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1. Indebted to وکشمروہان I am indebted to you for your timely help. 2000 (PU- G 1)

2. Cast away انکنیھپ 2000 (PU- G 1)

The soldiers have to cast away their luggage during the battle.

3. Accede to 2000 امم انیل ۔ قفتم وہان (PU- G 1)

The principal acceded to my request and granted me fee concession.

4. Bear out دصتقی رکان This report bears out my truth. 2000 (PU- G 1)

5. Give away 2000 میسقت رکان (PU- G 1)The principal has given away the prizes among the winners.

6. Call off رکان We called off the match owing to bad light. 2000 (PU- G 1) روانک۔ متخ

7. Boast of ان He was boasting of his skills. 2000 (PU- G 1) یخیش اھگبر

8. Obliged to وکشمر وہان I am obliged to you for this favour. 2000 (PU- G 1)

9. Split hair ابك یک اھکك ااترانThis novelist always splits hairs in his novels. 2001 (PU-G 1)

10. Hand and glove اقلعتت ںیم وہان .Aslam and Akram are hand in glove with each other (PU-G 1) 2001 اےھچ

11. To have cold feet رک اپان (PU-G 1) 2001ہلصیف ہن

After weeks of preparation, he had cold feet on the day of examination.

12. An eye wash دوھہک Elections in Pakistan are just an eye wash. 2001 (PU-G 1)

13. To burn mid night oil 2001 تنحم رکان تخس (PU-G 2)

Most of the students burn the mid night oil near the examination.

15. Give a good account of اان (PU-G 2) 2001 اانپ ولاہ ونم

He gave himself a good account in the final cricket match.

16. To make a clean breast of 2001 اینپ یطلغ میلست رکان (PU-G 2) He made a clean breast of his guilt in the court.

17. Above board کش ےس ابالرت His dealings are above board. 2001 (PU-G 2)

18. Come of قلعت وہان He comes of a well-to-do family. 2001 (PU-G 2)

20. To come to terms قفتم وہان I cannot come to terms with you in this matter.2001

21. Go over اعمہنئ رکان The doctor went over the patient fully.2001 Sup (PU-G 2)

22. Call for رکان Your crime calls for punishment. 2001 Sup (PU-G 2) اقتاض

23. Lay down رکان We can lay down our lives for the sake of our country. 2001 رقابم

24. Break down اب وہانتحص اک رخ His health broke down owing to over work. 2001

25. Blow hot and cold (PU- G 1) 2002ریغ لقتسم زماج وہان

If you want to win the war, you must not blow hot and cold.

