I’M NO EINSTEIN! “GPS for “ Tools, Tips, Tricks and Resources for Navigating the National...

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Lack of Communication Comments “National Doesn’t Pass Info To Districts” “Districts Don’t Pass Info To Squadrons” “Squadrons Don’t Pass The Info To the Members” “Squadrons And Districts Aren’t Answering Questions or Responding To National” 3“I’M NO EINSTEIN” – GPS For


IM NO EINSTEIN! GPS for Tools, Tips, Tricks and Resources for Navigating the National Website IM NO EINSTEIN! GPS for Tools, Tips, Tricks and Resources for Navigating the National Website United States Power Squadrons Fall 2011 Stf/C Kristi Anderson, P ITCom Help Desk National Information Committee USPS Needs? What Do You Think One Of the Most Often Requested Concerns are in USPS? 2IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForCOMMUNICATION Lack of Communication Comments National Doesnt Pass Info To Districts Districts Dont Pass Info To Squadrons Squadrons Dont Pass The Info To the Members Squadrons And Districts Arent Answering Questions or Responding To National 3IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION Common Philosophy: You cant depend on others so you have to be able to do it yourself. NOW EVERYONE CAN! 4 IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForSOME SOLUTIONS (OPPORTUNITIES): MonthlyBroadcast SailAngle COMMUNICATION Opportunity #1NEWS BROADCAST Easiest Way To Keep Up with What Is New With USPS and Each Department Anyone Can Receive It Monthly Contains Operational Info, Announcements, Deadline Reminders, Links to more information Text Format so Not A Large SizedCan Easily Be Forwarded To Another USPS Member or Squadron Mailing List 5IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION Broadcast 6IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForTO SIGN UP: Go toClick on Menu Option Member Stuff Subscribe to Monthly Broadcast COMMUNICATION Broadcast 7IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForEnter: First Name Last NameAddress Certificate Number Choose: USPS Monthly News Broadcast Click on Submit COMMUNICATION Broadcast 8IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForNext: You will receive a confirmation web page. You will receive anasking you to confirm that you signed up for thislist Choose: In, click on the link and a web page will come up saying your subscription has been confirmed. That is it! Just watch yourBox! COMMUNICATION - Opportunity #2 SailAngle Communicate in your own words to those with common interest Share ideas, resources, files/presentations You wanted a community based on boating, and you got it in High Technology, sharp looking Users maintain their own subscription IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION - SailAngle SailAngle What do we want you to know about SailAngle? To access, login to the USPS website. Once successful, go tohome page and click on the SailAngle button. Do not logoff of SailAngle, just shut down with the X in top right corner. Always access viabutton. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION - SailAngle IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For Lets Talk About Opportunity #3aka THE WEBSITE 12IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION The Web Purpose of the Web Site: To sell USPS to the Public To have a main page for connection to all squadron and district websites so public can find local courses easy Doors to a world of information, activities and ideas for all members IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION The Web HISTORY OFThe Web site was originally for the public. So that is why you dont see IT Committee on the main page. We try to place member items in a variety of areas. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION The Web GPS FOR THE WEB The web is basically two areas Public (accessible to everyone) Private (Member Area requires login) IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION The Web GPS FOR THE WEB The most common feedback about the web is that we cannot find anything! The member site is organized by department Other items have been thrown in trying to help those who dont know what departments items may belong (aka the Public) IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Find? At the top of almost every page is a navigation bar with Site Index and How Do I - Click to access IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Site Index An alphabetical listing of common items that people search for Links for each Department listed at top IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - How Do I... An alphabetical listing of common questions asked Takes you directly to the page Great to use when you dont know what dept owns it IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - Search Use the Search box to search for keywords on the entire web site Takes you directly to the page Great to use when you dont know what dept. owns it IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Challenge 1 Where would I go to find: -The new Member Benefits being offered? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Challenge 2 Where would I go to find: -Information about a National Meeting? -What department does it belong to? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Options There are many ways for you to find what you seek onThese are just the main tools to make your life easier. Some links are directly on the main web page as they may have some exciting news being announced (i.e., National Meetings, New Member Benefits coming out, PRO-Log) IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Who Owns? The main pages of the web site that are available to the public are maintained by the National Secretary Department. Each Committee has their own webmaster and maintain their own sites. The Committee must use the same page template (look and feel) as the public pages but can have their own layout inside the committee pages IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE HELP! You are on the Membership Web Page and you notice that the link for squadron statistics does not work. Who do you contact? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForOn the bottom of almost every webpage, is a link to send anto the Web Page owner. In this case, the NMC Webmaster would be notified. 