Implementing Your Street Outreach Program

Post on 09-May-2015

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Implementing Your Street Implementing Your Street Outreach ProgramOutreach Program

Adapted from Trudee Able-Peterson & Richard A. Hooks Wayman’s “STREETWORKS: Best Practices and Standards in Outreach

Methodology to Homeless Youth”

Who are Homeless Youth in Modern America?Who are Homeless Youth in Modern America?Demographic Trends in Homeless Youth Demographic Trends in Homeless Youth PopulationsPopulations

Wilder Research Center survey – October


129 youth 17-years old and younger

Homeless youth are disproportionately youth

of color

There is an increase in the number of

homeless teen parents

One-third have considered suicide and one-

fourth have attempted suicide

Who are Homeless Youth in Modern America?Who are Homeless Youth in Modern America?Demographic Trends in Homeless Youth Demographic Trends in Homeless Youth PopulationsPopulations

Nearly 1 out of 2 homeless youth have been physically

or sexually mistreated; nearly 3 out of 10 have been

sexually abused.

4 out of 10 report some type of significant mental

health problem

One-third of homeless youth had runaway from


Half of the youth felt that there was a chance they

would live with their family again

3 out of 10 had experience parental neglect

1 out of 5 had been in alcohol or drug treatment

Be prepared to cover social conditions and issues

Be prepared to react to diverse reasons why the youth left home

Be open to working with a wide range of youth

What These Findings Indicate to New What These Findings Indicate to New Outreach Workers:Outreach Workers:

Failure of the Child Welfare Failure of the Child Welfare System to Prevent Youth System to Prevent Youth


Ill-equipped child welfare systems

Out-of-home placement and homeless before 18

22.2% of foster youth experienced homelessness within a year of leaving foster care

25% of foster youth experienced homelessness with 2 to 4 years of exiting foster care

Failure of the Child Welfare Failure of the Child Welfare System to Prevent Youth System to Prevent Youth


Inadequate funding to meet the needs of all youth Infants and young children are given priority, not teenagers Foster homes rarely choose to take teenagers Over half of all youth in placements were 13 -18 years old Metro counties “unspoken policy” Many youth are leaving foster care without resources for housing, or with little lifetime family connections upon which to call in times of crisis. More resources need to be dedicated to offering intervention, residential stability and after-care supportive services.

National Statistics on National Statistics on Homeless and Runaway Homeless and Runaway

YouthYouth FYSB RHYMIS RHYMIS findings during October 2004 and September 2005

Transitional Housing Programs turned away 2,555 youth and Basic Center Programs turned away 2,078 youth Youth of color are disproportionately represented in homeless programs across the nation – 55% White, 29% African America, 4% American Indian, 2% multiracial, 1% Asian American, and 1% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 14% of girls and young women served were parents 3% of boys and girls had a previous placement in foster care 3% of youth self-identified as GLBT

Geographical Geographical Assessment/Neighborhood or Assessment/Neighborhood or

Community AssessmentsCommunity AssessmentsThe best and safest street outreach work begins with an in-depth and thoughtful assessment or “environment study” of the area or areas in which an outreach worker will be working.

Visit targeted neighborhoods at different times Observe different patterns of activity Check out community centers and get to know staff Observe where youth go after school Get recognized by someone Develop sites where the outreach worker can go in case of emergency, accompanied by youth or alone

“Always be friendly and open, and walk through the neighborhood as a guest while you are doing all you can to connect to the community.” – M.J. Mueleners

Procedures for Interaction Procedures for Interaction with Law Enforcementwith Law Enforcement

Outreach workers should be prepared to speak with law enforcement and seek advice on how to respond during investigations Make contact with juvenile law enforcement, they have knowledge of where youth are Act respectfully and follow directives of police personnel It doesn’t help to resist Calmly do what the officer asks, when he or she is making a requests within the parameters of his or her authority If an outreach worker, partner or youth is treated in any illegal manner by police personnel, write down the badge number, ask for their name, or get the squad car number and report it to your supervisor

Approach, Engagement and Approach, Engagement and Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

Approach Always have your card and a personal agency outreach card available Identify yourself and affiliations as quickly as possible

Some effective approaches may be:“Hi, have you got a minute? I’m an outreach worker for ______(drop-in center, clinic, youth shelter, etc.)”

“Hi, my name is _____, and I’m an outreach worker with the _____________, I just want to give you some information about our program.”

“Hi, my name is _____, and this is my partner _____. We work for _____, and we want to give you some information about services for youth in the ____ area.”

Approach, Engagement and Approach, Engagement and Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

Approach cont.

Don’t be offended Always be willing to give the youth another chance Approach with sincerity and information about youth services When leaving the youth, tell him or her to have a safe night and to take care, or another positive parting remark Let the youth know you’ll be back on a specific day or time Give the young person a business card

Approach, Engagement and Approach, Engagement and Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

Engagement May happen the first time, or it may take several attempts Depends on: how the youth is feeling, what the youth may be involved in, his or her personality type, whether the youth feels you are safe at the time Try to remember names, even if it is a nickname

Some strategies for outreach workers to develop: Associating the location where you meet the youth with the name Asking a partner to help you remember names Keeping a notepad with names of youth you’ve met and reviewing it before you return

Approach, Engagement and Approach, Engagement and Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

Engagement cont.