26. Once in a blue moon ر He comes here once in a blue moon. 2002 (PU- G 1)یھبک اھبک

27. In letter and spirit He helped me in letter and spirit. 2002 (PU- G 1) اصلخمہن

28. Come about روامن وہان How did your accident come about? 2002 (PU- G 1)

29. To beat off ہلمح اپسپ رکان Our army beat off the Indian attack. 2002 (PU-G 2)

30. To blow up ڑاان The terrorists blew up the building. 2002 (PU-G 2) دامھےک ےس ا

31. To look forward to ااظتنر رکانI am looking forward to meeting you. 2002 (PU-G 2)

32. To have a finger in the pie رکان Aslam wants to have a finger in everybody’s (PU-G 2) 2002 دماتلخ

33. Run across I ran across an old book of mine yesterday. 2002 Sup ااچکن یسک زیچ اک اہھت انگل

34. To fall foul off ڑلان ڑگھجان Do not fall foul of your friends. 2002 Sup (PU-G 1)

35. To take after اشمتہب رانھک He takes after his father. 2002 Sup (PU-G 1)

36. To pass away اجان The old man passed away this morning. 2002 Sup (PU-G 1) رم

37. By fits and starts He failed because he worked by fits and starts. 2002 ےب اقدعیگ ےس

38. A man of letters My teacher is a man of letters. 2002 Sup (PU-G 2) ادیب ٓادیم

39. Make off with ر وہان The thief has made off with the ornaments. 2002 Sup (PU)رفا

40. Hang fire اتریخ اک اکشر وہانThe case of murder still hangs fire. 2002 Sup (PU-G 2)

41. Go by وہشمر وہان He goes by the name of Aslam. 2002 Sup (PU-G 2)

42. A feather in one’s cap .Sup (PU-G 2) His success in the examination is a feather in his cap 2002 امنایں اکرانہم

43. To bring to book اعل رپ الان The theft was brought to book by the police. 2002 رظنم

44. To beggar description Her beauty beggars description. 2002 Sup ایبم ےس ابرہ وہان

45. To tell upon ز وہان Hard work told upon his health. 2003 (PU- G 1) ارث ادنا

46. Put up with رکان I cannot put up with this insult. 2003 (PU- G 1) ربداتش

47. Make for 2003 یک رطف انلکن (PU- G 1) The dacoits stole the ornaments and made for the jungle.

48. Call in question کش وہان His honesty cannot be called in question. 2003 (PU-G 2)

49. Look down upon رت ےس دانھکی The rich look down upon the poor. 2003 (PU-G 2)اقح

50. Come off روامن وہان When does your marriage come off? 2003 (PU-G 2)

51. To break away ر وہان .A horse cannot break away if you hold it by the bridle (PU-G 2) 2003 رفا

52. Eat one’s word He abused me but soon he ate his words.2003 (PU) اےنپ اافلظ واسپ انیل

53. To burst into 2003وھپٹ وھپٹ رکروان Sup (PU-G 1)

She burst into tears when she heard the news of his father’s death.

54. To be taken aback م رہ اجان He was taken aback at his failure.2003 Sup (PU-G 1) ریحا

55. At daggers drawn م نب وہان Sup (PU-G 1) 2003 ا

Both Pakistan and India are at daggers drawn with each other.

56. To bear the brunt of رکان Sup (PU-G 1) 2003 اھبری اصقنم اک اسانم

Pakistan has been bearing the brunt of suicide attacks.

57. Blessing in disguise تمح The rain proved a blessing in disguise for the farmers. 2003یپھچ ر

58. To come to blows 2003اہاھت اپیئ رپ ارت ٓاان Sup (PU-G 1)After the heated discussion, they came to blows.

59. To do away with Let us do away with terrorism. 2003 Sup (PU-G 1) متخ رکان

60. To take down انھکل Let us take down the assignment given by the teacher. 2003

61. At an arm’s length رانھک رپ افےلص وھتڑے Keep selfish friends at an arm’s leng

62. Through and through He is through and through an honest man.2003 Sup رپ وطر لمکم

63. Bear up رکان ربداتش We should bear up the hardships of life bravely. 2004 (PU-G 1)

64. Die out وہان اندیپ۔ وہان متخ Terrorism will die out soon.

65. Come to After a long discussion, they came to a wise decision.2004 (PU) انچنہپ رپ ہجیتن

66. Gift of the gab ابت رکےن ںیم رواین My friend possesses the gift of the gab.2004 (PU)

67. A fishy story اکی وکشمک اہکینThe story narrated by him was a fishy story.2004 (PU)

68. Stand on ceremony فلکت ربانتSincere friends do not stand on ceremony.2004 (PU)

69. Do up ران ونسا Saleem is doing up his hair. 2004 (PU-G 2)

70. Get away with ر وہان The thief got away with the ornaments. 2004 (PU-G 2)رفا

71. At loggerheads م نب وہان (PU-G 2) 2004 ا

Now a days, he is at loggerheads with his father on the issue of his marriage.

72. As the crow flies دیساھ 2004 (PU-G 2) This road leads to bus stop as straight as the crow flies.

73. The underdog The underdog should be treated well.2004 (PU) بی کل ای رغ بی صخرغ

74. The school master is abroad The school master is abroad in Pakistan.2004 میلعت

75. A blue stocking My mother is a blue stocking.2004 (PU-G 2) ادیب ذوق وایل وعرت

76. Put in Yesterday, I put in my application for admission.2004 Sup (PU) رکواان عمج

77. Stand out امنایں وہان His work stands out from that of others.2004 Sup (PU-G 1)

78. In cold blood ےب ریمح ےس The man was murdered in cold blood.2004 Sup (PU)

79. A curtain lectureویبی ےک ےنعط He always avoids to the curtain lecture of his wife. 2004

80. A square deal راہن رباتو Our religion likes fair dealingin all walks of life. 2004Sup اامیدنا

81. Do without رہ رکان ےک ریغب زگا I cannot do without your help. 2004 Sup (PU-G 2)

82. Fall flat ےب ارث وہان My advice fell flat on him. 2004 Sup (PU-G 2)

83. Cut down مک رکان He has cut down his expenses. 2004 Sup (PU-G 2)

eighty four. Hand over وحاےل رکان He handed me over some money. 2004 Sup (PU-G 2)

85. A storm in the tea cup ابت رپ اگنہہم Sup (PU-G 2) 2004ومعمیل

The quarrel between two ladies is nothing else but a storm in the tea cup.

86. Keep the wolf from the door 2004 افوقں ےس انچب Sup (PU-G 2)

It is very difficult for the poor to keep the wolf from the door.

