Implementing a public project and distributing its cost

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Implementing a Public Project and Distributing Its Cost*


Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, lllinois 60201



Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706

Received July 6, 1990; revised August 5, 1991

We provide a game form which undertakes a public project exactly when the total benefit of the project to individuals in a society outweighs its cost. The game form is simple, balanced, and individually rational. It can be adjusted to distribute cost according to a wide class of rules. For example it can distribute cost so that each individual pays a share of the cost which is proportional to his or her benefit. We discuss the informational limitations of our work and the relation of this work to the literature on mechanism design and public goods. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: H41, C72, D78. ~~ 1992 Academic Press, lnc


Several agents must decide whether or not to undertake a project that will benefit them all: it is efficient to do so if and only if the sum of individual benefits outweighs the total cost. The project is called "public" because it is consumed without rivalry by all agents.

We propose a family of mechanisms which achieve efficient and equitable outcomes. The social planner (who designs the mechanism) tries to achieve two goals, a normative goal of equity and a positive goal of inducing the agents to achieve the desired outcome even though the planner chooses a mechanism in ignorance of agents' personal characteristics. The positive goal is usually referred to as the implementation issue.

* M. Jackson gratefully acknowledges the support of NSF Grant SES-8921409. We thank Ariel Rubinstein, Zvika Safra, and an associate editor for comments on an earlier draft.

125 0022-0531/92 $5.00

Copyright i j 1992 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


In this paper we follow one stream of the implementation literature which looks at "universal" mechanisms: that is, mechanisms which use no statistical information about the distribution of agents' characteristics. It places the burden of acquiring information about the preference profile upon the agents themselves. Once agents know enough about each other's preferences, the unique "reasonable" non-cooperative equilibrium imple- ments the desired outcome. In other words, the implementation property requires the agents to know at least some summary of the overall preference profile. This is admittedly a strong assumption, but it appears necessary if we wish to use simple, intuitive mechanisms such as the Divide and Choose method. The alternative root, relying on the existence of Bayesian beliefs about mutual preferences, has a stronger claim to realism as a model of individual behavior, but its mechanisms are pegged to the Bayesian charac- teristics of a particular group of agents (see, e.g., the bilateral trade mechanisms of Myerson and Satterthwaite [31]).

The literature on non-cooperative implementation under complete infor- mation has followed two directions: it has produced general characteriza- tion theorems and designed simple mechanisms for specific problems. The general results are technically impressive, but generally impractical for producing plausible mechanisms. The early results on implementation in Nash equilibrium (Maskin [20,21]) and in strong equilibrium (Peleg [34]; Moulin and Peleg [29]) demonstrated that implementability imposes severe restrictions, in particular if one wishes to implement a single valued solution. In sharp contrast with those fairly negative conclusions stand the recent characterization results on implementation by subgame perfect equilibrium (Moore and Repullo [23], Abreu and Sen [-1]), undominated Nash equilibrium (Palfrey and Srivastava 1-33]), and undominated strategies (Jackson [16]). They reach the striking conclusion that virtually anything (any social choice function) is implementable. However, the mechanisms used to prove those broad possibility results are distastefully complex, in part because the theorems cover an enormous array of collective decision problems (applications include anything from voting rules to the exchange of goods). In fact, if we restrict our attention to "reasonable" mechanisms, then the striking results are mitigated (Jackson [16]). Only strategy proof social choice functions are implementable in undominated strategies, while for undominated Nash implementation some social choice functions are ruled out-- as discussed in Jackson, Palfrey, and Srivastava [18]. (For subgame perfect implemen- tation the issue is more subtle. The definition of implementation does not account for mixed strategy equilibria which may exist in "reasonable" mechanisms. This issue is largely unexplored and is discussed with reference to Nash implementation in Jackson [16].)

The inapplicability of the general results to simple collective decision


problems is compensated in part by several papers dealing with the implementation issue in specific contexts. Examples include voting (McKelvey and Niemi [22], Moulin [-24], Herrero and Srivastava [-13, 14]), fair division (Crawford [-8], Demange [9], Glazer and Ma [10]), bargaining over lotteries (Moulin [26], Binmore, Rubinstein and Wolinsky 1-5], Howard [ 15 ]) and public decisions with monetary transfers (Moulin [21, 27], Moore and Repullo 1,23]).

