(ii) European History (1715–1815)

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(ii) European History (1715-1815)

Colin Jones

General: international Two fine syntheses on the social impact of war stood out this year: G. Parker. The military revoliition. Military innovation and the rise of the West 1500-1800 (CUP, f 15) and M.S. Anderson. War andsociety in Eiirope of the old riginw. 1618-1789 (Leicester U.P., f25; Fontana pbk f4.95). Studies of relations between Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world also caught the eye, notably J. Black, 'Anglo-French relations in the age of the French Revolution, 1787-1793' (Francia. 15, 1987); idem. 'The problems of the small state: Bavaria and Britain in the second quarter of the eighteenth century' (Eicr. Hisr. Q.. 19); F. Benetti, 'Pascal Paoli et I'image de la Corse au XVIIle. siecle: les temoignages des voyageurs britanniques' (Sriirlies on Volraire. 2 5 3 ) ; P.P. Hill. French perceptions of rhe curly Americun repiihlic. 17x3-Y-3 (Amer. Phil. SOC.. $24); J.M. Banner. 'France and the origins of American political culture' (Virginia Q. R . , fA); and F. Malet. 'Hyde de Neuville ;LUX Etats-Unis, 1807-22' ( R . d'/ i i .~t . diplornutiqiie. 102). The wider perspective was also present in F.M. Goqek. East encoiiiiters West: Frunce and the Otroniun empire in tlic eighrcetirh centiiry (OUP. f22.50). Other useful studies incladed J. Black. 'French foreign policy in the Age of Fleury reassessed' ( E . H . R . 103); 1. Pederin, 'Die Venezianische Verwaltung. die inend- und die Aussenpolitik in Dalmatien (XVI-XVIII Jh)' (Sriidi Verieziatii. 15); and E. Ring. 'Attempts at changing the power relations of Central Europe between 1792-1797' (Duntihian Hist. S t i i d ~ . . 2 ) . A comparative study of power emerged too from A. Maczak and E. Miiller-Luckner. Klientrlsystrrrir iri Eiirope tlrr friihm N c i i z r i ~ (Oldenbourg: DM98). The European dimension of the French Revolution Wi\s explored in G.E. Rothenberg, 'The origins. causes and extensions of the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon' ( J . 1nterdi.sc. Hi.st.. I X ) and 0. Dann and J. Dinwiddy (eds). Nritioriiilisr~i in the rigi' of the French Revolirtion (Harnbledon, f28). Also of use here was P. W. Schroeder, 'An unnatural "Natural Alliance": Castlereagh, Metternich and Aberdeen in 1813' (Intertiutiotiril H . R . . 10).

General: social and economic Outstandingly novel and stimulating - and surely destined for Michael Fish's Christmas stocking - were the weather-mnps which formed the hasis of J . Kington. The weritlierof the 17SO.s over Eiirope (CUP, f35). a work which could be contextualised by C. Pfister. 'Fluctuations climatiques et prix cerialiers en Europe du XVle au XXe siecle' (Annales. 43). The relationship between subsistence and demography was pursued in P.R. Galloway, 'Basic patterns in annual variations in fertility. nuptiality, mortality and prices in pre- industrial Europe' (Pop. S t d s . , 42) and. more broadly in W.W. Hagen. 'Capitalism and the countryside in early modern Europe. Interpretations. models, debates' (Agric. Hisr.. 62). The growth of capitalism was also well covered this year by I. Wallerstein, The Modern World-System. 3. The seco~id era of great expunsion of the capitalist world rconomy. 1730-1840 (San Diego: Academic Press, $17.50) and by K. Honeyman and J . Goodman. Cninfiil piirsiiir: the niuking of indiistrial Eitrope, 1600-1914 (Arnold, f25, pbk f 10.95). The urban context was explored in a number of valuable works. notably P. Bairoch et al . . L a Popiilation des villes eiiropiennes. Banqiie de dorinPes et arinlyse somimiire des rPsihts, 800- 1815 (Droz. SF45); H. Van der Wee. The Rise and cleclitie of iirban itihistries in Italy and the Low Coiintries (late riiiddle nges-etirly modern rimes) (Leuven U.P.); I . Turnau. 'The organisation of the European textile industry from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century' ( I . Eiir. Ecoti. Hist. . 17); the special number of Revue dic


Nord. 70, devoted to 'petites villes' and covering N. France and the Low Countries; and F. Waiter. Vivre et itnaginer la ville, XVllle-XIXe. siPc1e.s (Geneva: Zoe). Urban tensions surfaced in P. Messina. 'Poveri e mendicanti nell'Europa moderna' (Stirdi storici, 29); in F. Krantz (ed.). History from below: stiidies in popitfar protest and popirlar ideology (Blackwell. f35, pbk f11.95); and in the special number of Social Reseorch. 55 . inspired by the AIDS epidemic and devoted to ' In Time of Plague?', with a useful piece by P. Slack, 'Responses to plague in early modern Europe: the implications of public health'. The sexual inderworld of the Enlightenment city was explored in R.P. Maccubbin (ed.). *Tis Nature's f d t : rrnairthorised sexuality during the Enligh/ennient (CUP, f25) and G.S. Rousseau and R. Porter (eds). Scxiral iinderworlds of the Enlightenment (Manchester U.P. 1987. f29.95). though some felt the studies were too male-orientated. Consequences of sexuality were examined by J . Gelis, La Sage-femme oil le tntdeciti. Une noirvelle conception de la vie (Fayard. F1.50) - which could be read in conjunction with V. Fildes, Wet-niir.yitig: N history froin Antiquity to the presetit (Edinburgh U.P., f 19.50) and. in another vein. by R. Phillips, firtting usirrrrler. A history of divorce iri western society (CUP, f30). which was particularly good on the eighteenth century. Social and cultural diffusion seemed popular this year. One noted M. Espagne and M. Werner (eds). Tratisferts. Les re1rrtioti.s intercirl/iirelles tlrins I'cspuce frmrco- ollernurrd XVllIe & XlXe .si~cIes (Recherche Civi1is;itions. FI 15); R . Vogler, 'Strasbourg. terre de rencontre des cultures franqaise et germanique au XVIlIe siecle' (Bull. SOC. d'Hist. Mod . . 40); L. Le Grandic. 'Les salons en voyage, ou le debat esthitique. politique et moral des voyageurs franqais en ltalie au XVIlIe siecle (R. d'hisf. litthrrire, 88); J.R. Harris. 'The diffusion of English metallurgical methods to eighteenth-century France' (Fr. Hist . . 2 ) ; and the brilliantly-written A. Corbin. LP territoire dii vide: I'occirlent ct le d k i r rlii riwige (1750-1840) (Aubier, F140). Other comparative pieces included J.A. Goldstone, 'Regional ecology & agrarian development in England & France' (Pol. m r l Soc.. 16); R.C. Allen and C. O'Grada. 'On the road again with Arthur Young: English. Irish and French agriculture during the Industrial Revolution' ( J . Econ. Hist.. 48): L. Neal. 'The rise of a financial press: London and Amsterdam. 1681-1810' (Bus. Hist.. 30); L.A. McKenzie, 'Politics and culture in early modern Europe' (His/ . Erir. Irlcas, 10); and P. Sahlins. 'The nation in a village: state-building and communal struggles in the Catalan borderland during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries' ( J . Mod. Hist., 60).

General: ideas and mentalitCs Three fine general studies here this year: R. Chartier. Ciilticrcrl history: between pructices and rcprexentcttiorrs (Polity. f25) - an exemplary study; R. Porter and M. Teich (eds). Rornontici.sni irr notionol context (CUP, f30, pbk f 10.95); and D. Outram and P.G. Abir-Am. Utiemy ciireers and irrrirnrrte lives: wornen and science. 1789-1979 (Rutgers U.P.. f28.15. pbk f9.95). The scientific theme was also taken up by R. Siegfried. 'The chemical revolution in the history of chemistry' (Osiris. 4). and. as regards economics, by W. Eltis, 'The contrasting theories of industrialisation of Franqois Quesnay & Adam Smith' (Oxford Econ. Papers, 40). Religious ideas and beliefs were explored in Pratiqites religieilres, mentalitks et spirititalitis d a m /'Europe rev. (1770-1820) (C.N.R.S., F400), to which could be added S.T. Miller. 'A belated convert from jurisdictionalism to Jansenism: Josse le Plat (1732-1830)' ( f rocs . Anrer. Phil. Soc.. 131, 1987). Politics were at issue in H. Mitchell, 'Tocqueville's mirage or reality? Political freedom from Old Regime to Revolution' ( J . Mod. Hist.. 60) and B.M. Downing. 'Constitutionalism. warfare and political change in early modern Europe' (Theory Soc., 17). D. Nicholls and P. Marsh (eds). Biographical dictiorrary of Eirropeurr radicals and socialists. 1. 1780-1815 (Harvester, f90) looked like proving a useful comparative reference work.