87. House of cards ر زیچ (PU-G 1) 2005 ان اپدیئا

His plan to start his business fell to pieces like house of cards.

88. A laughing stock 2005 ہکحضم زیخ (PU-G 1)A laughing stock has no respect in the society.

89. To nip in the bud ٓااغز ںیم داب دانی We should try to nip the evil in the bud.2005

90. Play truant وکسك ےس اھبانگ The students, who played truant, could not pass.2005

91. To have a bee in one’s bonnet ان ذینہ وطر رپ رپاشیم وہ 2005 (PU-G 1)

After his failure in the examination, he had a fly in his bonnet.

92. Stick to ےٹمچ رانہ Always stick to your ambition. 2005 (PU- 2)

93. Run out متخ وہان Our stock of sugar has run out. 2005 (PU- 2)

94. To carry weight وزم رانھکYour arguments carry weight in this matter. 2005 (PU- 2)

95. To cut a sorry figure He cut a sorry figure in the examination.2005 (PU) رشدنمیگ وہان

96. To bury the hatchet رکان They buried the hatchet and became friends.2005دینمش متخ

97.A turn coat ابر ابر راےئ دبےنل واال ااسنمI can not trust my friend, he is a turn coat.2005 (PU)

98. A dark horse اپھچ رمتس 2005 (PU- 2) Aslam proved himself a dark horse and came first in the examination.

99. By and large ام ومع By and large, things are going quite well.2005 (PU- 2)

100. A willing horse راض دنمی ےس اکل رکویناالA willing horse never fails in making progress.

101. A man in the street A man in the street is little interested in politics.2005 اعل ٓادیم

102. To turn down رکان He turned down my suggestions. 2005 Sup (PU-G 2) رتسمد

103. To turn off دنب رکان He turned off the lamp. 2005 Sup (PU-G 2)

104. To turn out ابرہ اکنانل The teacher turned me out of the class.2005 Sup (PU-G 2)

105. To turn up اظرہ وہان Let us see what turns up next. 2005 Sup (PU-G 2)

106. To curry favour رکان I don’t like to curry favour with my boss.2005 Sup (PU)وخاشدم

107. To die in harness رکان Sup (PU-G 2) 2005رمےت دل کت اکل

We should die in harness for the progress of Pakistan.

108. Few and far between اشزو انزرHe comes here few and far between.2005 Sup (PU)

110. A dog in the manger ے ور ہن ےنلیھک د (PU- 1) 2006وج ہن وخد ےلیھک ا

He neither plays himself nor allows others to play. He follows a dog in the manger policy.

111.A bull in a china shop 2006رہ زیچ وک سہت سہن رکےن واال (PU-2)

Aslam was like a bull in china shop in our home because he upset everything.

112. Brevity is the soul of wit ااصتخرDo not make long speeches because brevity is the soul of wit.

113.Get at the bottom of ہہت کت انچنہپHe got at the bottom of murder case. 2006 (PU-2)

114. A cat and dog life ڑلایئ ڑگھجے وایل زدنیگA cat and dog life spoils peace of mind. 2006

116. Cut off رکان They cut his head off his body. 2006 (PU-2) رس ملق

117. Bear up ربداتش رکان We must bear up at the difficult hour.2006 (PU-2)

118. Freudian slip رادہ ےک یطلغ His mistake in the paper was a Freudian slip. 2007ریغب ا

119. Cut in رکان It is a bad habit to cut in. 2007 (PU- G 1)دماتلخ

120. A bolt from the blue ااچکن ٓاےن وایل ٓاتفHis mother’s death was a bolt from the blue for him.

121. At a stretch اگلاتر I can work for six hours at a stretch. 2007 (PU- G 1)

122. Break away ر وہان The prisoner has broken away and is still at large.2007 (PU)رفا

123. Threw cold water upon ادیموں رپ اپین ریھپانHis failure threw cold water upon his parents’ wishes.

124. Hold water وئم رث وہانHis arguments hold water. 2007 (PU-G 2)

125. Stand for تم وہان الع KSA stands for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2008 (PU- G 1)

126. Become a byword His honesty has become a byword. 2008 (PU- G 1)وقك نب اجان

127. Stick to the point رپ زعل رانہA man should always stick to the point and never throw the sponge.

128. Beat back رکان To beg pardon OR To say sorry2008 (PU- G 2) ذعمرت

Weather is unfavourable, we shall have to beat back from her.

