Implementing OAuth with PHP

Post on 06-May-2015

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Shows how to be an oauth consumer and provider from PHP - OAuth 1 - including handling of tokens, secrets, and handling the workflow for devices. Also covers the workflow for OAuth 2


Implementing OAuth

About Me


• Lorna Jane Mitchell

• PHP Consultant/Developer

• Occasional writer/speaker/trainer

• Twitter: @lornajane

• Website:

About Me


• Lorna Jane Mitchell

• PHP Consultant/Developer

• Occasional writer/speaker/trainer

• Twitter: @lornajane

• Website:

• I am excited about OAuth :)

About This Talk


• Covering OAuth1 and OAuth2

• OAuth1 needs more explanation

• OAuth v1.0a is current stable

• OAuth2 in use by Google, Facebook and others

• Ask questions at any time

About OAuth


• Provider has User data

• User wants data to be available to 3rd party

• User tells Provider to grant access to Consumer

• Access may be limited

• User can revoke at any time

• Provider can distinguish between User and Consumer

OAuth Terminology


Provider The app with the interesting data

Consumer The app that wants the data

User Who the data belongs to

Token Random string

Secret Another random string, linked to a token

Verifier Another random string

OAuth HowTo

OAuth Dance


Dance Steps


• Step 0: Register as a consumer

• Step 1: Get a request token

• Step 2: Send the user to authenticate

• Step 3: Swap their verification for an access token

• Step 4: Consume data

Step 0: Register


• Akin to registering for an API key

• Introduce the Provider and Consumer

Step 1: Get A Request Token


Consumer asks for a request token from the Provider’s request tokenendpoint, specifying the callback URL

We give the token to the user and send them to log in

Step 2: User Grants Access


We send the user to the Provider, with the request token, to log in

Step 2: User Grants Access


We send the user to the Provider, with the request token, to log in

The Provider returns them to us, at the callback URL, with a verifier code

Devices Where Callback Won’t Work


It is hard to forward a user from a browser back to an app

• Instead we use "oob" as the callback parameter

• Provider displays verifier on screen

• User types code into app manually

Step 3: Get an Access Token


Consumer makes a request to Provider’s access token endpoint with:

• Consumer key

• Request token

• Verifier

Step 3: Get an Access Token


Consumer makes a request to Provider’s access token endpoint with:

• Consumer key

• Request token

• Verifier

OAuth Theory

Transmitting OAuth Parameters


We have three choices:

• As query parameters on the URL

• Use an Authorization Header

• Include the data as POST data

OAuth Request Token Fields


Asking for a request token looks like this: 14ed3965ea6&oauth_timestamp=1202956957&oauth_consumer_key=123456891011121314151617181920&oauth_signature_method=plaintext&oauth_signature=abcdef&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_callback=""

We supplied the oauth_consumer_key and oauth_callback but what are theseother fields?

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

• nonce: Cryptographic term meaning "Number Used Once". Wethink of a number, then throw it away

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

• nonce: Cryptographic term meaning "Number Used Once". Wethink of a number, then throw it away

• timestamp: Number of seconds since the epoch

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

• nonce: Cryptographic term meaning "Number Used Once". Wethink of a number, then throw it away

• timestamp: Number of seconds since the epoch

• version: 1.0 in this instance (more on OAuth2 later)

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

• nonce: Cryptographic term meaning "Number Used Once". Wethink of a number, then throw it away

• timestamp: Number of seconds since the epoch

• version: 1.0 in this instance (more on OAuth2 later)

• signature:

OAuth Request Token Fields


• signature method: How the request is signed. Typicallyplaintext or HMAC-SHA1

• nonce: Cryptographic term meaning "Number Used Once". Wethink of a number, then throw it away

• timestamp: Number of seconds since the epoch

• version: 1.0 in this instance (more on OAuth2 later)

• signature:

If you care, read this:

Practical Examples

OAuth Tools


PHP tools for OAuth:

• Pecl OAuth


• Talk examples use this

• Zend OAuth


Providing and Consuming OAuth


• Consuming:

• relatively easy

• used for authenticating against e.g. twitter

• Providing:

• more overhead than consuming

• great way to give access to applications

• needs multiple pages and endpoints as well as the API itself

Provider code with dark background

Consumer code with a blue background

Provider: Auxiliary Web Pages


There are some additional functions to provide as a provider:

• Consumer signup page, like an API key

• User authorisation step to allow/deny access for this consumer

• Rights management page so users can control/revoke access later

Provider: Step 0, Consumer Keys


This is straightforward

• Generate a key and a secret, store them

• Return them to the consumer to use

• Can use OAuth libraries, or not

$hash = sha1( mt_rand ()); // there are many ways to do this$consumer_key = substr ($hash,0,30);$consumer_secret = substr ($hash,30,10);

Provider: Handling OAuth Requests With Pecl


For every incoming request, for tokens and in normal operation, we’ll havecode like this:

$this->provider = new OAuthProvider();

// set names of functions to be called by the extension$this->provider->consumerHandler( array ($this, 'lookupConsumer' ));$this->provider->timestampNonceHandler(

array ($this, 'timestampNonceChecker' ));$this->provider->tokenHandler( array ($this, 'tokenHandler' ));

// no access token needed for this URL only$this->provider->setRequestTokenPath( '/v2/oauth/request_token' );


Step 1


Consumer Providerrequest token, request secret

consumer key, callback

Consumer: Step 1, Request Token


$config = array ();

