IET Talk: TSSG Model & Future Internet and IPv6

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I gave this talk to on Thu 26th Feb 2010. It gives an overview of the TSSG (Telecommunications Software & Systems Group). The focus is on the unique model of balancing basic research, applied research and commercialisation activity (roughloy equally) in a research centre in Ireland.The next part was a call to arms to migrate to IPv6, giving the historical context of IPv4 depletion.Finally a note was made of the TSSG's progress towards IPv6 deployment, and of our research activity since 199 in various research themes linked to IPv6, particularly SHIM6.


Future Internet

• TSSG  Background

• IPv6  -­‐  Near  Term  Future  Internet

• IPv6  -­‐  TSSG  Deployment  &  Research

• Future  Internet  -­‐  Clean  Slate– Was  planning  to  talk  about  this

– TSSG  doing  some  work  EU  FP7  4WARD

– But  I  have  removed  this  element  of  the  talk

TSSG Executive Management

• Willie  Donnelly– Director,  TSSG

• Mícheál  Ó  Foghlú– ExecuSve  Director  Research,  TSSG

• Barry  Downes– ExecuSve  Director  InnovaSon  &  CommercialisaSon,  TSSG

• Eamonn  de  Leastar– CTO,  TSSG

TSSG Balanced EcoSystem

CommercialThe  Entrepreneur

Basic  ResearchThe  Science

Applied  ResearchThe  Engineering






projects99Completed  Projects  Jan  2010

projects28AcAve  Projects  Jan  2010

%71of  which  TSSG  led

projects127Total  Projects

Average  project    =      €440k,    Total  =  €56  Million  1996-­‐2009Staff  number  =      140  (20  PhDs,  5  Faculty,  12  Postdocs)Spin-­‐in/Spin-­‐Out  company  job  number  =    60Partners  =    150  academic  &  industrial  partners  working  on  funded  projectsEnterprise  Ireland  InnovaAon  Partnerships  =  50  from  2007-­‐2009  *

*  Not  counted  as  projects  -­‐  small  scale  €5k  engagements  with  Irish  SMEs

TSSG Funded Projects






Total:  €56  M  Funding  (1996  –  2010)          Total:  127  Projects

Balanced Portfolio

TSSG Funding Mix

TSSG Positioning• Basic  Research    (HEA,  SFI)

One  of  TOP  3  academic  centre's  in  Ireland  intelecommunicaSons:    WIT  (TSSG),  TCD  (CTVR),  DCU(RINCE)

•    Applied  Research  (EU  FP7)  Irish  winner  of  EU  FP7  funding  -­‐  twice  nearest  compeStor

 Ranked  Top  10  insAtute  in  Europe  in  Future  Internetresearch    (i.e.  on  a  par  with  Nokia,  Ericsson,  FhG  FOKUS)

 Engaged  in  many  EU  Technology  Placorms  at  board  level

         (eMobility,  NEM,  NESSI)

TSSG Positioning Contd…• CommercialisaAon  (EI) One  of  the  top  research  groups  for  commercialisaAon

 Leading  edge  innovaSon    &  technology  development  in: IMS

Web  2.0


       Commercial  ‘Spin-­‐offs’  (Separate  from  TSSG)

Early  stage  technology  clusters  emerging  based  around  TSSG

60  jobs  created  in  14  ‘Spin-­‐Out’  and  ‘Spin-­‐In’  companieslinked  to  TSSG  (since  2001)

ConSnue  to  develop  other  companies  in  the  marketplace

TSSG Research & InnovationPhilosophy

• Research  and  innovaAon  is  non-­‐linear:good  ideas  come  from  ALL  parts  of  an  ecosystem  -­‐  requiring  abalance  of  funding  to  maintain  the  flow  of  the  ecosystem

• Equal  value  across  all  parts  of  ecosystem:basic  research,  applied  research,  and  commercialisaAon,build  experSse  in  VC  funding  and  following  stages

• Build  research  teams:uSlise  non-­‐tradiSonal  staff  (professional  researchers)  inapplied  and  commercial  research    -­‐    fight  academicnorms/assumpSons

Stokes’ Pasteur’s Quadrant      A  detailed  Analysis  of

Vannevar  Bush,  NSF,  OECDFrascaS  and  other  ways  inwhich  basic  and  appliedresearch  have  been  split  byfunding  mechanisms,  to  thedetriment  of  technologicalinnovaAon.

