Inb Ppt

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Your New Best Friend!!

The Science Interactive Notebook


Interactive Science Notebook( INB) GuidelinesYour SCIENCE INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK will increase your

understanding of science by: using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry.modeling many enduring functions of scientists – recording information, data, and experimental diagrams. improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a study reference for each unit, as well as a resource to consult for review for tests, and even in high school as you sequence into Chemistry, Ecology, Earth Science and Physicsdeepening the science skills acquired in prior years by application to 7th grade Science

The Interactive student notebook is an effective learning strategy because it turns student notebooks into meaningful and personalized records of learning.

Think as a scientist… record as a scientist… and reflect as a scientist!

Develops organizational skills

Develops critical thinking skills

Opportunity for you to express your understanding of the material creatively


Required: An 8 ½ x 11-inch Mead 5-Star spiral notebook of at least 100 pages and 3 subjects (or a similar generic brand with the above criteria. Please DO NOT RIP OUT ANY PAGES; you will need all of them!) This spiral can’t be used for other subjects.

Handouts and other teacher provided pages may be glued or clear taped in place so that both sides of each sheet are visible at all times. Please NO staples.

Organized in the same manner: right side for input (lecture notes, labs) and the left side for output (drawings, reflections, worksheets). Each student should have the same things on each page of the notebook.

Pages should be numbered consecutively with each page titled and dated.

A running list of the work completed in the INB will be kept in the teacher’s INB.

There will be collection of notebooks at the end of each unit (when we take a test). Grades will be assigned based on the completion of assignments in the INB. The total point value will vary, based on the number of assignments. Also, the value of each assignment will go up throughout the year (as you should get better at this process as the year goes along).

Periodic Science Notebook Sessions will be held for students wishing to work on updating or completion of activities. This is particularly valuable if there has been an absence. Staying current with all entries is vital to your success this year in science. Dates will be announced at least 2 days in advance.

If the student is absent, it is their responsibility to copy missed notes into their INB and be sure that they do the proper reflection for that assignment.For videos, students will be given a worksheet titled “Video Response.” This sheet should be glued in the first section of your INB and kept there throughout the entire year. Anytime we watch a video, the students will follow the instructions on the video response page for their reflection. If a student is absent for a video, the student must write down 10 facts on the main topic of the movie and do a reflection of their choice, since they cannot make-up the video.If for some reason you loose your INB or has to get a new one due to wear and tear, you must see the teacher to get the handouts that should be glued in your INB. Please try to replace your INB after we check so they can start with a new section. Also, keep the old INB at home so you can use it to review for Unit tests as well as semester exams. Lost INB’s will receive a grade of O unless replaced and work is redone.

How will my notebook be graded?

Notebooks are collected and graded at the end of each unit or when we take a test. Notebooks will be graded on Visual appearance, organization, quality, and completeness. An important part of your notebook is its visual appearance. Your notebook should be neat! Your artistic touch should be visible throughout. Another way is with notebook quizzes. I will ask questions about what is in your INB and where.

Grading RubricStudent



Visual Appearance/Organization Table of Contents completed correctly Work is Neat and Organized Headings, Dates and page numbers on all

pages Effective Use of Color & diagrams

Quality and Completeness Notes and right-side work is complete and

of high quality. Left-side work is complete and shows

processing of the work done on the right side.

Evidence of following instructions Includes graphic representations of

thought. No missing work (even if you were absent)


Science Notebook Suppliesglue sticks

pens & pencils


colored pencils



What goes on the LEFT side?OUTPUT goes on the left side!Every left side page gets used! Always use color and organize information… It helps the brain learn (at least 4 colors should be used on each response page) All responses should be in color pencils or pens (no markers, highlighters, or regular pencil)

What goes on the RIGHT side?INPUT goes on the right side!Always write the date on each page.Always Title each assignment.Always number each page consecutively

If you run out of room on the right page, don’t go to the back, but turn over to the next right page.

Your notes should be written in pencil.

What could go on the left side?Brainstorming Mind mapsConcept maps Pictures DrawingsVenn Diagrams Writing promptsFlow charts PoemsHomework SongsSelf reflectionsMnemonic device Visual illustrationVocab. Cartoons Charts & graphsWrite a newspaper article about notesWrite a letter or postcard from a famous scientistClass work or teamwork activitiesNo staples, only glue or clear tape

Guidelines:Right side pages are R numbersThe right spiral page is for writing down information you are given in class (INPUT)When the teacher lectures, you take notes on the right side.When you take book notes or video notes they ALWAYS go on the right side.Lab activities go on the right side. Any other type of INPUT you get in classNo staples, only glue or clear tape

Notebook Set-Up

Identify yourself on Front CoverNameTeacher

Class Period

Notebook Set-up

1st PageThis is your title page

Put your name, what class you are in, and drawings

Use color and make it neat.

Page L1

Number the page behind your title page with an L1 in the lower left hand corner

Title this Page INB Score Sheet

This is where you will glue the INB score sheet from your set up packet.

Page R1

The first right side page after your title should be labeled R1 in the lower right hand corner.

Title this page Grading Rubric

This is where you will glue the grading rubric from your set up packet.

Page L2

The next left side page should be labeled L2 in the lower left hand corner

Title this page “Table of Contents – 1st Six Weeks”

Then draw your table of contents.

Table of Contents – 1st Six Weeks

Left Side

Date Assignment Name

Page number

Right Side

Date Assignment Name

Page number

Page R2

Title this page Table of Contents 2nd Six Weeks

Set up the TOC just like 1st six weeks

Page L3

Title this page Table of Contents 3rd Six Weeks

Set up the TOC just like 1st six weeks

Page R3 will be for 4th Six Weeks

Page L4 will be for the 5th Six Weeks

Page R4 will be for the 6th Six Weeks

Page L5 - Prefixes

On page L5, you will glue in your prefixes sheets. You will need to cut them to make them both fit on the page.

On pages R5-R11, Label them vocabulary, you will glue your vocabulary sheets on these pages later.

Page L12 – Journal Entry

This is where you will glue in the page “lab journal entry” from your set up packet.

Page R12-R17

Here is where you will glue in examples of left side activities from your set up packet

R12 – Levels of questioning

L13 – DUFAS problem solving

R13 – Limerick Assignment

L14 – Acrostic Poem

R14 – Fold it 1

Page R12-R17

L15 – The Ring of Truth

R15 – People in your neighborhood

L16 – Toy Design

R16 – Radio Commercial

L17 – Free Fall Sporting Event

R17 – Overview of Thinking Maps

Syllabus & Safety Contract

Glue the left side page of your class syllabus to page R18

Glue your safety contract down on page R19

Title Page L19 “Safety Acrostic Poem” This is where you will glue your safety acrostic poem.

Adult Input Page

Glue or tape the adult input page to the inside of the back cover of your INB

What does an INPUT page and an OUTPUT page look like you ask???????


INPUT (notes from teacher)

OUTPUT (your interpretation)

Example of Video Response

Graphic Organizers in the INB

What are graphic organizers?

Graphic organizers are one way for visual thinkers to arrange their ideas. There are unlimited ways to express these visual ideas. Graphic organizers have many names including visual maps, mind mapping, and visual organizers.


Why use graphic organizers?

Organizers are a way to encourage students

to think about information. With

graphic organizers, you remove the words

and focus on the connections.

Graphic organizers can be used as a nice planning tool from information identification to product development. Finally, they are great for visual thinkers or those that need to practice their visual thinking.

Examples of Graphic organizers


How the fishbone might be used

Venn Diagram (double bubble)

different different



Circle Map

Tree Diagram

Graphic Organizers

There are organizers posted on the wall of the classroom.

At times, you may choose freely from one of these or I will direct you to do a specific one.

These are all acceptable organizers.

Students Using INBs in The Classroom