Ancien Rkime France: politics and government P. Campbell. The Ancien Rigime in France (Blackwell, f3.50) was a useful short introduction to a complex subject. A number of stimulating essays demonstrated a nascent political consciousness at even very humble levels prior to 1789, notably L. Vardi. 'Peasants and the Imv: a village appeals to the French Royal Council: 1768-1791' (Social Hisr.. 13); W. Schmale, 'La mentalite politique des paysans fraqais au XVllle siecle' (Pensiero politico, 21); and E.A. Allen. 'A model and typology of local political struggle in eighteenth- century France: based on comparisons from Languedoc' (Hist. Merhods, 21). They could be read alongside F. Roudant el 01.. Les recteitrs Ikonaids parlent de la misPre: 1774 (Quimper: Societe archeol. Finistere. F120) and F. Furet. 'The Monarchy and the procedures for the elections of 1789' (J. Mod. Hist.. 60). The latter article was complemented by M. Ozouf. "'Public opinion" at the end of the Old Regime' ( ibid.) and M. Peronnet. 'L'Assemblee du ClergC de France tenue en 1788' (Ann. hisr. RCV. f r . . 273). The religious theme was also in question in M. Poniatowski, Talleyrand er I'oncienne France (Perrin, F195); D.G. Thompson. 'The French Jesuit leaders & the destruction of the Jesuit Order in France. 1756-1762' (Fr. His/ . . 2) and the same author's 'French Jesuit wealth on the eve of the 18th-century suppression' (Srirds. in Chitrch His/., 24. 1987). The politics of the elite were illuminated in J. Villain. 'Naissance de la Chambre de justice de 1716' ( R . d'hist. mod. contemp., 35); H .A. Ellis, Boiiluitivilliers urid die French nioncircliy. Aris/ocmric politics iri curly 18th ceritiiry Fronce (Cornell U.P., $34.50); D. Venturino, 'L'ideologia nobiliare nella Francia di antico regime. Nota sul dibattito storiografico recente' (Studi srurici. 29); M. Valensise, 'The French Constitution in pre-Revolutionary debate' ( I . Mod. Hist.. 60); A. Sanfaqon. 'Legendes, histoire et pouvoir sous I'Ancien Regime' ( R . hist.. 566); D.D. Bien. 'Les offices. les corps et le credit d'etnt: I'utilisation des privileges sous I'Ancien Regime' (Annales, 43); T.J. Schaeper, 'Government and business in early eighteenth-century France: the case of Marseille' (J. Eiir. €con. His!.. 17); and J. Pritchard. 'Fir trees. financiers and the French navy during the 1750s' (Cunadiun J. of His/ . , 23). The armed forces were also covered in F.X. Emmanueli, 'L'armee dans le royaume sous I'Ancien Regime: I'exemple provenpl au XVllle siecle' (frovetice hist.. 38) and L. Sueur. 'L'alimentation des marins du roi de France de 1763 5 1789 sur les vaisseaux au long cours se dirigeant vers les Indes orientales' ( R . his/., 568). the latter neatly complemented by B. Fink. 'From famine to feast: Enlightenment fare at sea' (Brit. J . 18th Centiiry Sfiids., 1 I ) . N. Aston. 'Orleanism, 1780-1830: the origins of liberal monarchy in France' (Hisr. Toduy. 38) and E. Lever. Loiiis XVl l l (Fayard. F150) provided some broad brush-strokes. On kingship generally, the sweeping views of E. Le Roy Ladurie. 'La monarchie franpise d'Ancien Regime: un systeme ouvert?' (Rev. Bibliorheyire Natioriule. 27) and A. Boureau, Le simple corps dii roi: I'impossible sacralitP' des soiiveroins franpis , XVe-XVllIr siecles (Editions de Paris, F 9 X ) were helpful.

Ancien Regime France: society and economy M. Ramsey. Professional and popular medicine in France, 1770-1830. The social world of medicalpracrice (CUP, f35) was a fine synthesis which made a considerable contribution to both social and demographic history, and could be read alongside A. Fraysse, 'Medecins et thkrapeutiques dans lediocese de Toulouse, 1770-90' (Ann. dii Midi, 100); P. Even, 'Une fondation hospitaliere originale au XVIIIe siecle: les forestieres de La Rochelle' (Bibl. de I'Ecole des Chartes, 146); J. Demesy-Maurent. 'Un maitre chirurgien dans la Haute Provence d r h o i s e ?I la veille de la Rev.' (Cohiers d'hist., 33); C. Desplat, 'L'encadrement medical dans le resort de I'intendance d'Auch et de Pau au XVllle siecle' (Ann. d11 Midi, 100): J.L. Bruzulier. 'L'hbpital general de Vannes au XVIIIe siecle' (Ann. Brerugne, 95) and. for the insane. R. Castel, The Regulution


of madness: /he origins of incarcerarion in Frorice (Polity, f29.50) and J.P. Billet, 'Les insenses en Provence aux XVlle et XVIIIe siecles' (Provence h b . . 38).

There was a really excellent synthesis on demographic history. J. Dupiicquier (ed.). Histoire de la popiilarion fronpise. I f . De la Rennaissrince a I789 (P.U.F., F390). A briefer treatment was offered in B. Garnot. La poliiclotion frunpise aicx XVIe, XVl l e e / XVIIle sitcles (Ophrys. F52). Demographic behaviour was also examined in J.C. Sangoi. 'Le contrde de la fecondite dans le Bas-Quercy' (Ann. d h o g . hbr . ) ; B. Garnot. 'La "fecondite naturelle" et les Chartrains au XVllle siecle' ( ibid.); M. Terrisse. 'La population de Marseille vers 1750' (Provence his/., 38); J. Houdaille, 'La bourgeoisie selon le dictionnaire ginealogique d'Andre Delavienne' (Popirla/ion. 43); and J.A. Perkins. 'Love. marriage and sex in eighteenth-century France' (Stirdies in Vol/aire. 256). Sex. as often seems to be the case recently, had a good year, with J-L. Quoy-Bodin. 'Le plaisir et I'instant du libertinage initiatique au XVIIIe siecle' (Infini. 21); M. Rey. 'Police and sodomy in eighteenth-century Paris' (J. Honio.sexiinIi/y. 16); T. Rizzo. 'Sexual violence in the Enlightenment: the state. the bourgeoisie & the cult of the victimised woman' (Proc. W. SOC. Fr. His/ . , 15); and K. Wilkins. 'Andrea de Neraint and the libertine tradition in eighteenth-century France' ( S l i d e s 01 Vol/oire. 256). Other ilspects of family life were assessed in A. Collomp. 'From stem family to nuclear family: changes in the coresident group in Haute-Provence between the end of the eighteenth and the middle of the nineteenth centuries' (Corit. nricl Chcinge. 3); M. Daurnas, L'affnire d'Esclrins: Ies corifli/s furniliuirx (i i i XVIIle siecle (Seuil, F175); M. Cuillerion. 'Les causes matrimoniales des officialites de Paris au siecle des Lumieres. 1726-85)' ( R . h i s / . tle droit f r u n y i s e/P/rariger. 66); and J.C. Dube & P.J. Laferriere, Les bigots dii XVIe siecle il la RPvoIiition (Montreal: Fides).

