I'm Not Strange, I Have Autism

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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About the Author

Ellen van GelderEllen van Gelder was almost 40 when she heard she has Asperger’s Syndrome, a disorder within the Autism Spectrum.

Although the diagnosis brought along the necessary emotions, it also brought relief – the puzzle pieces of her life finally fell into place.

A New Mission

Ellen sought and found other fellow sufferers,

and decided to use their input to create a clear ABC

about life with Autism Spectrum Disorder/Condition.

A bestseller was born….

The Book

In I’m Not Strange, I Have Autism, author Ellen gives a

clear insight in the life of someone with an Autism

Spectrum Disorder/Condition.

She does this in 26 chapters, arranged from A to Z. Along

with her own side of the story, she also includes stories of

fellow autists, who give their take on life with Autism.

With these practical insights, I Am Not Strange, I Have Autism is an inspiring book for people with ASD/C who are looking for more balance in their


But also for partners, caregivers, family members or others who want to learn more about ASD/C. It

gives a nice and clear insight in the being-different of ASD/C.

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