Immaculate Conception Church€¦ · 24-11-2019  · Immaculate Conception Church 229 West Anthony...

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Immaculate Conception Church

229 West Anthony Street, Celina, Ohio, 45822

Parish Office Phone: 419-586-6648 Fax: 419-586-6649 Website

Religious Education Office 419-586-2370 School 419-586-2379 or 419-586-4987


Served by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood since 1864


Immaculate Conception (IC) ............................... 5:00 PM

Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG)............................ 7:00 PM

Sunday Masses

Immaculate Conception ................. 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Our Lady of Guadalupe ...................................... 9:00 AM

St. Teresa .......................................................... 10:00 AM

Weekdays Masses/Communion Services

Monday Immaculate Conception ....................... 7:30 AM

OLG Communion Service ................................ 8:00 AM

Tuesday IC ......................................................... 7:30 AM

OLG .................................................................. 8:00 AM

Wednesday IC Communion Service .................. 7:30 AM

OLG ................................................................... 7:00 PM

St. Teresa ........................................................... 7:00 PM

Thursday IC ....................................................... 7:30 AM

Friday OLG ........................................................ 8:00 AM

IC .............................. 9:00 AM (7:30 AM if no 9:00 AM

School Mass)

RECONCILIATION IC Saturday ......................................................... 11:00 AM

OLG Saturday ................................................6:15-6:45 PM

St. Teresa Wednesday ............................................ 6:30 PM

Anytime by calling the parish office for an appointment.

BAPTISMS Presenting a child for Baptism is a serious obligation and requires a

faith commitment on the part of the parents and godparents. This

commitment is exemplified by being a practicing, active Catholic.

Parents are obligated to attend a preparation session before a child’s

baptism if they have not attended one in the past five years.

Sessions are held at 12:15 p.m. on second Sundays of January,

March, May, July, September and November, in the Parish Activity

Center. Please call the Parish Office to register. Baptisms are at

12:15 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month except in July when

Baptism will be held on the second Sunday.

WEDDINGS Please phone the parish office to set-up an appointment with a

priest, in order to begin the sacramental preparation. Only after this

initial meeting and assessment can a date be set for the wedding.

The process requires at least 6 months.

NEW PARISHIONERS ARE WELCOME Please come to the parish office to register. If you have a change of

address, phone number or email, please inform the parish office.

PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Ken Schnipke, C.PP.S., Pastor

Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar

Deacon Charlie Salway -

Polly Muhlenkamp, School Principal

Lindsey Lunz, Business Manager -

Ann Hull, Secretary -

Cindy Van Santvoord, Director of Music

Joyce Johnson, Coordinator of Religious Education

Tiffany Pierstorff, Program Administrator

Gary Locke, Youth Minister - 419-953-3178

PASTORAL COUNCIL Mike Braun, President

SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD Kevin Riesen, Chairperson


FINANCE COMMISSION Harry Coy, Chairperson

COUNSELING SERVICES Offered by Bob Skipper at Spiritual Center of Maria Stein



Dear Parishioner,

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we

give thanks for each of you and the blessing you are to

our parish family. Be assured of our prayers for you

and your family as we enter into the joyous Advent

and Christmas Season.

Fr. Ken & Fr. Tim

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Please be generous in this week’s second

collection which supports the Catholic Campaign for

Human Development. In the United States, one in six

people live in poverty. Through this collection you

support programs that address the causes of poverty

and provide a sustainable future for people across the

country who struggle. In addition, 25% of the funds

we collect will remain in our diocese to fund local

antipoverty projects. Please prayerfully consider how

you can support this collection and work on the

margins. More information about the Catholic

Campaign for Human Development can be found at

Studying the Scriptures

Fr. Tim will be offering a 3-part series which

will be devoted to studying the Scriptures. We will

examine some of the methods used to interpret the

scriptures. Part I will be a general overview of the

Bible and methods used to study the Bible. Part II

will provide an overview of the Old Testament and

Part III will focus on the New Testament. For

catechists and others needing VOCARE credits, this

program has been approved for 3 VOCARE credits

(must attend all three sessions for credit and can be

at any site).

IC in the PAC, Room 102

Monday, Nov. 25 - 7 PM

Monday, Dec. 2 - 7 PM

Monday, Dec. 16 - 7 PM

Advent Reconciliation Opportunities

Saturdays 11 AM IC; 6:15 PM OLG

Wednesdays 6:30 PM St. Teresa

Dec. 4th - 6 PM - OLG confessions before and after


Dec. 5th - 7 PM - IC confessions

Dec. 11th - 7 PM - St Teresa 1st Reconciliation &

Advent Service

Dec. 11th - 7:40 PM - OLG Confessions after Mass

Dec. 19th - 7 PM - IC confessions

By appointment

† Vocation Cross † November 24-30 -- Mary Anne Padden

December 1-7 -- Jim & James Poeppelman

Mass Intentions For The Week

Monday, November 25

St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin & Martyr

7:30 a.m. Keith Kline

Tuesday, November 26

7:30 a.m. Lorraine Swaim

9:00 a.m. Elmer Schlarman

Wednesday, November 27

7:30 a.m. Communion Service

Thursday, November 28

9:00 a.m. Ben & Lolly Magoto

Friday, November 29

9:00 a.m. Susan Haselius

Saturday, November 30

St. Andrew, Apostle

5:00 p.m. Henry & Esther Schenking

Sunday, December 1

8:00 a.m. Richard, Dorothy & David Delzeith

11:00 a.m. Alice Grevenkamp

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”