Stokes, Donald E. [1997] Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic Science and TechnologicalInnovation. Washington D.C., USA: Brookings Institution Press.

Stokes’ Pasteur’s Quadrant

Pure  AppliedResearch


   Taxonomies  and  Tools

Researchers  are  the  users

 Use-­‐InspiredBasic  Research


Pure  BasicResearch

       (Bohr)Quest forFundamentalunderstanding?

Considerations for Use ?No Yes



(Adapted from Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation, Stokes1997, p. 73).

IPv6  -­‐  Near  Term  Future  Internet

Future Internet

• Near  Term– We  have  to  move  from  IPv4  to  IPv6  as  this  talk  will  explain

• Longer  Term– There  is  a  lot  of  room  for  academic  research  intoalternaSves  to  IP,  but  it  will  take  10  years  or  more  to  agreeand  then  maybe  another  10  to  implement

• Remember  IP  is  40  years  old  now,  but  only  took  offfrom  the  1990s  as  the  web  popularised  IP  outside  ofacademia  and  of  specialist  IT  companies

IPv4 Exhaustion - Summary• There  are  around  4.3  billion  IPv4  addresses  232  not  allof  which  can  actually  be  used

• There  are  over  6  billion  people• As  countries  develop  it  is  typical  for  each  person  tohave  mulSple  devices  requiring  addresses

• There  are  more  and  more  other  services  linkingmachines  to  machines  that  also  require  addresses

• Therefore  there  are  not  enough  IPv4  addresses• There  are  2128  IPv6  addresses,  this  is  definitelyenough

Shape of IPv4Shape of IPv4

Originally,  three  classes  of  network

were  "good  enough"

...but  not  for  long

Class B ExhaustionClass B Exhaustion

Workarounds  were  needed

Short  term

– Classless  Inter-­‐domain  RouSng  (CIDR)

• finer  tuned  allocaSon

– Encourage  private  addresses  (RFC1918)  and  NAT

• avoid  allocaSon

– RIRs  enter  conservaSon  mode

• minimise  allocaSon

Long  Term

– New  protocol  with  bigger  address  space

Workarounds: CIDRWorkarounds: CIDR

CIDR  took  the

reigns  off  the

subnet  masks

Address  space  now  "shrinks  to  fit”  each  network.

AddressAddress NetmaskNetmask HostsHosts 65534255.255.128.0 32766255.255.192.0 16382255.255.224.0 8190255.255.240.0 4094255.255.248.0 2046255.255.252.0 1022255.255.254.0 510255.255.255.0 254255.255.255.128 126255.255.255.192 62255.255.255.224 30255.255.255.240 14255.255.255.248 6255.255.255.252 2

Success of the Success of the WorkaroundsWorkarounds

• So  IPv4  addresses  have  a  smaller  address  rangethan  IPv6,  but  the  life  of  IPv4  has  been  extended  by:



End of the road for WorkaroundsEnd of the road for Workarounds

• But  sSll,  there  is  huge  demand  for  more  IPv4  addresses:– many  new  wireline  connecSons  as  broadband  penetrates  new  markets– many  new  wireless  data  access  connecSons  as  mobile  broadband  picks  up– many  new  mobile  devices  on  the  Internet,  smart  phones  are  becoming  the  norm– the  promised  new  “Internet  of  things”  where  many  more  embedded  devices  have  wired

and  wireless  Internet  connecSvity  (e.g.  mulSple  electrical  devices  in  houses  and  offices)– every  IPv4  SSL  web  server  needs  a  unique  IPv4  address– many  geographical  regions  of  the  world  (especially  in  Asia  with  later  uptake  of  IPv4  and

huge  populaSons  –  China  and  India)  have  a  much  higher  demand  for  new  IPv4addresses  than  we  have  in  Europe

• So…  When  will  we  run  out  ?  ….

