Impact 10

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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In Revelation John is told to write letters to seven churches explaining what God thinks about what they have been doing Good and bad

What would he say about today’s church’s?

Would he approve of 11 million dollar additions mosty for appearance sake and grandeur…….. more big screen tv’s, automatic window shades and………..

A fog machine?(Yes it sounds ridiculous but it is true)

Is this what God had in mind?

What else could 11 million dollars have paid for?

Who could’ve been helped instead?

For $38 a month you can sponsor a Compassion International kid and change theirlife.

11 million dollars would sponsor 4824 kidsfor five years.

But I bet those kids would understand if you told themthat you really needed that shiny new building………..And the fog machine

What are your tithe’s buying?

Have you ever felt like a church was trying to get you toattend so you could help pay the bills?

I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward

Mark 9;41

Just something to think about

This isn’t meant to single out any specific church… it is more of a collective comment on the state of many churches…not all…’s not like these churches are bador don’t help people..maybe they just have misplacedpriorities….maybe they just forgot what they are there for….just like banks and insurance companies can be too bigso too can churches….serving God becomes like politics..the amount of your involvement in the church depends on who you know…at least once a month the pastor has to give a speech ontithing because they can’t pay the huge bills they have……worship becomes a perfectly timed perfectly choreographed production void of the Holy Spirit…they become places where5000 people come to watch 20 people serve…that’s not how it is supposed to be…the bad thing is many small churchesstrive to become giant churches..maybe they have misplaced priorities..maybe they forgot the true purpose of the church………these are my opinions based on many years of church attendingat many different churches…you may disagree…and that is O.K.but maybe it is time for a change…for something new…hmmmmmm