IMMACULATE CONCEPTION TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN …Sep 08, 2019  · nario de la carta, para reenfocar...

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Sunday, September 1, 2019 Weekly Collection

Envelopes……………....$5,223.00 Loose……………..…….$1,1334.00 Total Collection…...…...$6,557.00

Insurance Support…$2,312.00 Thank you for your generosity.

Pope Francis has declared this October to be the Extraordinary Missionary Month. It is the 100 an-niversary of Pope Benedict XV’s apostolic letter on renewing the missionary spirit after the devas-tations of WWI. Most of Europe was rebuilding and the male population decimated leading to a sharp declined in vocations to the priesthood. In-stead of focusing inward, Pope Benedict XV chal-lenged the church to trust in God’s providence and focus outwards to the ends of the earth. Pope Francis felt the same way two years ago when he connected with Cardinal Fionini to lay the groundwork for making this 100 anniversary of the letter to refocus the Church on Jesus’ great commission. “Go forth to the ends of the earth proclaiming the Good News; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Ho-ly Spirit; and know that I will be with you always.” This great commission can only be fulfilled with a

mature Church willing to share the riches it has

received. This maturity begins with strong fami-

lies and committed parish communities. I pray

that this year’s Family Day Mass and picnic will

strengthen the bonds of our families and parish

community, and help us to appreciate the rich

gifts we have received. Our Parish/School Gala

is also a way to strengthen this maturing spirit. I

look forward to these two events with great hope.

Love, Fr. Jimmy


Jesus called Simon Peter after filling his net on an

otherwise fruitless evening of fishing. Having wit-

nessed this miracle, Peter and his partners imme-

diately left their families and jobs to follow Jesus.

But in today’s passage, Jesus encourages would-

be disciples to follow the examples of a tower

builder and an army leader, each of whom deliber-

ates at length before reaching a practical conclu-

sion. We may be bowled over by a miracle, but it is

more likely we will follow based on practical consid-

erations. Jesus asks us to consider the practical

question: Is it more important to accumulate pos-

sessions or to follow the One who opened the way

to eternal life?• Interestingly, each statement Jesus

makes about discipleship he phrases negatively,

ending with “. . . cannot be my disciple.” Jesus is

aware that the demands of discipleship are not

likely to be accepted. Jesus is challenging us to do

what seems impossible, spurning one’s family,

one’s possessions, one’s comfort, even one’s own

life.• A few Sundays ago we heard Jesus say that

he would divide family members against each other

(Luke 12:52–53). Now he tells the crowd that his

disciples must hate their families (14:26). Is Jesus

really anti-family? Perhaps he just wants to rede-

fine “family.” Look at Onesimus in the second read-

ing. Seen as a slave, he was excluded from Phile-

mon’s family. Now he is a brother to Paul, so Paul

urges Philemon to welcome Onesimus as a partner

and brother as well. Families are wonderful, but the

Christian family can be so much more. Perhaps it’s

not the members of one’s family Jesus is criticizing,

but our narrow concept of “family.”

Question of the Week: How do I need to trans-

form myself to be a true disciple? Who is part

of my family?

Connect with Christ

Next week our second collection is for the Catholic Communications Campaign. This campaign connects people with Christ in the United States and in developing countries around the world through the Internet, televi-sion, radio and print media. Fully 50% of funds collected remain here in the New Orle-ans Diocese to fund local communications ef-fort. Your support helps spread the Gospel message! To lean more, visit


First Saturday, Sept 7th 7:a.m. Mass Devotion of the BVM

Mangano & Ledet Families 4:00 p.m.

Philip Flettrich, III & Duane Keller, Marietta & PJ Flettrich, Lloyd Klibert, Sr., Bobby Wilson, Mike

Lopez, Mr. & Mrs. James LaForest, Sr. Sunday, September 8th

8:00 a. m. Dominick, Rosalie Gulizo & Childern, Margaret

Talmadge, Virginia & Stephen Tuminello, Laurent & Betty Verdin, Raymond J Boudreaux, Sr., and Mavis

Cloutet. 10 a.m.

Bangon, Tawat, & Sr. Beth Lieux, Ramon Marse, Gladys Campo, Junius Duhon, Michael Hinojosa,

Ralph Hinojosa.. 12 Noon

Por Todos los feligreses 6:00 p.m. Gladys Campo

Monday, September 9th 6:00 p.m.

Dewey & Keith Waguespack Tuesday, September 10th

6:-00 p.m. Thanksgiving to St. Anthony

Wednesday, September 11th 8:30 a.m. School Mass

Jamie David & Sal Monfra, Sr. 5:00 pm -6:00 p.m.Parish-wide Confessions

6:00 pm Mass Thursday, September 12th

6:00 p.m. Myra Bellanger LaChute & Larry Blanchard.

Friday September 13th 6:00 p.m.