Privacy and domestic life were further. brilliantly illuminated by the analysis of material culture in A. Pardailhe-Galabrun. t r i nuissunce de /* i f i / i i i i c : 3OOO foyers parisiens. XVlle-XVllle siecles (P.U.F., F250). The topic of life-styles was further illuminated by H. Desmets-Gregoire, 'Origine et evolution des objets de cafi :I Marseille aux XVlle et XVllle siecles' (Provence his / . , 38); 0. Zeller. 'Un mode d'habiter a Lyon au XVIIle siecle: la priltique de la location principale' ( R . ti'his/. mod. e/ contetiip.. 35); R. Steinmetz, 'Conceptions du corps a travers I'acte alimentaire aux XVIle et XVIIle siecles' ( ibid.); and G. Vigarello. Cortcep/s of clennliness: chnnges of u//i/iiries in Frtince since the middle ages (CUP. E5). The same author also contributed to the 1987 issue of Cornfniinicrrtiofi.~, 46. devoted to 'Parure, pudeur, etiquette'. P.D. Boudriot. 'Essai sur I'ordure en milieu urbain 5 I'epoque pre-industrielle. De quelques realites ecologiques a Paris, XVlle-XVllle sikles' (Hist. Econ. SOC., 7 ) covered complementary ground. In fact, urban life and problems attracted a good deal of interest. J.W. Konvitz asked 'Does the century 1650-1750 constitute a period in urban history? The French evidence reviewed' (J. Urbnn His/ . . 14). a stimulating overview of an issue to which the re-issue of P. Lelievre, Names au XVlIle siecle: irrbnnisnie e/ nrchi/ec/iire (Picard, F500); M. Virieux. 'L'elite lyonnaise sous la Regence' ( R . d'hisr. mod. conreinp.. 35 ) ; and B. Garnot, 'Administrer une ville au XVIll s i d e : Chartres' (Hist. Ecori. SOC.. 7) also made contributions. T. Brennan. Piiblic drinking arid popirlnr ciilriire in eigh/eenrh centiiry Paris (Princeton U.P.. $38) presented the seamy side of city life. though he contrived to make it sound rather respectable. Other useful materials were evident in A. Farge and J. Revel, Logiques de lo foirle: I'offaire des e~~/Pve~nen/ s d'enfants (Park, 1730) (Hachette. F54) and R. Schwartz. Policing /he poor in eighreenlh- century France ( N . Carolina U.P.. $45). An important special feature on 'Corps et communautes d'Ancien Regime' (with pieces by D. Bien, G. Bossenga. S. Kaplan. J. 'Revel, J. Hoock, S. Cerutti) in Annnles, 43, highlighted the guilds. on which there was useful work also by G. Bossenga. 'Protecting merchants: guilds and commercial capitalism in eighteenth-century France' (Fr. Hist. Stiids.. 15); and by


H. Burstin, 'La Manifattura dei Gobelins di fronte alla rivoluzione' (Studistorici. 29). R.L. Stein, The French sirgar business in the 18th century (Louisiana U.P.. f26.15) was a survey of the Ancien Regime's most profitable branch of trade. I t could be read in conjunction with J.F. Bosher. 'Success and failure in trade to New France, 1660-1760' (French Hist. Studs.. 15); D. Miquelon. 'Canada's place in the French imperial economy: an eighteenth-century overview' (ibid.); and M. Verge- Franceschi. 'La societe maritime des XVIIe et XVIIIe s i d e s a travers les archives de la Marine' (R. hist. ArmPes, 171).

Relations between town and country were a major focus in D. Margairez. Foires el marches dans la France pr6inditstrielle (C.I.D.. F150); L. Fontaine, 'Le reti del credito. La montagna. la citta, la pianura: i mercanti dell'Oisans tra XVII e XIX secolo' (Quad. storici, 68); C. Marquie. 'Protoindustrialisation et revolution; le textile carcassonnais' (Information hist.. 50); J. Vogt. 'Quelques aspects du grand commerce des boeufs et de I'approvisionement de Strasbourg et de Paris' (Francia, 15. 1987); and F. Aftalion. 'Le prix du ble a Pontoise en 1789' (His/. &on. soc.. 70). Food supply was the theme of the posthumous third volume of J. Meuvret's great Le probleme des sirbsisrances a I'Ppoque L0iri.s XIV. 111. Le comtiierce des grains et la conjonctirre (E.H.E.S.S., 2 vols, F180). The re-issue of another opus magnum. R. Baehrel. Une croissance: la Busse Provetice ritrale de la j i l t tlir XVIe siPcle a 1789 (ibid., 2 vols, F380) was also most welcome. On the rural side too. P.T. Hoffman offered a general overview in 'Institutions & agriculture in Old Regime France' (Pol. and Sac., 16). while more detailed studies included G. Sabatier. Le vicomte ussailli: iconotiiie rurale. seigneurie et uffrontetnents sociuirx eti Languedoc des tiiontagnes aux XVlle et XVlllesiPcles (Saint-Vidal: Centre d'etudes de la vallee de La Borne); A. Zink. 'L'indifference a la difference: les forains dans la France du Sud-Ouest' (Annales. 43); G. Fabre. 'L'olivier et les moulins A huile a Saint-Mitre a la fin du XVllIe siecle' (Provence hist.. 38); M-J. Villarverde. 'La crise de I'agriculture dans I'Ancien Regime: ses repercussions sociales' (Cah. hist. inst. rech. ntorxisres. 32); F . Wartelle. 'Les communautes rurales du Pas-de-Calais et le systeme feodal en 1789-90' (ibid.); and M. Grinberg. 'Dons, prklevements. echanges. A propos de quelques redevances seigneuriales' (Annales, 43). F. de la Rochefoucauld. A Frenchnian's year in Sirffolk (Boydell & Brewer, f 19.50) was a useful comparative approach from a friend of Arthur Young.

The whole period, finally, was helpfully illuminated by the overviews of two master-historians: P. Goubert, The coirrse of French history (New York: Franklin Watts. $26.95) and F. Braudel. The Identity of France, 1. (Collins. f20).

Ancien R6gime France: ideas and mentalit& D. Roche, Les rPpirblicains des lettres. Gens de culture et Lumieres air XVIIIe siecle (Fayard. F160) was a major work on the sociology of the Enlightenment, a field in which R. Chartier. Cultural uses ofpiin, in early modern France (Princeton U.P.. $35); M.M. Compere and D. Julia, Les colleges franqais (XVle-XVllle siecles), 2. France dir Nord et de I'Ouesr (C.N.R.S., M5O); C. Jolly (ed.). Histoire des bibliothPqires en France. 11. Les bibliothPques sous I'Ancien RPgitne (Promodis. F750); S . Balaye. La BibliothPque Nationale des origines a 1800 (Droz, SF72); and J. Coutura, Les Francs-tnaqons de Bordeaux air XVllle. siPcle (Glorit. F180) also shone. I n much the same vein, J. Cornette surveyed 'La civilisation de I'imprime dans la France de I'Ancien Rtgime' (R . Synthese, 109). M. de Rougemont, La vie thPritrale en France au XVIIIe siPcIe (Champion. F275) and D. Trott and N. Boursier (eds). L'Age du rhkatre en France. Litterature dratnatique et mise en scPne de Corneille a Beairrnarchais (Edmonton. Alberta: Academe) examined the sociology of the theltre. while T.W. Gaehtgens and J. Lugard, J.M. Vien, peintre dir roi. 1716-1809 (Arthena) considered the art world. On publishing, we had S . Van Dijk. Traces de femmes: presence fiminine dans le journalisme franpis du XVllle siecle (Amsterdam:


APA Holland U.P.), while Diderot's Encyclopidie was the subject of R. Birn, 'Les mots et les images. L'Encyclopidie: le projet de Diderot et la strategie des editeurs' ( R . d'his/. mod. er conremp.. 35); K.H. Doig. 'War in the reform programme of the Encyclopidie (War and Soc.. 6 ) ; and D.S. Wilson, 'The treatment of education in the Encyclopidie' (Bri/ . J . 18rh Cerititry Snrds.. 11). M. Vigie, 'Le bagne des philosophes' ( R . d'hist. mod. e/ conremp., 3 5 ) offered an interesting view of social ideas, while W.R. Paulson, Enlightetirnent. Rornan/icisrn arid the blind in Frunce (Princeton U.P., 1987. $37.50) was an unusual topic too which was also covered in D.S. Wilson, 'The treatment of the blind in the Encyclopidie' (Brir. J . 18th Cenlirry Stirds.. 11). Education was discussed in P. Marchand. Ecoles er colliges dans le Nord a l'aube de la Rev. (Lille U.P.. F100) and D. Blanc, 'Les saisonniers de I'Ccriture. Regents de villages en Languedoc au XVllIe siecle' (Annales, 43).