In this paper, we focus on the very simple (and often studied) model of provision of an indivisible public good.

It is easy to implement the "core" of this model, namely, the set of all cost sharing vectors where no one pays more than the benefit he derives from the good (and no one pays anything if the good is not produced). For one thing the core correspondence is Maskin monotonic (and satisfies no veto power) and is thus Nash implementable. Moreover Bagnoli and Lipman [-4] show that an appealingly simple mechanism (where agents send a voluntary contribution to the planner and are refunded only if the total contribution does not allow production) implements the core in undominated perfect equilibrium.

From a normative viewpoint, implementing the whole core means that the social planner remains passive and lets the bargaining tactics of the agents select a particular cost-sharing. We are interested, on the contrary, in designing mechanisms that a normatively active social planner could use to implement a deterministic cost-sharing rule, namely a single valued selection of the core (for instance: costs are proportional to benefit). Implementation in Nash equilibrium cannot achieve this, as the core correspondence has no Maskin-monotonic subcorrespondence. We use instead undominated Nash equilibrium (or subgame perfect equilibrium).

The mechanisms which we propose (i) undertake the project in equi- librium when its collective benefit outweighs its total cost, and only then (ii) collect costs from individual agents that exactly balance the cost of the project, (iii) do not force any individual to participate in the decision making process against his will, and (iv) accomodate a large class of cost-sharing rules.

The more formal definitions of these properties are as follows. A mechanism translates agents' valuations of the project into a level of the project (0 or 1) and a cost to be paid by each agent. Transfers among the agents may be incorporated in the specification of the costs. A mechanism is successful if it always chooses the first best level of the public good. It is feasible if the sum of the costs of the agents is at least c when the project is undertaken, and at least 0 otherwise. It is balanced if the sum of the costs of the agents is c when the project is undertaken, and 0 otherwise. A mechanism is individually rational if the benefit each agent obtains from the project (times 0 or 1) outweighs the cost that agent pays.



Our mechanisms allow for a family of cost-sharing rules for which each agent's cost is non-increasing in the other agents' valuations for the project (and which must also satisfy another monotonicity property: see Section 3 below). For each such cost-sharing rule we construct a simple two stage mechanism in which the agents report an estimate of the collective benefit accruing from the project in the first stage, whereas in the second stage they report their own benefit for the project. It does not rely on "dooms- day" threats and is budget balanced (for all strategies) and individually rational (in equilibrium and in the sense that every agent has a strategy which guarantees a "no loss" outcome). Furthermore, it is bounded in the sense of Jackson [16] (for each dominated strategy there is an undominated strategy dominating it) and does not have any mixed strategy equilibrium. It is reminiscent of the "auctioning the leadership" mechanism originally proposed by Crawford ES] for the division of resources problem, and later applied to public decision with money by Moulin [25, 27].

To put our mechanism into perspective we recall the classical results on direct revelation mechanisms (whereby an agent's message is a report of his or her valuation for the project). It is well known (see Green and Laffont [1 t ] ) that a mechanism which is successful and balanced will not be dominant strategy incentive compatible. There is a non-trivial trade-off between efficiency and dominant strategy incentive compatibility. Groves mechanisms (Groves [12], see also Vickrey [36] and Clarke [7]) are dominant strategy incentive compatible, but fail to achieve balance. The difficulty is more acute if individual rationality is considered. Every successful, individually rational, dominant strategy incentive compatible mechanism will fail to be feasible (see Green and Laffont [11]).

One way out of the efficiency/incentive compatibility trade-off (for direct revelation mechanisms) is to allow the social planner to use statistical information about agents' valuations and to replace dominant strategy equilibrium by Bayesian incentive compatibility. Of course those mechanisms are not very meaningful among a few agents, and are much more demanding on the social planner. D'Aspremont and Gerard-Varet [2] demonstrate a mechanism which is Bayesian incentive compatible, successful, and balanced. However, individual rationality is not satisfied (an ex ante individual rationality constraint is satisfied, but the appropriate interim individual rationality constraints are not). Mailath and Postlewaite [19] show that if individual rationality is required along with Bayesian incentive compatibility, then it is generally impossible to achieve efficiency (see also Myerson and Satterthwaite [31] and Myerson [30]). Moreover, Mailath and Postlewaite show that as the number of agents involved grows, the probability of ever undertaking the project goes to zero.

