Impian sarawak health camp. 19 21st jan 2015.2

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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The banners are up to help patients locate the place.There are all kinds of rumours about where we are.YB Oscar Ling spend the day with us, as are the 4 friendly SBs

Setting up Camp. We are working with the church at Sg Aup for this camp on 20th Jan 2015

The Church is easily accessible. The Church is in the background. The Pastor is watching us set up. We are using the annex to the left of this photo, where the first tent is already up.

This is the entrance and the patients are waiting.This is where we register patients

This is the 1st floor where we site the dermatology, dental, OG and breast examination clinics.

Waiting for patients.Dr Ng having a chat with Dr Chow

Ruth ( dental nurse ) is setting up and getting ready for the long day ahead.The portable dental chair has proven very useful.

Tools of the Dental trade, all cleaned and ready.

Dr Low calls on the Dentist. Courtesy call, I believe

Dermatologist discussing something important? With OG team.The Impian Sarawak T shirts were given by DAP Impian team.

Downstairs, the patients are being registered, Q and getting ready.

Health Camp started.The first station as always, is the routine glucometer check and also the BMI screen. Everyone gets these two, except children.

Dr Tajudin, our GP seeing a patient.I was told that following this Camp, his name is now Dr Tan Ju Din? We are all Malaysians

This is the Eye station.Dr Wong is getting ready. Nurse Kim is briefing the patient.

This is the Pharmacy.Dr Tan is working hard. She was slightly under the weather when we arrived.

This is the Pharmacy. Close-upDr Tan GM instructing the patient on the drugs prescribed.

Gosh. My pro photographer is off focus. Sorry.This is also the evening. It gets dark at about 6.30pm.

This is the entrance to the Camp.In the distant, you can see Dr Ng upstairs waiting for patients.

Helping the patient.I must say that the DAP support staff was wonderful. They really help the whole place run.

It is customary that shoes be left outside.We had to improvise to put this plank across the drain so that the patients will not trip.

Happy locals who were treated.I suppose they were happy with the service.

This patient is coming down the rather narrow and steep staircase.Either seen dentist or dermatologist.

This is the OG clinic, with make shift pasted up blinds and also curtains for draw sheets.Dr Ng is checking.

Dermatologist and OG at work upstairs.

Helping this rather elderly, overweight lady up the steep stairs

DAP volunteer on left directing patient

Trying to get down the stairs carefully.I do inspection to make sure that all is under control

Dr Low is relaxing. Must be morning.Paediatricians work hard after 5 pm.

Gravel and mud leading to the Camp. There was a small landslide to the right of pic recently.There were also some renovation work on.

Dr Wong and nurse Kim, working hard.They saw a lot of patients.

Before every eye examination, the Snellen’s Chart.

Nice tile flooring.This is annex to Church.

Gravel and mud leading to the Camp. That’s where they wait for their turn.

A simple plank to smoothen the path and also cover the drain. This plank had two nails and the pastor help to remove them, just in case…..

Ms Song in a playful mood

The patient is in red. He is waiting.Nicholas ( DAP supporter ) is in green.He was most helpful, following us around the 3 camps.His long house is in Bawang Assan. We had dinner there, and lots of Tuak.

Patiently waiting. ? Dentist.They all like the dentist.

“Tidak sakit” he said. They all want more teeth extracted.Dental hygiene is very poor says Dr Ng Oi Leng.

I am not sure how Dr Teh took this pic. I know that he is shooting from the breast examination room, looking to Dermatologist consult table.Dental clinic is on our right

Dr Ng having a break, with DAP volunteer and Ms Song

Magdelene ( DAP staff ) with a child waiting to be seen.

Dr Low working. This must be 6 pm.

The dentist at work.We learn that besides a regular water source, we also had to worry about poor lighting comes 5.30 pm – 8 pm.

YB Kit, supremo, surveying the work. He was most encouraging.

A high 5 after consultation? The mum seems happy enough.

YB Kit speaking to patients who came.

The sky is getting dark. Sun has set.YB Kit and YB Tony will be leaving soon.Just having a chat with them. They did not pas me my DAP T shirt, so I am in Bersih yellow.

The upstairs team.Peeping through the window?

It drizzled a bit, so the umbrellas are out.We had rain all 3 days, but minor flood ( ponding ) on Day 1

These kids were running around.So Dr Teh must have recruited them for a photoshoot.

The kids are having fun.Why not? Dr Teh was entertaining them or vice versa.