At the Thanksgiving Mass and again at all

masses the following weekend, we will be collecting

non-perishable food items to be distributed to Celina

food pantries. Please come to mass those days with an

item or items to be donated and place them on the

tables at the entrances to the church. Be thankful for

what God has given you by sharing your gifts with

others. Thank you for your generosity.

Legacies and bequests help continue the faith.

Please remember Immaculate Conception Parish in

your will and expressions of sympathy.

Readings for the week of November 24, 2019

Sunday: 2 Sm 5:1-3/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5 [cf. 1]/Col 1:12-

20/Lk 23:35-43

Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 [52b]/

Lk 21:1-4

Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Dn 3:57, 58, 59, 60, 61 [59b]/

Lk 21:5-11

Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Dn 3:62, 63,

64, 65, 66, 67 [59b]/Lk 21:12-19

Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Dn 3:68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74

[59b]/Lk 21:20-28

Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Dn 3:75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81/

Lk 21:29-33

Saturday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10 or Jn 6:63]/

Mt 4:18-22

Next Sunday: Is 2:1-5/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [1]/

Rom 13:11-14/Mt 24:37-44 ©LPi

Helping Hands

We will be bagging candy for the Bazaar

Meat/Candy sale on December 5 at 8:30 a.m. in the

PAC Rooms 103 and 104. All help is very much

appreciated. It should take no more than 2 hours and

any extra kitchen scales help to make the job go even

faster. Also, if anyone has extra time, we could also

use help to set up the bazaar after the candy is

finished. Again, thanks to all who so generously

respond with your time.


The IC Christmas Bazaar will be Saturday,

December 7th in the PAC from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Donated items for the Gift/Holiday Room may be

placed in the PAC hallway from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00

p.m. on November 25th and 26th, and Dec. 2nd

through Dec. 6th.

Please bring items for the Bake Sale,

including homemade noodles, jellies and your

specialty treats on Dec. 6th from noon to 6:00 p.m. or

December 7th from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Questions?

Please call 567-644-3608 or 419-733-1332.

During the Bazaar, raffle tickets, SCRIP

cards, & K of C waffles will be for sale. Come enjoy a

delicious lunch, served from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Choose from a menu of soups, sandwiches, salads, &


Coat Drive

The First Grade Religious Ed class and the

Sunday School classes are hosting a Children's Coat

Drive for our local C.A.L.L. Ministries. They are in

need of new or gently used winter coats in ALL kids

sizes. Please check your closets for any coats you

may not be using. Any monetary donations or

prayers for our Coat Drive are also accepted and

greatly appreciated. Please drop off any donations at

the Religious Ed. Office or in the Parish Office.

Thank you for your assistance!!

Angel Tree Program

Immaculate Conception Parish will once

again participate in the Angel Tree Program. Two

Christmas trees decorated with tags have been set

up in the back of church. Remove a tag or a couple of

tags from the tree and purchase the gift(s) described.

Return the gift(s) to the tables at the doors of church,

along with the tag attached to the gift, by December

9th. Please DO NOT wrap the gifts.

The Angel Tree Program brings people and

agencies of Mercer County together to provide some

Christmas gifts to people in need. This is a great

family project for the Advent Season! Thank you for

helping to make Christmas a little brighter for some

area families!

Students have been busy learning about the

virtues of studiousness during the month of October.

We learned that being studious means seeking

knowledge to grow closer to God. Being studious is

about learning new things that fill our minds with

good and positive thoughts which helps us to make

good choices in our daily lives. In November we will

be focusing on the virtue of humility. Humility is the

practice of accepting your limitations and God-given

talents. The 6th grade gave us great examples of how

to live these virtues in their monthly faith

assemblies. Thank you 6th grade!

This year we have established a new

homework policy and honor roll system for grades 3-

6. Students earn the distinction of being on the

homework honor roll for not missing any or only 1

assignment for the entire quarter. There were 18

students from 3rd grade, 15 students from 4th grade,

10 students from 5th grade, and 6 students from 6th

grade who were awarded this honor for the 1st

quarter. Congratulations to these students and we

are proud of your attentiveness to getting your

assignments completed - keep up the great effort!!

The following students earned the

opportunity to have a special lunch with Fr. Tim this

month: Ellee Homan, Bria Pearson, Hayden

McDowell, Natalie Carlin, Hope Bruns, Hudson

Grieshop, Emma Byrne, and Alexis Pearson. Way to


Thank you to everyone who attended the IC

Dinner Auction on October 26. The evening was a

huge success and we were able to raise $45,762.80

for the school. Thank you to all the businesses and

individuals who donated items. There are also

countless volunteers who make this fundraiser an

enjoyable evening for all who attend. The auction

committee appreciates all of you!

