IFT Campaign Presentation

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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  • 1. Paula, Kash, Shaan, Halil

2. THE INDEPENDENT FILM TRUST The Independent Film Trust is a UK charity which was set up to encourage andadvance the cause of independent film making. The IFT works with groups like British Independent Film Awards and theRaindance Film Festival. These groups help IFT foster, promote and celebrateindependent film making in the UK. The IFT was founded in 2004 by Elliot Grove. It is now run by the Board ofTrustees, chaired in 2006 by Neil McCartney. IFTs patrons include Sir Alan Parker, Faye Dunaway, Terence Davies, BillForsyth, John Irvin, Mike Leigh, Samantha Morton, Tim Roth and NickBroomfield.MISSION OF THE IFT:The IFT supports ventures and initiatives that encourage an interest infilm production and help emerging film-makers to develop andexpress themselves, through financing activities such as basic filmcourses for the disadvantaged and the provision of trainingscholarships for those who have demonstrated talent but needmonetary or other help. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Film_Trust 3. WHAT ARE INDEPENDENT FILMS?An independent film, is a professional filmproduction resulting in a feature film .Inaddition to being produced byindependent productioncompanies, independent films are alsoproduced and/or distributed by subsidiariesof major film studios. Usually independentfilms are made with considerably lower filmbudgets than major studiofilms. Independent films are often screenedat local, national, or international filmfestivals before distribution. A independentFrom what we have learned we can also say thatfilm production can rival a mainstream film independent movies are usually made on a lowbudget by unknown directors and the actorsproduction if it has the necessary fundingstarring are usually also unknown. They areand distribution. - usually also known more from word of mouth.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_fi Some independent movies have becomelmmainstream and very popular... 4. TARGET AUDIENCEIn order for the IFT to be able to mainstream their movies, they have to find the right target audience to aim their movie at. Wehave established the target audience for the IFT: Age: Promoters 21+, 15-21 Young Film Makers, Older People For Entertainment Purposes. Income/Class: Middle Class/Working Class Interests: Movies, Music, Celebrity Life. Interested In Media, Production, Film Making, Documentaries, Educatio nal Movies, Old Movies Lifestyle: Enjoy Going To Cinemas, Researching New 5. Unique Selling PointThe Unique Selling Point is that thischarity offers people the opportunity tomake their own short films. Where theywould not usually get the opportunity.It is also appealing to any person who isan appreciator of film; we exploit iconicimages of the stars of the past (MarilynMonroe, etc.) to grab attention. 6. We have been asked to design products for two short filmsmade by the IFT. In thefollowing slides we will bediscussing the films as well as showing our initial ideas to you. 7. WHAT WE WERE ASKED TO DOThe IFT asked us to design five products, forthe two films they have chosen: DVD sleeve cover DVD disk cover Raffle tickets Poster IN THE FOLLOWING SLIDES Radio commercial WE ARE GOING TO PRESENTEVIDENCE OF OUR RESEARCHAND THE DESIGNS OF OUR WORK.. 8. SCHOOL IN A BOX The project School in a box consisted of two short filmsmade by the students of Stoke Newington School. Thefilm presents two short stories of the lifes of a couple ofteenagers. After watching the full film(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw0-gTFfOdg&feature=related) you will know that it wasmade for entertainment and educational purposes. The aim of the film School in a box is to give peoplethat would not usuallt get the chance, an opportunity totell short stories using film 9. SCHOOL IN A BOX THE NEXT COUPLE OFSLIDES WILL INTRODUCE OUR DESIGNS FOR THE SCHOOL IN A BOX PROJECT 10. Paulas design... 11. Shaansdesign... 12. Halils design... 13. Kashs design... 14. OUR FINAL CHOSEN DESIGN 15. VISION SHORTS The project Vision Shorts consisted of two short films madeby a number of people with mental illnesses. The filmpresents s number of topics which are smoking, telephonicconversations and some animation. The film was made toshow the audience that even less fortunate people can betaken seriously and showing us their skills. You can watch the full film on YouTube, part one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSGJqrmWTjI&feature=player_embedded / part two:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRYHpt_cEoo&feature=related The aim of Vision Shorts was to help people with mentalhealth problems share a short story using film. 16. VISION SHORTSTHE NEXT COUPLE OF SLIDES WILL INTRODUCEOUR DESIGNS FOR THEVISION SHORTS PROJECT 17. Paulas design... 18. Shaansdesign... 19. Halils design... 20. Kashs design... 21. OUR FINAL CHOSEN DESIGNKashs DVD cover Shaans CD cover 22. Halils Tickets 23. Kashs Tickets 24. Paulas Tickets 25. Shaans Tickets 26. ANY QUESTIONS?