ImperialEntrepreneurs - Students from Imperial College, Kings College and University College London.

Post on 21-Oct-2014

847 views 1 download





Time of change

Punch above your weight

Funnel for Communication

One or two channels

High Barriers to communication

Panning for gold amongst the noise

Bloggers World

Every person can contribute

SamSpeech Writing

How do I get heard

• Original Content• Find a Niche • Find or build a tribe

Empower your tribe

Poker Luck & Leverage

Community - Conversation

Leadership that’s worth following

Broadplace begins

Broadplace evolves

18 months in stage 3

Sale of broadplace


Crack TeamCrack Team

Servant leadership  Fair deal for all involved 

Relationship & communityCreates freedom & hope


Seth Godin

Mother Theresa

My Dad

Chris Brogan – Trust Agents

Stuff that helps

• Help people connect with each other • Break your content down into findable modules and label it

right!• Be part of a team that fill your gaps• Get Mentors• Get Good – Google it till your brain is fried. • Give it away. • Be honest, transparent and trackable • Do something that’s worth doing.

Skype: daveerasmus1

Youtube: daveerasmusblog

Or good old fashioned email