In The Biz: Edition 1

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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The first edition of In The Biz Magazine created by Modern Creative Magazine for Make A Star. The magazine highlights their entrants to their worldwide singing competitions.










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Star has its origins in the early days of the web as a site for new artists to help build their careers by connecting with new fans and the music industry. Founded on a mission to provide artists with a platform to help grow their musical careers though monthly music competitions, Make A Star is a place where quality talent can gain large scale exposure - regardless of location or musical genre.

MakeAStar holds monthly music and music video contests in bracket formats with $100 (£63) cash prizes given to the winners in several categories, totaling over $32,000 (£20,159) awarded.

Current monthly categories are Music Video, Song by a Duo or Band, Song by Male or Female Solo Artist, Instrumental, Sing in 30 Seconds (a cappella), Rap Battle and Stand Up comedy.

Artists first upload their performances to contender rounds where 100% fan votes determines who qualifies for each monthly bracket. At the start of each month, the songs and videos with the most votes advance to the bracket, where a mix of fan votes and the discerning scores of music industry judges determines who video for The Disablists featuring Foreign Beggars. Other recent winners of note with great potential for success include LA rapper Dayda Bass, female vocalist Melissa VanFleet and South African rock band Chasing Friday.

In 2008 Make A Star TV launched a weekly half-hour show in the states on Fuse. Make A Star TV ran for 13 episodes gaining thousands of fans and new artists culminating in a $10,000 (£6,300) grand prize on the final episode of the series. http://

To earn a spot on the show, performers uploaded their music video directly to and competed in bracket style matches with a mixture of fan votes and judge scores.

Each week, MAS TV highlighted the best videos from the web competition, giving many artists an instant rise from web obscurity to national TV stardom. 29 artists advanced to the final phase of the contest, and included several names that have gone on to achieve measureable success: Authority Zero, Sick of Sarah and Friends For Hire to name a few. The final match featured Fools & Horses vs Zen Vendetta, and with a strong fan voting score, Zen Vendetta won the $10,000 (£6,300) grand prize.

Recent winners include Turkish rock singer Aydilge, Canadian electro act Connekt, Brooklyn’s Dinosaur Feathers, Chilean singer Yael Meyer and young pop-country singer Killian – all of whom have large online followings on Facebook, Twitter,YouTube and/or

MakeAStar is currently preparing for a second season of TV in 2012 which will prove to be another exciting contest with prize limits exceeding the first season’s grand prize of $10,000 (£6,300).

You can enter your audio or video performances and be competing on today!

Maggy Adeleye calls Houston, Texas her home, and we’re proud to have this bright young talent as our newest Female Solo Artist winner. Playing a slick acoustic gui-tar, Maggy is a classic singer/songwriter who describes her music as “soulful, pop rock reminiscent of Juliana Hatfield, Lauryn Hll and Jenny Lewis”. That’s esteemed company, but one listen to her winning song ‘The City’ and you’ll believe as much as we do. Other similar artists she mentions are Taylor Swift, Kate Voegele and One Republic. Tracy Chapman might be one more name we’d add to that list. A singer to remember.


Kaz has been singing most of her life and now af-fectionately given the name “Mama” for her Big Blues Voice.

Mama Kaz has stormed onto the local scene in Northern Ireland off the back of Bel-fast Nashville Songwriters Festival 2012 which saw her perform alongside Nanci Griffith. She also had the honour of

supporting one of her favourite artists Canadian Blues Guitarist Matt Andersen at The Real Music Club in Belfast.

Often branded Belfast’s answer to Etta James & Janis Joplin MK is known for her unique vocal sound. “Close your eyes, listen to MamaKaz and be transported back to a golden age of great female vocalists. Aretha, Dusty, Gladys, Etta – you’ll hear shades of them all.” (Mark Halsall, Musicians Together Magazine

Al Gilmore (Chordblossom Reviewer) said

“MK is more than ‘just’ a voice and she wants the world to know it. ‘Lipstick & Cocaine’ is a 3 track E.P. designed to showcase her abilities as a songwriter as well as her voice. She is pinning her colours to the mast and shouting ‘Here I am – whaddya think?’ or maybe even ‘Here I am – deal with it!!’ She exudes the fighting spirit of someone who has fought all their life to be accepted for what they are and what they want to be”.

With the release of her solo Ep Lipstick & Cocaine which is closure to a dark past in the hope of helping others. Mk is preparing the way for her album & a brand new

musical journey for as she says, “I’m giving back to music. It’s been a force of nature for me, and I have to give back to it… I wouldn’t be here without music, it saved my life”

MK isn’t looking for stardom, she just wants to be recognized as a songwriter by helping to modernize the blues, sex them up, and reinvent the genre. ”I’ve been waiting for years to explore music, and I thrive on that. “Bring on the Mama”.

MAMA KAZ : THE INTERVIEWThe Make A Star Female Solo Artist champion for July 2011 is Mama Kaz – winning with her song “My Time to Tell & Show” From Belfast, Northern Ireland, she joins us for an interview.

Tell us how it feels to have won. Are you happy, surprised, relieved?

Mama Kaz: I'm so proud to be July Female Soloist and very excited as my song entry was the most recent I'd written.

MAS: Tell us how you got started as a singer and how yourrecording career began.

Mama Kaz: I started singing very early - my gran was a soprano and toured with big orchestras. She used to stand on my stomach to teach me when to breathe and when not to lol. I would say it’s my strength when performing coz even though I'm no opera singer it means I can belt the notes out with ease.

MAS: How did you develop your sound? Are you the primary songwriter, or is it collaborative?

Mama Kaz: My sound is forever

changing as I perform many different styles of music. My fav is blues - I was born to sing the blues but I sort of got stuck in pop genres for a long time, with vocals overlapping, stereo effects and doubling up which as any performer knows, that’s not how the gigs go lol. Nothing more than stripped down with a live blues band and I completely am lost in performing.

MAS: What’s the story behind the song you’ve enetered in the Make A Star contest?

Mama Kaz: My song entry "My Time To Tell & Show" is also called "Survivor Song” - written for survivors of child sex abuse! Yes a taboo subject but not taboo for those of us who have been through it. Music saved my life and kept me fighting when I couldn't go on but I had never written about my personal experience until now. I wanted to gain more awareness for local charities devoted to creating awareness so my prize money will be donated to a local Rape Crisis Center who deal with these issues every day.

MAS: Which musical influences have other people compared you to?

Mama Kaz: Personally I don't think I sound like anyone but then an artist likes to be original lol - but people do compare me to some great female "shouters" like Etta James, Koko Taylor, Janis Joplin. I'm always humbled and If I am half as good as these greats then I am a very happy Mama.

MAS: What sets you apart from other artists in your genre?

Mama Kaz: I think I'm different to most female blues singers in Ireland as I'm a "shouter" which you usually only get from the likes of Big Mama Thornton/Koko Taylor/Sharrie Williams etc. As I am caucasian people are quite shocked when i open my mouth to sing as they think don't expect a "white girl" to sing gospel blues! Hopefully I can contribute in changing the way people think about female blues singers in Ireland soon enough.

MAS: Who do you get inspiration from or wish to emulate in music and life?

Mama Kaz: My inspiration ALWAYS comes from the experiences in my life and the people that I surround myself with. I have a very small close network that I trust with my life

so I draw inspiration from them. I would love to honor the likes of Janis Jopin, Koko Taylor, Nina Simone as they are my musical heroes.

MAS: What are your musical plans for the year ahead?

Mama Kaz: I am just forming the new "Mama Kaz Band" which will mix my own songs with covers from all genres of music. I also champion and try to support local new young artists coming up as I always feel those of us more experienced on the scene should share knowledge and support to the next generation.

MAS: Who were your favorite musicians as a child? What was your first album or concert?

Mama Kaz: Growing up listening to music was very scattered music - my gran letting me hear jazz and blues, my dad buying my first vinyl of "War of the Worlds" and his love of The Eagles taught me every lyric there was, to my mums luv of Crystal Gayle, Nana Miscouri and Barbara Streisand. So not one fixed genre or artist changed my life musically but I did luv northern soul though it was hard to get vinyl of that


MAS: What is the best and worst part about being a musician? Mama Kaz: Best part of being a musician is being ‘lost in music’. That’s the best way I can describe it, when it completely takes over you, that’s when I’m happiest, when that feeling overtakes me and the audience enjoys it. The worst part of being a musician is the industry. There is so much amazing talent that will never be found across the world so If I had one wish it would be that every artist could experience something even just a little of what the mainstream artists get. Most of us are in love with our music so the money doesn’t matter it’s about finally being accepted for being who you are that we crave!

MAS: What is the best and worst part about the music industry today?

Mama Kaz: In regards to the music industry I don't have enough pages lol. I shall keep it short by just saying that GREED has taken the industry over. It’s not about the artist it’s about the revenue. Does anyone TRULY do it for the love of music?

MAS: How does compare with other websites for music fans and musicians?

Mama Kaz: is amazing as it gives fans a chance to support their artists as they might not often get to see them gig. My fans are fiercely loyal but can’t get to see me perform always so this was a great chance for them to support me from afar. It’s also good to for networking and passing on to other artists so they can enter. I’ve met some wonderful people networking on this project so thank you for this great opportunity but I have to say a bigger thank you to my supporters/fans as they really did all the work <3

MAS: Thank you Mama Kaz for a great interview – it's so honorable that you've chosen to donate your prize to a very worthy cause. You have a lot of talent and it's inspiring to hear you share your stories. But before we go, here's your chance to tell us something completely random.

Mama Kaz: In Ireland webelieve that the Greek God of Friendship is called Boutus lol (when greeting an Irish person please say) BOUTCHEE (what

Ian Fleming is a dynamic artist from Los Angeles.

Ian started his career as the original force behind the classic cult black metal band Ritual.Ian progressively began expanding his range of songwriting, and love of music in general. He was writing and playing by himself and had troubles finding like minded musicians in Los Angeles to accompany him. This spawned the idea for "The Secret Agents." It was also an obvious choice being that his name is what it is. So began Ian Fleming & The Secret Agents. The self-produced debut album "The Wrong One" was released in March 2009 to rave reviews and impressive success. The band opened for rock legends Blue Oyster Cult in the summer of 2009. The hit single "I Suck" has generated a lot of attention and has been played on many major FM radio stations throughout the world, including a feature by KROQ's Kevin & Bean in Los Angeles. The song " Far Away" was picked up for rotation in Landmark Theaters in 2010.

Ian continues to write and produce and love all kinds of music. A new Ritual album "The Resurrection" was released in 2011 and is being very well received. Ian is currently keeping himself busy learning music theory, working hard on a new Ritual live show and a new Ian Fleming album as well.

Ian Fleming & the Secret Agents

MAS: Congrats to Ruddy Meicher for winning the May 2012 Instru- mental Song contest.First off, tell us how it feels to have won. Are you happy, sur- prised, relieved?

Ruddy Meicher: I’m happy and surprised and I would like to won again.

MAS: Tell us how you got started as a composer and how your recording career began.

Ruddy Meicher: I play music that I feel, feelings, sensations, ideas, thoughts reflect my hands with my instruments what I hear it. I need it, I do not really know how to explain.

MAS: What attracted you to recording instrumental music instead of other styles?

Ruddy Meicher: The power of music begins where words that stops And I like difficulty, I need to play a lot of notes, I’m no interested to play 4 chords. My guitar is an extension of me, I can speak more than words. I close my eyes and i let my hands play.

MAS: What’s the story behind the song you’ve entered in the Make A Star contest?

Ruddy Meicher: I thought to my old friends, when I was a teen , at the past and the time. A part of my memories.

MAS: Which musical influences

have other people compared you to?

Ruddy Meicher: I’m a fingerstyle guitarist, I heard Andy Mckee Antoine Dufour John Butler Chet atkins and others.

MAS: What sets you apart from other artists in your genre?

Ruddy Meicher: More percussive and I have my own style with my groove, my own technique based on my story.

MAS: Who do you get inspiration from or wish to emulate in music and life?

Ruddy Meicher: The events of life.

MAS: What are your musicalplans for the year ahead?

Ruddy Meicher: Continue what I started - make my album in fingerstyle guitar player, to be a recognized and endorsed official player.

MAS: Who were your favorite musicians as a child? What was your first album or concert?

Ruddy Meicher: When I was a child my favorite music was a group Rondo Veneziano.

MAS: What is the best and worst part about being a musician?

Ruddy Meicher: The best: it’s magical, if your work is your passion is a gift because is a

dream for a lot people. The worst: It’s hard , in france it’s very hard because people don’t like a lot musicians.the most important is the voice and the word ”performance” is a bad word for them. But it’s changing, it’s a good thing. When you are musician you need to be one of the best, is the hard part.