It was a fairly thin year for studies of religion. D. Dinet, Vocntion e/fideli / i: le recrirrernent des Regiiliers d a w les dioceses d'Airxerre, Larigres arid Dijon (XVlle- XVIIIesiecles) (Economica. F155) had a doctoral solidity. Related studies included H. Dedieu. 'Le recrutement des novices franciscains d'Aquitaine au XVIlIe siecle' (Anti. Midi., 181); A. Poyer. 'Merites et protections lors des nominations aux cures dans le diocese du Mans au XVllle siecle' (Ariri. Bre/ngne. 95) ; P. Luez. 'Pourquoi vient-on prier Notre-Dame de Liesse?' ( R . d'/i;s/. rle I'Eglise de Frrrrice. 74); and M. Peronnet. 'Discours ecclesial. monarchique et medical sur la rnaladie' ( X V l l l e s ik l e . 20). L . A d a m (ed.). Willinrn Wrrke's Gdlicriri Corresporidetice and relnted documen/s. 1716-31 ( 2 vols.. Peter Lang, $1 14 the set) was a useful source-book for the history of Jansenism. A special number of Bit / / . de la Soc. his/. d i i

pro/e.mnrisme, 134, was devoted to the 1787 Toleration Edict. The latter is a n example of a renewed interest in the intellectual origins of the French Revolution, a development surveyed in T.E. Kaiser. 'This strange offspring of philosophie: recent historiographical problems in relating the Enlightenment to the French Revolution' (Fr. Hi.s/. S/iit O... 15) and further considered in A. Hofman. 'The origins of the theory of the Philosophe Conspiracy' (Fr. His/. . 2 ) and F.E. Schrader. 'Les societes secretes et la Revolution' (Cali. hi.sf. iris/. rrch. rnrirxisrrs. 32). Work on Rousseau was also helpful here. notably G. Besse, J ~ a i i - J ~ c q t r e s Roirssenii, l'appreritissuge de /a liberri (Messidor. FIYO), an intellectual biography which could be read in conjunction with B. Grofrnan and S.L. Feld, 'Rousseau's General Will' (Airier. Pol. Sci. R . , 39). P. Riley. 'The General Will. Rousseau's debt to the theological controversies of the preceding century' (Arch. f . Geschichte & Philosophie. 69. 1987); B. Baczko. 'The Social Contract of the French: Sieyes and Rousseau' ( J . Mod. His/ . . 60): and R. Noble, 'Freedom and sentiment in Rousseau's philosophical anthropology' (His/ . Pol. Thoirgh/, 9). M. Dorigny. 'La formation de la pensee economique de Sieyes d'apres ses manuscrits' (Ann. his/. RPv. f r . . 271) and J. Gay. 'Les physiocrates et les communes en France. Doctrines et projections administratives entre 1750 et 1789' (Perisiero polirico, 21) also provided perspectives on the intellectual roots of the Revolution. M. Delon. L'idPe d'inergie air tournant des LirrriiPres (1770-1820) (P.U.F.. FlY5) constituted an outstanding contribution to the history of ideas, while on the history of science. one noted S.L. Chapin, 'Lalande and the length of the year' (Annals of Science, 45); J. Duffin, 'Vitalism and organicisrn in the philosophy of Laennec' (Bull. His/. Medecine); A. Donovan. 'Lavoisier and the origins of modern chemistry' (Osiris. 4); and R. Taton, 'Le depart de Lagrange de Berlin et son installation a Paris en 1787' ( R . d'hist. Science, 41).

The Revolution As the Bicentenary approached, French publishers were in full stride, while Anglo-American houses were only just gearing up. J . Godechot. La Rivolu/ion franpise: chronologie comnien/ie (Perrin. F125) proved an invaluable work of reference for the trials ahead, and was usefully supplemented by M. Vovelle


(ed.), L'Etat de la France pendant la RPvolution, 1789-99 (La Dtcouverte, F198). R. Cobb and C. Jones (eds), The French Revolution: voices from a momentous epoch, 1789-95 (Simon and Schuster. f14.95) tried to tell the story through documents. and had a lot of pictures too. The iconographic surveys of A. de Baecque. La caricature rPv. (C.N.R.S.. F350) and C. Langlois, La caricature contre-rev. (ibid.) - to which one might add M. Vovelle. Les images de la RPvolution frangake (Paris-Sorbonne. F150) - were outstandingly good. G. Rude, The French Revolution (Weidenfeld, f14.95) was a general history but had surprisingly little new to say. RudC was better sampled in his collection of essays, The face of the crowd. Studies in revolution, ideology and popular protest. edited by H.J. Kaye (Harvester, f25). which was nicely complemented by a collection by his erstwhile collaborator, A. Soboul, Understanding the French Revolution (Merlin, f7.95). C. Lucas (ed.). The political culture of the French Revolution (Pergamon. f60), R. Kosselek and R. Reichhardt (eds), Die Franzozische Revolution als Bruch des gesellschaftlichen Bewusstseins (Oldenbourg, DM198) and G. Best (ed.), The permanent revolution: /he French Revolution in 1989 (Fontana, f4.95) all deserve special mention for some stimulating interpretative essays, and the myth of Revolution was ably pursued too in C. Croisille and J. Ehrard (eds), La IPgende de la R6volution (Adosa, F290). C. Mmuric, Sur In RPvolution (Messidor, 2nd edn, F105) was a re-issue of collected essays, but the same author's 'France revolutionnaire. France revolutionnee. France en Revolution: pour une clarification des rythmes et des concepts' (Ann. his/. Rev. f r . . 272) offered some new perspectives. I t could be contrasted with the re-issue of W. Doyle, Origins o f the French Revolution (OUP, 2nd edn, f22.50. pbk f7.95). The events of 1789 were also set in context in an outstanding collection of essays in J . Mod. Hisr., 60. devoted to 'Rethinking French politin in 1788'. and containing important contributions from M. Ozouf, M. Valensise. F. Furet. R. Halevi and B. Baczko. The appearance of D.L. Wick, A Conspiracy of well-intentioned men: the Sociery of Thirty and /he French Revolution (Garland. 1987. $65) was also most welcome. Also of note were V. Chomel (ed.), Les dPbuts de lu RPvolution frnriqaise en DauphinP. 1788-91 (Grenoble U.P., F175); J. Sgard. Les 30 rPcits de laloirrnie des Tides (ibid., F58): R.H. Griffiths, Le cen/re perdir. Malouet et les 'inonarchiens' duns la RPvolution frangaise (ibid., F125); a special number of Franco-British Studies. 6, devoted to 'British observers of the French Revolution'; C. Faure (ed.), Les dkclurations des ciroits de l'homme de 1789 (Payor, F140); and N. Hampson, Prelude to terror: the Consrituent Assembly and the failirre of consensus, 1789-91 (Blackwell. f 19.50). which took the roots of Terror way back before 1792.

The peasant contribution to the Revolution was brilliantly reassessed by P.M. Jones, The peasantry in the French Revolu/ion (CUP, f27.50, pbk f9.95). a revisionist work which also remained true to Georges Lefebvre. A. Moulin, Les paysans duns la sociPtP frangaise de la RPvolution a nos jours (Seuil. F45) offered the broader perspective, while more tightly focused works were offered by J. Boutier. Catnpagnes en Pmoi. RPvoltes et RPvolution en Bas- Limousin, 1789-1800 (Monkdieres, F130) and J.J. Clere. Les paysans de la Haute-Marne et la Revolution frangaise. Reclierches sur les structures foncieres de la commitnnutk villageoire, 1780-1825 (C.T.H.S., ROO). Other -peasant contributions included D. Hunt. 'Peasant movements and communal property during the French Revolution' (Theory & Soc.. 17) and K. Norberg. 'Dividing up the commons: institutional change in rural France. 1789-1799' (Pol. & Soc.. 16). R. Dupuy, De la Revolution la chouannerie: paysans en Bretagne, 1789-94 (Rammarion, F120) was an important statement on peasant counter-revolution, which was also taken up by C. Petitfrere, 'The origins of the civil war in the Vendte (Fr. Hist . , 2); by F. Huchet, 'Les premiers jours de la guerre de VendCe en Maine-et-Loire. Analyse d'une insurrection' (Ann. Bretagne, 96); by C. Langlois. 'Les derives vendeennes de


I'imaginaire revolutionnaire' (Annales, 43); and by M. Morineau. 'Villages angevins, vendeens et bretons' ( R . d'hist. mod. et coritemp.. 35). R.A. Lebrun, Joseph de Maistre: an intellectiial militant (McGill-Queens U.P.) was an important study of the religious counter-revolutionary, and could be read in conjunction with R. Dupuy. La noblesse entre I'exil et la morf (Ouest-France. F80) and M.A. Goldstein, The people in French coirnter-revol[rtionary thought (Peter Lang, $38.50). -

D. Julia, 'La Revolution, I'eglise et la France' (Annales. 43) provided an overview of the religious theme: M. Vovelle. 1793, la Rhohition contre I'Eglise (Complexe, F49), a snap-shot; while Les pratiqiies p o l i t i q ~ s en province I'Ppo9iie de la Revolution franqaise (Montpellier: Univ. Paul Valtry); L. Perouas, La Revoliition ve'cire en Lirnoiisin (Monkdikres, F65); S. Desan, 'Redefining Revolu- tionary liberty: the rhetoric of religious revival during the French Revolution' ( J . Mod. Hist., 60); and E. Rapley. 'Pieuses Contre-Rkvolutionnaires: the experience of the Ursulines of Northern France, 1789-1792' (Fr. Hist., 2) were more narrowly focused. Two studies on the Jews were also worthy of note: M. Graetz, Les Jiiifs en France au XIX. sikcle: de la Rev. fr . a I'alliunce isruPlite irnivcrselle (Seuil. F250); and L. Simon and A.M. Duport. LesJiiifs dirpapci Nitiies et la Rev. (Edisud. F100).