Small pocket notebooks Wait to write down information Engagement can be achieved by actions rather than words Play hacky sack or Frisbee Help the youth with a project Youth not only listen, they watch you

Approach, Engagement and Approach, Engagement and Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

Relationship Building Aid in making safer choices Making positive changes in lifestyle Help youth feel good about themselves Overcome obstacles Begin the healing process Be there when you say you will Work with them as partners Feed them, listen to them, and respect them

“While walking down the streets looking for young people trying to find their way, I often think, ‘Do I really have an impact?’ or ‘Are youth really hearing what I’m saying?’ Time passes and you meet thousands of faces on the street, then one day comes two years later, you reunite with a youth and they say, ‘Do you remember me?’ Then they tell you when and where they met you, they pull out the card you gave them long ago and say, ‘I really need someone to talk to.’ These stories make your energy level soar and want to continue meeting all those thousand of faces on the street where we are needed.” – Ryan Delaney, outreach worker

Outreach Methodology – How Outreach Methodology – How Do I Conduct My Work?Do I Conduct My Work?

Teamwork Clear identification for everyone’s safety Coordinate limited resources to cover a wide area and large range of hours Don’t have “turf” but connect with communities Provide basic needs to the best of your ability Specialization can be a good thing Engage youth and build trusting, long-term relationship – not long-term case management Involve youth Involve community volunteers Prevention is worth more than a cure Commit to evaluating practice

Harm Reduction as Part of Harm Reduction as Part of outreach methodologyoutreach methodology

Work to minimize effects of drug use, rather than ignore or condemn Establish that cessation of all drug use is not the criteria for successful interventions Affirms drug users as the primary agents of reducing the harms of their drug use Does not attempt to minimize or ignore the real and tragic harm associated with licit and illicit drug use Recognizes that harm reduction methodology can be used in any risky or harm situation

Culture Underlying Outreach Culture Underlying Outreach Methodology Methodology

We approach and are open about being approached We are patient and nonjudgmental We abide by the Code of Ethics We remain respectful of individual differences We are safe people. We do not have a Code of Silence We are engaged in a craft that affects human lives in making new choices We are agents of Political and Systems Change

What Should Be Our Goals What Should Be Our Goals with Youth in Conducting with Youth in Conducting

Outreach?Outreach?Youth Participant-Centered Goals

1. Assess, approach, and engage youth2. Respond to immediate crisis for basic needs3. Practice a harm reduction approach to abusive, violent behavior4. Develop tolerance5. Help youth to exit the street 6. The outreach workers themselves are a resource for the youth

Agency/Collaborative-Centered Goals1. Give all youth immediate or priority assistance in ‘hooking’ up with

agencies to meet their needs2. Locate areas where youth hang out3. Attempt to ensure non-duplicative outreach services4. Allow member agencies to remain accessible 5. Allow each agency to reach a larger geographical area6. Approach all youth from a strength-based approach7. Strive to achieve outcomes of youth making safer choices

The Role of an Outreach The Role of an Outreach Worker as Relationship Builder Worker as Relationship Builder

and Assessorand Assessor

Ask Don’t make decision for youth but with youth Outreach workers don’t label young people Youth readiness Follow-up

Safety ProtocolsSafety ProtocolsLocations

Do not work alone unless the work has been approved by agency supervisors The single worker should always have base areas where there are other ‘safe’ peoplePreparation Sit down 15-20 minutes to discuss where they will be working for the afternoon or evening and talk about the area Develop a code word that means, “LEAVE THE AREA NOW.” Be aware of gang areas/territories, colors, symbols Always describe the area to a new partner and let him or her know what to expect Partners discuss anything that might be relevant to their safety

Safety ProtocolsSafety ProtocolsResponding to Unsafe Conditions

Drop any backpacks or supply bags and run if in a dangerous situation If street fighting is observed, get away from the scene DO NOT interrupt the sale of sex or drugs for money Report any unusual incidents or danger zones back to the program supervisor and outreach teamDon’t become a target Don’t carry a cell phone, car keys, or personal identification in your supply bag Don’t carry a purse-strap handbag on the street Keep some cash in your pocket, shoe, etc. for emergency Don’t be critical of your partner in public Carry a work card with your name on it Avoid wearing expensive and visible jewelry, or expensive, very popular brand name clothing.

Wrap-Up & Questions Wrap-Up & Questions What do you need more information

about?What do you need to seek support for

from Agency/Program Administration?What can RHYTTAC do to assist you in

implementing your Street Outreach Program?

Other Questions, Comments, suggestions for future SO?P Start-up Clinics

Contact InformationContact Information