The restrictiveness of our analysis, and of the non-Bayesian implementa- tion literature in general, is in terms of information held (or acquired) by


the agents. As mentioned earlier, this is the price to pay for dealing with "universal" mechanisms. The same remark applies whether we deal with voting, division of private goods, etc. In our problem, we must assume that individuals know their own valuations and at least two agents know the average of all the agents' valuations. It is interesting to note that this is the minimal informational requirement which needs to be satisfied in order to achieve ex post efficiency and individual rationality with any mechanism! Essentially, for any coarser information partitions, a Bayesian incentive compatibility condition needs to be satisfied. Our information structure satisfies NEI (non-exclusivity of information as defined by Postlewaite and Schmeidler [353). That is, any agent's type can be figured out by pooling the information of all the other agents. The NEI condition identifies the situations in which Bayesian incentive compatibility will fail to bite (see Blume and Easley [6] and Jackson [17]).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our mechanism in the simple context with two agents and the proportional cost-sharing rule (cost shares are proportional to benefits). In Section 3 we define our family of cost-sharing rules and discuss a few examples. Section 4 defines our mechanism and states our main result with the undominated Nash equilibrium concept, the proof of which is given in Section 6. Section 5 describes a simple modification of the mechanism that implements the same class of cost-sharing rules in subgame perfect equilibrium.


In this section we provide an example which illustrates the general structure of the game forms we consider. The game form described below implements the correct public project decision and distributes costs among two individuals in proportion to the benefits they receive from the project (a very popular cost-sharing rule).

Let e be the cost of the project (which is common knowledge), and let bl and b2 be the benefits the agents receive from the project if it is built.

In the first of two stages, agents simultaneously submit bids. These bids v~, v 2 are interpreted as the agents' estimates of the joint benefit from the project. If the highest bid is less than or equal to c, the project is not under- taken. Otherwise a second set of (simultaneous) bids are solicited. These bids ill, f12 are interpreted as the agents' reports of their own valuations for the project.

Without loss of generality, say that agent 1 had the highest first stage bid Vl (ties can be broken according to any rule). If the sum of the second stage bids is greater than the winning first stage bid, then the project is under-


taken and agent 1 pays ( ~ / V l ) C , while agent 2 pays ((v~-[31)/Vl) c. If the sum of the second stage bid is less than the winning first stage bid, then the project is not undertaken and agent 1 transfers Vl - ~l - ( ( v l - 3 1 ) / V l ) C to 2. If the sum of the second stage bids is equal to the winning first stage bids, then agent 1 can decide to follow either of the above prescriptions. This game form is represented in Fig. 1.

In the unique Nash equilibrium in which no player uses a dominated strategy, each agent bids the correct total valuation of the project in the first round and their own valuation in the second round. The formal proof of this is presented in the next section. The analysis of the game form is made easy by the fact that agent 2 has a dominant strategy in the second stage which is to bid his or her true valuation. (The second stage is essen- tially a pivotal mechanism for agent 2.) This determines a best response for agent 1 in the second stage, which depends on the winning first stage bid. Namely, fll = (Vl - b 2 ) + and build ifbl + b 2 > l (where z + =max(z , 0) and b2 is agent 2's true valuation }. It then remains to be verified that the first stage equilibrium bids are the true total valuation (if it is greater than c, and any bids not higher than c otherwise.) This follows since agents prefer not to win with a bid higher than the true total valuation, but do prefer to win with a bid lower than the true valuation. To see this, first note that the winning agent's cost C ( V l - b 2 ) + / V l is increasing for Vl >b2 and non- decreasing otherwise. Thus the "winner" would like to win with as low a bid as possible. However, also notice that if (and only if) v < b~ + b2, then