The history of Revolutionary culture was strikingly illuminated by the appearance in English translation of M. Ozouf, Festivuls arid the French Revolirtion (Harvard U.P., f29.95). J.C. Bonnet, La Cartnagtiole des tniises. L'honimr de lettres et I'artiste dams la Rev. (A. Colin, F179); A. Ribeiro. Fashion in the French Revoliition (Batsford, f 14.95); and M.V. Ozouf-Marignier, Lo Formation des dPpartenients. La reprPsentotion ilir territoire franqais a Iri fin dii XVll le sikcle (E.H.E.S.S.. F176) - the latter in its way an important aspect of Revolutionary culture - were significant contributions in this sphere. So too was the outstanding H. Gough. The Newspaper Press iri the French Revohifion (Routledge. f30); the same author's 'Continuite ou rupture? Les transformations structurelles de la presse provinciale' (Ann. hisf. Rev. f r . . 273); the useful P. Retat, Les joiirnaiix de 1789. Bibliographie crifiqire (C.N.R.S.. F120); J . P . Bertaud. C'etait daris Ie joirrnal pendant la RPvoliction franqai-se (Perrin. F165); and H. Chisick, 'Pamphlets and journalism in the early French Revolution' (Fr. Hist. Stiirls.. 15); while the volume of Dix-huit ihe sikcle, 20, devoted to 'L'AnnCe 1789' contained a great deal on the press. journalism, etc. R. Reichardt ct nl. Handbirch politiscli-sozialer Griindbegriffe in Frankreich, 1680-1820 vols 8-10 (Oldenbourg. DM68 each) continued its progress. 0. Helyada, 'La Mere Duchesne. Masques populaires et guerre pamphletaire' (Ann. hist. Rev. f r . , 271) was interesting on feminist aspects of publishing, and the history of women was also illuminated in J.B. Landes, Worizen and the piiblic sphere in the age of the French Revohifion (Cornell U.P., $32.95. pbk $10.95). though A. Rosa, Citoyerines. Les fetntnes de la Revolirfion frunqaise (Messidor, F120) was disappointingly lightweight.

The politics of a great Girondin were subtly analysed by E. and R. Badinter, Condorcet. Uti infellectiiel en politi91ie ( Fayard. F140). Condorcet was also the subject of a special issue of R. Synthbe. The Girondins. amazingly, staged something of a come-back this year. following years as non-persons. M. Lewis- Beck, et al . . asked 'Was there a Girondist faction in the National Convention?' (Fr. Hist. Studs., 15). which invited a host of replies in a piece edited by F.A. De Luna. and provocatively entitled 'The "Girondins" were Girondins after all' ( ibid.) . M. Peronnet (ed.). Chaptal (Privat. F165) was a useful collection on a great survivor. F. Misserey, 'Un constituant a Paris: les soins et les craintes de Claude Gautheret' (Ann. Bourgogne. 60) and P. Du Boucher and C.E. Gogney, La Revoliition franqaise: le journal d'Antoine Verbois, 1789-94 (Centurion Jeunesse, F97) offered the view from the back benches. The vantage-point of J. Chalon, Chere Marie- Antoinette (Perrin, F120) was rather different. B. Carnot. 'Les addresses de fdicitations parvenues au corps legislatif pour les journees des 29-30 prairial an


VII' (Ann. hist. Rev. f r . , 273) was one of only few studies to concentrate on the post-Thermidorian period. An interpretative essay by F. Feher, The frozen republic: an essay on Jacobinisrn (CUP. f22.50). though stimulating, lacked precision. This could not be said of M.L. Kennedy, The Jacobiri clubs in the French Revolution: the middle years (Princeton U.P.. f25.00). a milestone in Professor Kennedy's magnum opus. P. Mansfield's studies of Collot d'Herbois in the same years also constituted a contribution to understanding the Terror: 'Collot d'Herbois and the dechristianisers' ( J . Re/. Hist., 1987); 'Collot d'Herbois at the Committee of Public Safety' (E. H. R . . 103); and 'The repression of Lyon, 1793-4, origins, responsibility and significance' (Fr. Hist., 2). C. Lucas. 'The crowd and politics between Ancien Regime and Revolution in France' ( J . Mod. Hist., 60) was a study of the popular movement, to which J.P. Bertaud. Un jorir. rm homme, la Revolirtion (Laffont, FX9), H. Burstin. "'La classe le plus nombreuse, la plus utile et la plus precieuse": organizzazione del lavoro e conflitti nella Parigi rivoluzionaria' (Passafo e Presente, 7). and S.P. Conner, 'Prostitution & the Jacobin Agenda for Social Control' (18th Century L f e . 12) also contributed. The 'citizen soldier' of Year I1 was at the centre of J.P. Bertaud, The army of the French Revolrrtiort (Princeton U.P., $45). which could be read alongside the same author's 'Enqukte sur les volontaires de 1792' (Ann. hist. RPv. fr.. 272) and B. Bergerot. Hoche, rin sans-cirlotte arisrocrufc (Europcorp. D3) . For the navy. we had M. Acerra and J. Meyer, Marines et RPvolrttion (Ouest-France. F120).

A number of provinciiil aspects of the Revolutionary process were at issue in A.M. Duport. JoriniCes r~~voliitiontroires a Nitiies (J. Chambon. FW); A. Mutel, 'Propagande revolutionnaire dans les provinces: I'exemple des "Veillees de la mere Gerard" a Bernay' ( R . hist. Droit. fr . ct &ranger. 66); M. Cubells. 'La crise sociale, ideologique et politique e n 1789 en Provence' (Cuh. hist. ins t . rech. niarxistes. 32); and J. Dimet. 178Y. Evrecix, la RPvolurion (Messidor. FIOS); while part of Ann. h i ~ t . R lv . fr.. 274 was devoted to 'Recherches sur les origines des traditions politiques en Morvan (XVIlle-XIXe siecles)'.

'La Revolution, a-t-elle ete une catastrophe economique?' asked D. Woronoff (Histoire. 113). a question to which G. Lemarchand. 'Du feodalisme au capitalisme: b propos des consequences de la Revolution frangaise sur I'evolution de I'economie franqaise' (Ann . hist. RPv. f r . . 272) offered an interesting Marxist response. L. Vardi. 'The abolition of the guilds during the French revolution' (Fr. Hist. Strid.. IS) was relevant here too. Other related pieces included A. Alcouffe. 'Vandermonde, la monnaie et la politique monetiiire de la Rev.' (Anti. hist. RPv. fr.. 273); H. Bangou. Lo RPvoirrrioti er I'escluvuge ci lu Grccrdclo~rpe (1789-1802) (Messidor. FW); La Re'voltrrion et l'ordre juridiqrie privP. rnrioncrlite or( scrrriclale? (C.N.R.S., 2 vols.. F470): and M. Dorigny, 'La formation de la pensee economique de Sieyes' (Ann . hisr. RPv. fr.. 271). The massive demographic synthesis of J . Dupricquier. Histoire de In popidation. 3. De 1789 a IY14 (P.U.F.. F3W) will also take some digesting.

R. Rashed (ed.), Sciences a I'Ppoque de la RPvolirtiot~ frunqaise (Anne Blanchard. M45) was an interesting, if somewhat chaotic volume and was neatly complemented by the special number of History and Technology. 2-4. devoted to 'French institutions from the Revolution to the Restoration'. and including articles by J. Payen, J . Mandelbaum, P. Redondi. A. Guillerme et al . M. Dorigny, 'Victor Lanneau. prktre. Jacobin et fondateur du College des Sciences et des Arts' (Ann. hist. RPv. fr.. 274); C. Kawa. 'Voies nouvelles pour une etude de la bureaucratie revolutionnaire' ( ibid. . 271) and B. Schlieben-Lange and F. Knapstein, 'Les Ideologues avant et apres Thermidor' (ibid.) were also of value.

