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ENCLOSURE ,. Lettt-r drafted

Kre. Franklin D.Rooaovolt


Karch &, 1947

M7 4e&r Mre. Rooae•elt l

'l'bere 1e encl oo..t a oop7 ot tbe apeeob 1JO

Spt.niah (with tranaa - a~) .s.l1nr..t 1JO

LiM. b7 Sellor 4oa6 11ax Arn1llu u- cllll"lJOs \1M

cere.oolea atteDdtDa t~ na•1nl of &D •••aa. 1a

that c1t7 1n honor ot Praa14ent Rooanelt.

SaGor Arn1llaa, whoae a44raaa 1a Apartado 1017,

L,_, Perfl, ato,teo that be aent 70s a oop7 ot tbe

opaa ch by all" •U, bst 4ollllta that 1' raaobed 1\e


Encloaureu Aa atata4.

co....._u_..••H .. -'!'!" ..



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In r ep17 reter to PR 811.001 RooeeYelt


M7 dear Mile Tbo~oona

I aa enoloo1og herewi t h, ao ot pooo1ble 1nteroot

to Mra. RooeeYelt, a oop7 ot a deepatoh dated Febru-

ary 18, 1947 trom tbl Aaer1o&n Eaba117 at hguo1galpa,

tranom1ttlng a oop7 ot an aot ot the Honduran Congreoo

conoern1ng the ereotlon or a monument to the late Prea1-

dont RooaeYo1t and eotablloh1ac a pootago otaap ~ougb

the eale ot wb1oh tho neou&&rT tuda nil be ol>t&lned.

81nooro17 70uro,


From Elll>aoo7, '!'oguo1p1pa, rebr~J 18, 1~7. V1tb IDOl08W'e .

«0 ., f, tj.1 •lt>o~~ Btan111 Woodward Ob1et ot Protooo1

Bill MalYlD& 0. rho~IOD,

Soorotar7 to llro. Rooonol t,

B74e Parlt, Mew Yorlt.



· A 7 ,. / '

/ •


I aa onoloolng hor .. lth, ao ot pooolbl o latoroot

to Kro. Roooo•olt, a oopJ ot a 4oopatob 4ato4 Febru-

ary 18, 194? troa tbo ._orloan &ahaooy at !oguolga1pa,

tranomlttlng a oopJ ot an aot ot tbo BoD4uran Oongrooo

ooooorolog tbe erootloo ot a aoouatnt to ~~ lato Proel-

4ent Roooonu an4 onahlleblq a poetaco ·~ throoP tbo tall ot wbloh tbo DeOIINrJ t..U nil bo obta1ao4.

llnooro1J JOIII'I,


rroaa lllba••r , Toguotplpa, re~ra&rJ 18, 1~?, Vl tb IDOlOI\U'I •

«.a ,, f, tj l •:bo~~ haDloJ Woa4war4 Oblet ot Protaoo1

11110 llalTI.oa Q, !ho~IOD,

Socrot&rJ to llro . looonolt,

11141 Parlr., ... lorlr..


. -


PROTOCOl.. UO•• ·-----


LtUt.r dta(ted . 4/17/47

_JUu...lla.blna.. Q.....tb.~o Soorotary 'o

Xr a. Rooaevel t Hydo Parlr., llew



No. 2671

UNCLASSIFIED Teguoigelpa, Hoadurao, Februar7 18, 1947.

SUBJECT: Tranoaitt1ng Aot or Honduran Congraaa ftilat1va to tba araot1on or a Monua10t to tba Lata Praaident Franltl1o Delano Rooanal t.





I have the honor to tranem1t a oop7 or an aot (Daoraa No. 32) or the Honduran Congreae eoncern1ng the aract1on or a monument to the lata Praa1dent Franltl1n Delano Rooaevelt and eatabl1ah1ng a poatage atamp tbrougb the aala or wbicb the neeeeeary runda w1ll be obtained.

A tranalet1on 11 aleo encloeed. Up to ow, tbe atamp baa not appeared; praa~bl7 regulat1ona will ba ieaued bJ tha Executive Power 1n due eourae.

Reapectfull7 7oura,

/B/ John D. Erw1n


1/ Copy or Deoree No. 32 2/ Tranal,t1on or No. 1

rne: an.3 JBFaust:ma



(SEAL) NATIONAL CONGRESS Republic of Kondurae ,



inoloeure Mo. 2 to deepotoh no. 2671, A•e~ioan labaeey, 'hguoip.lpo, Honcluru, Feb~ua~J 19, li47.


D £ C R E E S:

A~tlole 1.- The~• ie o~eated a ~•••nue to be known a• "STMlP PRO FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT MONUMENT " , Ex-P~eliden t or the United Statee of Ame~ioa ~•oently deoeaeed, autho~ and euppo~ter or the wiee Good Neighbor Policy vblob bae been eo beneficial tor Hondurae i n the cou.ree ot ito internat i onal l ifo.

Art. 2- Bald revenue to be deetlned solely and exolueively to t he erection ot a monument eoneecrating the me~ory or Hie Excellency Mr . President Rooeevelt at the place deemed convenient by the Executive Power.

Art . 3 . - The Executive Power i e empowered to ieeue a postage stamp with a value or one cent lempira in a quantity sufficient to cover the coat of the work, which etamp eball be affixed on each letter which circulate• within the Republic on overland, air or mar1 t 1.me route• or which lea•ea the country; it shall be aold by the fleoal officee and their product eball be forwarded to t he Treaaury General of the Republio, to t he order of the Minietry or Finance , Public Bredlt and Commerce.

