IKEA Food Kit

Post on 28-Oct-2015

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New Ikea recipes


prawn cocktail

prawn cocktailA prawn cocktail is truly a classic starter. Simple to make and very tasty!

This is what you need (serves 4):200 g RÄKOR MED SKAL (frozen shrimps with shell)1 small head of lettuce2 eggs4 thin lemon wedges1 tomato

Rhode island sauce (if not ready-made):1½ cups mayonnaise1 tbsp tomato ketchup1 tbsp chili sauceA couple of drops of squeezed lemonsalt ground white pepper

For decoration:4 tsp mayonnaisesprigs of dill

This is how you do it: 1. Rhode island sauce: Mix mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, chili sauce, lemon, salt and white pepper. Add cognac or Madeira (optional). Let cool until serving.

2. Hard boil the eggs and let cold water run on them. Rinse and cut the tomato in wedges. Then cut the eggs in half.

(You can do this much in advance. Let the ingredients cool covered with plastic wrap.)

3. Rinse and shred the lettuce leaves and cover the bottom of the glasses with it. Add some Rhode Island sauce and fill up with tomatoes and peeled prawns. Put the egg halves and lemon slices on top of the prawns and tomatoes. Place a dollop of mayonnaise on each egg half and garnish with a sprig of dill.

RÄKOR MED SKAL, shrimps with shell, frozen 500 g $5.49

OPTIMAL cocktail glass25 cl $2.99

crispbread with egg and caviar spread

crispbread with egg and caviar spreadSwedish crispbread stems from centuries-old traditions. The hard and crispy character comes from the short, but very hot, baking process. This leaves the bread with a minimum of water, making it exceptionally long-lasting. And historically, this was an immensely important quality.

This is what you need (serves 4):4 slices of KNÄCKEBRÖD FLERKORN (multigrain crispbread) 2 hard-boiled eggs1 tube of SMÖRGÅSKAVIAR (caviar spread)chives

This is how you do it:Butter the crispbread. Slice the eggs and add the slices to the bread. Pipe caviar spread over the eggs. Sprinkle some chopped chives on top for decoration.

KNÄCKEBRÖDFLERKORNmultigrain crisp-bread250 g $2.49

SMÖRGÅSKAVIAR caviar spread 100g $3.29

Arctic flatbread shrimp sandwich

Arctic flatbread shrimp sandwichShrimps come in many species. In Scandinavian waters there are more than 40 kinds, some found in the sea, others in shallow coastal waters, and one in freshwater lakes. RÄKOR UTAN SKAL (frozen peeled shrimps), however, are caught in the ice-cold depths around Greenland, not far from the North Pole. The slow growth rate in these living conditions gives the shrimps a delicate taste and a firm texture. In Sweden, shrimps are traditionally served on open sandwiches or in cocktails and salads.

This is what you need (serves 4):2 pieces of BRÖD MJUKKAKA (frozen soft wheat bread)200 g RÄKOR UTAN SKAL (frozen peeled shrimps)2 hard-boiled eggsmayonnaiselettuce leavesdilllemon

This is how you do it:Cut the bread into halves and butter. Garnish with a lettuce leaf. Slice the eggs and distribute on the slices of bread, with dollops of mayonnaise in the middle. Spread the shrimps over the mayon-naise. Garnish with lemon slices and dill.

RÄKOR UTAN SKALpeeled shrimps, frozen 250 g $4.49

BRÖD MJUKKAKAsoft wheat bread, frozen 250 g $1.99

Bohus shrimpsandwich

Bohus shrimpsandwichWith a Bohus shrimp sandwich, you can never go wrong – no matter the occasion!

This is what you need (serves 4):4 slices of toastbutterlettuce leaves2 hard-boiled eggs500 g RÄKOR MED SKAL (frozen shrimps with shell)3½ tbsp mayonnaise3½ tbsp sour cream 1 jar of caviarfresh chivesdilllemon

This is how you do it:Thaw and peel the shrimps. Spread butter on the slices of toast. Garnish with a leaf of lettuce on each. Slice the eggs and distribute on the pieces of toast. Spread the shrimps over the eggs. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, chopped chives and dill. Place a dollop on each toast and add caviar on top. Garnish with lemon slices and a fresh sprig of dill.

RÄKOR MED SKAL, shrimps with shell, frozen500 g $5.49

marinated salmon wrap with mustard dill sauce

marinated salmon wrap with mustard dill sauceSwedish cuisine is based on very old traditions. One of them is marinating fish to preserve it for the winters. LAX GRAVAD (frozen marinated salmon) was farmed in Norway. Salmon is easy to prepare and can be used in an endless variety of dishes.

This is what you need(serves 4):1 tortilla wrap or pita200 g LAX GRAVAD (frozen marinated salmon)1 jar SÅS SENAP & DILL (sauce for salmon)salad mix

This is how you do it:Butter the wrap or pita and add the slices of salmon, covering with the sauce for salmon and salad. Roll up, then cut the rolls into (1–2 cm) slices. Serve as a snack with a drink or a glass of beer.

SÅS SENAP & DILLsauce for salmon200 g $2.79

LAX GRAVADmarinated salmon200 g $6.49

sandwich with marinated salmon

sandwich with marinated salmon

LAX GRAVAD marinated salmon, frozen200 g $6.49

SÅS SENAP & DILLsauce for salmon200 g $2.79

This is what you need(serves 4):1 package of BRÖDMIX FLERKORN (multigrain bread baking mix)8 slices of LAX GRAVAD (frozen marinated salmon)1 jar of SÅS SENAP & DILL (sauce for salmon)lettucelemondill

This is how you do it:Prepare the bread according to instructions on package. Butter 4 slices of bread and put a piece of lettuce on each, followed by two slices of marinated salmon. Put a table spoon of sauce for salmon on top and garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of dill.

BRÖDMIX FLERKORNmultigrain bread baking mix$4.99

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s B.V

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cheese & dill quiche

OST LAGRADsemi-hard cheese300 g $6.99

DRÖMMARpie plate31 cm $6.99

OST LAGRAD (semi-hard cheese) is a well-ripened cheese with a rich and strong flavour.

This is what you need (serves 6):1¼ cup (300 mL) shredded OST LAGRAD (semi-hard cheese)2 tbsp dill1½ cups (375 mL) wheat flour4 eggs½ cup (125 mL) butter3 tbsp water¾ cup (150 mL) cream½ cup chopped chivessalt to tasteground black pepper to taste

This is how you do it:Mix butter and wheat flour. Add water and quickly work into a dough. Leave it to cool for 30 minutes. Pre-heat the oven: 350°F (175°C). Roll out the dough to fit the size of your pie dish (preferably 20-25 cm diameter). Fold the dough about 1 cm around the edge so that it does not slide down during baking. To let the steam out during baking, poke holes in the bottom of the dough using a fork.Pre-bake the dough: 350°F (175°C) for 15-20 minutes.

Mix egg, cheese, cream, chopped chives and dill. Add salt and pepper. Pour the filling in the pie dish and bake for another 25-30 minutes.

cheese & dill quiche

cold poached salmon with caviar sauce

cold poached salmon with caviar sauceThis is what you need (serves 4):

Court bouillon (poaching liquid)1/2 cup water 1/4 cup white wine vinegar2 tbsps salt5 corns of allspice2 corns of white pepper1 bay leaf1 carrot1 yellow oniondill

The rest2 packets of LAX FILÉ (salmon fillet, frozen)1½ cups crème fraiche1 jar of caviarchopped dillDijon mustardpotatoeslemon saltpepper

This is how you do it: Start by making the court bouillon. Chop the carrot and onion and put them in a saucepan with the dill and spices. Pour on the water and vinegar and boil for approxi-mately 15 minutes.

Put the salmon pieces into a saucepan and strain the poaching liquid over them. Bring the salmon to a boil and cook for 3–5 minutes. Leave it to cool in the liquid and refrigerate overnight.

Mix the crème fraiche, caviar, dill and Dijon mustard together. Add salt and pepper to taste. To bring out the full flavour of the sauce, make it one day in advance.

Serve the salmon, garnished with lemon and dill, with the caviar sauce and fresh-boiled potatoes.

LAX FILÉsalmon fillet, frozen500 g $11.99

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s B.V

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baked salmon & potatoes

LAX KALLRÖKT smoked salmon, frozen200 g $6.99

SÅS PEPPARROThorseradish sauce 190 g $2.99

The perfect complement to the moretraditional Easter smörgåsbord dishes!