Harold & Marie Reiss

On Sunday, October 13th, the Most Rever-end Gregory Aymond will celebrate the annual Liturgy for the Victims & Survivors of Violence at the 11AM Mass at St. Louis Cathedral. If your family has been affected by violence &

murder, please submit your names to the parish office by Sept. 15; an invitation will be sent out to you for this special Mass. The Church cannot be silent at this crucial time when so many of the faithful have been so deeply affected by violence. Prayer is powerful and can change hearts. This is an opportunity for us as a community of faith to pray for reconciliation and heal-ing and to ask for God’s help as we strive to build a better community free from violence and its causes.

Schedule: Ministers of the Eucharist

4:00 PM Mass Sept 14 & 21— Donna & Wil-

liam Bentel, Elaine Klibert, Katie Liljeberg, Kim

Ranson, Del Woolsey.

8:00 AM Mass Sept 15 & Sept 22- E. Cloutet,

C. D’Aquin, R. Lamy, C. Lasserre, D. Modenbach

and M. Verdin.

10:00 AM Mass Sept 15 – J. Bellanger, C.

Blanchard, D. DiMarco, R. Hebert, R. Rawle, F.


10:00 AM Mass Sept 22– P. Camardelle, L. D’Aquin, J. Mailhos, S. Nguyen 6:00 PM Mass Sept 15 & Sept 22— F. Lipovsky,

G. Smith, S. Verret, D. Guise.

Schedule: Ministers of the Word

4:00 PM Sept 14—R. Billiot

Sept 21—E. Klibert

8:00 AM Sept 15— D. Rudolph

Sept 22—M. Totten

10:00AM Sept 15—K. Moser

Sept 22—D. Barrilleaux

6:00 PM Sept 15— J. Jordan

Sept 22—H. Smith

Vigil Lights

This week the vigil light at the Blessed Sacrament is in loving memory of Mavis Cloutet.

This week the vigil light at the St. Joseph Statue is in loving memory of Guy & Laura Adams.

This week the vigil light at the Blessed Mother Statue is in loving memory of the

Birthday of Duane Keller.


Sept 14–Mary Hennigan, Cynthia Lasserre,

Doris Michel, Patsy Monfra, Delia Ovalle, Lu-

cy Slocum, Lois Waguespack.

Sept 21—Mary Aguilar, Charlene Blanchard, Ma-

rie Dearstine, Rosalind Hebert, Katia Hernandez,

Katie Liljeberg, Suyapa Martinez.

PSR CLASSES BEGIN Tuesday at 6:30-8:00PM

Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-munion Meet on Wed. or Thursday at 6:30 pm,

please attend one of these days.

Ministros Litúrgica Por favor hagan planes para asistir una de

las dos reuniones. Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6:30pm Thursday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 pm

Sí, es un lector, ministro de la eucaristía o

acomodador y no pueda asistir, llama a P. Jimmy.


Ministros de la eucaristía horario

Septiembre 8—Expedita Reyes, Gladys Reyes, Norma Rodríguez, Aldo Hernández, Sr., Marina Romero, Sylvia García. Septiembre 15–Mary Aguilar, Liliana Alegría, Ro-sa Cortes, Gumersinda Cruz, Blanca Díaz, Ampa-ro Estalles

Ministros de la Palabra horario

Septiembre 8—Jose Luis García Septiembre 15—Oscar Estalles

Conectate Con Cristo Nuestra colecta especial la próxima semana es para la Campana Católica de la Comunicación. Esta campana conecta a las personas con Cristo en Estrados Unidos y en los países en desarrollo alrededor del mundo a través del Internet, la tele-visión, la radio y los medios impresos. El 50% de los fondos recaudados permanecen aquí en la New Orleans Diócesis, para financiar los esfuer-zos locales en el campo de las comunicaciones. Tu apoyo ayuda a propagar el mensaje del Evan-gelio. Para informarte mas, visita

El Papa Francisco ha declarado este octubre como el Extraordinario Mes Misione-ro. Es el centenario de la carta apostólica del Papa Benedicto XV sobre la renovación del espíritu misionero después de las devastacio-nes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La mayor parte de Europa se estaba reconstruyendo y la población masculina se diezmó, lo que provo-có una fuerte disminución de las vocaciones al sacerdocio. En lugar de enfocarse hacia aden-tro, el Papa Benedicto XV desafió a la iglesia a confiar en la providencia de Dios y enfocar-se hacia afuera hasta los confines de la tierra. El Papa Francisco sintió lo mismo hace dos años cuando se conectó con el cardenal Fioni-ni para sentar las bases para hacer este cente-nario de la carta, para reenfocar a la Iglesia en la gran comisión de Jesús. “Sal a los confines de la tierra proclamando las Buenas Nuevas; bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo; y sé que siempre es-taré contigo ".

Esta gran comisión solo puede cumplir-se con una Iglesia madura dispuesta a compar-tir las riquezas que ha recibido. Esta madurez comienza con familias fuertes y comunidades parroquiales comprometidas. Rezo para que la misa y el día familiar de este año fortalezcan los lazos de nuestras familias y la comunidad parroquial, y nos ayuden a apreciar los ricos regalos y bendiciones que hemos recibido. Nuestra Gala parroquial / escolar también es una forma de fortalecer este espíritu de madu-rez. Espero estos dos eventos con gran espe-ranza.

