e#_/0% pt$

    a# 8uart # iotite "# Aornlende d# rutile e# garnet

    !# ortho"lase g# "al"ite h# halite i# erl @# diamond

    -# asalt l# garo m# andesite n# granite o# rholite

    p# shale 8# marle r# slate s# "hal- t# "hert

    10. The !ollowing stratigraphi" se"tions show two "ross se"tions whi"h are lo"ated near

    ea"h other# Smols a and a9 represent an igneous ro"- and to e representsedimentar ro"-s# 'nswer the !ollowing 8uestion#_/0% pt

    &hi"h ro"- is older, a or a9

    11.The pre"ipitation o! whi"h o! the !ollowing minerals is regulated the "on"entrationo! *O2in the solution _/0% pt$


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    a) haliteC ) gpsumC ") apatiteC )! ,a+,ite4 e) opalC !) artes#

    12.The !ollowing tale shows e/planation o! ro"-s and their !ormation en%ironment#*hoose the one that has the "orre"t relationship etween !ormation en%ironment and ro"-

    tpe# _/1 pt


    .a"ros"opi" oser%ation ormation en%ironment

    1 imestone

    Sand sie grains, spheri"al toellipti"al grain shape, edded

    In the "rust se%eral -m elow thesur!a"e

    2 Granite ine grained, !oliated,o""urren"e o! light and dar-

    grains together

    In the "rust where magma "oolsslowl

    = Basalt *oarse to %er "oarse grained,dar- "olor, o""urren"e o!


    .id7o"eani" ridge

    5 San)stone

    *e)ium #raine) para++e++aminae or ,ross &e))e)

    Ri3er or &ea,

    ; Gneiss 'lternating dar- and light ands,!oliated, "oarse grained

    *onta"t one etween magmaand surrounding ro"-s near


    *orre"t answer6

    13.The !ollowing pi"ture shows an out"rop o! 4aleooi" age deposited in the o"ean# Thestrata largel "onsist o! sand and shale laers# 'nswer the 8uestions#_/1% pt (0% 6 7!

    (1) &hi"h laer is sandstone and shale respe"ti%el in ' and BShale6 Sandstone6

    (2) &hat is the depositional pro"ess o! laer ' and B is deposited settling !rom suspension whereas is deposited turidit "urrent#

    (=) *an ou e/pe"t to !ind triloite !ossil !rom this out"rop Des

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    14.The !igure elow is the stratigraphi" se"tion and paleomagneti" in"lination in somearea assuming the ro"-s were deposited !rom 1F0 million ears to the present withoutde!ormation# The paleomagneti" in"lination o! ro"- in ea"h laer is shown within a "ir"le#The arrows indi"ate the dire"tion o! paleo7magnetiation at the time o! ro"- !ormation#

    *al"ulate the a%erage (south to north) %elo"it o! the "ontinent as it mo%ed !rom positionB to position E# Aere, we assume that the latitude di!!eren"e o! one degree (1) is e8ual to110 -m, and we suppose that paleomagneti" in"lination is e8ual to twi"e the paleo7latitude#_/1 pt

    ') 2#= "m

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    15.The !igure elow shows the soil te/ture o! samples !rom !i%e !arms (AE)# The soil

    o!whi"h !arm has the highest permeailit_/1 pt$(') arm A (B) arm (*) arm C (+) arm 8(E) armE


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    17a.E/amine the map ao%e# &hi"h o! the "hoi"es est des"ries the tpe o! te"toni"stru"tures shown# _/1 pt$

    a! two anti,+ines wit an inter3enin# syn,+ine) two sn"lines with an inter%ening anti"line") a salt domed) !lat stratigraph

    17b.Re"onstru"t the stratigraph o! the region shown ao%e "hoosing among the!ollowing stratigraphi" "olumns#_/0% pt$