The Empire As often seems the case, the Empire attracts works of scholarly solidity. A major series continued its long haul in F. d'Agay, Grunds notables du


Premier Empire. 18. Var (C.N.R.S.. F110) and P. Arches, Grands notables du Premier Empire. 17. Deux-Skvres (ibid.. F60). F. & J.B. Beaucour, Lettres. dicisions et actes de Napolion a font-de-Briyues (an XIll-1805) (Beaucour, F500) was an impeccably presented sourcebook. while the first-hand dimension was present too in J. Garnier, Journal d'un grognard de I'Empire (C.N.R.S., F85); Memoirs of a French Napoleonic oficer: J.B. Barres, chasseirr of the Imperial Guard (Greenhill. f 16.50); Memoirs of Baron de Marbot (Greenhill. 2 vols, f 16.50 each); and B. d'Urban. The Peninsular Journal, 1808-17 (Greenhill. f 16.50). Napoleon the Man got off lightly this year. D. Carrington. Napoleon and his parents on the threshold of history (Viking, f 17.95) provided some excellent personal background, while J. Fischer offered Nupolion irnd die Naturwissen- schaften (Stuttgart: Steiner DM96). Military studies were fewer than usual too. J.R. Eking. Swords aroirnd a throne. Napoleon's Grande Armie (New York: Free Press, $35) was an important study. but otherwise one noted only S. Oulieu, 'Le r d e des pharmaciens de la Grande Armee' (Rev. lnstitut Napolion. 150). L. Hamon (ed.). Les Cents /ours duns I'Yonne (Maison des Sciences de I'Homme, F140) was a valuable collection of essays on the final days. Foreign policy was considered in J . Chelhod, 'Lascaris and Siyigh. agents de Napoleon, chez les bedouins' (R . hist. dipl.. 102) and H. Laurens, 'Bonaparte, I'Orient and la "Grande Nation"' (Ann. hist. Rev. fr., 273). On religion, there was J . M . Leniaud. L'Administration des cirltes pendant lr phiode concordutriire (Nouvelles Editions Latines. F240). I n addition, R. Boudard wrote on 'L'application du Concordat de 1801 dans le departement de la Creuse' (Rev. Institiit N(ipo1ion. 150); T. Clements on "'Les Peres de la Foi" in France: 1800-1814' (Arch. hist. SOC. Jesu.. 57); P. Lusson-Houdemon on 'Devotions et confreries dans les paroisses du Maine-et- Loire en 1803' (Ann. Bretogne. 95); and H . Trofimoff on Jewish policy in 'L'obligation non causee de I'art. 4 du decret du 17 mars 1808' (Rev. d'hist. de clroit franqais et itranger, 66). A number of useful studies were concerned with administrative aspects of the Empire. M.N. Bourguet, Dichvfrer Iu France. Lrr statistique rliporternentale u I'ipoqiie nupolPonienrie (Archives contemporaines, F360) and J.M. Darnis, La morrnrrie cie Paris, 1795-1826 (Beaucour. F300) were solid enough. Other useful articles included T. Lentz. 'Contribution a I'etude des plebiscites d u Consulat et du Premier Empire: I'exemple de la Moselle' (Rev. Institiit Nupolion. 151); G. Thuillier. 'A propos de la mission du delegu.5 des consuls Simon dans la Nikvre' (ibid.. 150); and 'Les delegues des consuls en brumaire an VIII' (Rev. adniinistrative). The educational achievement of the First Empire was reviewed in I . Grattan-Guinness, 'Grandes ecoles, petite iiniversiti: some puzzled remarks on higher education in,mathematics in France. 1795- 1840' (Hist. of Universities, 7). P. Corsi, The age of Lamarck: evolotionary theory in France, 1790-1830 (California U.P.. $42) was a major contribution to the history of scientific ideas. The problematic area of economic achievement was considered in A. Straus, 'Econometrie et histoire economique: la France du XlXe siecle' (Annules. 43) and A. Lemenorel, L'impossible rivolirtion indiistrielle? Econornie et sociologie tninikres en Basse-Norinandie, 1800-1914 (Cahier des Annales de Normandie, F170). Two general works of nineteenth-century social history were also worth consulting for this period: C. Heywood, Childhood in nineteenth-century France. Work, health and education among the 'classes populaires' (CUP, f30); and S . Wilson, Feuding, conflict and banditry in nineteenth-century Corsica (ibid., f45).

The Low Countries H.M. Scott. 'Sir Joseph Yorke, Dutch politics and the origins of the 4th Anglo-Dutch War' (Hist. J., 31) and W.P. Te Brake, 'Violence in the Dutch Patriot Revolution' (Comp. Studs. SOC. and Hist.. 30) analysed aspects of the United Provinces' pre-1789 problems. Other work on this region was largely cultural. L. Ceyssens wrote on 'Autour du bulle Unigenitus: le Cardinal d'Alsace


(1679-1759)' ( R . belge de p/tilologie et d'hist.. 66); while on science there were interesting essays by P. De Clercq, 'Science at court: the eighteenth-century cabinet of scientific instruments and models of the Dutch Stadholders' (Annals of Science, 45); G. Vanpaemel, 'Experimental physics and the natural science curriculum in eighteenth-century Louvain' (Hist. of Universities. 7); H.A.M. Snelder. 'The New Chemistry in the Netherlands' (Osiris, 4); and J. Roelevink, 'Lux veritatis, magisfro vitae: The teaching of history at the University of Utrecht in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries' (Hist. of Universities. 7). Finally, A. Dunning considered 'Un gentilhomme hollandais. diplomate-compositeur, a la cour de Louis XV. Nouvelles recherches sur le comte Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer' ( R . mirsicologie. 74).

Switzerland A. Zurfluh. Une population alpine dans la ConfPdPration. Uri aux XVI1e.-XVllle. siecles (Economica. F300) was a valuable socio-demographic study, and could be read in conjunction with A.L. Head. 'Le contrBle de la feconditC e n milieu prealpin: I'exemple de paroisses protestantes dans le pays glaronais. XVIlle-XIXe siecles' (Antiales DPrnog. Hi.st.) and J.R. Watt, 'Marriage contract disputes in early modern Neuchiitel. 1547-1806' (J. SOC. Hist. 22). Socio- economic studies included A. Schuchter. 'Die IPndliche Gesellschaft und die Randgruppen im Ancien Regime' (10. solothirrn. Gesch.. 61); N. Rothlin, 'Die Affiire Tiller und Co.: Zum Gegensatz zwischen merkantilistischem Monopol und Handelsfreiheit irn I8 Jahrhundert' (Schweiz. 2. Volkswirtsch. Stat.. 124); L. Kirk, 'Godliness in a Golden Age: the church and wealth in eighteenth-century Geneva' (Studs. Church His t . . 24. 1987); and P-A. Wavre. 'Swiss investments in Italy from the 18th to the 20th century' (J. Eiir. Econ. Hist.. 17).

Germany A number of interesting monographs in English on aspects of the Enlightenment made this a good year: notably D. Hertz, Jewish high society in Old Regime Berlin (Yale U.P.. f22.50); A. La Vopu. Grace, talent and merit: poor sricdetits. clerical cureem und profe.ssioitu1 ideology in 18th-centirry Cermatty (OUP. f30); M. Hughes, Law and politics iii eightecnllt-cfrltlrryitli-cetitiiry Gertnmiy (Boydell & Brewer. f75); J. Van Horn Melton. Absohrtisin arid the eighteenth-century origins of compulsory schooling in Prirssiu und Airstria (CUP, f25); and T.P. Saine. Black b r e d - white bread: Cerinun irt~el1ectiral.s and the Frenclr Revohtion (Columbia: Camden House, $36). These could be read in conjunction with C. Hess, 'Absolutismus und Aufkllrung in der Kurpfalz' (Zeit. Gesclt. Oberheins, 136); B.J. Whitton. 'Herder's critique of the Enlightenment' (Hi.st. and Theory. 27); B. Brentjes, 'Traditionen globaler Kultur-und Wissenschaftspolitik der Universitat Halle aus dem XVlIl Jahrhundert' (Wiss. Zeit. U. Halle, Ces. u. Sprachwiss. Reihe, 37); H.J. Lusebrink. "'Reprasentaten der Natur": autobiographies plCbe- iennes en Allemagne autour de 1800' (Romantisine. 56); and. on the educational side, J.C. Doney, 'The Catholic Enlightenment and popular education in the prince-bishopric of Wurzburg. 1765-95' (Central Eur. Hist.. 21) and J. Oehme, 'Padiatrie im 18 Jh' (Sirdhoffs Arch.. 72). Psycho-history raised its head in K.R. and K. Spillman. 'Friedrich Wilhelm I und die preussische Armee: Versuch einer psychohistorischen Deuting' (Hist. Zeit., 246). an article which could be read alongside N. Hinske, 'Die Aufklarung und die Schwarmer-Sinn und Funktionen einer Kampfidee' (Aufklurung, 3).