/ If vl ~< c do not build

Stage 1

Each bids v, wlog say tq ~> v2

\ I fv l > c g o t o :

Stage 2

Each bids fl,

(a} (b~ (c)

If ,81+f12>vl l f f l l + f l z < v l If/31 +f12= vl build. Cost to 2 do not build. 1 chooses is ( v l - f l~ )c / v I 1 transfers to 2: either (a) or (b).

cost to 1 v l - f i t - - (V t - - f l l )C /Vl is flt C/Vl



an agent is better off as the winner (1 pays c ( v - b 2 ) + / v as opposed to c ( v - ( v - b l ) + ) / v if 1 loses). Thus, no agent will wish to "lose" when v < bl + b2. In sum the only equilibrium bids are v~ = v2 = b~ + b2.

The cost shares (or transfers) are balanced by design. The unique equi- librium results in the first best level of the public good and shares the cost proportionally. It is also clear that the particular cost function is not critical in the analysis of the equilibrium. Thus, the game form will work for a whole class of cost-sharing rules which are non-decreasing in own benefit and non-increasing in other's benefit. The equilibrium outcomes are clearly individually rational (in fact bidding the true total valuation in the first round and the true benefit in the second round is individually rational, provided that no agent plays a weakly dominated strategy), but we can go beyond that to say that each agent has a strategy which guarantees him or her a utility of at least 0 even ignoring the other agent's actions. That strategy is to bid 0 in the first round and to bid the true benefit in the second round.


Denote by c the positive cost of the project and assume that n agents share this cost. Denote by bi agent i's benefit for the project. The domain of b~ contains all non-negative numbers.

If the profile (b~ ..... bn) is such that ZT= l bi < c, the project will not be undertaken and (by individual rationality) no transfer of money among players occurs. Thus we need only to define a cost-sharing rule over the domain B:

. . . . . and t i=1

All rules discussed in the literature (see, e.g., O'Neill [32], Aumann and Maschler [3] , Young [37]) can be written as a mapping ? associating to every profile (b~ ..... b,) in B a vector of cost shares ?~(b~ ..... bn), i = 1 ..... n, and satisfying:

budget balance:

core bounds:

• ]Ji(bl . . . . . b,) = c, and i= l

O<~ Tg(bl ..... b . ) ~ b i .

The "core" here refers to the possibility for any coalition to build the project at its own cost.


Another primitive assumption is anonymity: the rule discriminates among agents only on the basis of their benefit level. Formally, this says that by switching bi and bj in the profile, we exchange 7~ and 7j and leave every other Yk unchanged. This in turn allows us to represent the cost- sharing rule by a single real valued function 7(bl; b2 ..... b,).

DEFINITION. A cost-sharing rule is a mapping 3, defined over B and with range [0, c] and satisfying:

anonymity: 7(bl; b2, ..., b,) is a symmetrical function of b2, ..., b~,

budget balance: ~ y(bi; b i) = c, and i - - 1

core bounds: O<~7(bi;b i)<~bi.

In addition to these three primitive properties, the monotonicity properties are typically true:

two following

y(bl; b2 ..... b,) is non-increasing in bi, i~> 2. (1)

Note that in view of budget balance and anonymity, property (1) implies that 7(bl; b 1) is non-decreasing in bl. The second monotonicity property is

7(bl - 2; b2 + 2, b3 ..... b,) 1> 7(bl; b2 ..... b,) - 2,

for all 2 > 0 and all b~B s.t. b1>~2. (2)

Property (2) says that when a unit of agent l's benefit is shifted to agent 2, agent l's share does not reduce by more than the amount transferred.

These properties are satisfied by the proportional cost-sharing rule:

7(b1;b2 ..... b , )=cbl / (b~ + ... +b,).

They also hold true for the two methods: equal cost under the core bounds (agent i pays either a common cost-share or bi, whichever is less) and equal benefits under the core bounds (agent i pays either zero or b~-/~, whichever is more). They can also be checked for the Talmudic solution of Aumann and Maschler [3] and for all the examples of parametric methods discussed by Young [37].