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011



  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    18.Tra"e !ossils are the remnants o! the a"ti%ities o! an"ient animals# '""ording tothe patterns o! tra"e !ossils, geologists "an in!er the sustrate "ondition,sedimentation rate, water !low energ, and paleoen%ironment# igure H is a tra"e!ossil !ound in sandstone showing how an organism utilied the limited resour"ewith high e!!i"ien"# &hat is the most li-el en%ironment to !ind this -ind o! tra"e!ossil_/1 pt$

    (')inter tidal !lat (B) ri%ers or la-es (*) mountains (8! )eep marine


    Ha# Tra"e !ossil on sandstone# S"ale ar is 1 "m H# *lose up %iew o! ig# Ha# Ea"h di%ide on the

    s"ale ar on the ottom is 1 mm#

    ig# H

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    19.' student used a portale Gloal 4ositioning Sstem (G4S) to re"ord the "oordinateso! his positions# The signal and the re"ei%ing "onditions were good during themeasurement# '!ter the student entering the "oordinates he got into GoogleEarth, henoti"ed that the position drawn in GoogleEarth (G4S data) shi!ted hundred o! metersawa !rom the true lo"ation (True o")# Aowe%er, the relati%e positions among di!!erent

    lo"ations measured in the same da were "orre"t# &hi"h o! the !ollowing !a"tors is themost li-el "ause o! this prolem _/0% pt$

    (') in!luen"e the ionosphere(B) mal!un"tion o! the G4S(*) sheltered !rom the uildings(8! )ierent ,oor)inate systems


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    20.The a mammoth !ossil shown elow was !ound in Sieria in 1H# The!ossiliation pro"ess it underwent is -nown as6

    _/0% pt$

    a) "aroni!i"ation&! ,ryo,onser3ation") in"lusion in amerd) permineraliatione) pritiation!) sili"i!i"ation


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    21. This !ossil shown ao%e is6 _/0% pt$

    a) shar- ("hondr"than)) a on !ish (ostei"hthan)") an amphiian (salamander))! a repti+e (i,tyosaur!e) a ird (penguin)!) a mammal ("eta"ean)"h all o! the ro"- !eatures

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    ) &hat are the periods and the !re8uen"ies asso"iated to wa%elengths o! 1m, 1-m,100-m

    _/ 1 pt$ (0% 6 2!periods6(e) 0#00??? s, ?#? s and ???#? s#(!) 0#000=? s, 0#22 s and 2?#: s#(g) 0#0000: s, 0#0: s and :0#0 s#(! 0$00022 s 0$22 s an) 22$2 s$

    !re8uen"ies6(i! 5%00 H: 5$% H: an) 0$05% H:$(@) =? A, 2? A and ?? A#(-) 1200 A, 1#2 A and 0#012 A#

    (l) 22 A, 2#2 A and 220 A#


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    24.The !igure ao%e shows the oser%ed seismogram at some earth8ua-e oser%ator#Aere, the %elo"it o! 4 wa%e (Kp) and S wa%e (Ks) is -m

  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    26. Indi"ate the tpe o! magma "hara"teristi"all erupted at the !ollowing platete"toni"s %ol"ani" en%ironments (the same magma tpe "an o""ur in more than oneen%ironment)# The "hoi"es are6 'ndesite, Basalt, Osidian, and Rholite_/ 1% pt$ (0% 6 7!

    L .idO"eani" ridgeL Island ar"L &ithinplate M Aot spots three o! the !ollowing phenomena that are pre"ursors o! impending %ol"ani"eruptions#_/ 0% pt$

    a# andslides&$ Anoma+ous seismi,ity"# Aea% rains)$ In,rease o temperature an) ,emi,a+ ,an#es in umaro+i, #asese# Strong winds$ Groun) up+it


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    28.oo-ing "losel at the !igure representing the erupti%e eha%ior o! magmasdepending on their "hemi"al "omposition and their dissol%ed gas "ontent# 0% pt$

    a Basi" and de7gassed magma Basi" magma ri"h in glass" '"id magma ri"h in glassd '"id and de7gassed magma