$config[ 'request_uri' ] = 'http://api.local/v2/oauth/request_token' ;$config[ 'consumer_key' ] = 'akey' ;$config[ 'consumer_secret' ] = 'asecret' ;

$oauth = new OAuth($config[ 'consumer_key' ],$config[ 'consumer_secret' ]);

$oauth->setAuthType(OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI);$req = $oauth->getRequestToken($config[ 'request_uri' ], "oob" );

Provider: Step 1, Request Token Request


• Check oauth signature and consumer key

• Generate a request token and store it

• Return the request token

Provider: Step 1, Generate Request Token


Retrieve the callback, and make the token and secret:

// remember we're in URI modeparse_str($_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ], &$parameters);$callback = $parameters[ 'oauth_callback' ];$request_token = bin2hex ($provider->generateToken(4));$request_token_secret = bin2hex ($provider->generateToken(12));

We then simply echo the resulting variables in query format, e.g.

echo 'login_url = http://api.joindin.local/user/oauth_allo w?' .'request_token = ' . $request_token .'&request_token_secret = ' . $request_token_secret .'&oauth_callback_confirmed = true' ;

Storing Request Tokens


Storage is simple, again, you know all this

+----------------------+--------------+| Field | Type |+----------------------+--------------+| id | int(11) || consumer_key | varchar(30) || request_token | varchar(8) || request_token_secret | varchar(32) || callback | varchar(400) || verification | varchar(20) || authorised_user_id | int(11) || created_date | timestamp |+----------------------+--------------+

Step 2, User Grants Access


User grants access

Provider: Step 2, Granting/Denying Access


User grants access:

• store user id against request token

• generate a verifier code and store that too

User denies access:

• delete request token

Step 2, For Devices


Instead of forwarding the user, give them a code to use

Step 3


Consumer Provideraccess token

consumer key,request token, verifier

Consumer: Step 3, Request an Access Token


$oauth = new OAuth($config[ 'consumer_key' ],$config[ 'consumer_secret' ]);

// request token, request token secret and verification all set// by earlier steps, and loaded into $configtry{

$oauth->setToken($config[ 'request_token' ],$config[ 'request_token_secret' ]);

$access = $oauth->getAccessToken($config[ 'access_uri' ], null,$config[ 'verification' ]);

} catch (OAuthException $e) {echo $e->getMessage();


Provider: Step 3, Generate Access Token


Generate and store access token and secret, then return:

echo "oauth_token=" . $tokens[ 'oauth_token' ]. '&oauth_token_secret=' . $tokens[ 'oauth_token_secret' ];

Storing Access Tokens


+---------------------+-------------+| Field | Type |+---------------------+-------------+| id | int(11) || consumer_key | varchar(30) || access_token | varchar(16) || access_token_secret | varchar(32) || user_id | int(11) || created_date | timestamp || last_used_date | datetime |+---------------------+-------------+

Step 4


Consumer ProviderAPI response

consumer key,access token, API request

Consumer: Step 4, Subsequent Requests


$oauth = new OAuth($config[ 'consumer_key' ],$config[ 'consumer_secret' ]);

// from the getAccessToken call$oauth->setToken($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);$result = $oauth->fetch( "http://api.local/usual/call/here" );if ($result) {

$response = $oauth->getLastResponse();}



• For pecl_oauth:

• Use OAuth::enableDebug() to turn on verbose debugging

• The debug information is available in OAuth::debugInfo

• For the provider, use OAuthProvider::reportProblem()

• Wireshark or Charles Proxy



Other OAuth Types

3-legged OAuth


So far we have discussed 3-legged OAuth

• Three parties are involved

• Consumer

• Provider

• User

2-legged OAuth


2-legged OAuth is also an option

• Only two parties involved now

• Provider

• User/Client

• Step 0: User signs up for credentials similar to consumer key/secret

• Step 4: User makes request using

• their key and secret

• empty token details

OAuth 2


• Same principles and intention

• Spec still at draft stage officially

• Used by Google, Facebook and others

• Aims to be less complicated than OAuth 1

• Intended to be more scalable - provider split into resources and authservers

• No signing, SSL recommended instead

OAuth2 Outline


+--------+ +---------------+| |--(A)- Authorization Request ->| Resource || | | Owner || |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---| || | +---------------+| || | Authorization Grant & +---------------+| |--(C)--- Client Credentials -->| Authorization || Client | | Server || |<-(D)----- Access Token -------| || | +---------------+| || | +---------------+| |--(E)----- Access Token ------>| Resource || | | Server || |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---| |+--------+ +---------------+

Diagram from OAuth2 spec

Authorization Grant


Can take many forms

• Username and password

• used once to obtain an access token

• or just used as access token

• Client credentials

• client has prearranged access to the resource

• Implicit

• an access token provided some other way

• Authorization Code

• similar to OAuth 1, send user to talk to Auth Server and getverification codes

Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens


Refresh Tokens are an optional addition to OAuth 2

• Auth Server can return a refresh token with an access token

• Refresh token has longer validity

• Can be exchanged for an access token when combined with otherdetails

• Compare with re-entering your password at intervals

The State of OAuth


• OAuth 1

• already in use

• a faff!

• OAuth 2

• still being finalised

• different approach to same problem




• PHP Manual:

• Rasmus’ OAuth Provider Example:

• Yahoo Developer Network Documentation:

• Eran Hammer-Lahav’s blog:

• 2-legged OAuth post:

• OAuth 2 Draft Spec:



