in Uncertain Times - Talent Management...

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Managing Talentin Uncertain Times

6th Annual


November 16th-18th, 2015 Royal Sonesta Hotel Houston Houston, Texas

The volatility of oil prices in 2015 has made it a challenging year for both candidates and companies in the Oil & Gas industry. This instability has resulted in employers being more risk averse when making recruitment decisions. Many major companies have responded to this challenging environment by restructuring their organizations and eliminating redundancies. Cutbacks have been made to both temporary and permanent staff, and have resulted in an influx of candidates on the market.

With the price of oil dropping almost 50 per cent since mid 2014, the industry has experienced the longest running decline for 20 years, making it imperative that each hire and fire decision is done strategically. We are seeing contractors being used to cover short term skills gaps and niche expertise, shifting from long term staffing solutions. This is expected to continue as employers look to curb project spend.

The oil industry has been aware for years of a looming exodus of oil workers who joined in the 1970s in a so-called Great Crew Change. And now, it’s déjà vu all over again!, as the oil & gas roller coaster is in full swing. But even so, skills shortages remain the number one concern for employers around the globe, with inadequate succession planning and deficient for knowledge transfer being the key reasons behind this. Companies continue to tackle this issue by hiring graduates early on to leave enough training time, while career and competency development and upskilling remain a focus.

The 6th Annual People in Energy Summit will feature strategies and opportunities to streamline HR processes, optimize spending, increase ROI and effectively manage the workforce during these challenging times. Learn from the best on: global recruiting, engagement and retention strategies, accelerating employee development, identifying and creating leaders and how HR can support the business and effectively manage the workforce in a volatile market.

Focused Sessions will tackle:

• Using technology to optimize recruiting and training processes• Cost effective strategies for HiPo development• Innovative learning methods that increase ROI and decrease time to competence• Engaging early career professionals • Managing performance• Sustaining engagement and driving retention

For Speaker, Event & Topic Information Please Contact – Tanisha Campbell | 888.339.9599 x502 | |

HRCI ApprovalThis program, has been approved for 12.75 HR (General) re-certification credit hours toward California, GPHR, HRBP, HRMP, PHR, and SPHR re-certification through the HR Certification Institute.The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the activ-ity. It means that this activity has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit

Confirmed Speakers Include:• Jo Clem, Worldwide Advisor Employee Development, Apache Corporation

• Caroline Brown, Manager Next Generation Program, National Oilwell Varco

• Derina Adamczak, Manager Global Recruitment Marketing & Technology, CH2M Hill

• Bob Newhouse, Vice President Learning & Development (Retired), Noble Corporation

• Marty Kunz, Vice President Human Resources, C&J Energy Services

• Aaron Sobel, Vice President Human Resources, Diamond Offshore Drilling

• Laura Ramey, Vice President Human Resources, Crestwood Midstream Partners

• John Gates, Head of Talent Acquisition, Marathon Oil Corporation

• Georgette Hunter-Franklin, Learning and Development Lead Leadership Development,


• Shelley Pernot, Former Global Capability Manager Leadership Development, BP

• William Hennig, Manager Learning & Organizational Development, Spectra Energy

• Lisa Peseski, Manager of Learning & Organization Development, Spectra Energy

• Rebecca McGarr, Vice President Human Resources, Shell

• Melinda Reeves, Executive Vice President Human Resources & Internal Communications, Direct Energy

• Tracy Gray, Manager Global Workforce Planning & Sourcing, Halliburton• Edward Ferris, Vice President Human Resources, ValvTechnologies• Dan Sloan, Global Enterprise Solutions Director, Tooling U—SME• David Lee, Vice President Global Head Sales, Rigzone • Lori Heffelfinger, President, The Heffelfinger Company• Lisa Woodson, Former Head Learning & Development, ION Geophysical• Michael Demarco, Lead Developer Human Capital Education, Talent Management Alliance

• Ben Casnocha, Former Chief of Staff at LinkedIN, Best-selling Author and Founder of Allied Talent

• Tim Toterhi, Senior HR Director for a Global Healthcare company, Executive Coach and Author

Keynotes and Cross Industry Thought Leadership Sessions by:

7:00am Registration

7:00am-8:30am Breakfast in Exhibit Hall


The Alliance - How to Manage Talent in the Networked Age

The employer-employee relationship is broken. Managers face a seemingly impossible dilemma: You can’t afford to offer lifetime employment. But you can’t build a lasting, innovative business when everyone acts like a free agent. The solution: Stop thinking of employees as family or free agents and start thinking of them as allies on a tour of duty. Based on Ben’s recent New York Times bestselling book with Reid Hoffman, founder/chairman of LinkedIn, in this keynote he explains how to recruit, manage, and retain the entrepreneurial employees your business needs to succeed in the networked age. You’ll learn:

• What all innovative companies do with their best employees.• Why it’s possible to rebuild trust and loyalty with your employees even though you can’t guarantee lifetime employment.• How to manage employees who seek constant career growth by defining unique “tours of duty.”• Why it pays to empower your employees to build their personal brands and expand their professional networks.• How to develop an employee value proposition that resonates with millennials.

Ben Casnocha, Former Chief of Staff at LinkedIN, Best-selling Author and Founder of Allied Talent

9:30am -10:30am

Leverage Your Latitude as the HR Business Partner

The role of HR has greatly shifted over the last two decades. The most significant of these shifts has been the creation of the HR Business Partner and how the role influences business leaders to drive results through people. However, the shift has not been an easy one for everyone, either in HR or the business, and is continuing to evolve. What are the keys to successful partnership that creates value to the organization and pull from the business? The reality is that HR business partners now have greater latitude than ever and I will outline how to leverage that latitude and avoid the common mistakes we tend to make.

• Be Great at the Basics: make it about the business outcomes, not HR• You are the Truth Sayer: be the consistent, objective voice of reality• Anticipate, Anticipate, Anticipate: partner with a capital “P” through your relationships

Melinda Reeves, Executive Vice President Human Resources & Internal Communications, Direct Energy

10:30am -11:15am Break in Exhibit Hall


Global Oil and Gas Industry Hiring Insights Join David Lee, Vice President, Global Head of Sales for Rigzone, to gain a better understanding of the driving motivations of both hiring managers and job seekers, the importance of Millennials in the workforce, and the impact of emerging trends in the industry. David Lee, Vice President Global Head Sales, Rigzone

Main Conference Day 1 November 16th, 2015


Workforce Sustainability - Preserving a Competitive Talent Base Throughout the CycleWhether in a downturn or upturn, to deliver business strategy a strong talent base can be a competitive edge. Aligning with leadership to create a multiyear people agenda in support of the business strategy enables thoughtful decision making in the downturn while still preparing for the upturn. Leveraging data can help inform a people agenda that underpins talent decisions throughout the cycle. The presenter of this session will share how integrating insights from organizational diagnostic data informed a people strategy to preserve a sustainable workforce.

• Aligning with leadership to create and drive a people agenda in support of the business strategy• Identifying and retaining staff critical to delivering business strategy now and in the future• The importance of engagement as a lever for change management and retention

Rebecca McGarr, Vice President Human Resources, Shell

12:45pm - 2:15pm Lunch

2:15pm -3:00pm

Middle Manager Development - The Greatest Lever for Organizational Change

In today’s fast paced and highly competitive business climate, savvy HR leaders must be able to strategically assess where the greatest levers for change exist and how to wisely spend their organization’s resources. Surveys of CEO’s and HR leaders continue to show that LEADERSHIP remains a critical talent issue faced by global organizations and still most organization continue to struggle with how to address this most critical issue. And the power for change lies in middle management –“ yet most middle managers report their jobs are too demanding, stressful, and often unrewarding”. Barry Oshry of Power & Systems

This is case study of how ION Geophysical, a mid-market Oil & Gas Company, created a middle management leadership development program for high potential directors to leverage individual and organizational change. Our speakers will share best practices for:

1. Making the case for high impact leadership development to business executives;2. Selecting the best candidates for development;3. Determining and measuring success.

Lori Heffelfinger, President, The Heffelfinger CompanyLisa Woodson, Former Head Learning & Development, ION Geophysical

Main Conference Day 1 November 16th, 2015


Building Rome in More Than a Day - Creating a Talent Management Strategy

In 2012, the speaker was given an assignment to develop a leadership program for his company - Diamond Offshore. Not only had there not been any leadership development for the prior 10 years but also the company had no talent management strategy. In this presentation, you will learn about how the speaker has created and implemented a talent management strategy, where there was none before, in a large, multinational oil and gas company. Specifically, he will discuss his approaches to building the strategy, prioritization of initiatives, actual results to date. He will also share key learnings along the way of what has worked and what has not.

Aaron Sobel, Vice President Human Resources, Diamond Offshore Drilling


Demystifying MindfulnessMindfulness has recently become an international leadership buzzword, thetopic appearing frequently in the Harvard Business Review, The Wall StreetJournal and the Financial Times. Many of these sources are heralding that theage of multitasking is over and the mindful revolution has begun. But what ismindfulness really? And why is it so important now for energy companies duringthese challenging times?This topic will cover the basics of mindfulness including:

• A definition of mindfulness in practical, easy to understand terms• Why it’s more important than ever before for energy companies to invest inmindfulness for their employees• An overview of simple techniques to develop mindfulness

Shelley Pernot, Former Global Capability Manager Leadership Development, BP

4:30pm-5:30pm Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Hall

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015

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7:00am-8:30am Breakfast in Exhibit Hall


Managing Through the Talent Lifecycle - From Performance Management to Succession Planning

The single most expensive and precious asset in most organizations is their workforce and as such, the implementation of integrated strategies or systems designed to increase workplace productivity by developing improved processes for attracting, developing, retaining and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business needs, is crucial. It is the role of HR and organizational leaders to foster an environment for excellence. In order to support our organizations through the current downturn while still being able to meet the future demands of the business, HR leaders in the energy field need to rethink the very foundations that support our practice. In this session, Laura will share her experience with effectively managing throughout the employee lifecycle and how integrating the past (performance

review) and the future (succession planning) can lead to a more strategic HR function.

Laura Ramey, Vice President Human Resources, Crestwood Midstream Partners


Caution: Develop, Engage, Encourage or Watch your TOP Talent Vanish!

We are all in the same boat; those who are actively rowing the boat have their rowing skills well honed. Beware….There are lots of boats in the river. Research confirms the number ONE reason people leave good jobs and great companies is their perception that their individual development is not a priority to the firm. From the C-Suite to the frontline…the message must be shared and repeated often: Your future matters to us because you are our future.The Sweet Spot of ConvergenceThough initiation rests firmly on the shoulders of leadership, once in place, Individual Development Plans and a supporting process must be seen as a strategic pursuit by one and all.

How then do we engage those vital leaders? How do we encourage individual contributors to see this as their responsibility?What are the spin off benefits to the organization?How does this encourage Maslow’s 1943 premise to be alive and well in 2015?

All these and more are the things we will discuss in this session. It is sure to challenge your present and future practice as we see the workforce literally shift to new players who play by a new set of rules.

Jo Clem, Worldwide Advisor Employee Development, Apache Corporation

10:00am -10:30am Break in Exhibit Hall

Main Conference Day 2 November 17th, 2015

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015


Value Proposition + EVP = OVP - How CH2M created an overall value proposition through an integrated digital brand strategy

CH2M will take you their journey from separate corporate and career websites and branding to an integrated overall value proposition that supports candidates, employee engagement and sales through a new digital strategy. Along the trek, you’ll learn how CH2M transformed its approach to managing its brand as an employer, the challenges overcome and how an integrated brand impacts Talent Acquisition. Derina Adamczak, Manager Global Recruitment Marketing & Technology, CH2M Hill

11:15am-12:00pm Group Networking Session

12:00pm -1:00pm Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall


Developing High Potential Leaders Without the “High Dollar” Program The economic downturn in our industry has not slowed down the impending “crew change”. An estimated 70% of the energy workforce is 50 years or older and positioned for retirement in 5-7 years. Companies are challenged with the critical need to invest in the development of high potential, emerging leaders while managing the cost of robust, “high dollar” hi-pot programs. ConocoPhillips will share how they are leveraging best practices from other industries to build an efficient and sustainable model for hi-pot development that goes beyond the classroom. They leverage technology for collaborative learning, engage leaders to teach leaders, incorporate action learning projects, and bring much of the design and delivery “in-house”. You will walk away with ideas that are cost effective & scalable for any organization.

Georgette Hunter-Franklin, Learning and Development Lead Leadership Development, ConocoPhillips


Overcoming Industrial Skills Gap through Competency Best Practices

More employers are using competency models to provide a structured way of looking at job progression, job assessment, and workforce planning. Having a system in place to codify knowledge and skills required for a specific job role is critical to ensure individuals are successful in their roles. Join Dan Sloan from SME for this informative discussion and learn how industrial employers leverage competency-based workforce practices to drive productivity and overcome skills gaps by:

• Clearly defining job performance requirements and creating structured competency models with documented knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)

• Helping managers evaluate worker performance levels defined by using specific behavioral indicators, reducing subjective assessment while increasing assessment accuracy

• Ensuring enterprise-wide consistency, making a workforce more flexible and dynamic, reducing labor costs, and improving ROI from the HR function

• Streamlining the training process and cutting costs by eliminating unnecessary/redundant training, allowing more training where needed and improving technology ramp up and ROI

• Enhancing employee satisfaction and retention, articulating career pathways towards superior performance

Dan Sloan, Global Enterprise Solutions Director, Tooling U-SME

Main Conference Day 2 November 17th, 2015

2:30pm -3:15pm

Building Tomorrow’s Talent, Today – Capturing High PotentialMillennials

NOV is committed to building excellence in career development through the Next Generation Program, a rotational development program dedicated to training, placing and retaining high potential college graduates from accredited universities across the globe. The different segments of the program are structured to cater to different business needs based on the participant’s educational background and career aspirations. By acquiring talented and authentic college graduates and cultivating them into subject-matter experts, these early career employees will gain a unique, encompassing perspective of NOV and its place in the industry that will be able to add value to the organization.

In this session you will learn:

• Best practices from a developmental program with over 10 years of successful onboarding

• Internal and external marketing strategies for early career programs

• Recruitment tactics for millennials graduating from college

• Training and development oppor tunities aimed at creating future subject matter experts

Caroline Brown, Manager Next Generation Program, National Oilwell Varco

3:15pm-3:45pm Break in Exhibit Hall


Situational Vigilance - Human Factors Learning for Critical Operations

Everyone has experienced situational blindness due to cognitive bias, cultural stories, distraction, fatigue and simple lack of awareness. Collective situational blindness often contributes to industrial process safety incidents. Over the past decade, oilfield operations have seen a radical transformation, becoming more complex and relying on new technologies and thousands of newly-hired people. These changes create an environment where situational vigilance is more critical than ever before. Collectively, the industry is moving towards increased focus on human factors in the design of equipment, management systems and learning in order to address underlying—and often overlooked—drivers of safe and reliable performance. This session presents a practical framework for addressing human factors in energy operations training. Drawing on his experience as leader of the Noble NEXT Center and other industry simulation environments, Bob shares leading edge training and learning approaches being used to enhance learning to include human factors knowledge, skills and abilities.

Bob Newhouse, Vice President Learning & Development (Retired), Noble Corporation

4:30pm Conference Day 2 Sessions Conclude

Main Conference Day 2 November 17th, 2015

7:00am-8:30am Breakfast in Exhibit Hall


Recruit, Reinforce, Reward, & Retain – TMA’s HiPo Framework and the Energy Sector

In recent months, Michael developed TMA’s initial course offering in High Potential Talent Management entitled Recruit, Reinforce, Reward, Retain – Maximizing High Potential Performers for 21st Century Business. Simultaneously, Michael led TMA’s research and survey efforts around HiPo Talent that led to a White Paper written in conjunction with Oracle entitled “Managing High Potential Employees”, which recently has been segmented to analyze findings specifically within the Energy Sector. In this session, he will blend thoughts, ideas, and findings from each of these efforts to add to the event’s dialogue on HiPos, Alliances, and ultimately, retention of great talent.

Michael Demarco, Lead Developer Human Capital Education, Talent Management Alliance

9:15am -10:00am

Working Together as a Leadership Team in a Downturn - HR and Operations

Mr. Kunz will discuss the importance of Human Resources and Operations partnering together during market downturns in the oil/gas industry, and how those partnerships can benefit an organization. While organizations often focus on cost cutting and reducing headcount, Mr. Kunz offers a different approach: investing in a company’s talent base through training and career development. He also discusses the opportunities for talent acquisition during downturns, and how an organization can often acquire talent that may often not be available during “boom” periods. This unique approach leads to companies being well-positioned to “bounce back” from a downturn and immediately become a market leader during recovery periods.

Marty Kunz, Vice President Human Resources, C&J Energy Services

10:00am -10:30am Break in Exhibit Hall


Cross Industry Thought Leadership Session: The Power of Performance Based Culture – How to Earn Talent

Why are some employers able to create a high performance culture that effectively attracts, develops, and retains key talent while others struggle to keep their parking lots full past 4:30? This presentation will help leaders:

• Clearly define excellence• Create a performance-oriented employee value proposition• Get smarter than SMART goals to achieve next level results• Turn performance feedback into actionable development plans• Employ the ultimate performance motivator - transparency Tim Toterhi, Senior HR Director for a Global Healthcare company, Executive Coach and Author

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015


Expecting the Unexpected - Preparing for a Succession Emergency Emergency succession events, such as the unexpected departure or sudden death of a CEO, act as a “stress test” of companies’ succession process and place considerable pressure on boards and human resource leaders to act swiftly and decisively.Using a case study method and action learning techniques, this session immerses participants into an emergency succession crisis. Learn common issues that arise during emergency successions, how to prepare for and respond to a succession crisis, and the importance of integrating succession planning into a company’s crisis-preparedness process.

Edward Ferris, Vice President Human Resources, ValvTechnologies

12:30pm - 1:30pm Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall

1:30pm -2:15pm

The Numbers Aren’t Adding Up - Spectra Energy Redesigns Performance Evaluations

As a growing oil and gas company, Spectra’s time investment in performance management processes must deliver meaningful direction to employees that translate into business results. Spectra’s conventional Performance Evaluation process was a point of frustration for employees and managers alike. Like many evaluation process, it was system-centric using a five-point scale where ratings were negotiated between employee and manager to inform merit decisions. Driven by employee frustration and inspired by recent research in the field of talent management and neuroscience, Spectra Energy made the bold decision to experiment with dropping the practice of “rating” annual performance. Spectra’s journey to redesign Performance Evaluations in favour of practices that rely on high quality coaching around simple dynamic goals is part of a trend which recognizes that, when it comes to talent management - the numbers aren’t adding up. In this session we will:

• Discuss the business drivers for redesigning how performance is evaluated• Identify historical practices of performance management at Spectra Energy• Review results of a pilot that determined readiness for change and a redesigned process• Preview future state of coaching, ongoing feedback, and the power of courageous conversations

William Hennig, Manager Learning & Organizational Development, Spectra EnergyLisa Peseski, Manager Learning & Organization Development, Spectra Energy

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015

2:15pm – 3:00pm Optimizing Operational Performance Through Strategic Workforce Planning In today’s ever changing oil and gas market, companies are having to adjust their people strategies. Not only are they looking at existing employees but also future employees. Today, more than ever, having a valid, realistic, and strategic workforce plan is vital. How does HR play a role in this? What is the role of the business? Can the plan be seen as strategic? The presenter of this session will share a case study of successful implementation including the following main points:

• Clarifying the purpose of a workforce plan• How to make a workforce plan strategic• Making a workforce plan that is fit for purpose • Definition of roles and implementation model Tracy Gray, Manager Global Workforce Planning & Sourcing, Halliburton

3:00pm Conference and Day 3 Sessions Conclude

The TMA DifferenceTMA strictly enforces an attendance policy to guarantee the best possible experience for our speakers and attendees. TMA maintains a 70/30 split between practitioners from end user companies and vendors that provide talent management and recruitment solutions.

Main Conference Day 3 November 18th, 2015

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