This is what you need (serves 4):400 g LAX KALLRÖKT (frozen smoked salmon)10 medium size potatoes½ tsp salt3 eggs1¾ cups (400 mL) cream¼ cup (50 mL) butter

Green saladSÅS PEPPARROT (horseradish sauce)

This is how you do it:Peel the potatoes and cut in slices. Butter an oven/serving dish and add alternate layers of salmon and potatoes (top and bottom layers should be potatoes). Sprinkle each potato layer with salt. Whisk cream and eggs in a bowl and add to the oven/serving dish together with a couple of dollops of butter. Heat in the oven for 50-60 minutes at 350°F (175°C). Serve with SÅS PEPPARROT (horseradish sauce) and a mixed green salad of choice.

baked salmon & potatoes

lingonberrry parfait

lingonberrry parfaitLingonberries grow in the woodlands and on the heathland soils of Sweden as an important source of vitamin C for moose, bears, wolves – and humans. The Swedes head out to pick the distinctly red berries as they ripe in August and September.

This is what you need (serves 4–6):2 eggs3 tbsp sugar1 cup SYLT LINGON (lingonberry jam)1 cup whipping cream

This is how you do it:Beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy. Carefully fold in the lingonberry jam. Whisk the cream quite hard and fold almost all of it into the egg mix-ture. Pour the mixture in individual glasses or in a dish. Leave to stand in the freezer for at least 4 hours. Remove the par-fait from the freezer 5–10 minutes before serving. Garnish with a swirl of cream topped with lingon-berry jam.

SYLT LINGONlingonberry jam 400 g $2.99

freshly bakedin no time

In Sweden, the fika, or coffee break, is a treasured part of the day. And the Swedish fika tradition holds that coffee should be served with sweet pastries, like KANELBULLAR (cinnamon buns). This typical Swedish pastry stems from the early 20th century. In Sweden, we even celebrate “the cinnamon bun day” on the 4th of October!

This is what you need:1 package (6 buns) of Cinna-mon Buns1 package of BRYGGKAFFE MELLANROST filter coffee,

medium roast 1 bottle of SAFT LINGON lingonberry syrup

This is how you do it:Preheat the oven to 350-375°F (170-190°C). Place cinnamon buns on baking sheet and warm in oven for 5-10 minutes. Heating time is approximate.

Serve with BRYGGKAFFE MELLANROST (filter coffee medium roast) or with a glass of SAFT LINGON (lingonberry syrup).

freshly bakedin no time

350-375 F 5-10 min

BRYGGKAFFE MELLANROSTfilter coffee, medium roast 250 g $2.99

SAFT LINGONlingonberry syrup 500 ml $3.99

pancake cake

pancake cakeMost people like pancakes, and most people like cake. So most people probably love pancake cake!

This is what you need (serves 4):8 pancakes (1 package of PANNKAKOR contains 12 pancakes) 1¼ cups whipping cream20 fresh strawberries150 g SYLT JORDGUBB (strawberry jam)3½ tbsp icing sugar1 sprig of fresh mint

This is how you do it: Thaw the pancakes. Whip the cream. Rinse the strawberries, remove the leaves and stems. Cut the strawberries in halves. Make alternate layers of pancakes, whipped cream and jam. Put a lot of strawberries on top, sprinkle with icing sugar and garnish with a sprig of freshly cut mint.

SYLT JORDGUBBstrawberry jam400 g $3.29

PANNKAKORpancakes, frozen720 g $5.99

sparklingelderflower drink

sparklingelderflower drinkA refreshing elderflower drink is the perfect welcoming drink or aperitif – tastes just like summer!

This is what you need(serves 1):¾ oz SAFT FLÄDER (elderflower syrup)1 lime8½ oz tonic waterice

This is how you do it: Pour the elderflower syrup in a highball glass with ice. Squeeze half the lime into the glass. Slice the other half and add all slices but one to the glass. Fill up with tonic water and stir. Place the remaining lime slice on the edge of the glass.

SAFT FLÄDERelderflower syrup500 ml

GODIS glass40 cl$8.99/6 pack


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Amanda FitzpatrickNational Product Loans SpecialistIKEA CanadaT: 416-646-8182 x2305amanda.fitzpatrick2@ikea.com

Alicia ZoffranieriNational Public Relations SpecialistIKEA Canada T: 905-637-9440 x6237alicia.zoffranieri2@ikea.com