    "i#ure A sows erupti3e &ea3ior rom wi, type o ma#ma>_______

    "i#ure sows erupti3e &ea3ior rom wi, type o ma#ma>_______

    "i#ure C sows erupti3e &ea3ior rom wi, type o ma#ma>_______

    "i#ure 8 sows erupti3e &ea3ior rom wi, type o ma#ma>_______


  • 8/12/2019 IESO Question Paper 2011


    Geosphere Test with answers

    IESO 2011

    29. .i"helangelo Buonarroti (1?;71;:?) was one o! the greatest s"ulptors o! theRenaissan"e# In this histori"al period, se%eral dis"o%eries and inno%ations in the !ield o!art, s"ien"e, and te"hnolog were made# .i"helangelo "ar%ed his statues !rom the*arrara marle3 a %er !ine metamorphi" ro"- "hara"teried a uni!orm white "olor,"oming !rom 8uarries near the town o! *arrara (Ital)#

    &hi"h two o! the !ollowing !eatures areNO'asso"iated with the !ormation o! a marle_/1 pt$

    a) .arles are !ormed re"rstalliation o! !eldspars !ound in sandstones#) .arles ha%e a hardness o! :7 on the .ohs s"ale o! mineral hardness#,! *ar&+e is a metamorpi, ro,. ,ompose) primari+y o ,a+,ium

    ,ar&onate (CaCO7!$

    )! 'e ,o+or o mar&+e )epen)s on te presen,e o minera+ impurities(su, as ,+ay iron o6i)es et,!

    e! *ar&+e is a ro,. resu+tin# rom metamorpism o se)imentary,ar&onate ro,.s su, as +imestone or )o+omite ro,.$

    ! *ar&+e is a nono+iate) metamorpi, ro,. wit a ,rysta++inestru,ture$

    30.Aow is "alled this geologi"al phenomenon_/0$% pt$

    a) Kol"ani" "himne

    ) meteor impa"t "rater") ro"-!allsd) sin-hole


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    32.Tsunami wa%es "an e generated se%eral natural phenomena# One o! the most!re8uent "ause are large sudu"tion one earth8ua-es, generated at the inter!a"e etweentwo lithospheri" "on%erging plates where one o! the two sudu"es eneath the other#*entral .editerranean te"toni"s is dominated the slow relati%e "on%erging motion o!the '!ri"an and European 4lates# Ital sits on the "on%erging plate margin, and its

    %ol"ani" and seismi" a"ti%it are related to this !irst order phenomena# In the "entral.editerranean area sudu"tion is "ontinuousl going on under *alaria in Southern Ital,and to the east under the island o! *rete# Aere, large sudu"tion one earth8ua-eso""urred in histori"al times, su"h as in the '#+# =:; . FN earth8ua-e, and generatedwidespread de%astating tsunami wa%es that hit the "oasts o! 5orth '!ri"a, mainlandGree"e and Southern Ital#Earth8ua-e generated tsunamis are produ"ed the "oseismi" displa"ement o! the seaottom# The speed o! a tsunami is dire"tl "orrelated to the depth o! the sea, i#e# it mo%es!aster in deep waters and slow in shallower waters#Earl warning sstems are !undamental !or mitigating the tsunami haard along the"oasts, and are ased on models o! tsunami generating and o! propagation#

    Supposing that at 0:6=0 am $T* a large sudu"tion one earth8ua-e hits the south7western "oast o! *rete, and -nowing6

    1) the e8uation o! the speed o! the tsunami wa%es

    K J

    where g is the gra%itational "ostant (m

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    On Friday, September 9, 2011, you will perform 3 trials. Each trial is indiidual, but insome cases you will hae to wor! to"ether with some of the other participants. #his iswhat happens eery day in science$ you compete and cooperate at the same time withother scientists, to "et an hi"her leel of shared !nowled"e.