IPv4: How long have we got?IPv4: How long have we got?• Tony  Hain  reckons  2010  (IANA  /8    Pool  will  run  out)

– htp://­‐3/ipv4.html

• Geoff  Huston  reckons  (*)  25  September  2011  (IANA  /8  Pool  will  run  out)– htp://

“Here  the  exhausSon  point  is  the  date  where  the  first  RIR  has  exhausted  itsavailable  pool  of  addresses,  and  no  further  numbers  are  available  in  theIANA  unallocated  pool  to  replenish  the  RIR's  pool.  The  data  availablesuggests  a  best  fit  predicSve  model  where  this  will  occur  on  11-­‐Oct-­‐2010.

A  related  predicSon  is  the  exhausSon  of  the  IANA  unallocated  number  pool,which  this  model  predicts  will  occur  on  25-­‐Sep-­‐2011.”

(*)  Huston’s  model  dynamically  updated  -­‐  these  figures  taken  2010-­‐02-­‐24

Consensus on IPv4 exhaustion began tobe reached in 2007

• On  May  21,  2007,  the  American  Registry  for  Internet  Numbers  (ARIN),  the  North  American  RIR,  advisedthe  internet  community  that  due  to  the  expected  exhausSon  in  2010  "migraSon  to  IPv6  numberingresources  is  necessary  for  any  applicaSons  which  require  ongoing  availability  from  ARIN  of  conSguous  IPnumbering  resources".  It  should  be  noted  that  "applicaSons"  include  general  connecSvity  betweendevices  on  the  Internet,  as  some  devices  only  have  an  IPv6  address  allocated.

• On  June  20,  2007,  the  LaSn  American  and  Caribbean  Internet  Addresses  Registry  (LACNIC),  the  SouthAmerican  RIR,  advised  "preparing  its  regional  networks  for  IPv6"  by  January  1,  2011  for  the  exhausSon  ofIPv4  addresses  "in  three  years  Sme".

• On  June  26,  2007,  the  Asia-­‐Pacific  Network  InformaSon  Centre  (APNIC),  the  RIR  for  the  Pacific  and  Asia,endorsed  a  statement  by  the  Japan  Network  InformaSon  Center  (JPNIC)  that  to  conSnue  the  expansionand  development  of  the  Internet  a  move  towards  an  IPv6-­‐based  Internet  is  advised.  This  with  an  eye  onthe  expected  exhausSon  around  2010  which  will  create  a  great  restricSon  on  the  Internet.

IPv4: How Long do we haveIPv4: How Long do we havewhen the /8 pool is gone?when the /8 pool is gone?

• In  reality  this  depends  on  unpredictable  factors– The  policies  will  probably  get  Sghter– There  will  probably  be  a  rush– Something  else  could  blow  it  apart– Note  that  economic  crisis  has  slowed  consumpSon  ofIPv4  address  pool  slightly  giving  us  maybe  6-­‐12  monthslonger  than  Tony  Hain  predicted  in  2005

The  Internet  Protocol  Journal  -­‐  Volume  8,  Number  3,  September  2005A  PragmaAc  Report  on  IPv4  Address  Space  ConsumpAonby  Tony  Hain,  Cisco  Systemsby  Tony  Hain,  Cisco  Systems

• Network  Address  TranslaAon  (NAT)  and  CIDR  did  their  jobs  and  bought  the  10  years  needed  toget  IPv6  standards  and  products  developed.  Now  is  the  Ame  to  recognize  the  end  to  sustainablegrowth  of  the  IPv4-­‐based  Internet  has  arrived  and  that  it  is  Ame  to  move  on.  IPv6  is  ready  asthe  successor,  so  the  gaAng  issue  is  aotude.

• When  CIOs  make  firm  decisions  to  deploy  IPv6,  the  process  is  fairly  straighcorward.  Staff  willneed  to  be  trained,  management  tools  will  need  to  be  enhanced,  routers  and  operaAng  systemswill  need  to  be  updated,  and  IPv6-­‐enabled  versions  of  applicaAons  will  need  to  be  deployed.  Allthese  steps  will  take  Ame—in  many  cases  mulAple  years.