Purchase Gift Cards for Thanksgiving!

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year?

Don’t forget to purchase gift cards to use! We have

gift cards available for Chief, Friendly, or Walmart.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to make

pies, remember Pullman Bay, Bob Evans, and

Bella’s have DELICIOUS homemade pies for sale.

If you have questions about how to purchase

these gift cards, we have representatives in the

vestibule of the Church after all weekend Masses,

and they would be happy to help you. Also, you

could stop by IC School anytime during school hours

to purchase cards, order cards, or ask questions.

Thanks for supporting IC School!

Saturday, November 30, 5:00 p.m.

Sacristans: Dale & Paulette Sommer

Servers: Brecken Adams & Beau Koester

Commentator: Andrea Faber

Lector: Dennis Hirt

Gifts: Norman Moeller

E. M.: Tim Heckler, Christy Shanklin, Judy Eblen,

Diane Wagner, Denny Marbaugh, Mike Wallace,

Deacon Charlie, Toni Shema, Craig Lunz, Dale Sommer,

Paulette Sommer

Ushers: Team D, Steve Seibel, Captain

Sunday, December 1, 8:00 a.m.

Sacristans: Diane & Tom McLaughlin

Servers: Collin Williams & Joy Bruns

Commentator: Diane McLaughlin

Lector: Tom McLaughlin

Gifts: Mary Dirksen

E. M.: Mary Bruggeman, Sandy Sielschott,

Larry Sielschott, Hannah Heckler, Lori Vian, Jim Miller,

Deacon Charlie, Pat Hoyng, Diane Hunt,

Patty Schoenleben, Ron Hoying

Ushers: Team E, Richard Carlin, Captain

Sunday, December 1, 11:00 a.m.

Sacristans: Mike Braun & Dee Uhlenhake

Servers: Amelia Adams & Madison Muntzinger

Commentator: Vern Bergman

Lector: Mary Jo Colson

Gifts: Karen Uhlenhake

E. M.: Liz Muether, Cissy Muntzinger, Gerard Ahrns,

Becky Lipp, Tom Drexler, Mike Braun, Jim Poeppelman,

James Poeppelman, Dee Uhlenhake, Chris Wibbenmeyer,

Katey Wibbenmeyer

Ushers: Team F, Steve Alig, Captain

Ushers Plan “B” will be in effect for our Thanksgiving Day

mass and all masses for the Feast of the Immaculate

Conception, December 9. When you arrive at Church,

verify that there are enough ushers. If you are the first

one there, start the preparation work and obtain any

additional ushers needed.

Stewardship Offering The November 17 stewardship offering was not

available at the time of printing. The information will be

listed in next week’s bulletin.

Calendar of Events for the Week

Sunday, November 24

9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class

11:00 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word

11:00 a.m. Children’s Choir

7:00 p.m. Bingo at the K of C Hall

Monday, November 25

7:00 p.m. Adult Education

Thursday, November 28

Parish Office Closed

Friday, November 29

Parish Office Closed

Saturday, November 30

11:00 a.m. Reconciliation

Sunday, December 1

7:00 p.m. Bingo at the K of C Hall

Bingo Chairperson December 1: Mike Shaffer

Crew Captain December 1: Jerry Moeder

Workers December 1: Frank & Deb Tangeman,

Steve Seibel, Toma Overman, Ralph & Rita Schmit,

Cindi Brady

Job Opportunity St. Charles Center is looking to fill full and part

time positions for nurses, nursing assistants and food

service workers. New starting wages with shift

differentials. Send your resume to hrmanager@cpps- or fill out an application at 2860 US RT

127, Celina.

Giving Thanks Pie and jello donations for The Giving Thanks

dinner will be accepted from 3:00 p.m. till 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 27 and from 7:00 a.m. till 11:00

a.m. on Thanksgiving day at the Celina High School


Again this year there will be a Thanksgiving meal

served at the Celina High School cafeteria from 10:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. If you need a place to go for good food and

fellowship please come and join us in the dinning area or

carry out on Thanksgiving Day.

Notice Tune in to the RADIO ROSARY every Sunday at

9:30 a.m. on WCSM (96.7 FM). Sponsored by various

church related groups and individuals. Great for shut-ins

& families.

This bulletin is furnished to the parish

without charge. The advertisements that appear,

completely defray the costs. Please patronize our

sponsors. We thank them for their support of our

parish! Our Featured Sponsors this week:

Dr. James Schmit

Chapman’s Body Shop


Bulletin Deadline Changes Please take note of the deadline changes for

the following bulletins:

Thursday, Nov. 21 for the Dec. 1 bulletin

Monday, Dec. 2 for the Dec. 8 bulletin

Monday, Dec. 9 for the Dec. 15 bulletin.

Bulletin articles are due in writing by 9:00

a.m. You may email article to:

Thank you for your consideration.