We are given a cost-sharing rule y satisfying properties (1) and (2). In order to construct a mechanism to implement the efficient project decision

I M P L E M E N T I N G A P U B L I C P R O J E C T 133

and distribute costs according to 7, we define an auxiliary function 0 over n R+. We use the notation

xN/ = Y, xj. j:~ i

We now define 0 for all v ~> c, b~ ~> 0, i >/2:

0(v; b2 ..... bn) = 7 ( v - bN/l ; b2, ..., b~) if bN,.l <~ v, and

C O(v;b2 ..... b , ) = ( v - b M ) - if v<~bN/1.


Note that ~(0; b_ 1)= 0 by the core bounds so 0 is well defined at bN/~ = v. Also, check the following properties:

O(c; b ~) = c - bu/1 for all b 1, O(v; O) = c for all v >/c, and

~ O ( b N ; b _ i ) = c for all b such that bN>~c. (3) i = 1

In view of the monotonicity properties (1), (2) for 7, we get the following properties of 0:

0 is non decreasing in v if bN/l > 0, (4)

O(v; b_ 1) >10(v; b2 + 2, b3 ..... bn) >10(v; b 1) - 2 for all 2 > 0 and all v > 0, and (5)

O(v + 2; b2 + 2, b3, ..., b,) <~ O(v; b_ 1) if bu/1 "< V. (6)

We are ready to define the mechanism.

The Mechanism

Stage 1. Agents simultaneously submit vit>0. If all v~< c then do not build. Otherwise let i* be one of the agents with

the highest bid. Denote v~. = v and go to stage 2.

Stage 2. Given i* and v: Agents simultaneously submit fli/> 0. If flu > v the project is built. Agent i, i S i*, pays O(v; fl-i) and agent i*

pays the balance (namely, c - Z i ~ i . O(v; fl ~)). Note that agent i actually receives money if v < flu/,

If flN<V the project is not built. Agent i, i r receives t i - - - V - - f l N / j - - O(v, fl-i) from agent i* (so agent i* pays tu/i*).

If ~ N = /)' agent i* chooses either one of the above two outcomes.


DEFINITION. An undominated Nash equilibrium of a game is a Nash equilibrium where no player is using a weakly dominated strategy. Thus if xi denotes agent i's strategy and u~ his utility, we say that x* is an undominated Nash if for all i and for all xg we have

ui(x*)>~ui(xi, x*i) and

{Ui(X~, X i) ~ Ui(Xi' X i) for all x_t}

{u,(x*, x i) = ui(xi, x i) for all x_i}.

For a systematic discussion of implementation in undominated Nash equilibrium, see Palfrey and Srivastava [33] and Jackson et al. [18].

THEOREM. Suppose the cost-sharing rule 7 satisfies properties (1) and (2). Then for every profile (bl,..., bn) in R+ consider the game induced by the above mechanism. A t ever), undominated Nash equilibrium, the correct decision is taken (the project is built i f b u > C and not built if b u < e) and the cost- sharing rule 7 is implemented (nobody pays anything if the project is not built; agent i pays 7(b~;b i) if it is built).

Moreover, i f at least two agents derive positive benefits from the project (bi > 0), then in equilibrium the highest first stage bid is equal to the joint surplus, and the second stage bids reveal the agents' true benefits.

Finally every agent can guarantee a non-negative net utility by bidding zero in the first stage and reporting truthfully in the second stage.

We remark that to sustain the equilibrium it is required that each agent know his or her own benefit, and that at least two agents who derive positive benefits know the total valuation.


In this section, we describe a simple modification of the above mechanism so that the unique subgame perfect equilibrium coincides with the desired outcome. (The mechanism described in Section4 may have more than one subgame perfect equilibrium--some of which use dominated strategies and do not result in the desired outcome).

The mechanism about to be described, involves more stages than that of Section 4; among n agents, (n + 1) stages will be necessary. Also, the agent winning stage 1 will be required to announce the entire profile of benefits, not just his own benefit and the joint benefit. For the reasons discussed in the introduction, we prefer the shorter mechanism of Section 4 and this


is why we view the result about implementation in undominated Nash equilibrium as our main result.

