I’m depressed

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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I’m Depressed

So I made a slideshow

Sheryar Ali

AP Psychology Final Project

Depression may

cause feelings of

sadness as well as

hopelessness. In

certain situations

people feel as

though there is

nothing they can do,

and that life is too

much to handle.

Major Depressive Disorder:- a mental disorder characterized by an extremely low mood along with low self-esteem, and a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

What it do?

• Major depression is very disabling. It affects a person’s family, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits.

• Many find it impossible to cope with the depression which causes many to do absolutely nothing.

Depression causes two extremes; extreme lethargy or insomnia.


• In the United States, around 3.4% of people with major depression commit suicide, and up to 60% of people who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder.

Major depression is an episodic disorder. That is, it occurs in episodes that come and go.

Psychotic symptoms occur in episodes of depression that last two weeks or longer

A person with major depression may experience hallucinations.

How is it diagnosed?

• The diagnosis of major depressive disorder is based on the patient's self-reported experiences, behavior reported by relatives or friends, and a mental status exam

• There is no laboratory test for major depression, although physicians generally request tests for physical conditions that may cause similar symptoms

For many people who suffer from depression, art is one way to express their intense feelings of sadness.

Depression has been found to occur more in urban areas rather than rural areas.


• Psychoanalysis is a school of thought, founded by Sigmund Freud, which emphasizes the resolution of unconscious mental conflicts.

• Psychoanalytic techniques are used by some practitioners to treat clients presenting with major depression.


• The effects of prescription antidepressants are somewhat superior to those of psychotherapy, especially in cases of chronic major depression.

• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as sertraline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram are the primary medications prescribed because of their effectiveness, relatively mild side effects, and because they are less toxic in overdose than other antidepressants.

Sociocultural Aspect

• "Because of the lack of scientific certainty," one commentator has observed, "the debate over depression turns on questions of language.

• Whether we call it 'disease,' 'disorder,' or 'state of mind‘ affects how we view, diagnose, and treat it."

Depression may begin from childhood in many situations. In some cases the depression just decreases but in others the depression may take over slowly.


• Depression is enhanced by illicit use of drugs and alcoholism.

• Studies have shown a pre-existing low self-esteem, type A personality, or an accompanying disorder may enhance depression.