Impression of volunteer work Indonesia April 2016

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Habitat building trip Indonesia01 – 10 April 2016

Marcel van Wijk

Selopamioro villageSrunggo 1 Sub. village

Phase 0Saying goodbye to the family for the 10

day trip

Phase 1Before building, the 80 year old ‘houses’

needed to be broken down

Phase 2Every decent house needs a solid


Phase 3With the solid foundation in place, the

building could start

Phase 4The finishing touch

Phase 5Memories that will last a lifetime!

Phase 6?We have build 4 houses

but there are more houses needed: 13,000 in Indonesia

10,000,000 worldwide

To be build in IndonesiaBuild in Indonesia




The end?I don’t think so!