Again, for simplicity, we describe subgame perfect implementation in the case of two agents and proportional costs first, and then the more general case.

The first stage is as before, where each agent bids vi. If max{v1, /.12} ~C then we stop and the project is not built. Otherwise, say vl >/v2 and that v~ > c and 1 is selected as the winner of the first stage. Then agent 1 announces //2. Agent 2 is then (after seeing //j) called on to choose between: (i) build with 2 paying //2c/vl and (ii) not build with 1 trans- ferr ing/ /2(1- c/v~) to 2. This is represented in Fig. 2.

There is only one difference from the previous mechanism: rather than announcing//2 in stage 2, agent 2 is called on to make a choice in stage 3.

Note that if b~ + b2 ~< c any subgame perfect equilibrium must have each agent set vi ~< c. So we consider the case of bl + b2 > c. We analyze stage 3 first.

In any subgame perfect equilibrium, agent 2 must choose build if b2 >//2 and not build if b2 <//2. When b2 =//2, agent 2 is indifferent.

Consider, first, the strategy in which agent 2 chooses build if and only if b2 ~>/32. In response to this, agent 1 wishes to set//2 = b2. Setting//2 any

If v 1 ~<c do not build

Stage 1

Each bids v~

wlog say t h/> v 2

/ \ I f v ~ > c go to:

Stage 2

1 announces B2

go to

Stage 3

2 chooses

/ \ build: cost to 2: not build: 1 transfers

fl2(c/vl), I pays rest f12(1 -(c/vl)) to 2.



lower reduces the cost to 2 thus increasing the cost to 1. Setting f12 higher results in not building the project and transferring at least b2(1-c /v l ) to agent 2 (a strictly worse outcome for agent 1, given that bl + b2 > c).

Consider, next, the strategy in which agent 2 chooses build if and only if b2 > f12. This cannot be part of an equilibrium, since player 1 then wishes to set f12 <b2 but as high as possible. Thus when b 1 + b 2 > c, a subgame perfect equilibrium must have agent 1 set f12 = b2 in stage 2 and have agent 2 choose build if and only if 6 2 >~ f12'

The analysis of stage 1 is then the same as for the previous mechanism, with each agent bidding vi= bl + b2.

The extension to many agents is straightforward. Stage 2 requires that the winning agent 1 announce f12, f13 ..... fin. Each agent is then called on in turn to say "yes" or "no". If all agents 2 ..... n, say "yes" then the project is built with each paying f l f / v . If any agent says no, then agent 1 pays fl~(1 - c / v ) to each agent i :~ 1. In like fashion, the above mechanism can be adapted to implement any cost-sharing rule 7 in the class discussed in Section 3.


(a) We Analyze Stage 2 First

Say that agent i* "won" stage 1 and consider the mechanism from the point of view of a different agent i g: i*. Set ~ = v - f i N ~ i ,

If fie > ~, then agent i's utility is b e - O(v, fl e).

If f l i< ~, then agent i's utility is ~ - O(v, fl-i) .

If fie = a, then agent i's utility is one of these two.

Thus the truthful report fie= be is a dominating strategy (and the unique undominated strategy).

For completeness we describe a best reply for i*, which is unique if (1) and (2) hold strictly. The theorem is formally established by the claim below, i*'s best reply fie* is as follows:

If bN/i. <~ v, then send fie* = V--bN/i* and build if bN>~ C, do not build if b N < c, and

If bN/i. > V, then send fli* = 0 and build. (7)


Note that agent i* needs only to know the joint benefit (not each and every benefit of the other agents) to compute the best reply. We prove (7) by checking agent i*'s payoff. We distinguish two cases.

Case 1. b N/g, <. v. Set a = v - - bN/i,

If fli. >a , then agent i* gets: h i . - c + y~ O(v; L., b_,. j). (8)

j ve i*

If/3~, < a, then agent i* gets: ( n - - l ) ( ] ~ i . - - v ) + ( n - - 2 ) b N / i . + 2 0 ( v ; f l i . , b _ i . , j ) .

j • i *

If /3~, = a, then agent i* gets the best of the two above numbers.

