In The Doctors Office: Recovery Friend or Foe? - March 2012

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“In the Doctor’s Office: Recovery Friend or Foe?" was presented on Tuesday March 20, 2012; by Dr. Mark A. Weiner, MD; Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine; and Matthew Statman, LLMSW, CADC; Dawn Farm therapist and Education Series Coordinator. It’s been said that the doctor’s office is a dangerous place for people in recovery from addiction. It’s also been said that recovering people are terrible patients. This program discusses whether these statements are fair and why doctors and other healthcare providers are essential allies for long term recovery. The program describes in detail how people in recovery from alcohol/other drug addiction can take responsibility for their physical health and recruit health care providers as allies. This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual workshop series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about chemical dependency, recovery, family and related issues. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency services. For information, please see


In theDoctor’s OfficeRecovery Friend or Foe?

This guy can be


• Initiation rates for nonmedical pain reliever use continue to be second only to marijuana rates, with 2 million or more new nonmedical pain reliever users each year since 2002.

• The number of persons nation-wide receiving specialty substance use treatment within the past year for misuse of pain relievers more than doubled: from 199,000 in 2002 to 406,000 in 2010.

• A national survey of residency program directors found only 56% of the programs require training in substance use disorders. Even when training is required, very little is provided—median curriculum hours ranged from 3 to 12.

• In a study of third-year medical students, only 19% recognized alcoholism during a mock chart review examination, even though the alcoholism diagnosis, a family history of alcoholism, and a 10-year history of extensive alcohol use were included prominently throughout the chart.

• 94% of primary care physicians failed to diagnose substance abuse when presented with early symptoms of alcohol abuse in an adult patient.

• 29.5% of patients (in treatment for addiction) said their physicians knew about their addiction and prescribed psychoactive drugs such as sedatives or Valium.

Public Policy Statement on Measures to Counteract Prescription Drug Diversion, Misuse

and Addiction - ASAM BOD, 01/25/12.

… “Studies have shown that physicians have not received adequate education about the potential psychiatric and addiction consequences of the decision to prescribe scheduled medication. Most practicing physicians have had little if any formal training in addiction. Few physicians demonstrate understanding of the etiology of addiction. .” ...

Policy statement, ASAM 2012 …“Although issues of tolerance and withdrawal are

understood to exist, most physicians are not aware of the mechanisms and the behavioral consequences of these phenomena, or the relationship of these phenomena to addiction. Confusion still exists whereby some clinicians mistake physical dependence (tolerance and withdrawal) for addiction. Rarely are craving and reward seeking behaviors appreciated by prescribers as being potential consequences of their prescribing of opioid and sedative medications.” ...

Policy statement, ASAM 2012 …

… “But there is emerging data to suggest that when primary care physicians are targeted for focused education regarding pain, pain medication prescribing, and assessing patients for risk prior to the initiation of opioid analgesic therapy, trends in opioid overdose deaths can be reversed.”

Feeling Crappy?

• Headaches• Insomnia• Depression• Anxiety• Stomach

problems• Back pain• Attention


Even if he knows you’re an addict and really wants to support your

recovery, what’s his first question likely

to be?

Sobriety Based Symptoms of Addiction

• Restless• Irritable • Discontent• Physical Manifestations



Recovering People Should Plan Ahead

• Decision making can be impaired when we experience acute discomfort

Safe, New


So… The doctor’s office can be a dangerous

place for recovering people

Dawn Farm has been working on connecting clients with recovery competent primary care and talking to primary care providers and medical students about addiction and recovery


Treatment for Hypertension:High symptoms reduced symptoms symptoms return

Treatment Status Over Time


d Pr


re: m

m H


No Tx Tx Tx Tx No Tx

Did treatment work?

Treatment Status Over Time


hol C




No Tx Tx Tx Tx No Tx

Treatment for Alcoholism:

Did addiction treatment work?

Acute care model


Chronic illness management model


How does How does asthma asthma


Medication compliance: 30%

Relapse Rate: 60 to 80%

How does How does hypertension hypertension



And Diet

Compliance: 30%

Relapse Rate: 60-80%

How doesHow doesdiabetes diabetes

compare?compare?Medication, diet and foot care

Compliance: <50%

Relapse: 30-50%


Compliance: 30-50%

Relapse: 50%


Compliance: 30-50%

Relapse: 40%


Compliance: 30-50%

Relapse: 70%


Compliance: 30-50%

Relapse: 45%

What happens when we treat addiction as a

chronic illness???

People like this guy find


Long term residential treatmentfollowed by

Long term outpatientfollowed by

Long term recovery monitoring

With sober social support

How do we give this kind of care to everyone else?

1. They’re different!

2. Too expensive! 4. They’re hopeless!

3. You have no stick!

Dawn Farm has gotten pretty good at this, but…

It takes about 5 years for alcoholism relapse rates to drop below 15% and about 7 years for opiate addiction relapse rates to drop below 15%

Make This Guy an Ally• Prevent

medication related relapses

• Pain plan• Recovery-

informed care

Make This Guy an Ally• Long term

recovery support and monitoring

• Recovery check ups

• Rapid re-stabilization

Physician’s Office: Friend or Foe

Dawn Farm Education Series

March 20, 2012

Mark A. Weiner, MDPain Recovery Solutions, PC

Declarations of Potential Conflicts of Interest

• I have no financial relationship with any pharmaceutical company

• The content of this presentation is non-commercial and does not represent any conflict of interest or commercial bias

• I will mention the use of medications for indications that are not FDA approved (but you will be informed when that happens)

Special Thanks• Herb Malinoff, MD• Carl Christensen, MD, PhD• Edward Covington, MD• Doug Gourlay, MD• Howard Heit, MD• Donald Kurth, MD• Edwin Salsitz, MD

• Michigan Pain Specialists• The Medical Staff at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital

• The many patients who have entrusted me with their care


• Learn how drugs act on our brains

• Very, very basic neurobiology of relapse

• Be able to tell your doctor you are in recovery

• Discuss issues regarding pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression in addiction

• LOTS of time for Q & A

Basic Neurobiology of Addiction

• Addiction requires activation of the “pleasure center” circuit

• This is a normal useful part of the brain with enhances our survival

• It make us feel good when we do things that keep us alive or reproducing (food, sex, shelter, etc)

• Involved in SALIENCE

Basic Neurobiology of Addiction

• It is a very powerful modulator of memory, emotions, motivation and logic

• In addiction, this center is high-jacked and results in harm

• Once activated by addiction, it’s response is permanently altered

• It can be easily reactivated by drugs, cues and stress

What is Salience

• Important

• That which is remembered most

• Meaningful

• Example of normal salience [ripe fruit -> good to eat -> color, location, season]


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”



Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”



Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”Cortex(logic)

Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)



Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”AmphetamineCocaineOpiatesCannabinoidsPhencyclidineKetamine




Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”AmphetamineCocaineOpiatesCannabinoidsPhencyclidineKetamine



Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”Cortex(logic)

Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”Cortex(logic)

Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)




Ventral Pallidum (motivation)


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”Cortex(logic)

Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)





CRF/ Norepi

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)


Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”Cortex(logic)

Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)





CRF/ Norepi

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)




Nucleus Accumbens


Ventral TegmentalArea (midbrain)

“Pleasure Circuit”AmphetamineCocaineOpiatesCannabinoidsPhencyclidineKetamine



Hippocampus (memory)

Amygdala (emotions)

Ventral Pallidum (motivation)

Abnormally Salient

• SO Important -> essential for life


• “As important as oxygen”

• A Description of Abnormal Salience

Are Prescription Drugs a “Drug Problem”


How to Tell Your Doctors You Are In Recovery

• Tell them early

• “Doc, I am in recovery from drugs and alcohol. I need your help by not prescribing drugs that are addictive. Do you know enough about addiction to keep me safe?

• Repeat yourself

• Repeat yourself

Should Addicts and Alcoholics Be Denied Treatment

• NO!• An addict or alcoholic, especially in early

recovery, deserves the exact same care and relief of pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc

• Ignoring these symptoms creates an unstable situation (likelihood for relapse)

• The care is different (can be better in some ways) than the care of the non-addict

Why Do People In Recovery Go To The Doctor

• The same reason everyone does:– Pain (back, joint, headache, teeth => dentist)– Sleep problems– Concentration problems– Depression– Anxiety– Colds, coughs, etc.

What is Narcotic / Non-Narcotic?

• Not a very useful term– A controlled substance (legal)?– A prohibited drug (legal)?– Causes sleep (ancient term)?

• Tramadol / Ultram

• Carisoprodol / Soma

Take Home Point: Non-narcotic does NOT mean non-addictive!

Types of Problematic Medications

• Opiates– Vicodin, Vicoprofen, Norco, Lorcet, Percocet, Morphine, rx

cough syrup

• Benzodiazepine Sedatives– Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Restoril, Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata

• Other sedatives– Fiorocet, Benedryl, many antihistamines

• Dissociatives– OTC cough syrup, dextromethorophan, DXM

• Steroids – prednisone???

Types of Problematic Medications

• Stimulants– Adderal, Concerta, Ritilan

• Alcohol Containing Medication / Items– NyQuil 25% alcohol = 50 proof– Listerine 26.9%, Scope 18.9%, Signal 14.5%,

Cepacol 14.0%, Listermint 6.6%– Beer 4-6%– Wine 13-15%– Brandy 35%

Types of Problematic Medications

• Natural and Herbal• Does not mean it is safe• Valerian Root• Kava Kava• Anything that makes one sleepy, awake, changes

mood or energy level is suspect

Treating Pain In Addiction

• Fallacy: The best pain meds are opiates and we are saving them for the non-addicts

• The pain relieving effects of opiates involve direct action on the brain

• Many other drugs are more effective at controlling pain (naproxen, Tylenol®) without CNS effects

Treating Pain In Addiction

• The use of opiate pain medications (including tramadol) can lead to extreme cravings in addicts/alcoholics no matter how long they have been sober

• Patients who have had both experiences tell me the craving is far more miserable than any physical pain

• Acute pain Treatment– NSAIDs – Motrin, Naproxen, Torodol– Other – Tylenol 8 hour– Ice– Rest, splint

• Chronic Pain– Buprenorphine? --- not necessarily safe, but

definitely safer if opiates are being considered

Treating Pain In Addiction

Anxiety In Addiction

• Social anxiety is nearly universal

• Newly recovering addicts have lost many friends and feel alone

• The drugs and alcohol were an effective coping mechanisms (with deadly side effects)

• This anxiety usually goes away with time

Anxiety In Addiction

• We should not ignore the fact that 2-5% of people have generalized anxiety disorder

• Many primary care doctors and psychiatrists will prescribe addictive sedatives

• Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan) often produce extreme cravings for alcohol

Anxiety In Addiction

• There are MANY safe and non-addictive treatments for anxiety disorder

• Sedatives are slowly falling out of favor as even psychiatrists see the problems of abuse and dependence without relief of sx

• The symptoms of benzo withdrawal are indistinguishable from anxiety disorder

• May require assessment from and addiction psychiatrist


• Very common in early recovery• Natural sleep centers are not functioning

properly• Improves universally without medicine but

may take a long time• Most common sleeping medications can

activate the addiction center• May require assessment from and addiction



• If problems persist and are interfering with job, responsibilities, etc., there are many safe alternatives

• Unfortunately many doctors believe that some very addictive sleeping meds are safe (ambien, lunesta, sonata)

• Some natural supplements can be helpful (melatonin)


• Essentially universal in early recovery

• Often resolves quickly with full engagement in 12-step recovery

• If persistent, counseling or psychiatric assessment is warranted

• Medications may be necessary but often are not


• Without an understanding of addiction, many psychiatrists arguably overprescribe leading to overmedication and poorer cognitive and social functioning

Is There Such Thing As A Drug Of Choice?

• Any substance that activates the addiction center can cause relapse

• Generally the memory centers will drive the addict to a specific reinforcing drug

• Shark Tank Example

Is There Such Thing As A Drug Of Choice?

“The fact is that most alcoholics, for reasons yet obscure, have lost the power of choice in drink. Our so-called will power becomes practically nonexistent. We are unable, at certain times, to bring into our consciousness with sufficient force the memory of the suffering and humiliation of even a week or a month ago. We are without defense against the first drink.”

- Alcoholics Anonymous p. 24

So What Do I Do Now?

• Be very careful about medication use

• Consult with a board certified Addiction Medicine doctor

• Call your Addiction Medicine doctor PRIOR to taking any new pills for pain, insomnia, sleep, depression, etc

So What Do I Do Now?

• It is probably not a good idea to get advice on whether to start or stop any medication from your sponsor or recovery supports

• What is Tradition 10?

“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”


How to Contact Me

Pain Recovery Solutions, PCYpsilanti, MI


The End