25 GPS FOR THE WEBSITE HELP! USPS Help Desk If you have a problem with the main pages, the webmaster link sends your message to aka Help Desk. For any ITCom web page issues, you can send anto If you have issues, you can send your issue to and we will forward or instruct as needed. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITEChallenge #3 Which of the following items can you do on the website? Register A New Member Change A Members Position Update Your Own Contact Information Enter Info About Your Next Course Find a Member? Find a Squadron? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITEChallenge #4 What items can you NOT do on the website? Can you think of any? 1-Enter or Submit the Squadron dissolution forms 2-Change a non-modifiable members record field IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE How many of you like to have the ability on the website to be able to change your own contact information ( address, mailing address, phone number, etc)? How many of you think the website needs to be better organized and provide an easier, user friendly approach to find things? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE In order for USPS to offer your personal info online in addition to other reports, etc that contain your information and to keep your information away from the advertisers, spam/junkfolks and identity theft, we must make the site more secure. PINS are here and they are not going away! BUT, logging in with a zip code is. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS How many of you know your PIN? Every Member has been given a PIN. You can find it on your paper renewal notice each year and it is sent with your ID card. But, if you forget or havent seen it yet, you can follow these steps to obtain it or edit your existing security information. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Login With Your Certificate Number and Zip Go to:Follow the steps IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Enter the Information as Needed Click on Continue IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Next click to Logoff You will change pages and be told you are now logged off IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Next Enter Your Certificate Number Choose your Security Question, enter your Answer and your PIN will beed to youraddress on file. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForNeed more help? GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS So, what is different than before this change? Now, you can enter a Security Question to retrieve your PIN when you are logged in with a Zip Code. The member has the ability to obtain their own PIN without any human intervention! IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Go to How Do I page Click on Get My PIN? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForForgot the URL/ LINK? GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - PINS Member Stuff Menu Get My PIN IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForForgot the URL/ LINK? GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Information Center Go to Site Index Information Center IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Final Word on SECURITY IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For Address Change VERY IMPORTANT if you change youraddress, be sure and change it in on USPS.org while the old is still active. If you lose your PIN, you can obtain it if you answer your security question. Your PIN will beed to theaddress on file. If you dont have access to the oldaddress, you cant get it. Will have to have someone with the squadron Updater Password do it for you. GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Information Center The Information Center is a place where a logged in member can: find other member information, update their own record, find out who is on a committee IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Information Center If you have the squadron Updater password, you can: Update another members information online Update the information the public sees about your squadron. IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Information Center Depending on your Squadron, District or National position, depends on what you can see. If you qualify to be in the National Directory, then you can see the contact info for others that qualify to be in the directory. No one can see passwords or PINs IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Update Your Info Real Time Now, each member can update their own information and it will update the national database at that moment (aka REAL-TIME) IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE Update Your Info Real Time IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For A Rule! Real Time Member Information Updates are not allowed unless you are logged on with a PIN. 46IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - Challenge #5 How many of you were in this seminar before? How many of you kept your commitment? IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For GPS FOR THE WEBSITE - Challenge #5 I Promise to Go home and show at least 2 other members: How to sign up on theNews Broadcast Sign In to SailAngle and ask questions and answer others How to locate information on the website How to update their own profile using the Real- Time information IM NO EINSTEIN GPS ForEveryone Please Raise Your Right Hand [Hands Down] Im No EINSTEIN! GPS FOR USPS.ORG Just Like You, Those Who Design These Forms of Communication Are Not Einsteins All are a WORK IN PROGRESS Revisions are being made daily and definitely since this Presentation was made! 49IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For Im No EINSTEIN! GPS FOR USPS.ORG Did anyone notice some new items on the National Website? Know what they mean? Facebook You Tube Twitter Linked In 50IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For Help Desk Support Cant Find Something OnContact: ITCom Help Desk Volunteers P/R/C Phil Arcuni, SN Stf/C Kristi Anderson, P Be nice, they are volunteers too and are only trying to help you! 51IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For COMMUNICATION The Members Have Spoken They Want More COMMUNICATION National is providing it, and they need us all to join them. Lets Make USPS The Best! Wont you Come Aboard and Join Us? Together, Lets Make USPS The Best! IM NO EINSTEIN GPS For