Improving Happiness & Success in Leadership, Career & Life

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Maura Sweeney Author, Podcaster, HuffPost Contributor

& International Speaker “Ambassador of Happiness”

SPC All College Day 2015

“Improving Happiness & Success in Leadership, Career and Life”

Maura Sweeney - Presenter


Focus Today for Transformation

Your reflections, your perceptions, your experiences & your inner truth

Harvard’s Happiness Advantage

Happiness fuels success . . . NOT the other way around.

~Shawn Achor

Paradigm Shift

The commonly held formula for success is broken.

It says: “Pursue success and you’ll be happy.”

Degrees, Titles, Appearance, Money, Power, Partner & “Stuff”

Success keeps eluding us – and so does Happiness.

The Reverse Paradigm Pursuing happiness can actually lead to success.

Up to 50% improvement in whatever you do.

Benefits Discovered Pursuing Happiness . . . .

Identifies and unleashes your true interests & passions

Cultivates your creativity, skills & genius

Develops confidence & self worth

Keeps you from comparing yourself negatively to others

Enables you to grow in skill, wisdom & generosity of spirit

Childhood Dreams Make Friends, Travel the World & Publish

GOAL: To be happy when I grew up.

My Path to Success: Not Happy New Year’s Day 1982

Seton Hall Law School

New Jersey Law Career

Creative Outlet | Passion

Lots of People

Tropical Climate

Decades Later . . .

Ambassador of Happiness UNESCO Center for Peace

First Annual Nelson Mandela Day Celebration

My Background

Boston College | Seton Hall University Law School

HR Executive Recruiter | Outplacement Specialist

Business Center Management - Telecom Industry

Start up for International Corporation in Tampa

Business Co-Owner - Computer Industry

Home Schooling Parent | Volunteering

New Media Journalist, International Speaker, Publisher & Inspirer living in Florida

Old Model of Leadership from Musical Chairs onward

Scarcity, Fear & Negative Competition

New Leadership Paradigm for Happiness & Success

Hub of Leadership/Influence with Spokes of Talent

What’s Your Backdrop?

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” ~Jewish Proverb

World View / Backdrop #1 Victim of Fear in a Malevolent World

Victim / Victor (Abuser) Mentality

Fuels & Circulates Continual Fear

World View / Backdrop #2 Beneficiary

Fundamentally United

Fosters Power, Confidence, Uplift & Love

The Beneficiary Mindset

Use your mind to inspire and empower yourself

Use your mind to change the world around you

Where Do I Start?

What were you daydreaming about / doing as a child?

Be led by your Inner Smile!

Pull and Develop Your String

ò  Write, draw, record or capture a photo – image/feeling

ò  Start connecting to happiness for 10 minutes a day

ò  Explore, Read, Learn, Connect, Engage & Step Out

ò  Meet together with people, groups, societies, etc.

ò  Work your happiness into your NOW circumstances

ò  Rinse and Repeat

Influential Leaders L.E.A.D.

L = Look Ahead

Consider Consequences NOW

Bill Clinton’s White House Legacy (often overshadowed by “Monika”)

E = Everyone

People are watching & listening, so…..

Watch your words.

Consider your behavior.

Think before responding.

Be mindful of your motives.

Carry the right spirit.

A = Advance

A cause, culture or vision.

Not just about the work.

It’s about the WHY.

D = Destiny

Pave the way for a future greater good.

Benefit others as well as yourself.

Embrace the journey (both good & bad).

Legacy minded.

Free Gift for Attending

ò  Comfort Zones

ò  Influence

ò  Judgment

ò  Values

ò  Competition

ò  Nonsense

ò  Name and email for Comfort Zone Book