Art . 4.- The etamp shall bear a silhouette or eketcb of the monument wi th tbe effigy of HieExcel lency President Prankl~n Delano Roosevelt in the upper portion and the legend de emed convenient by the Executive Power.

Art , 5.- Th1e decree to be regulated by the Executive Power and to become ertectiYe on the day ot 1te aaoct1on.

Done in Tegucigalpa on the thirtieth day of the month ot January nineteen hundred fcrty-eeven.

-•- Pernando Zepeda D. Secretary

- s- Plutarco Munoz P. Pree1dent

-e- Marco A. Raudalee Secretary.


Tegucigalpa, D. c., January ~o. 1947


The Secretary of State i n the Officeof Finance, Public Credit e.nd Commerce,

translated by: me cop1ed br: me


.. - - .. ,. ................... .... ---· ..


In repl7 refer to 8/ 8-Pl 811.001 RooeeTelt .. .orlal/6-167

~ dear 11111 ~10n:

. .

I a enolollas bel'IWlUl u ot po11lbl1 1Dtll"'l' to

Mre. Roo1enlt a oopf ot a d11patob dated .Apl'll V, l.N7

tro• the .Aaer1ou lllba111 at Prab&, CseobolloTKla, ooa­

oern1ag the ren .. lag ot a Prab& 1treet tor tbe la'•

Preeldent Franklin D. Roo••••l'.

81noerelf roure,

holoiUI"' :

X111 XalT1Da c. fbo~IOn, hore,arr to Xr•. Rooenelt,

Jlfdl Putt, In ros.


I I .

· .. ~~- .

• I > . ' ,,


c •

-. ... . ,

otrli.I:::O'r1 .. _lM or a ,....... ,.,.... tw ,.. .. .._, JtoDMYa1t.

'ftle Honorable,

'I'M Dl!or.,tQJ'7 ot at.•,


I llll'I"W tbcf hOIIOl' tO "JIOI't Ulat ...... .., llu Noalwd a .ouee rr- ... Oaeolllod..- •llda.., f¥1 ,.,_ dp Affaire '-laC ~ Oeatftl. GJ 111 ot .. CJltJ ot P!'aba !Ill" taeS.CJe4 \o ,._a,...... ...... •t~oUa RooeoYeltv~• (AYeaae ot Ra•••••lt).

Tba ronliD ottJ.oe '..._ 'bat tile NRI71 11C la latea­CJo4 •• o .,_ • .._ ot !P'tltllle ,.._ U. eltlasa fll ra ba to tbe l.de ....-.o14oat .. aesNlt tOI' Ide ..,., .....-.

&DIS s.n.,s.r1Jif'; x .. acsu .. Mp ...uc .. -· ... • ... ~loa cue J')ar c be pla;rd ln .. 1111efttloa ot 7 1; 1 ... or -. o.o~oelnllk JWpUU. •


A In:! tnbt. CNtd..- I M f ot ... I' =· fill .. street 111 Jll•nnst to 11e a.u oa ,lfWI1 d ; .. au rn anaS.Ye:r•l'F· or taae eeaa ot twur .,..iJ.ai Duu .. lt. · ,. ''"'' 1? tlYe 'bl..U Sa leutla ... , •• , ....... -at tale "'"&" I'WP14eatt.al •ta....s.t. flt tl ' •

Re~~pee~ 1a•••

I ACUC •• ... ,......

111- .1SJa1 usr ••••» •• • .. •s · rt • .fili i ...

.--........ ·-­,...~M"tf:Witllffr ......

In replJ refer to 8/8-PR 811.001 BooaeYe1t


K7 dear Xra. Roo .. Yalt:

I u enolodng a oop7 ot a 4eepatob ot loY .. ber 14, 1947 troa the Mer1oan Oonnlate General at llal1tu, !loYa SooUa, oonoerniq the nu1ng ot a thoro~~Dtare 1n Halifax tor the late Prea14ent rr.atl1n D. looaeYelt .

It 11111 be noted troa the UoYe-MnUoaed 4eepatob that an aoknoWledgaent haa alrea47 been Bade b7 the Con­sulate General.

81noerel7 70ura,

--{+J"*+-4'-= J).uo , ~ 8tanle71roo4war4 Ohlet ot Protoool


J'roa Ooneula te General, Bal1tu, no. :U~, •o­Yeaber 14, 1947.

Xre. Franklin D. Booaneu,

ll7de Park,

•ew Yorlt.



Mro. Fr anklin D. Roooo•olt



811.001 Roooe•olt (Mo~or1olol /ll-lH7

FILl . o.



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Hec'd ~ : ,v . l7

..\CT1' .J~: :.SPR

t :!?O OCD DC!l ,·:UR CIO

0 - 0 - 0

• • ' -

W- liii/IJt


llt.lltax, lew& Scotia,

S UBJECT: llalltax Street 8&..s waoo..,.elt Drive" in Baacr ,_,,... ot the late Pree1dent,




S I R:

I have the honor to r,port tbat aa lcwallber 13, 1947, tllo Cit,y ot llalilu:, thrOilgh t.hlo ott1otal aotiOA ot tJ. Cit7 OOUD011, ohaJl&'ed tba - ot .lJwSa1e l>rin to •-•lt Drive in honor ot tbe late Pnddel!t, FrwnlrHo D. JlOOHftlt, I !an exp:reaud to the C1t7 CounoU the keen &ppNoiation ot tba Gorert~~a~nt or tbe On1 ted Ste tea.

oo• .lrldl'w a. ra.ter, Depart~~ent or State

l, W', WetOI'th, .._l'ioan c onaul Gellllftl