• The  point  of  this  arAcle  has  been  to  show  that  the  recent  consumpAon  rates  of  IPv4  will  not  besustainable  from  the  central  pool  beyond  this  decade,  so  organizaAons  would  be  wise  to  startthe  process  of  planning  for  an  IPv6  deployment  now.  Those  who  delay  may  find  that  the  IANApool  for  IPv4  has  run  dry  before  they  have  completed  their  move  to  IPv6.  Although  that  maynot  be  a  problem  for  most,  organizaAons  that  need  to  acquire  addiAonal  IPv4  space  to  conAnuegrowing  during  the  transiAon  could  be  out  of  luck.


IPv4 Addresses are Running OutIPv4 Addresses are Running Out

Comments on IPv6 Adoption• CAIDA  (CooperaAve  AssociaAon  for  Internet  Data  Analysis)

– in  UCSD/SDSC  graphs  indicate  that  IPv6  internet  in  2005  is  as  complexas  IPv4  internet  in  2000

– htp://• So  the  topology  of  IPv6  is  already  as  complex  as  IPv4  was  at

the  height  of  the  dot  com  boom• But,  admitedly,  IPv6  is  sSll  less  than  1%  of  all  IP  traffic  in  the

world  today  (topology  good,  traffic  volumes  not  so  good)• More  promising,  the  allocaSon  of  IPv6  address  space  has

been  picking  up  in  2009,  it  had  been  very  slow  up  unSl  then• So  we  have  missed  the  window  of  being  able  to  do  dual-­‐stack

IPv4  and  IPv6  on  all  machines,  as  IPv4  will  be  in  too  shortsupply  -­‐-­‐  so  the  change  over  will  be  more  painful  and  laterthan  originally  planned  by  IETF

44thth March 2005 IPv6 Topology ( March 2005 IPv6 Topology (

October 2000July 2001

April 2002April 2003April 2005

January 2000

IPv4 Historical Development

Example IPv6 AddressExample IPv6 Address• IPv6  =  128  bit  address  (3.4  x  1038  max  possible)

• IPv4  =  32  bit  address  (4,294,967,296  max  possible)

• 2001:0db8:0010:0300:0000:0000:0ae2:510b– Long  version.

• 2001:db8:10:300:0:0:ae2:510b– Omit  leading  zeros.

• 2001:db8:10:300::ae2:510b– Replace  run  of  zeros  with  ::

• 2001:db8:10:300::10:226:81:11– Can  write  end  as  IPv4  address.

IPv4  uses  A  recordsIPv6  uses  AAAA  records

|    IN    A|    IN    AAAA2001:770:18:aa40::c101:c140

Client  atempts  IPv6  first  (AAAA  record)and  if  that  fails,  IPv4  (A  record)

AutomaSc  transiSon  to  IPv6

Dual stacking & DNSDual stacking & DNS

IPv4 Workaround ImpactsIPv4 Workaround Impacts(Private Address Space)(Private Address Space)

• Benefits  of  private  addresses  have  been  exploited  for  ITsecurity

– Internal  hosts  are  not  directly  addressable,therefore  only  reachable  indirectly

– Enforces  a  central  point  of  administraSon

– NAT  used  as  "poor  man's  firewall"to  disallow  new  connecSons  inward

The Cost of PrivateThe Cost of PrivateAddressing (NAT)Addressing (NAT)

• NAT  also  provides  a  way  of  preserving  IPv4  Address  Space,  at  a  price– Large  number  of  private  address  spaces– Each  set  of  private  addresses  funnelled  via  a  “middle  box”  a  Network

Address  TranslaSon  gateway,  to  the  real  Internet– The  NAT  box  needs  to  modify  addresses  embedded  in  every  packet  as  it

traverses  the  gateway  –  inefficient/CPU  intensive– The  NAT  box  breaks  the  original  end-­‐to-­‐end  model  of  the  Internet  making  it

very  difficult  for  machines  behind  a  NAT  gateway  to  offer  services  to  othermachines  on  the  Internet  (hobbling  peer-­‐2-­‐peer  for  example)  -­‐  inelegant

– ApplicaSons  developers  are  then  forced  to  find  workarounds  at  the  higherlayers  of  the  stack  for  NAT  problems,  e.g.  the  use  of  STUN  with  VoIP  to  allowp2p  traffic  –  inefficient  to  have  to  solve  the  same  problem  repeatedly

The Cost of Private Addressing (NAT)The Cost of Private Addressing (NAT)