    ACT I: THE POLE STAR FOR MARS (60 minutes f! e"#$ %!u& f in'ii'u")&"!ti#i&"nts*

    Materials$ %oc!et torch li"ht &red', paper, pencil, rubber

    (emember that the celestial poles are the pro)ection of the "eo"raphic poles onto thes!y. *t the present time there is a star, isible from Earth with the na!ed eye, close tothe celestial +orth %ole$ for this reason it is called %olaris. ut what if you were at the"eo"raphic +orth %ole of -ars

    #he celestial +orth %ole of the red planet is not the same of the Earth. #o do thecomparison, recall that the stars are so far that the ima"inary desi"ns of theconstellations remain the same as seen both from the Earth and -ars. So the

    orientation of -ars/ ais is such that its celestial +orth %ole has (i"ht *scension 21h10m 2s and eclination 42.95. #his means that is in the constellation of 6y"nus.

    (i)#he most brilliant star of the constellation of 6y"nus could be a "ood choice for themartian +orth %ole star. 7hich way the modern terrestrial astronomers indicate it Forthe -artian s!y watcher, who !nows8 _/1 pt.

    a. 1 6y"b. * 6y"c. 6y"d. : 6y"

    (ii);oo! at the s!y pro)ected by the %lanetarium on the inner surface of the dome. *tthe

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    (iii)6onsiderin" all the information you hae collected, can you say somethin" aboutthe inclination of the orbital plane of -ars with respect to that of the Earth, called theecliptic plane _/3 pt.

    a. #he orbital plane of -ars has a sli"ht inclination with respect to the Earth=s eclipticb. #he orbital plane of -ars is eactly the same of the Earth and all the other planetsin the Solar Systemc. #he orbital plane of -ars is perpendicular to the Earth=s eclipticd. #he orbital plane of -ars has an inclination of 45 with respect to to the Earth=secliptic

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    ACT II: I+LL FOLLO, THE S-N (./ minutes f! e"#$ %!u& f in'ii'u")&"!ti#i&"nts*

    Materials$ %encil, rubber, paper, chronometer, piece of chal!

    ?n the Solar ;aboratory in -odena you can loo! at the ima"e of the Sun pro)ected on ablac!board without ris!s for your si"ht &remember$ neer loo! directly at the Sun@'.7hen the trac!in" of the telescope pointed toward the Sun is on, the ima"e is still andyou can appreciate, for instance, if there are sunspots. 7hen the trac!in" is off, theSun moes until it disappears from the blac!board. Een when not wor!in", theinstrument is useful$ the ma"nification of the Sun=s ima"e allow you to measure thetime the Sun needs to coer a certain an"ular distance and thus the an"ular speed ofits apparent daily motion in the s!y.

    (i)#he apparent an"ular diameter, in de"rees, of the Sun as seen from the Earth isabout8 _/2 pt.

    (ii)*fter ta!in" the measurements in the Solar ;aboratory, which is the an"ular speedfor the daily motion of the Sun, in de"rees per hour, that you hae found 7rite yourcalculation process. _/4 pt.

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    ACT III: NEER LOO IRECTLY AT THE S-N (./ minutes f! e"#$ %!u& fin'ii'u") &"!ti#i&"nts*

    Materials$ %encil, rubber, paper, ali"ned telescope with solar filter

    8 Anless you use the filters as you hae on your telescope for the practical test BB butalso in this case it is better not to loo! throu"h it more than few seconds. #his isenou"h time as to point the telescope, already ali"ned with the celestial poles, towardto the Sun. So you can find some >uite interestin" information about the position ofour star and the position of the celestial +orth %ole, een if it=s daytime@

    (i)First complete the followin" scheme, insertin" in the s>uares the cardinal points &+,E already inserted, S, 7' and in the rectan"les the name of the local coordinates&*ltitude, *

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    ;*#?#AE OF -OE+*$ _/1 pt.