In view of (5) (applied to the variable /?~,) the best strategy for agent i* is to set fli* = a. Notice that property (3) implies that

Z O(V; V--bN/i, , b i.,j)=c-O(v;b_i.). j r

Next, consider agent i*. Given that the other agents report truthfully, agent i* decides whether to build or not by comparing the payoffs:

If the project is built: bi, - O(v; b ~,), and

If the project is not built: c - b u / i , --O(v, b_i , ) .

Clearly agent i* will build if bu > c and will not build if bN < c, and so the efficient decision will be implemented.

Case 2. bN/i. > 1). As a < 0 , we have ~ i . > a no matter what, so agent i*'s utility is (8)

which decreases in fli*. The best reply is ~ i . = 0 and to build. Agent i*'s final payoff is then

b . - c + y~ O(v; ~_ j ) , jTe i*

where ~j = bj and ~i* = 0.

(b) We Analyze Stage 1

To analyze the Nash equilibrium bids in stage 1 we take care first of the easy case in which bN ~< c. Since every agent can guarantee a no loss and


the joint utility is non-positive (there is no surplus from building the project) the game is inessential (see Moulin [-28] Chapter 1) and its unique Nash equilibrium outcome is zero utility for all.

Now we assume, until the end of this proof, that b u > r Let us first take care of the case in which all bi are zero except for bl ; and bl > c. Then in any equilibrium, agent 1 "wins" stage 1 with a bid v, bj/> v > c and in the second stage the project is built and agent I pays its full cost, as the core bounds command.

If at least two agents have a positive valuation for the project (and know the total valuation). We know from the analysis of stage 2 that in any equi- librium the winning bid v is greater than c and the good will be produced: the outcome where all bids are less than or equal to c in stage 1 cannot result from an undominated Nash equilibrium because some agent would gain by bidding v~> c given the strategies which must be played in any undominated Nash equilibrium in stage 2.

We prove the following claim by contradiction.

CLAIM. I f b N 2> r and all agents do not use dominated strategies, then player j can guarantee at least b j -O(bN; b j) by playing v/= bN and ~i = bj.

Proof of Claim.

Case 1. Agent j wins stage !. In this case since each agent ivaj uses an undominated strategy,/~i = b~. Thus the project is built and each agent pays O(bN; b_x) as required.

Case 2. Agent i * # j wins stage 1 with v>/bN, a n n o u n c e s /~/.>~ v -bu /~ , in stage 2, and builds the project.

In this case since i r are using undominated strategies, /3,=b~ for i :/: i*. Agent j ' s payoff is then

bj-O(v; fl~., b ,. j).

It follows from (5) and (6) that this is at least as large as

bj-O(bu;b j).

Case 3. Agent i * : ~ j wins stage 1 with v>~bu, announces fli* <~ l ) - bN/i. in stage 2, and does not build the project.

In this case, agent j ' s payoff is

v - ~ . - b u / , . , i - O(v; ~ . , b_~.,3.

Let 2 = v - ( ~ . + hN/i. ) and ~ = v - bu. Agent j 's payoff can be rewritten as

(bj+A)--O(bN+6;bi.+f--2, b i*,i}"


From (6), this is at least as large as

(bi+)~)-O(bu;bi*-)o,b i*./),

which from (5) is in turn at least as large as b / -O(bN; b i).

Note that from the above claim it follows that if the players use undominated strategies, then the game which results is inessential in the sense of Moulin [28] and so the unique undominated Nash equilibrium outcome results in utility level b i - O(bN; b j) for each agent.

Finally, to complete the proof of the theorem, we need to show that the (myopic) strategy v~=0 in stage 1 and fig=b, in stage 2 guarantees a non- negative utility to agent i, no matter what other players do. This is easily checked. For instance, if the project is built, agent i's final utility is b~- O(v; fl ~) = u~. If v <~ flN/~ the "cost share" 0 is negative so that agent i's final utility is positive. If v >~ flx/i then the cost share 0 is bounded above (in view of the core bounds),

o(v; ~ ,) = 7 ( v - ~ , ; ~ ,) <. v - ~N,.

thus the utility level u~ is worth b ,+ flN.'i--V which must be non-negative when the project is built.


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