• AddiSonal  problems  with  the  use  of  NAT– It  hurts  security  (yes,  really!)  e.g.  your  wholecompany/campus  is  blacklisted  due  to  one  usermisbehaving

– It's  extra  hassle  to  avoid  leaks– It's  bad  news  if  networks  merge  (and  they  use  the  sameprivate  IP  space)

The side benefit of large addressThe side benefit of large addressspacespace

– IPv6  uses  264  addresses  on  a  link  instead  of  usually  less  than  28  forIPv4

– Aqacks  based  on  simply  scanning  a  whole  network

– would  need  years  for  performing  it

– would  thereby  consume  a  massive  bandwidth  on  the  scanned  link

– are  therefore  no  longer  appropriate

– However

one  needs  to  take  care  about  the  addressing  of  server  (use  of  arbitraryidenSfiers)

one  needs  to  secure  neighbour  discovery  messages

Cryptographically Generated AddressesCryptographically Generated Addresses– IPv6  addresses,  which  carry  hashed  informaAon  about  public  key  in

the  idenAfier  part

– Benefits

CerSficate  funcSonality  without  requiring  a  key  managementinfrastructure

SoluSon  for  securing  IPv6  Neighbour  Discovery  (resolve  chicken-­‐eggproblem  of  IPsec)

Subnet prefix (64 bit) CGA specific ID (64 bit)

Cryptographically Generated Address

Hash of sender public key

Traceability of (mobile) usersTraceability of (mobile) users

In  stateless  IPv6  address  autoconfiguraAon  idenAfiers  can  be  derivedfrom  HW  (staAc  part  in  address)

Does  this  mean  that  I‘m  traceable  (locaAon,  sites  visited,  …)?

• IPv6  supports  also  random  idenSfiers  for  privacy  reasons

• These  random  idenSfiers  are  default  se~ng  in  some  operaSng  systems

Subnet prefix (64 bit)Random or staticidentifier (64 bit)

Disappearance of Disappearance of NATsNATsWithout  NAT  boxes  my  home  /  company  deviceswill  have  public  addresses

Does  this  mean  that  I’m  easily  reachable  from  outside  and  therefore  also  moreaffected  by  aqacks?

– NO,  as  NAT  boxes  do  not  give  any  security  or  privacy.

– A  (host)  firewall  can  effecSvely  shield  parts  which  should  not  be  reachablefrom  outside.

– Even  more,  a  firewall  can  provide  applicaSon  layer  security,  a  NAT  box  cannot

– BUT  NAT  by  default  denys  access  -­‐-­‐  a  good  thing  in  general

InternetGlobal AddressesCompany A

Public Address ACompany B

Public Address B



• IPv6  has  a  real  privacy  protocol

• IPv4  has  no  real  privacy  protocol

• Network  elements  based  on  IPv4  need  to  beprotected  by  firewalls,  cable  modems  are  a  classicexample,  whereas  IPv6  equivalents  can  be  muchmore  secure

IPv6 ServicesIPv6 Services

• Technically  there’s  no  huge  advantage  for  any  IP-­‐based  services  to  use  IPv6  over  IPv4.

• The  benefits  come  from  the  broader  infrastructuralargument  relaSng  to  the  end-­‐to-­‐end  architecture.

IPv6 ServicesIPv6 Services• This  is  most  important  when  looking  at

potenSal  peer-­‐2-­‐peer  services  such  as  VoIP– In  an  IPv4  world  you  need  a  SIP  gateway  and  a  media  gateway  to

setup  a  VoIP  call  using  SIP  –  the  media  gateway  allows  connecSvitythrough  NAT  gateways,  and  transfers  signalling  between  differenttypes  (e.g.  SS7  to  IP);  SIP  gateway  more  like  a  firewall  than  NAT

– In  an  IPv6  world  the  SIP  signalling  negoSates  a  media  stream  thatthen  can  flow  directly  between  the  two  clients

– This  the  IMS  architecture  itself  is  simplified  for  many  services  usingIPv6

• As  developers  there  is  no  major  overhead  in  developing  dual  stackapplicaSons

• Thus  those  developing  services  for  the  next  generaSon  internet  shoulddevelop  dual  stack  applicaSons  that  support  IPv4  and  IPv6