    ACT II PLAN 3: THE STARS LOO O,N (./ minutes f! e"#$ %!u& fin'ii'u") &"!ti#i&"nts*

    Materials$ %encil, rubber

    8 *nd you loo! up all the same@ Anluc!ily, the weather is not fine, but you can see thestars$ o!, it is only a drawin" on your wor!sheet, but these are the same constellationsand stars that will be aboe your head toni"ht in -odena BB and that those nasty

    clouds probably will not allow you to see 6an you identify the constellation indicated by the numbers

    1is$_/1 pt.

    a. ;ibrab. Dir"oc. Scorpius

    2is$_/1 pt.

    a. 6assiopeiab. %erseusc. %e"asus

    3is$_/1 pt.

    a. elphinusb. *>uilac. ;yra

    4is$_/1 pt.

    a. Arsa -a)orb. Arsa -inorc. raco

    5is$_/1 pt.

    a. Arsa -a)orb. Arsa -inorc. raco

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    d. Sa"ittarius d. *ndromeda d. 6y"nus d. oGtes d. oGtes

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    ACT III PLAN 3: ISCOER THE TELESCOPE (./ minutes f! e"#$ %!u& fin'ii'u") &"!ti#i&"nts*

    Materials$ %encil, rubber, paper, cloc!, ali"ned telescope with solar filter, ruler

    Anluc!ily, the weather is not fine and it seems you can not use the telescope8 ut ithas been already ali"ned by the responsible of the %lanetarium in -odena. Iou canfind ery >uic!ly and easily some >uite interestin" information about the telescopeitself and the position of the celestial +orth %ole, een if it=s daytime and clouds do notallow to loo! at the s!y.

    (i)First complete the followin" scheme, in the s>uares insert the cardinal points &+, Ealready inserted, S, 7' and in the rectan"les the name of the local coordinates&*ltitude, *

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    ?*-E#E( *+ FO6*; ;E+#C &mm'$ _/1.5 pt.

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    Practical Test AtmosphereName__________________ Country __________________

    Fog in a jar- Instruction sheet -

    Background informationFormation of fog, cloud and several other meteorological events share the samephysical phenomenon the condensation of !ater vapor that happens !hen !aterpasses from the gaseous to li"uid state# $uring this la% you !ill simulate theformation of fog in a jar through the creation of suita%le conditions#


    & glass jars' stic( of incense' match%o)& aluminum %o)es previously filled !ith ice' laser pointerCold !ater*arm !ater


    '# Fill jar ' !ith cold !ater +T appro) 'C. and jar & !ith !arm !ater +T appro)/0C.#

    *ait for ' min appro) in order to allo! that the glass of %oth jars to come tothe same temperature of the surrounding !ater# This helps you to preventcondensation inside the jars#

    /# 1easure the !ater temperature in %oth jars# *rite the results in "uestion '#2# 3emove /42 of the !ater from %oth jars#0# 5ight the stic( of incense and try to put some smo(e into jar '# 6lo! gently the

    incense smo(e into the jar#

    7# 8uic(ly place the aluminum %o) containing ice on the top of jar#9# 3epeat the same procedure +steps 0 : 7. !ith jar # Carefully o%serve !hat happens inside %oth jars#

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    Fog in a jar *or(sheet -

    Question 1 & point*rite do!n the temperatures of the !ater of the t!o jars

    >ar no# Temperature C' +cold !ater.

    & +!arm !ater.

    Question 2 ' pointIn most climate areas fog is more common during the cold season? does thise)periment help you to understand this phenomenon@

    a. yes

    %. no

    Question 3 / pointsIn your opinion !hich of the follo!ing sentences e)plain %etter the role played %y thesmo(e inside the jars +mark ONEof the follo!ing ans!ers.

    a. *arm up the air inside the jar further%. *arm up the !ater inside the jar furtherc. ive tiny particles that provide surfaces on !hich !ater vapor can condensed. ive tiny and !arm particles that increase the difference in temperature

    %et!een air and !ater# This affects the condensation positively#

    Question 4 2 pointsIn the atmosphere !hich one of the follo!ing processes, in your opinion and mostli(ely, emits su%stances that could play the same role of the smo(e you use in thisla%@ +mar( no more then TWOof the follo!ing ans!ers.

