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February 2006 Newsletter “.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) Issue Date : February 01, 2006 Page 1 of 4

In This Issue: Subject of the Month

This Month’s Featured Email

Questions & Answers

Tune-In & Website Statistics How Can I Be A Part Of This Effort?

A Special Thanks

Excerpts From Guestbook, Testimonybook & Eye Witness Accounts

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“Listen to His still small voice. Every one of you people who profess to be Christians, get yourself quiet before Him. Don't let the washing hinder. Don't let the work hinder. Don't let nothing hinder. Don't let nobody know what you're doing. Just go before Him. Get up in the woods somewhere. Get out on the side of the road. Go into the secret closet and close the door, when the kids gets at school. There get down on your knees. You've heard all kinds of voices everywhere. But just get down and stay there until those voices are silenced and you begin to lift up. It'll change you. It'll make you different like it did this little Samuel. It'll do something to you if you'll just do it. Now, it'll make you what you should be. It'll make you the kind of Christian that you ought to be.” [Hear His Voice, JEFF IN, 58-1005M] “If you want something of God, ask Him, then stand still and listen to see what He's going say about it. Just open up your heart, say, "What about it, Lord Jesus?" Just stay there. If He doesn't answer the first five hours, then wait another. If He doesn't answer today then He will answer tomorrow. If He doesn't answer this week, He will answer next week. Stay there till He answers. Hear His voice speak back in your heart, and say, "Yes, I'm the Lord that healeth thee." Then it's all over; you get settled then. See? "I'm the Lord Who forgives all thy sins. Now, go and sin no more. I don't condemn you." Then you can go free. You're all right. But you want to be sure that you hear that voice speak. Moses heard it. He was a changed man.” [Hear His Voice, JEFF IN, 58-1005M] “But you have to be desperate about it. You have to really need God. Jesus said, "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." But as long as you're satisfied with the things of the world, how can God ever speak to you? You say, "God never spoke to me." Why? He wants to. But you're too filled up with the things of the world. That's what's the matter with us today. We put all of our time on things of the world and the pleasures of the world, and give no time to God. It's true.” [Hear His Voice, JEFF IN, 58-1005M] “Let's get that still small voice, that something that puts the cream in the life, that something that though you speak with tongues of men and angels and have not that, you're nothing. Though you can prophesy, and speak with tongues, and show signs and wonders, and work miracles, and do great signs, but if that little still small voice isn't in there, you're nothing, says the Scripture. That's what we're listening for now. We've had the thunders. We've had the fire. We've had the rushing winds and the earthquakes, but God send us the still small voice. That's what we need.” [ What Does Thou Here, JEFF IN, 59-0301E] “And this voice of God has come to men in all walks of life in all ages. No matter if you're a farmer, if you're a shoe cobbler, whatever you may be, God still speaks. If you're sinner, if you're prostitute, harlot, if you are drunkard, if you are what a local church member, nominail--nominal, whatever you might be, the voice of God to speak to you. [Hear His Voice, JEFF IN, 58-1005M] “Somewhere, just listen, He will have something for you that He wants you to know about. Pastor, don't you never get too busy but what you can stay in the Presence and listen for His voice. God always keeps His Word. And no matter how bad the times may be, how much your church may teach against it, Jesus Christ is still willing to speak that still small voice to anybody that'll listen for Him. He's still ready to do it if we'd just quieten ourselves. ”[Hear His Voice, JEFF IN, 58-1005M] “See, we're so prone to go after the gift instead of the Giver. When you see signs and wonders take place, don't notice the signs so much, but look what's behind it. It's that still small voice that speaks. That's the reason we can't have revivals in America, is because people go after gifts instead of the Giver. That's what's the matter with the world tonight. All that comes out is the elect of God that's still hungering, and thirsting, and calling, and crying for the real thing of God.” [What Hearest Thou Elijah, Los Angeles CA 59-0412E] “Men and women can grow up shouting and praising God, speaking in tongues and belonging to the church, dancing in the Spirit, and paying tithes, still not be in their heart that still small voice of God's rich deep love. "Though I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice and have not love, I'm nothing. Though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I'm still nothing. I have faith to move mountains; I'm still nothing. I--I--I do speak with tongues as men and angels; I'm still nothing." See, it's that still small voice that speaks down in your heart, that changes every attitude, makes the nature different, and you become a new creature in Christ. What hearest thou? Depends on what you're listening for, friend.” [What Hearest Thou Elijah, Los Angeles CA 59-0412E] “And, brother, when you once set still enough and listen, till you can hear that still small voice of Christ, It's different from any message you ever heard in your life. It brings a peace; it brings a satisfaction. It does something to you that stirs your innermost being. You're never the same. Man cannot meet God and talk with God, and ever remain the same again.” [It Is I, Lakeport CA, 60-0720] “And, brother, when you once set still enough and listen, till you can hear that still small voice of Christ, It's different from any message you ever heard in your life. It brings a peace; it brings a satisfaction. It does something to you that stirs your innermost being. You're never the same. Man cannot meet God and talk with God, and ever remain the same again.” [It Is I, Lakeport CA, 60-0720] “I want to hear that still small voice of my Saviour. Oh, help me to wait, Lord, and to renew my strength as I wait on You. And help this church, Lord, that they shall wait upon You. And renew their faith, and renew their strength, and mount up like wings of eagles. May they be listening, Lord, not for the noise, not for the shout, but be listening for the still small voice.” [What Does Thou Here, JEFF IN, 59-0301E] Our Bible Study Subject for February 2006: "Listen to His Still Small Voice"

Please pray for us, that He leads us daily. We'll do the same for you.

Brother Robert Wilson

Tune-in Broadcast William Branham 24/7

You can tune-in to any of the four (4) broadcast streams below from our website

Today’s Feature: Featured Sermon for the day

Bible Study (For This Month): Listen To His Still Small Voice

Prayer-Healing Line: Build up your Faith for your Healing

End Time Gospel Music:Reflecting of the End Time Message

This is ONLY a missionary tool for spreading the End Time Gospel, and also to help reach out to the last one, until the last one comes in.

Our motive and objective is to provide tools to support the ministry of the Bride of Christ “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:” (Ephesians 4:13)

How Can I Be Part Of This Effort?

You can support us with your prayers for the leadership of the Holy Ghost. You can donate your extra Message books or KJV Bibles for distribution to new believers and those who cannot afford. You can share your experiences in our Testimony Book or comments in our Guest Book from our website, as often as you feel led. You can direct your friends especially those who have not come to believe the end-time Message to our website. There are many other ways you can support this project.

Please send us mail or email, as you feel led.

This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. ”So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)

February 2006 Newsletter “.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) Issue Date: February 01, 2006 Page 2 of 4

Featured Question & Answers

QUESTION: I know we can claim our children, but I was just curious, about all the ones we loved in our past, will they be there as well too? ANSWER: “Dear, Brother Branham, will all the sons and daughters of true, borned again believers be saved? No, brother; no, they sure won't. See, as I--as I copied David duPlessis on this remark, "God don't have grandchildren (See?), just sons and daughters." See, they'll have to be born just exactly like their father and mother was born of the Spirit. See? That's what makes a man a new person, is because he's born again, reborn. His first birth brings him a natural man on earth; his second birth brings him a spiritual man of heaven. See? It changes him, his soul, not his outward conscience, his outward being, his senses; he still feels, and smell, taste, and hear; but his inward parts, his desires, what motivates him, has been changed to God. See?” [Questions And Answers 1 Jeff. IN COD 64-0823M] “Now, remember, the only way that this could happen would be this: just like it was in the time of the Roman centurion. Paul told the Roman, him and Silas, when he wanted to pull his sword and kill himself, because God had shook the jail down with an earthquake; he said, "Do thyself no harm, seeing we're all here. Rise." And wanted to know what he could do. He said, "Rise and be baptized, calling upon--on the Name of the Lord, and thou and thy house shall be saved." See? In other words, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou and thy house shall be saved." Now, how? If your house believes in the same way that you believe. See? You pray and commit your children to God and hold onto God, believing that they will be saved.” [Questions And Answers 1 Jeff. IN COD 64-0823M] “Brother Branham, you said on one of the tapes that Noah saved his household. Does this mean a mother can have the same faith for her household? And does it mean every one of the family will be saved if we believe it? Now, that's... Yeah, that's kind of a... You'd have to watch the way I answer this now. See? First, "You said... (Now, let me see right...) You said on one of your tapes that Noah saved his household." Why? Because they believed. That's it, because they believed his message. "Does this mean that a mother can have the same faith for her household?" Yes, sister. I can see a little mother's heart crying for her people. "And does this mean every one of the family will be saved if we believe it?" Yes, if they will accept it. That's right.” [Questions And Answers 1 Jeff. IN COD 64-0823M] “Remember the Philippian jailer. Believe for both you... If you've got enough faith for your own salvation, can't you have that same faith that'll work upon your people? What is faith? It's an unseen force. See? What is--what is--it's a Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings faith. See? It's a unseen force. Why would I lay hands upon the sick? See? If I can get that personal contact with that spirit in that person there, something's going to happen. See? Here stands the Holy Spirit; He'll reveals the secrets of the heart. He'll do just exactly what He said He'd do in the last day. The people believe that; they look at it, "Yes, sir, I believe that." Now, if I just don't become too common to you (See?), becomes

just a common thing. You tromp through one day and tromp through the next day. See? That's--that's just chance-taking. You don't believe it in the first place (See?), because just as soon as you really believe it... That woman said, "If I can touch His garment, I'll be made every whit whole," and she did it. See? She didn't say, "Let me try it again." See? She believed it. See? That's--that's...” [Questions And Answers 1 Jeff. IN COD 64-0823M] “God don't have no grandchildren. They come in. The old pentecostal father and mother, under an experience, brought you in; and you just come into the church and sit there, and automatically you was a pentecostal? He don't have grandchildren. He only has sons and daughters. There is no grandchildren. You have to pay the same price and get the same Holy Ghost that they did. You've got to be a son and daughter, not a grandson and granddaughter. He is not an old dote grandfather, soft, and lets his kids get by with anything, bless their little hearts. He is God, the Eternal One! That's right, sons and daughters!” [Once More NY, NY V-18 N-13 63-1117] “As David duPlessis said one time, "God don't have pentecostal grandchildren." But that's the way you say, "My mother was pentecostal. She had an experience. She did this. My father did so-and-so." That ain't got nothing to do with you. You've got to have the same thing. Now we got seminaries that hatch out our ministers, and we're building bigger ones all the time. And--and we got students of psychology. And that's alright if you want to teach psychology, but I don't care about psychology. I just want to know Jesus Christ, that's all I--I... all I want to know, is Him. Now we find that we've got it. It certainly has to bring to pass the prophecy of Second Timothy 3, where they'd be, "lukewarm," you know, "heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than of God, and trucebreakers, incontinent, and--and fierce, and despisers of those that are good.” [Just Once More Lord Shreveport, LA V-17 N-11 63-1201E] “A young fellow said, the other day, "God loves me so well!" God is a good God, that is true, but He is a God of anger, too. He's a God of judgment. He's a God of wrath. We fail to get that. You make Him so good till you make Him some old dotty grandpa. He's not no dotty grandfather. He is almighty God, and He don't have no grandchildren. He has sons and daughters of God, not shook hands and adopted in. You must be born again, and the Blood applied! It's sons and daughters of God. Not some old soft grandfather, let His kids get by, grandchildren get by with anything. He is not a grandfather. He's a Father. Yes, sir. Every child must be born of Him. He's a Father of correction.” [The Token BALF. CA V-22 N-8 64-0208] “Do your children have to have an experience to have the Holy Spirit? If the--if--if they see the end-time Message, do they have the Holy Spirit? Every one must have an experience. Your children cannot go in on no other way but the same way you do. See? They've got to be borned again. There's no grandchildren in the Kingdom of God; they're all children. They must have it, must have an experience with God to go in, just the same as you. Now, I hope I can get this. It's...” [Questions And Answers 3 Jeff. IN COD 64-0830M] [Answers provided by Brother Donny Reagan, Pastor, Happy Valley Church , TN, USA]

This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)

February 2006 Newsletter “… freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) Issue Date: February 01, 2006 Page 3 of 4

This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. ”So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)


Website Statistics (January 31, 2006) Website Hits/Visits: 1,400,211 Total Website Hits/Visits: 27,657,404 Visitor Countries/domains: 168 Top 5 Visitor Domain/Country: Mexico, New

Zealand, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada (exclude .com, .net, and numeric IP addresses)

Media Player / iPod Downloads: 560 Total Media Player / iPod Downloads: 2,122 Sermon Files downloaded: 19,428 Total Sermon Files downloaded (to date): 812,162 Sermons download Domains/Countries (to date): 123 Top 5 Sermon download Countries: Australia, Qatar,

Brazil, Canada, South Africa Top 5 Messages downloaded: Leadership, On the

Wings of A Snow White Dove, Faith Is the Substance, Wedding Ceremony, The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck

Tune-In (Listener) Statistics (January 31, 2006) Tune-in requests (listeners): 9,478 Total Tune-in (listeners)(to date): 542,998 Total Unique listeners (to date): 39,005 Total Sermons Broadcast (to date): 1,979 Average Listening time: 20-60 min. Most active hour of the day: 14:00 - 14:59 Most active day of the week: Friday Most Active month: March 2005 Listener Countries/domains (to date): 126 Top 5 active domains/countries: Canada, Japan,

Brazil, United Kingdom, Poland Top 5 active streams (sermons) requested: 53-

08321 God Talked To Moses, 61-0515 A Greater Than Solomon.., 56-0801 The Arrow Of God`s..., 53-0829 The Testimony Of Jesus Christ..., 54-0216 Jairus And Divine Healing...

Books/Bible Distribution (January 31, 2006)No. of KJV bibles mailed: 125 Total Bibles to date: 3,776 No. of Packets mailed: 30 Total Packets to date: 6,328 Each mail Packet includes: One Wm.

Branham Biography Book #1 + 5 Sermon booklets & Tracts

Living Word Broadcast Website Usage Statistics Summary by Month

(Generated on January 31, 2006 11:59 PM Central Standard Time)

Living Word Broadcast Tune-in Request Statistics by Month

(Generated on January 31, 2006 11:59 PM Central Standard Time)

Living Word Broadcast – Website, Tune-in, Sermon Download & Book Distribution - Summary Statistics (Generated on January 31, 2006 11:59 PM Central Standard Time)

February 2006 Newsletter “.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) Issue Date: January 01, 2005 Page 4 of 4

This Month's Featured Email(s) ----Original Message----- From: Simeon[naos@XXXX.XX] Sent: Monday, January 9, 2006 To: Subject: Thanks for the Supernatural! Hello Saints, Christian greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope all is well. I write to acknowledge the receipt of this wonderful book: THE SUPERNATURAL: The Life of William Branham. My!! You really made my day as I received that wonderful package attached with other sermon books. Thank you very much. You really filled my heart with joy, because I've always longed for this book. I saw it with a minister friend of mine in the eastern part of Nigeria. I actually read some pages which was really irresistible, but since I was traveling back to the North (Jos), he couldn’t allow me go with it. Please THANK YOU!! Accept my humble appreciation GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY. Always in HIS VINEYARD, Bro. Simeon Excerpts From Guestbook, Testimonybook,

& Eye Witness Accounts

January 24, 2006 - 06:11 AM Bayakala Bikakala Luther from Angola I love to read the message of the end time preached by the Prophet W.M.Branham. It blesses my heart. When I talk with people about the word, I was once asked if I did theology, because through the revealed word the Bible became a new book for me.

January 20, 2006 - 01:18 AM Dr MD Mochwanaesi from South Africa God be with you in the good work you are doing

January 15, 2006 - 07:47 AM Tapiwanashe Kujinga from Zimbabwe This series is a blessing to anyone who believes in the Message of the hour. The author writes so vividly about the prophet's life, and includes some events that we did not know about. A must in the book collection of every true believer

January 14, 2006 - 12:03 AM Hannah from United States I just wanted to say thank you for your website and I feel so blessed to have come out of the world, and the apostate churches (lodges) of today. I believe Branham was the voice of Elijah. The world never accepted any of the prophets, but the true church always did. A big Hello to the remnant Saints out there! God Bless all of you! Hannah

January 11, 2006 - 01:12 PM Idris Ahmadu from Nigeria I am lighted and blessed by the message of this humble servant of God.

January 11, 2006 - 05:05 AM William Tshetlo from South Africa May the good God add his blessing upon you so that many could rich god and his goodness through this website

January 05, 2006 - 03:25 AM Lerato Masoba from South Africa What a blessing to have been found by this message, to know the kind of life that awaits us beyond the curtain of time. I am truly blessed. Thank you for this site, and may the Lord richly bless you. Sister Lerato Masoba End Time Message Church with Pastor George Martin

January 03, 2006 - 09:25 AM Tony Wanyonyi from Kenya God bless you very much brethren for the work you have been doing

January 03, 2006 - 02:58 AM Komla Dzisi from Ghana May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you and continue to support your great ministry. Please keep up the good work. SHALOM.

January 02, 2006 - 11:13 PM Bro Ken Andes from United States Dear fellow laborers in the Gospel of Christ! Keep up your labor of love for hungry souls, and helping to fulfill what His faithful servant, William Branham, has proclaimed. Your ministry for Christ is appreciated by His Bride. Freely giving God's spoken Word is appreciated by His sons and daughters, everywhere, worldwide. You are doing an honorable and wonderful work for the Kingdom of God. God bless you and your family, and those who labor with you. Sincerely, your brother and fellow minister in Christ, Bro. Ken Andes

December 31, 2005 - 10:37 AM MR AARON OSENI from Nigeria Christian greeting of love and peace to you and the household of god in the wonderful name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for sending me the book one of WMB biography which was received by me on the 30th Dec, 2005. Thanks

A Special Thanks To ...

All the individuals who support this project daily with their resources—prayers, time, money, effort, advice ...

the Believers, Ministers, and Pastors of:

Bread of Life Tabernacle, Sandwich, Illinois, USA Grace Tabernacle, Zion, Illinois, USA Tucson Tabernacle, Tucson, Arizona, USA End Time Message Tabernacle, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Open Bible Fellowship of Living Word Believers, Sellersburg, Indiana, USA Happy Valley Church, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA Bible Believers, Currabubula, Australia Bible Believers, Louisville, Kentucky, USA Christ Taberncale, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA

May God richly bless you, and supply your every need! This project is built upon the vision, handiwork and dedication of many believers, some have passed on, but we are determined to continue the "march with our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.”We want to acknowledge all your hard work and support in helping us build on your work.

Tune-in Broadcast William Branham 24/7

You can tune-in to any of the four (4) broadcast streams below from our website

Today’s Feature: Featured Sermon for the day

Bible Study (February 2006):

Listen to His Still Small Voice Prayer-Healing Line:

Build up your Faith for your Healing

End Time Gospel Music:

Reflections of the End Time Message

This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. ”So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)