IPv6  -­‐  TSSG  Deployment  &  Research

IPv6 - TSSG Deployment &Research

TSSG/WIT IPv6 allocations

Currently running:2 /48s 2001:770:20::/48 and 2001:770:**::/48 (darknet)1 /48 used entirely as a darknet1 /48 subnetted into 4 /50s 3 /50s in use 1 /50 initial darknet - now re-routed to external research network

6 /64s in use (research, Internet routed) 1 /50 production n/w + routed links (WIT)

2 /64s in use 1 /50 production n/w (TSSG)

11 /64s in use (production)16 /64s in use (research, Internet routed)

1 additional /64 on our co-location LAN extension

IPv6 Networking• In  the  TSSG  all  our  networks  are  dual-­‐stacked,  unless  there  is  a

specific  reason  not  to.• Routed  uplinks  and  producSon  servers  are  assigned  staSc  IPv6

addresses.  All  other  devices  obtain  auto-­‐generated  IPv6  addresses.• We  use  ACLs  to  strictly  limit  inbound  traffic  to  all  our  networks,

except  the  Darknet  of  course.• All  outbound  traffic  is  allowed  and  a  reflexive  rule  is  associated  with

each  outbound  session  so  the  return  traffic  is  allowed  back  in.• We  originally  use  a  combinaSon  of  staSc  IPv6  routes  and  OSPFv3  for

our  IPv6  rouSng;  now  we  use  IS-­‐IS  as  our  primary  rouSng  protocol.• We  have  found  that  running  IPv6  does  not  add  any  more  complexity

to  network  design  or  layout.  It  does  however  introduce  more  securityissues  and  can  make  troubleshooSng  more  difficult.  Hence  the  needfor  monitoring  and  tracking.

• The  restoraSon  of  the  End-­‐to-­‐End  model,  whilst  welcome,  eliminatesthe  “auto-­‐secure”  or  unreachable  by  default  protecSon  of  NAT/PAT.

Network & Host Monitoring

• Open  source  tools  like  Nagios  and  Smokeping  can  be  used  tomonitor  network  and  host  availability  and  reliability  overIPv6.

• Ntop  provides  detailed  network  traffic  analysis  (if  an  uplinkport  is  tap’d  /  span’d).

• However  these  tools  only  provide  rudimentary  informaSonand  can’t  really  tell  you  what  is  happening  on  your  network.

• We  now  use  Ne�low  (v9)  from  Cisco  devices  to  capture  andlog  all  IPv4  and  IPv6  headers

Security and traffic monitoring

• IniSally  no  commercial  security  or  monitoring  products.  Someopen  source  products  but  implementaSons  were  poor  andbadly  maintained.  No  real  demand.

• US  Department  of  Defense  decree  of  full  IPv6  support  by  July2008  in  July  2005  has  improved  this  situaSon.

• Commercial  products  are  now  becoming  available  with  fullIPv6  support  for  monitoring  and  security  reporSng.

Static Vs Dynamic addresses

• In  the  TSSG  we  use  staSc  addresses  for  all  our  servers  androuted  uplink  interfaces.

• We  use  dynamic  address  on  most  networks  for  client  devicesand  on  internal  vlan  interfaces.

• We  use  the  router  to  allocate  the  dynamic  addresses

• We  do  not  use  dynamic  DNS.

Services: DNS• DNS Primary and Secondary hot-swap

– DNS External 1st (bind9 on Linux ubuntu, HEAnet)– DNS External 2nd (bind9 on Solaris 10 zone, TSSG)

• round robins over– - Waterford (Solaris 10 zone, TSSG)

• IPv6 enabled– - Frankfurt (BSD Virtual Private Server, NTT Verio)

• Not IPv6, yet– - Virginia (BSD Virtual Private Server, NTT Verio)

• Not IPv6, yet– - Tokyo (BSD Virtual Private Server, NTT Verio)

• IPv6 enabled

Services: Mail, Web• Mail

– Software: postfix 2.2.8– OS: Sun Solaris– Location: internally hosted in TSSG

• Web– Software: Apache 2.2.0– OS: Linux ubuntu– Location: externally hosted in HEAnet– Note: Acts as host for many virtual domains (from to )