A number of studies of Gottingen also were worthy of note: H. Wellenreuther (ed.). Gottingen, 1690-1755 (Vandenhwcht & Ruprecht. DM68); H. Scheerer, 'Die Bibliothek der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Gottingen' (Gottinger Jb. , 36); R. Schaar. 'Vorarbeiten zum "Hauserbuch der Stadt Gottingen (1412-1764) von Heinz Kelterborn"' ( ib id . ) ; S. Mohle, 'Zur Integration von zugewanderten Textilhand- werken in Gottingen im fruhen 18 Jh' ( ibid.); R. Prove, 'Die Bevolkerungsstrukur


Gottingens am Vorabend des Siebenjahrigen Krieges' (ibid.); and B. Wedermeyer, 'Aspekte zur friihen Kaffeehauskultur Gottingens im 18 Jh' (ibid.). Religious themes were pursued in P.T. Lang. 'Die katholischen Kirchenvisitationen des 18 Jh' (Rom. Q., 83); R. Reinhardt. 'Die hochadeligen Dynastien in der Reichskirche' ( ibid.); H. Schmid. 'Das Meersburger Frauenkloster zum hl. Kreuz in der Neuzeit' (Zeit. Gesch. Oberrheins. 136); H. Schmid, 'Statistisches uber die oberdeutschen Dominikaner aus dem Jahr 1787' (Zeit wiirttemb. Landesgesch., 47); and P.G. Tropper. 'Pastorale Erneuerungsbestrebungen des suddeutsch-osterreichen Epis- kopats im 18 Jh' (R8m. Q., 83).

Prominent among social and economic studies was J. Knodel. Demographic behaviour in the past. A study of I4 German village populations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (CUP, f45). which could be read alongside M. Rauh, 'Die bayerische Bewolkerungsentwicklung vor 1800' (Zeit. f. bayerische Landgeschichte. 51). R. Reith. Arbeits - und Lebensweise im Stadtischen Handwerk. Zirr Sozialgeschichte Augsbirrger Handwerkgesellen irn I8 Jh. (Gottingen: Schwartz DM42) was also,worthy of note. Other useful studies in this area included J. Solta. 'Die Leipziger Okonomische Sozietat und die spatfeudale Agrarverfassung im 18 Jh' ( E . Eur. Q.. 22); N. Bulst and J. Hoock, 'Structure territoriale et reseau urbain. Le cas du comte de Lippe 3 la fin du dix-huitikme s i d e ' ( R . Nord, 70); G. Kapelle, 'Aufbau und Analyse der Datenbank "Sozialgeschichte Berlin's von 1650 bis 1799'" (Hist. Social Res. . 13); W. Trossbach, 'Der Maiwald-Kanal. Politische Okonomie und kulturelle Identitat in der Ortenau, 1748-56' (Francia. 15. 1987); and 1. Scheele, 'Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation zwischen Naturforschern im Ostseeraum im 18 Jh' (Sidhoffs Arch.. 72).

The Napoleonic period attracted interesting pieces from N. Finzsch, 'Riuber und Gendarme im Rheinland. Das Bandenwesen in den vier rheinischen DCpartements vor und wahrend det Zeit der franzozischen Verwaltung (1794-1814)' (Franciu. 15 1987); I . Miesck, 'Napoleon I et les reformes en Allemagne' ( ibid.): R. von Bary, 'Andreas Michael von Dall'Armi. Ein Miinchner Bankier der Napoleonzeit' (Zeit. f. Baycrische L~tidgcschichte, 5 I ) ; and H.M. Maurer. 'Das wiirttembergische Kapregiment: Soldner im Dienste friiher Kolonialpolitik (1787-1808)' (Zeit. wiirttetnb. Landesgesch.. 47). One final curio worth recording: G. Martin. 'The principality of Liechtenstein - a living fossil from the time of the Holy Roman Empire?' (Gcr. Life & Letts., 42).

Austria and the Habsburg Lands The most interesting reading this year was to be had in three collections of essays: F. Biro et 01.. Les Lirrnieres en Pologne et en Hongrie (Budapest: Akademiai-Kiado); Debut et fin des Luniit+es en Hongrie, en Europe centrtile et en Europe orientale (C.N.R.S.. F140); and the perennially useful R. Mortier and H. Hasquin (eds), Etudes sur le XVIlIe. siPcle. this year entitled UnitP et diversite de I'ernpire des Hnbsbourgs ri la fin du XVll le . siecle (Brussels U.P., BF750). H. Reinalter offered Osterreich urid die franzozische Rev. (Osterreichischer Bundersverlag). Other pieces included F. Czeike. 'Landpartien und Somrneraufenthalte' (Wiener Gesch., 43); A.M. Drabek, 'Die Rolle Wiens und der Osterreichischen Akademie fur das tschechische Wissenschafts und Geistesleben vom spateren 18 Jh bis 1880' ( E . Eur. Q.. 22); and G. Junger, 'Georg Philipp Wucherer (1734- 1805): Ein reutlinger kaufmann als grossbuchhandler, nachdrucker und verleger in Wien zur zeit Maria Theresias und Joseph 11' (Reutlinger Gesch . , 27).

Northern Europe S.E. Astrom, From tar to timber: studies in northeast European forest exploitution and foreign trade, 1660-1860 (Helsinki: Societas Scientarum Fennica) had a good salty tang to it. More down-to-earth were H.A. Barton, 'The Danish agrarian reforms. 1784-1814 and the historians' (Scand. Ec. Hist. R . , 36)


and W. Buchholz. 'Landstandische Verfassung und bauerliches Eigentumsrecht in Schwedisch-Pomrnern und Schweden, 1720-1815' (Zeit. f. Osrforsch., 37). 0. Tuxen examined 'Principles and priorities: the Danish view of neutrality during the colonial war of 1755-63' (Scand. H.R., 13). Useful pieces in social history included S. Vallgarda. 'Hospitals and the poor in Denmark, 1750-1880' ( ibid.); N. Clemmensen, 'The development and structure of associations in Denmark, c. 1750- 1880' ( ibid.); G. Loeck, 'Beitrage schwedischer Kartographen zur See- kartographie Pommerns bis 1815' (Balt. Studs.. 74); and B. Sangin, 'Education, popular culture and the surveillance of the population in Stockholm between 1600 and the 1840s' (Cont. and Change. 3 ) ; while politics and government were explored in P. Virrankoski, 'Anders Chydenins and the government of Gustavus 111 of Sweden in the 1770s' (Scand. H . R . , 13); and W. Bucholz. 'Absolutimus, Widerstand und standische Reprasentation in Schweden. 1709-1723: Revolution oder Restauration?' (Parliarrients. Estates & Representation. 8 ) .

Russia and Eastern Europe D. Beauvois (ed.). Les Cotifins de I'aticientie Pologne, Ukraine. Lituanie. Biilorussie (XVle-XXe si2cles) (Lille U.P., F120) was a useful collection on areas of increasing contemporary relevance. A number of articles on Poland were also wor thy of note: L. Trzeciakowski. 'The role of learned societies in the development of Polish culture during the period of the Partitions' ( E . Eiir. Q . , 22); J. Staszewski. 'La culture polonaise durant la crise du XVlIle siecle' (Actu Poloniae Hirtorica. 55 . 1987); A.B. Zakrzewski. 'Assimilation of Tartars within the Polish commonwealth, 16th-18th centuries' ( ibid.); and J.T. Lukowski. 'The papacy. Poland. Russia and religious reform. 1764-88' (J. Eccles. Hist., 39). Foreign policy was also under the spotlight in H. Ragsdale, 'Evaluating the traditions of Russian aggression: Catherine I 1 & the Greek project' (Slavonic E. Ecrr. R., 66). which could be read alongside G. Castellan. 'Les Balkans face a la Revolution franqaise: idees nouvelles et societes traditionelles' ( E l . bulkaniqircs, 24). On the domestic side. there was J .T. Flynn, 'Russia's "University Question": origins to great reforms, 1802-63' (Hist. of Univcr.sities. 7) and M. Khodarkovsky, 'Russian peasant and Kalmyk nomad: a tragic encounter in the middle of the eighteenth century' (Russian Hist.. 15).