129. Die away دممہ وہان۔ متخ وہانThe fashion of long hair is going to die away. 2008 (PU)

130. Go about اکل اجری رانھکHe went about to find a job everywhere.2008 (PU- G 2)

131. Flog a dead horse: To win her love is nothing but to flag a dead horse.2008

132. A wet blanket رسد زماج واال ٓادیم P.U.1992 A wet blanket in a meeting is not liked by any body.

133. A wild goose chase اکیبر وکشش P.U.1992

It is a wild goose chase to find the girl without the help of police.

134. An apple of discord اسفد یک ڑج Kashmir is an apple of discord between Pakistan and India.

135.A square deal راہن رباتو Our religion stresses a square deal. P.U.1987 اامیدنا

136. A square peg in a round whole OR A round peg in a square whole ااسی صخ وج ان انمبس اقمل رپ وہ P.U.1987

He is a teacher but has also to do management. He is a square peg in a round whole.

137. A beast of burden الدو اجونر A beast of burden sholuld never be treated harshly.1989

138. At a stone’s throw وھتڑے یہ افےلص رپOur school is at a stone’s throw from the bus stop.

139. In a fix رپاشیین ںیم P.U.1992After his failure in the business, he is in a fix.

140. Every inch لمکم وطر رپ He is every inch a Muslim and feels proud of his traditions.

141. Under a cloud ربے احالت ںیم وہان P.U.1996

In the past, he enjoyed great popularity but now a days, he is under a cloud.

142.A skeleton in the cup board ز P.U.1998 رشل انک را

A skeleton in cup board should never be dislosed.

143. The back bone لمکم وطر رپ He is a Muslim to the back bone. P.U.1990

144. At cross purposes م نب وہان P.U.1992 ا

He is at cross purposes with his boss on the issue of his salary.

145. Tongue in cheek انماقفہن He always speaks with his tongue in cheek. P.U.1998

147. A labour of love ریغب اعموہض ےک اکل What he did for me, was a labour of love.P.U.1992

148. To turn a deaf ear وتہج ہن دانی He turned a deaf ear to my advice. P.U.1998

149. To nip something in the bud ٓااغز ںیم داب دانیNip the evil in the bud. V.IMP

150. To end in smoke His efforts to get new job ended in smoke.V.IMP رااگیئں اجان

151. To keep up appearances وعض عطق اقمئ رانھک V.IMP It is very difficult to keep up appearances now-a-days.

152. To be taken aback م رہ اجان He was taken aback at his failure. P.U.1992ریحا

153. To have a fly in one’s bonnet ذینہ وطر رپ رپاشیم وہان V.IMPAfter his failure, he had a fly in his bonnet.

154. To bury the hatchet رکان India and Pakistan should bury the hatchet. V.IMPدینمش متخ

155. To turn turtle سب ای یتشک وریغہ اک اانٹلIn the accident, a car and a bus turned turtle.P.U.1996

156. Keep body and soul together وعض عطق اقمئ رانھک۔ افوقں ےس انچب P.U.1996

The poor cannot keep body and soul together now a days.

157. To strain every nerve رکان He is straining every nerve to pass the examination. V.IMP رھب وپر وکشش

158. To lead by the nose .P.U.1996A husband cannot lead his wife by the nose وپری رطح رٹنکوك رانھک

159. To read between the lines حیحص بلطم انھجمس V.IMP

He read between the lines of themessage and got ready to help me.

160. To take time by the forelock .P.U.1998Always take time by the forelock وکیئ ومعق اہھت ےس ہن ونگاان

161. To break the ice اخومیش وتڑانAll were silent but Saleem broke the ice. P.U.1992

162. To poke one’s nose رکان Do not poke your nose into my affairs. V.IMPدماتلخ

163. To weather the storm تبیصم اک اسانم رکان P.U.1990

Do not lose heart at your failure and try to weather the storm.

164. To beat about the bush ادرھ یک ابںیت رکان .V.IMP An articulate person always beats about the bush ادرھ

165. To turn over a new leaf رکان .P.U.1998After his father’s death, he turned over a new leaf یئن ذدنیگ اک ٓااغز

166. To put two and two together حیحص ہجیتن اذخ رکان P.U.1997

He put two and two together and decided to help me.