Research Older: EU FP5 andearlier

• Converge  (TSR  Strand  III)– Security,  Quality  of  Service  and  AccounSng  for  next  generaSon  IPv6  services

• Torrent  (EU  FP5  IST)– Use  of  IPv6  for  Secure  Provision  of  ISP  Services

• Intermon  (EU  FP5  IST)– Inter-­‐domain  Quality  of  Service  for  IPv4  and  IPv6  networks  and  services

• SEINIT  (EU  FP6  IST)– Security  for  next  generaSon  IPv6  networks  and  services

• IPv6  Cluster  (EU  FP5  IST)– EU-­‐sponsored  coordinaSon  acSvity  bring  together  all  EU  IST  FP5  projects

promoSng  or  using  IPv6

Research Recent: EU FP6, HEA,SFI

– Daidalos  I  &  Daidalos  II  (EU  FP6  IST)• Scenario-­‐based  next  generaSon  pervasive  services  based  on  IPv6

– M-­‐Zones  (HEA  PRTLI  Cycle  3)• Managed  Zones  of  Smart  Spaces  –  managing  next  generaSon  pervasiveservices

– FoundaAons  of  Autonomics  (SFI  PI  Cluster)• Modelling  communicaSons  networks  and  services  to  enable  autonomicnetwork  &  service  management

– ENABLE  (EU  FP6  IST)• Enabling  efficient  and  operaSonal  mobility  in  large  heterogeneous  IPnetworks  (built  on  mobile  IPv6)

Research Current: EU FP7• Autonomic  CommunicaSons

– 4WARD   [IP  FP7  ICT  Call  1]– EFIPSANS   [IP  FP7  ICT  Call  1]– AutoI   [STREP  FP7  ICT  Call  1]

• Services– PERSIST   [STREP  FP7  ICT  Call  1]

• Security– Inco-­‐Trust   [CA  FP7  ICT  Call  1]– Think-­‐Trust   [CA  FP7  ICT  Call  1]

• Testbeds– PII   [IP  FP7  ICT  Call  2]– Perimeter   [STREP  FP7  ICT  Call  2]– VITAL++   [STREP  FP7  ICT  Call  2]

Research Current: HEA & Other

– HEA  FutureComm  (PRTLI  Cycle  4)• Partnered  with  NUI  Maynooth  and  University  of  Limerick

– SFI  SRC  FAME• Partnered  with  TCD,  UCD,  NUIM  and  UCC

– NaAonal  IPv6  Centre  (DCMNR)• Partnered  with  NUI  Maynooth,  HEAnet  and  BT  Ireland

– Irish  NaAonal  IPv6  Task  Force  (DCMNR/DCENR)• Promote  IPv6  in  Ireland

• htp://

Irish IPv6 Summit: Event Plug• NaSonal  IPv6  Summit• Wed  19th  May  2010• Dublin  Castle,  Dublin,  Ireland• Keynote  speakers:  Brian  Carpenter  (University  ofAuckland)  and  Geoff  Huston  (APNIC)

• Panelists/Speakers:  Dennis  Jennings  (ICANN),  DanielKarrenberg  (ISOC  and  RIPE),  Mat  Ford  (ISOC)

• RegistraSons  opening  in  March– htp://  (website  launch  soon)– htp://  (view  last  year’s)


• Happy  to  answer  any  quesSons

Contact DetailsTSSG  Offices:TSSG    (Waterford,  Ireland)  Headquarters

ArcLabs  Research  &  InnovaSon  Building

WIT  West  Campus,  Carriganore

Co.  Waterford,      Ireland

TSSG    (California,  USA)  Investment/VC  Network

101  California  Street

Suite  2450

San  FranciscoCA  94111  ,  USA

TSSG    (Dublin,  Ireland)  Customer  MeeAngs

Digital  Depot,  Roe  Lane

The  Digital  Hub

Dublin  8,    Ireland

Mícheál  Ó  Foghlú

ExecuAve  Director  ResearchTSSG,  WIT

+353  51  302963  (w)

+353  86  8044640  (m)

Barry  DownesExecuAve  Director  3CS


+353  51  302932  (w)

+353  87  9075535  (m)