Italy M.A. Visceglia was the author of two useful works on the nobility of the Mezzogiorno: 11 bisogtio di eternitd. I cornporturneriti uri.stocratici a Napoli in eta tnoderria (Naples: Guida L33.~K)O) and Territorio feirrlo e potere locale. Terra d'Otranto tru tnedioevo ed eta tnoderna ( ib id . ) . H. Tuzet, Viaggiatori stranieri in Sicilia nel XVIII sccolo (Sellerio di Giorgiani, L50.000) complemented this as. in another way. did C. Donati. L'idea di nobilta in Italia (sec. XVI-XVIII) (Latena. L45.000). Economic development was the focus in F. Battistini, 'Un esempio di protoindustria: le prime fasi della produzione di seta nelle campagne luchesi del settecento' (Societu e Storia. 41); L. Treui, 'un caso de industrialiuazione della c i t t i I molini da seta a Milano, sec. XVII e XVIII' (Archivio storico Lombardo, 112, 1986); A. Massafra. 'Desequilibres regionaux et rkseaux de transport en Italie meridionale du milieu du XVIIIe sitcle a I'Unite italienne' (Annales. 43); W. Panciera. 'Ancien Regime e chimica di base: la produzione del salnitro nella Repubblica veneziana (1550-1797)' (Stud; Veneziana. 16); and G. Doria and P. Massa Piergiovanni. 11 sistema portuale della Repubblica di Genova (secc. XII- X V I I I ) (Genoa U.P.). The relationship of economic change and state development was illuminated by a number of studies, including F. Venturi. "'Costituzioni nuove" ed "eguaglianza civile" nella "crisi pubblica" della Repubblica veneta, 1775-80' (Riv. storica italiana. 99. 1987); D.M. Klang. 'Cesare Beccaria and the clash between jurisprudence and political economy in eighteenthcentury Lombardy' (Canadian J. of Hist., 23); V. Ferrone. I progeti dell'illuminismo. Le metntnorfosi


della ragione nel rardo Settecento italiano (Laterza); G. Isoleri, L'istituzione di irna camera di commercio a Genova nel dibattito politico dul 1789 at 1797 (Genoa: Edizioni culturali internaz. genovese, 1987. L25.000); and C. Perrotta, froduzione e lavoro prodittivo nel Mercantilismo e nell'llliiminismo (Congedo. L40,OOO). Studies in social history included E. Armelloni, 'Casa. farniglia e professioni nella Milano di fine '700: la parrocchia di S . Stefan0 Maggiore second0 lo "stato animarurn"' (Archivio Storico Lornbardo, 4, 1987); and, with a cultural tinge, A. Ardanti et al . . Cirltirra e societa nel Settecento lorenese. Arezzo e la fraternita dei laici (Florence: L.S. Olschki) and R. Targhetta. 'Ideologia rnassonica e sensibilith artistica nel Veneto settecentesco' (Studi veneziana, 16). On the history of science and ideas, one noted too C. Colombero. 'Medecina filosofica e tradizione ippocratica nel secolo XVIII' (lntersezioni) and V. Giormani, 'Chimica del '700: un gruppo di ricerca all'Universit5 di Padova' (Srudi venezioni. 15). Work on the state seemed to cluster around judicial ideas and practices: besides R. Ago, 'Burocrazia. "nazioni" e parentele nella Roma del Settecento' (Qimd, storici. 67). one noted the continuing R. Canosa. Storin dell'lnqrrisizione in ltalia (rlella meta del Cinq~recento nlla fine del Settecento) (Rome: Ruggieri); G. Benzoni. 'Le sentenze criminali emesse a Padova alla fine della Repubblica di Venezia (1780-97)' (Sfirdi venczinnn, 16); G. Cozzi. 'Ordo est ordinem non servare: considerazioni sulla procedura penale di un detenuto dal Consiglio dei X (1719)' (Stitdi storici, 29); L. Laccht. 'Ordo non servatus. Anornalie processuali, giustizia rnilitare e speciala in antico regime' ( ibid.); and L. Puppi. '11 mito e la tragressione. Liturgia urbana delle esecuzioni capitali a Venezia tra XIV e XVlll secolo' (Srrrcli veriezirrrin. IS).

A good deal of interesting work was produced on the Revolutionary and Napoleonic period. M. Battaglini (ed.). Nrrpoli 1799. I giornnli gicrcobini (Rome: Borzi, L3S.000); M. Battaglini. 'Abruzzo 1798-1799 (RNSS. storica Risorgirrien~o. 75); and F. Carabba, 'Abruzzo e la repubblica napoletana del 1799' ( R . abrirzzese. 41) were complemented by E.P. Noether, 'Change and continuity in the Kingdom of Naples, 1806-1815' ( f r o c . Cotis. Rev. Errr.. 18) and A. Grab, 'The Kingdom of Italy and Napoleon's Continental Blockade' ( i l ~ i r l . ) . C. Pancera. Rivolirzione c rifornie scholtrsticlie a Ferrarcr riel trierrnio repirhblicarro. 1796-9 (Ferrara: lstituto di storia contemp.) was ii useful study. Other pieces included F. Sofia. 'Regione e regionalism0 in Lombardia tra le due rivoluzioni (1796-1815)' (Clio. 24); P.A.Del Frate. 'Arnministrazione napoleonica e bonifica delle paludi pontine' ( ib id . ) ; M. Garbari. 'I1 Giacobinisrno nel Principato Vescovile di Trento e nel circolo ai confni d'ltalia' (Strrrl. trentirii sci. storici. 67); and L. Borgia. 'Legislazione nobiliare e innovazioni araldiche nei territori del primo Impero con particolare riguardo alla Toscana' (Arch. sforici iful. , 146).

Spain A good deal of interest was shown in assessments of the reign of Charles 111. Historia, 16. had a special issue devoted to him. including G . Anes. 'La Espatia de Carlos I l l : econornia y sociedad'; C. Gomez Centuribn, 'La Espatia de Carlos 111: politica internacional'; and P. Molas Ribalata. 'La Espatia de Carlos 111: el estado absoluto y sus instuciones'; while A. Lopez Gomez surveyed 'Madrid en la epoca de Carlos I l l : reformas urbanas y construcciones nuevas' (Bol. Real Acad. Hist.. 185). Other essays on the impact and significance of the Bourbon dynasty included: M. Rodriguez Salgado, 'The problems of empire: the Spanish monarchy in the early modern period' (Hist. J . . 31); J . Albi de la Cuesta, 'El modelo borb6nico para la defensa de las Indias' (Cirud. Hispanoamer: Complirnentarios. 2 ) ; and J . Carlos Galende Diaz, 'El Santo Oficio y 10s prirneros Borbones (1700-59)' (Hispnnia. 169). which could be read in context with C. Hermann L'Eglke d'Espagne penrlanl le patronage royale, 1476-1834. (Cam di Velazquez. F125) and R. Herr, Rrrral change and royal finance in Spain at the end of /he Old Regime (California U.P., $75). P. Corella Suarez. 'Aspectos fiscales de la renta de la nieve


en la Corona de Castilla durante 10s siglos XVII & XVIII' (Moneda y Cridito, 184) proved a fascinating study. Trade featured in C. Manera, 'Manufactura textil y cornercio en Mallorca. 1700-1830' (R. His:. Econ.. 6 ) and J.W. Cooney. 'The Mariuna in the Rio de la Plata: a challenge to Spanish commercial policy' (Mariners Mirror, 74); agriculture and rural life in A.M. Macias Hernandez, 'Explotacion directa o medianeria en el videdo canario durante el siglo XVIII' (R. Hist. econ., 6), D.S. Reher. 'Household and family on the Castilian Meseta: the province of Cuenca. 1750-1950 ( J . Furnily His:.. 13). and R. Riera Palmer0 and A. Rojo Vega. 'Spanish agriculture and malaria in the eighteenth century' (Hist. and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 10); financial history in P. Tedde de Lorca, El bnnco de San Curlos (1782-1829) (Alianza Editonae. Banco di Espana); and industry in R. Uriarte Ayo, Es/riictlrru, desarrollo y crisis de la siderurgia trndicional vitcaina (1700-1840) (Servico Editonae. Univ. del Pais Vasco, Bilbao); in E. Fernandez de Pinedo. 'From the bloomery to the blast furnace: technical change in Spanish iron-making' (/. Eur. Econ. His / . , 17); and to a certain extent in R. Gago, 'The New Chemistry in Spain' (Osirk, 4). C. Lopez Alonso, Locirru y sociedad en Sevilla: hirroria del Hospital de 10s Innocenres, 1436-1840 (Publicaciones de la EXCMA, Sevilla) was an interesting study of the treatment of insanity.

For Napoleonic Spain. one was grateful for the high-quality work being produced by C.J. Esdaile. notably his The Spunish army in /he Peninsirla War (Manchester U.P., f27.50); his 'Heroes or villains? Spanish guerrillas in the Peninsular War' (His/. T o d q . 38 ) ; and his 'War and politics in Spain. 3808-3814' (Hi.$:. J . . 31).