MAS: What is the best and worst part about the music industry today?

Ruddy Meicher: Today the music industry is restructuring here, with internet is better than before to share work but so hard to make money to live with passion.

MAS: How does compare with other websites for

music fans and musicians?Ruddy Meicher: The concept is good.

MAS: Thank you Ruddy Meicher for a great interview! Before we go, now’s your chance to tell us something completely random.

Ruddy Meicher: Thank you very much i’m happy to win, I’m a french musician , guitar teacher for a French magazine and i like to share my work. I hope to be recognized one day, I began 1 year 1/2 ago I have 7000 facebook fans and more than 600.000 views on youtube, I want to keep it this road with your help, you can visiting me at http://www., see you soon thank you! Ruddy.

The hip-hop star making a wave thanks to Make A Star has agreed to give them an exclusive interview and we have got our hands on it ;)

Niella D Speaks to Make A Star!MAS: The Make A Star Rap Battle showcased great new talents in April and none better than Niella D. Our first female Rap Battle champion, the Philadelphia girl joins us now for her Make A Star interview to share some of her life story and what hiphop music means to her.

First off, tell us how it feels to have won. Are you happy, surprised, relieved?

Niella D: It feels great that I have so much support and that the voters felt I was talented!

MAS: Tell us how you got started as a singer and how you developed your sound..

Niella D: Well I have been a fan of hip hop music since I was about 9yrs old and started emulating artists I liked until my teens when I developed my own sound.

MAS: What’s the story behind the song "Femme Boss Freestlyle" you entered in the Make A Star Rap Battle contest?

Niella D: Well it started off as a poem and just progressed from there into a freestyle.

MAS: Which musical influences have other people compared you to?

Niella D: I would say I've been compared to artist Jean Grae who rapped on The Roots track "You Got Me", EVE and Salt n Pepa.

MAS: What sets you apart from other artists in your genre?

Niella D: Well my sound although similar to certain said artist is unique combined with the things I rap about I just stay true to myself when I write, I write for expression not impression.

MAS: Who do you get inspiration from or wish to emulate in music and life?

Niella D: I would like to put out music that people can relate to and to inspire someone.

MAS: What are your musical plans for the year ahead?

Niella D: I am working on a mixtape and my own album as well as videos that will be on youtube.

MAS: Can’t wait to hear and see your new work! Perhaps some of them will be entries in the Female Solo Artist and Music Video contests here on MakeAStar. Who were your favorite musicians as a child? What was your first album or concert?

Niella D: As a child I love Michael Jackson, Beastie Boyz, Queen Latifah and Monie Love.

MAS: What is the best and worst part about being a musician?

Niella D: The best part is being able to express myself and do what I love and the worst would be not having enough promotion.

MAS: What is the best and worst part about the music industry today?

Niella D: I would say the best part is it has become more eclectic with the collaborations today that opens doors for people like me and the worst is the more unique artist are not selling as much.

MAS: How does compare with other websites for music fans and musicians?

Niella D: I believe it is a very good site for exposure more than some other websites!

MAS: Thank you Niella D for a great interview from a very talented Rap Battle champion! Before we go, tell us something completely random.

Raised with an appreciation for all types of music, award-winning pop artist/songwriter/pi-anist Melissa VanFleet has the ability to perform all genres effortlessly, combining influences from soul, rock, jazz standards and blues. She began to take music seriously upon completion of her first studio recording at age 12 and immediately fell in love with the art of creating music.

A self-taught vocalist from a very early age, Melissa is also an accomplished dancer and credits her 20+ years of extensive dance training in all styles and competing experience for the acquisition of stage presence and audience connection during music performances. Her unique, strong and consistent voice, ability to play piano by ear, ever-expanding repertoire, and humble personality has earned her much appraisal among listeners. In February 2008, she was recruited from Pennsylvania to Nashville to pursue her music dreams further. From New York City’s oldest rock club The Bitter End to Nashville’s most preeminent listening room The Bluebird Cafe, Melissa is currently performing her original material in popular and legendary venues all over the United States. A regular performer at Ellendale’s, an upscale restaurant located near Nashville International Airport, she also entertains crowds at the Drake Hotel’s notorious Coq d’Or when she is in the Chicago area and was dubbed a “stellar chanteuse” by Chicago’s Modern Luxury magazine. Melissa has shared the stage with many of her idols and inspirations, including the world-famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, and had the honor of being featured by one of her favorite multi-platinum rock groups Incubus on their online presence for her cover video of their hit single “Promises, Promises”. As she prepares the release of her brand new EP, produced and engineered by Nashville-based producer Joel Schwamburger, her acoustic piano songs are garnering radio airplay in the UK and are streaming worldwide on Internet radio shows to millions of listeners. In her spare time, she records demos for publishers, is constantly writing new songs, and is available to perform at private parties and special events. For more information or booking enquiries, please contact:


After being kicked out of their rehearsal space, guitarist Adrian ‘Oz’ James Gregory and bassist Nico Mouissie had hit a brick wall in chasing their dream of being in a kick-ass rock band. Little did they know that Andrew ‘The Mule’ Mellish was just as desperate to form a band. After searching tirelessly on the internet it was fate that they crossed paths. Three months of solid jamming followed with many songs being written, all this new 3-piece needed was a vocalist to complete their line-up. After many awkward moments trying to get rid of super-keen yet not so super-talented candidates, Mule suggested an old school buddy, Phill Black who fronted his first band, to try crack the nod. A week later Chasing Friday was born.


Amaze Magazine: Tell us a joke!

Andrew: Did the Mayans take into account Leap Years when prophesying our annihilation?

Amaze Magazine: What do you think of Make A Star?

Andrew: I really like the MakeaStar system because if you get into the Quarterfinal round it's like March Madness (college basketball hoops) where u win or go home. Also it's 25% judged by fan votes and 75% by a panel of judges. I also like the fact that I won a hundred bucks!

Amaze Magazine: How do you come up with your routine?

Andrew: The routine comes up in different ways. One example is I had a Punch line that I loved first then I formed the story around that.

Amaze Magazine: What advice would you give to someone looking to break into the industry?

Andrew: For someone breaking into the industry you really must take charge! I spoke with a comedian at a club and told him I was performing at a well-respected club in New York City. He asked me how did you get that? I replied that I called them up...

Amaze Magazine: What are the negatives of the industry?

Andrew: There's definitely a lot of favoritism where it might not really be earned. I've seen comedians who I thought were not as funny as me get preferential treatment. But in the end I do believe the work wins out!

Amaze Magazine: How do you adjust your act depending on the audience?

Andrew: I did a St. Patrick's Day show and noticed the other comedians were doing well with a, well, dirtier presentation so i adjusted my act and Rocked the house!

Amaze Magazine: What has been you’re career highlight so far?

Andrew: I guess my career highlight has been that infamous show (still don't know why they laughed so hard?) on St. Patrick's Day but just recently I was on a radio show that was grand fun and the intelligent, creative community I'm involved with is a source of daily laughter...and weekly Therapy!

Andrew Kelly winner of April 2012 Stand up comedy competition and he has agreed to speak to Amaze Magazine about his experience with Make A Star!


About two years ago, at the age of twenty, Killian turned in her well-worn ballet pointe shoes for a pair of cowboy boots and a guitar. She spent her entire life in ballet studios all over the United States grooming herself for a professional ballet career. The result was two-fold: a contract with a professional ballet company at Ballet Arizona AND the distinct realization that she was much happier playing her guitar and singing in her hot car during daily lunch breaks. The lunch breaks in the car turned into cathartic songwriting sessions, often times making Killian late to ballet rehearsal. It was a difficult decision for Killian to turn her back on a lifetime of dance training and ballet performance, but while she appreciated the numerous opportunities and lessons learned during her life as a professional ballerina, Killian learned that dance did not feed her soul: music did.


"All-girl New Yorkers Lunic make distinctive and sultry psychedelic indie with hints of downbeat British electronica acts The xx and Portishead. Mournful dashes of violin and melodic lead guitar flourishes." -NXNE

Lunic is an all-female electropop band from New York City consisting of song-writer/multi-instrumentalist Kaitee Page, electric MIDI violinist Megan Berson, and live drummer, Masha Mayer. The band was formed in London, UK in early 2008 and is currently based in New York City. Lunic released their debut album, Lovethief, in May 2009 and their new album, Future Sex Drama, is coming summer 2012. Lunic has toured the US, UK, & Canada and have shared the stage with Moby, Mindless Self Indulgence, Company of Thieves, Creed, Meiko, Deluka, Hypernova, Robert Francis, Bell X1, and many more, and now they are doing Q&A with Amaze Magazine...

What style of music are you?

Electro indie, electro pop.

Who influenced you?

At the moment, we're listening to a lot of female-fronted bands like Ladytron, The xx, Warpaint, Portishead, The Kills, Lights, Garbage, Metric, The Organ

Where can people find out more about you?

Why did you enter Make A Star and has it opened any opportunities up for you?

We wanted to present our music video to a new audience, and it’s getting us featured on various websites and in various magazines.

What are your thoughts on the music industry at the moment?

It is what it is. We try to celebrate the little victories along the way and make thebest of it.

What would you say to anyone looking to enter Make A Star?

Do it! What is your biggest ambition? To spread our music to as many people as possible, worldwide.


Can you tell me a little about your history?

Born and raised in New Jersey, I believe I started singing as soon as I could talk. I was in my first theater production when I was 4, and performed in musical theater until I was 20. Then I finally started sitting in with bands as a vocalist, later picked up guitar and started writing my own original songs. I also spent time studying drumming and dance in Ghana, and singing in an African diaspora a capella choir at Tufts University.

I wanted to play guitar so I didn't have to depend on anyone else to perform my songs. Still, I wanted a band to fully represent my music, so I started forming bands in 2005. I

met my match in 2009: Romani (ethnic Gypsy) bass player Veronika Safarova from the Czech Republic, who you see in the "Relinquish" video, and who recorded on all of our singles after my full length album, "Faraway City" (produced by Tori Amos's bass player, Jon Evans).

There was a moment in my life where music wasn't entirely the center focus - I was a grass-roots campaigner for various human rights non-profits and unions for years, working for social and economic justice. Now I try to tie that activism into my music, when possible.

What style of music are you?

Rock with a unique blend of groove, edgy folk, soul and even some reggae. It's righteous, honest,

and genre-bending.

Who influenced you?

I've been influenced by artists as diverse as Ani DiFranco, Bjork, Zap Mama, Meshell Ndegeocello, Portishead, Jeff Buckley, Bebe, Matisyahu, Manu Chao, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, and Radiohead.

Where can people find out more about you?

After almost 2 years spent conceptualizing and building it, we're just about to launch our new website - - check it out! It has links to all of our social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, etc.

Why did you enter Make A Star?

Our fearless music video director, Jason Mongue, won the Make A Star contest last year with him music video for Shovelman. It was his suggestions to enter into Make A Star.

Has it opened up any new opportunities for you?

Besides this magazine article, the Make A Star contest allowed a lot more people to watch our video. We also made a video for my song "Blinding," which we hope to enter in the near future. We hope for more opportunities soon!

What are your thoughts on the music industry at the moment?

Anyone can be in the game, which makes it an indie

musician's market, but it also means there are a lot more artists and music to sift through. So, it's not any easier to "make it" than it's been in the past. It's just different, and challenges, strategies and techniques change constantly.

What would you say to any-one looking to enter Make A Star?

Do it! It's free to enter and it's another way to engage your fans. And once you do enter, make sure you constantly (and tactfully) remind your fans to vote.

What is your biggest ambi-tion?

I want to share my music worldwide by having regular, successful international tours with my band -and have a team

of people to book, manage and promote. Veronika and I have done all the booking, promoting and managing ourselves and it can be overwhelming - I'm sure I'll always do that type of work for the band but I want to focus more time on the music, songwriting and performing, connecting with my fans in person.

I also want to add that, viewing music as a healing power unlike any other, I play often at juvenile halls, homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation centers, and high schools for "at risk" youth. The rewards go both ways - one teenage girls in a juvenile hall, said after one of my perfor-mances: “I will remember this the rest of my life.”










www.makeastar.comNIELLA D


Whilst we down-tools and reconfigure the maga-zine we are proud to an-nounce that we are not going away, far from it...

In two months time we will be returning with another edition of In The Biz as our way of giving you something to look forward too.

Our next edition will be live on the 3rd September 2012 with

some great new interviews and highlights from the music com-petition.

We will also be looking behind the scenes to find out how the competition is put together and find out more about how you can get involved.

So consider this an extra spe-cial present from the team at Modern Creative Magazine with thanks to Make A Star.