    a. The erosion of a river

    %. A volcanic eruption

    c. The respiration of living organismsd. Fossils fuels %urninge. An earth"ua(e

    Question 2 points*hich of the follo!ing situations, in your opinion, is more suita%le for fogformation@ +mark ONEof the follo!ing ans!ers.

    a. Close to a shoreline there is an up!elling of a deep and cold ocean current#Bere the !ater meets !arm air coming from the inland area covered !ithforest

    %. An hilly area has no vegetation cover since is "uite arid, ther are only roc(

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    outcrops facing south forming very !arm air masses meeting cool onescoming from the adjacent pea(s

    c. A very !ide area is covered !ith sno! in the mid of !inter season# Berecold air masses meet slightly cool ones coming from an adjacent and dense!oods

    Question ! & pointsne of the conditions that helps the formation of fog is the ice presence thatdecreases the temperature of air inside the jar# *hich one of the follo!ing conditionscould lead to the formation of fog@ +mark ONEof the follo!ing ans!ers.

    a. increasing of air pressure inside the jar%. decreasing of air pressure inside the jarc. An increase or decrease of the air pressure inside the jar leads to fog


    d. An increase of the pressure coupled !ith heating of the air inside the jar

    Question " & points*hich one of the follo!ing su%stances of the atmosphere does NT act ascondensation nucleus@ +mark ONEof the follo!ing ans!ers.

    a. marine aerosol made %y !aves%. car%on dio)idec. particles lifted during a sand storm

    d. particles emitted during a forest fire

    Question # & points1ar( on the follo!ing graph t!o points that represent the conditions of the !aterinside the t!o jars +mar( the point 'Dcold jar? mar( the point &D!arm jar.#

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    OceanographyTemperature and Depth ea!urement!

    - Instruction sheet -

    Dur"ng th"! pract"ca# te!t you $"## mea!ure the temperature o% $ater at d"%%erent depth! at a !amp#"ng!"te& '"th the data co##ected( you $"## con!truct a therma# pro%"#e and conduct an "n)e!t"gat"on *a!edon the data&+ou $"## u!e thermometer! %a!tened at %",ed d"!tance! a#ong a #"ne ca##ed moor"ng rope end"ng$"th a $e"ght& The upper end $"## *e %",ed to the *oat& Th"! !y!tem "! ca##ed moor"ng !y!tem&Dur"ng !c"ent"%"c mea!urement!( "t "! genera##y %",ed to a %#oat"ng *uoy&The thermometer! are actua##y m"cro-data-#ogger! that mea!ure and record temperature data atde!"red t"me "nter)a#!& Th"! operat"on "! ca##ed a m"!!"on& The data #ogger! and the computer!ha)e a#ready *een con%"gured %or th"! m"!!"on&

    Materials Temperature m"cro-data-#ogger! .thermochron "/utton( Da##a!-a,"m mode# DS121 Data-#ogger3PC ca*#"ng !y!tem .named L"n45S/ Computer $"th dr")er! and !o%t$are a#ready "n!ta##ed .named One'"re6"e$er



    Preparation phase5!"ng the hard$are and !o%t$are pro)"ded( you ha)e to program a## the

    data #ogger! "n order to !tart your m"!!"on $"th the %o##o$"ng character"!t"c!7ea!urement rate7 1 m"n&8ormat o% temperature data7 9C&

    A#arm7 o%% Startthe m"!!"on o% each data #ogger&

    Preparation o! the "oorin# line& Put the data #ogger! "n!"de the cham*er!& T"ght#y c#o!e

    the cham*er $"th a !u"ta*#e o-r"ng u!"ng the g")en 4ey!& Then %", the thermochron! at the%o##o$"ng depth!7 !ea %#oor( :10m a*o)e !ea %#oor .a!%( :20m a!%( :;0m a!%&

    Measure"ent& Put the moor"ng #"ne "n the $ater %o##o$"ng the "n!truct"on! %rom the !ta%% o%

    the *oat& Pay !pec"a# attent"on to them