167. To pull a long face ااہظر رکان .P.U.1994He pulled a long face at his insult in the meeting انرایگض اک

168. To win laurels ز انتیج .V.IMP He scored two goals and won laurels in the match ازعا

169. To smell a rat کش وہانI smell a rat in his untimely arrival. V.IMP

170. To steer clear of انچب Try to steer clear of gambling. V.IMP

171. To take a leap in the dark رطخہ ومك انیل P.U.1992 India is taking a leap in the dark by invading Pakistan.

172. To steal a march upon دورسوں رپ تقبس ےل اجانP.U.1986He worked hard and stole a march upon others.

173. To split hairs ابك یک اھکك ااترانDuring discussion, he always splits hairs. P.U.1989

174. To pocket an insult ےب زعیت ربداتش رکانHe could not pocket insult in the meeting.IMP

175. To gird up one’s loins رمک سک انیل Gird up your loins near the examination. V.IMP

176. To keep abreast of ابربخ وہان V.IMP You should try to keep abreast of with the world.

177. Lose one’s head رپاشیم وہ اجان He lost his head at his insult. P.U.1992

178. To fish in troubled water دورسوں یک تبیصم ےس افدئہ ااھٹانNever try to fish in troubled waters. V.IMP

179. To feather in one’s nest وخد رغض وہانP.U.1991 Most of the people in Pakistan feather their nest.

180. To face music یطلغ یک زسا انتگھبV.IMP The servant broke the glass and had to face the punishment.

181. Hold a brief for واکتل رکان V.IMP I hold no brief for using unfair means in the examination.

182. To pay through the nose تمیق اکچان V.IMP He had to pay through the nose for his misdeeds.

183. To laugh to scorn ڑاان He laughed all my suggestions to scorn. V.IMP رخسمت ا

1eighty four. To go to the wall ابتہ وہان He went to the wall in the business. V.IMP

185. To keep an open house رہ یسک یک اخرط وتاعض رکانA generous person keeps an open house.

186. To catch at a straw A drowning man catches at a straw.V.IMP ڈوےتب وک ےکنت اک اہسرا

187. To tide over اقوب اپان He will tide over his difficulties soon. V.IMP

188. Aladdin’s lamp وکیئ یھب زیچ وج وھتڑے رعہص ںیم ٓاوکپ اکایمیب دال دے۔I have no Aladdin’s lamp to solve your problems.

189. Pandora’s box ۔اکی ایخیل سکب ےسج وھکےنل رپ امیبرایں لیھپ یتکس ںیہ V.IMP

Do not discuss their broken marriage. It will open Pandora’s Box.

190. A wolf in sheep’s clothing انمقف V.IMP

You cannot trust a Jew because he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

191. The sword of Damocles اناہگین ٓاتف V.IMP My wife’s illness is the sword of Damocles for me.

192. Star crossed دب تمسقHe is a star crossed as he failed to marry the girl of his liking.

193. D-day یسک رحتکی ےک ٓااغز اک دم For the Kashmiris, 5th

February is a D-day.V.IMP

194. To save one’s skin چب انلکن The thief saved his skin by telling a lie.V.IMP

195. To all intents and purposes اصلخمہن V.IMP

A doctor should be devoted to his profession to all intents and purposes.

196. To bridle one’s tongue زابم اک اگلل دانی۔ اخومش وہ اجانDon’t abuse him. Bridle your tongue.

197. Cheek by jowl ںیم وہان اقلعتت .Both Aslam and Waseem are cheek by jowl now a days رہگے

198. Into the bargain زمدی، ااضیف He bought the house but got the furniture into bargain.

199. Time and again ابر ابرThe teacher advised the students time and again to work hard.

200. The small hoursوسریے He came to meet me in the small hours of Sunday.V.IMPحبص

201. To the tune of ر He faced a loss to the tune of 5 lakhs. V.IMP یک دح ےک ادنر ادن

202. To hold the check روانک۔ اقوب اپان V.IMP

You should try to hold your children in check to make them good citizens.

203. Shake up رکان V.IMP متخ

Shake up your laziness and do work hard to pass the examination.

204. A slip of the tongue اافتاق زابم ےس ےنلکن وایل ابت V.IMP

The way he abused me, was just a slip of the tongue.

205. Kick the bucket رم اجانHe kicked the bucket after long illness. 2009 (PU- 1)

206. Root and branch 2009 لمکم وطر رپ (PU- 1)

The government is trying to remove corruption root and branch.

207. On the cards وتمعق His failure in the examination is on the cards. 2009 (PU- 1)

208. Thumbnail sketch 2009رصتخم اتبان (PU-G 2) Give me a thumbnail sketch of the whole incident.

209. Fishy deal وکشمک اعمہلمDon’t indulge yourself in a fishy deal.

210. In the pipeline 2009لبقتسم ںیم لمکم وہےن ےک یت رر (PU-G 2)

The government has many new projects in the pipeline.

211. To be in the doldrums ںیم وہان .After his failure, he was in the doldrumsرپاشیین یک تیفیک