Con Amor, Padre Jimmy

Carta de nuestro Monseñor Reverendo Gregory M Aymond:

Queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo: Nuestra tradición arquidiocesana es ofrecer el

Sacramento de la Reconciliación, mejor conocido como confesión, en una noche de lunes a viernes cerca de la Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Cruz/ Me complace infor-marle que muchas personas en la Arquidiócesis de Nue-va Orleans han aprovechado esta oportunidad. Este año, las confesiones estarán disponibles en todas las iglesias católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Or-leans el miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2019 de 5:00 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. Por favor considere aprovechar esta oportunidad para invitar el Cristo sanador a su corazón con su promesa de misericordia. El Papa Francisco nos ha recordado que Dios nunca se cansa de perdonarnos. Quizás nos cansamos de pedir perdón . El Papa Francisco dijo: “La confesión es el pa-so de la miseria a la misericordia … Este es el corazón de la confesión: no los pecados que declaramos, sino el amor divino que recibimos, que siempre necesitamos. El confesionario es un lugar de misericordia. Considere que su familia venga a la iglesia a confesarse el miércoles 11 de septiembre.’

Te deseo las bendiciones de Dios, yo soy Sinceramente en Cristo, Reverendísimo Gregory M. Aymond, Arzo-bispo de Nueva Orleans.


Workshops for New Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion Basic workshops for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Communion and basic workshops for readers will be pre-

sented this fall by the Office of Worship. Attendance at this

workshop is required before a person can be delegated by

the Archbishop to serve in this ministry. Participants are to

be pre-registered by their parish before attending. (Please

note the schedule of reader workshops as well as work-

shops in Spanish will be forthcoming.) If you have any

questions, please contact the Office of Worship at 504-861-

6300 or The schedule and a link to

online registration may be found here: https://

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

workshops on the Westbank:

Saturday, October 19, 2019 (WS 5)

Visitation of Our Lady Church

3500 Ames Blvd., Marrero, LA., 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Presenter: Fr. Nile Gross

Saturday, November 9, 2019 (WS 7)

Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church

146 Fourth St., Westwego, LA., 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Presenter: Mrs. Betty-Ann Hickey

Lectors workshop on the Westbank:

Saturday, October 19, 2019 (WSL 2)

Saint Rosalie Church

600 Second Ave., Harvey, LA., 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Presenter: Fr. Luis Rodriguez

Cyo scheduled events

SEPTEMBER 14th — CARWASH $5 after 4 pm mass

SEPTEMBER 29th — snowball family mass (service


OCTOBER 25th — Face paint Friday at Halloween

Family Fun Night with corn hole game

OCTOBER 27th —Costume Soccer


NOVEMBER 24th —Friendsgiving

DECEMBER 20th Friday— Pajama Polar Express 6 to

8 pm January 26th

*************************** 2019 Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run Society of St. Vincent de Paul You are invited to participate in the Annual Society of St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk/Run

on Saturday, Sept. 28th at 9:15 a.m. at N.O. City Park Reunion Shelter & Festival Grounds, Friedrichs Ave @ Wisner Blvd New Orleans, LA 70124 (Registration begins at 8:15 AM) Coordinator Con-tact Sandra Norman 504 831 8809 or Conner Ellis 504 382 2721 The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


On September 29th we will celebrate Family Day with the 10 & Noon Masses combined into one Mass at 11:00 a.m. The purpose of Family Day is to promote and strengthen all families and the parish family. It is an opportunity to hold up the sacredness of the family even in the midst of the mess that it often is. It is an oppor-tunity to celebrate and cultivate appreciation for the gift of family as well as provide formation for the growth of families in our parish. It is also a chance to allow fami-lies to joyfully interact with one another in connection with the Sunday Mass and in the context of the greater parish community. The theme for Family Day 2019 is “The Mission of the Family: Love is Possible!” .

Liturgical Ministers (Lectors / EMOH)

Please make plans to attend one of the two evening meetings.

Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6:30pm Thursday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 pm

If you are a reader or Eucharistic minister and are unable to attend call Fr. Jimmy.

Letter from the Most Reverend Gregory M Aymond:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: It is our archdiocesan tradition to offer the Sacra- ment of Reconciliation, better known as confession, on a weekday evening near the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. I am pleased to inform you that many people in the Archdiocese of New Orleans have taken advantage of this opportunity. This year confessions will be available in all Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of New Orleans on Wednes-day, September 11, 2019, from 5:00PM-6:30PM. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to invite the healing of Christ into your heart with his promise of mer-cy. Pope Francis has reminded us that God never tires of for-giving us. Perhaps we grow tired of asking for forgiveness. Pope Francis said, “Confession is the passage from misery to mercy...This is the heart of Confession: not the sins we declare, but the divine love we receive, of which we are ever in need. The confessional is a place of mercy.”

Please consider having your family come to church togeth-er for Confession on Wednesday, September 11. Wishing you God’s blessings, I am sincerely in Christ, Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans