Imperialism US becomes a world Power! 1880-1914 Policy of Expansion n Needs support Imperialism n 1....

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US becomes a world Power!


Policy of Expansion

Needs support Imperialism 1. Need for new markets-Making

more than we can sell 2. Anglo-Saxon superiority Charles Darwin’s Theory put to

society by Herbert Spencer Sea Power!!!-<Alfred Thayer

Mahan If you wanted to be rich in

peacetime you need 4 things modern fleet, bases in the

Caribbean, a canal across Panama, Hawaii and other islands


1st war breaks out in 1868 between Cuba and Spain

10 years and 250,000 casualties Spain agrees to abolish slavery

and some self-government Americans begin to invests

millions in Cuba 2nd War for independence-1895 <Jose Marti guerilla warfare included

destroying property US is split on Cuba

Cuba and US involvement

<General Valeriano Weyler put people into reconcentration camps 200,000 die in these camps supporters of the revolt were active,

money and arms newspaper tycoons, Randolph Hearst

and Joseph Pulitzer were in a circulation war

Weyler becomes known as the Butcher

fake stories sensationalizing Spanish atrocities

reporters would sit around the bars and make up stories

The Yellow Press brings America to War

Yellow Press- when a photographer cables

Hearst that war between Spain and the US is unlikely, Hearst cables back-

“You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”

<Hearst and Pulitzer got to War

Yellow Journalism

<sketch drawn to stir patriotism

America goes to war

The de Lome Letter- <Enrique de Lome-Spanish

Minister to the United States private letter stolen by a Cuban

rebel calls McKinley a weak President

and a common politician Roosevelt called him much worse but Ministers are supposed to be

discreet de Lome resigns 2nd incident is 6 days later

America goes to War

<The USS Maine explodes February 15, 1898-Captain

Charles Sigsbee was writing a letter to his wife

260 of 350 die aboard the Maine no one to this day knows what

happened some say a mine, some say

internal explosion in the coal bunkers

William Randolph Hearst-no doubt the Spanish did it

Spanish American War(1898)

Hearst offered a $50,000 reward for the capture of the evil Spaniards who did this

“Remember the Maine!” The Spanish do not want War-

April 9th- they concede to all our demands

April 11th-McKinley asks for war

April 19th-Congress declares war

April 20th- US goes to war <Blown Up USS Maine

Spanish American War(1898)

<Admiral George Dewey takes the Philippines

heads the Pacific Fleet Dewey destroys the entire Spanish

fleet in Manila Harbor with modern weapons

crushes a larger, yet outgunned Spanish Fleet

“You may fire when ready, Gridley.” 11,000 American troops join with

Emiliano Aguinaldo and Filipino rebels to defeat the Spanish

Spanish would only surrender to the Americans

Spanish American War(1898)

US invasion of Cuba 125,000 volunteers include the first Volunteer

Cavalry Regiment-headed by Theodore Roosevelt

Rough Riders a mix of cowboys, Indians, and

former sheriffs from the Western territories and polo players, gentlemen riders from the Ivy Leagues

< the Rough Riders

Spanish American War (1898)

<San Juan Hill-July 1, 1898 outskirts of Santiago Rough Riders actually went up

Kettle Hill July 3-Santiago taken Spanish fleet sneaks out of harbor,

US catches them sunk or shored all Spanish fleet given as a 4th of July present armistice declared on August 12 Spain signs Treaty of Paris of 1898 Philippines is sticking point


<Emilio Aguinaldo becomes first President of the Philippines

we are about to take it over Philippines saw as a betrayal a Filipino soldier walks across a

bridge on February 4, 1899 the shadowy figure is seen by an

American Soldier shots him, the war begins Philippine-American War lasted 3 years Aguinaldo turns to guerilla warfare

as American troops build up


Bloodier, more brutal and even torture is used

Black Americans condemn the war

many deserted to the Philippine side

war winds down in 1901 when <Aguinaldo is captured

peace in effect by 1904 William Howard Taft becomes

civilian Governor(1901-1904) on July 4, 1946 the Philippines is

given their independence

Policy of Expansion

Dealing with the islands U.S. uses colonial administration model used by the British Empire Belief: people are not ready to

handle self government What are the rights of these

people? Insular Cases (1901-1922) the Constitution does not apply to

all places under U.S. control <Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii-

reigned until 1898

China Policy

Incorporated Territory: enjoy full rights of the American citizen-I.e. Hawaii, Alaska

Unincorporated Territory-not entitled-I.e Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam

China Policy-1899 America expands in the Pacific,

become involved in the Far East 1. Weakness of China 2. Rise of Japan China’s weakness leads to the carving

up of China between Britain, France, Japan, Russia, Germany

<Boxer Rebellion

China Policy

Not much reaction in U.S. until businessmen see markets in China

U.S. already shut out Secretary of State-<John Hay

proclaims the “Open-Door” Policy

equal commercial opportunities for all nations

Boxer Rebellion breaks out Boxers are bands of powerful

Chinese Nationalists who overrun the capital

China Policy

Army sent in to rescue foreigners-European, American, Japanese

Hay feared the powers-thought they would carve up China

only jealousy prevented this <Foreign Army in China

Japan Policy

Russia uses the Boxer Rebellion to gain control of Manchuria

Japanese also took it 1903-try to reach an agreement on

Manchuria (Korea and Manchuria) Russia rejects it 1904-Russo-Japanese War Japanese crush Russian fleet at Port

Arthur Roosevelt is assured of Open Door

Policy and to respect China’s neutrality <Port Arthur

Japan Policy

Japan is winning but going bankrupt

ask Roosevelt to mediate Treaty of Portsmouth (N.H.) 1905 1. Ends the war 2. Kept defeated Russia in the Far

East 3. Balance of power between

Russia and Japan Japanese Reaction: 1st victory by an Asian power over

a major western power <Treaty of Portsmouth

Japan Policy

Everyone but Japan praises Teddy’s peacemaking

Japan believes they deserve the fruits of victory

anti-American riots sweep Japan within the US, increased tensions school board in San Francisco

segregates Japanese children international crisis, almost starts a

war Roosevelt puts the Navy in reserve “Speak softly and carry a Big Stick.” <Cartoon from the Russo Japanese


The Panama Canal

We control the Caribbean Area decide we need a canal on the

Isthmus idea has been around: 1880’s and 1890’s French and

American Company failed at it US wants complete control, but an

old treaty exists with the British British agree to Hay-Pauncefote

Treaty (1901) US gets to build, operate and fortify

canal <abandoned machinery from old

Panama Canal

The Panama Canal

The US has a choice of 2 routes 1. across the Isthmus of Panama 2. Across Nicaragua US chooses Panama-problem-part

of Colombia January of 1903-deal is made w/

Colombia US gets-6mile strip of land for

100 years US pays $10m in gold and annual

rent of $250,000 Colombia rejects treaty, want


The Panama Canal

Rejection alarms Teddy and Panamese

a group led by Philippe Bunau-Varilla(engineer from the 1st project) see Teddy

meets with conspirators, but makes no promises

revolt begins on Nov. 3 knew US wouldn’t stop revolt US warship prevents Colombian

troops from intervening independence declared November 4 <US and Colombia

The Panama Canal

US recognizes independence on November 6

November 18-Canal Treaty w/ Panama

10 mile strip of land control forever payment of $10m $250,000 annually for 9 yrs

Policing the Caribbean

Latin America is our Sphere of Influence

most problems are financial for these countries

Venezuela in 1902-defaults on loans to European nations

Britain, Germany, Italy land troops and blockade its ports

Teddy sees nothing wrong with it-US grows hostile

Roosevelt pressures to arbitrate-or get out

out in 1903 <Cipriano Castro-Venezuelan Dictator

Caribbean Policy

Roosevelt Corollary: message to Congress-addition

to the Monroe Doctrine “Speak softly and carry a big

stick…” Dominican Republic(1904) bankrupt-European intervention

likely US collects taxes from custom

houses and makes payments, keeps all finances

<Political Cartoon of Big Stick

Big Stick

<The World’s Constable

Taft and Wilson

William Howard Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

Nicaragua bankrupt in 1911 arranges for US bankers to loan

money to country Bankers get customs from

Nicaragua citizens heard and revolted US props up Adolfo Diaz-2000

marines sent in-put down revolt-some remained ‘til 1933

Haiti in 1916<William Howard Taft

Taft and Wilson

Wilson enforces Missionary Diplomacy

trouble w/ Mexico 1911-<Francisco Madero leads

a revolution overthrows longtime dictator

Porfirio Diaz Madera wants Democracy-

power seized by General Victoriano Huerta who kills Madera

US won’t recognize Huerta

Taft and Wilson

US supports a Madero leader-Venustriano Carranza

April 1914 American sailors go ashore get arrested- Huerta will not apologize Wilson sends warships to Tampico Bay hears that a German ship is heading to

Veracruz-Navy takes Veracruz ended w/ Argentina, Brazil, Chile

mediate-Huerta flees and Carranza takes over

<typical teenager in Mexican Revolution