"Increasing Employee Productivity - University Performance ...

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Increasing Employee Productivity – Case Western Reserve University Performance Management Process


• Understand the performance management process.

• Review the common errors and best practices in performance management.

• Learn about the Case Western Reserve University Performance Management Process.

• How to prepare for a Performance Review.

• Effective Communication Strategies.

What is Performance Management?

Performance management is a continuous, interactive process that assists employees

in doing their jobs, assists departments/schools in achieving their

goals, and assists the University in fulfilling its mission.

Performance Management Process

1. Goal Setting and Planning

2. Coaching and Feedback

3. Observing and Documenting

4. Ongoing Recognition

5. Annual Performance Review

6. Career Planning

Why the supervisor and employee benefit

• The employee knows exactly where he or she stands in relation to achieving goals and reaching performance milestones that contribute to career development, promotions, etc. • The manager gains insights into the motivations of the people working for him or her through the required conversations. • The organization retains motivated employees who understand their role and the roles of others in contributing to the overall success of the organization. • Identify performance difficulties early on, before they grow into larger problems.• Improves relationships between managers and employees by creating a climate of trust.

Common Problems/Errors in Performance Evaluations

• Inadequately defined standards of performance

• Insufficient/unclear performance documentation

• Avoidance - Supervisor does not do the evaluation

• Comments included from someone for whom the employee does not perform work

• Inadequate time allotment for the discussion

• Late/untimely

• Not discussed with employee

• Left in envelope on employee’s desk

Common Problems/Errors in Performance Evaluations (cont.)

• Too much talking by supervisor

• Lack of follow-up plan

• Lack of interpersonal interview skills of supervisor

• Comments based on hearsay

• Comments regarding personality/attitude

• Comments regarding personal issues

• Accumulation of hostility

• Discuss trivial issues

• Documenting accommodations

Common Practices

Annual – One time event Focus on Person

Retrospective Reviews Correct Past Performance

Short Term Largely about Deficiencies

Vague Conclusions Filling out Forms

One-way communication

Best Practices

Ongoing Clear Objectives

Continual Feedback Focus on Behavior

Develop Future Performance Incremental Progress

Complete Process Two-way communication

Discuss strengths & weaknesses

Performance Criteria

SSpecific, clear and understandable

MMeasurable, verifiable and result-oriented

AAttainable, yet sufficiently challenging

RRelevant to the mission of the department and/or organization.

TTime-bound with a schedule and specific milestones.

Case Western Reserve University

Performance Management Process

Purpose of the performance management outlines:

• To link the work of the employee to the work of the group and the department

• To set objectives so that expectations are clear

• To review the objectives mid-year for updates, to identify any assistance needed, and to give recognition

• To reinforce positive work habits and ethics

• To offer the employee information regarding professional development

Orientation Period Reviews

New Hires:• Supervisors will prepare a written evaluation and discuss the

new employee's performance and job expectations 45 days after employment and at the end of the orientation period (90 days).

Internal Transfers:• Supervisors will prepare a written evaluation and discuss the

transferred employee's performance and job expectations 30 days, 60 days and 90 days after entry into the position.

Orientation Review form:www.case.edu/finadmin/humres/erelations/attachments/probation.pdf

1. Secretarial/Clerical, Research Assistant I, Technician, Maintenance and Service Staff


2. Professional Staffwww.case.edu/finadmin/humres/erelations/attachments/PerfExempt.pdf

3. Managers and Supervisorswww.case.edu/finadmin/humres/erelations/attachments/PerfExSup.pdf

4. Salary Review Addendumwww.case.edu/finadmin/humres/policies/attachments/development/SalRev.pdf

Case Performance Management Outlines

The performance management forms have:

• Value statement• Objective/Goal statement• Performance Competencies• Mid-Year Progress Notes• End of Year Rating Scale• End of Year Performance Rating • Separate Salary Review• Planning and Evaluation Guidelines

Beginning of the rating period:

1. Meet with the employee to plan performance objectives for the year (if they are new hires, start the process after 90 day orientation period).

2. Discuss and update the job description (if necessary).

3. Establish objectives/goals. They can be specific to department goals or to the job description.

4. Discuss accomplishments that are critical to success during the next rating period.

5. Enter objectives in Section I.

6. Discuss Section II and establish understanding of competency expectations.

7. Sign and date the form.

During the rating period – Mid-year:

1. Confirm or change objectives and assess unexpected factors that might affect accomplishment of original objectives.

2. Review adequacy of competencies.

3. Discuss how the objectives are met and job responsibilities are carried out in their position.

4. Evaluate the results achieved and overall effectiveness.

5. Discuss progress on achievement of objectives.

6. Evaluate each competency/level of success and effectiveness.

7. Evaluator and employee should date and sign form.

End of rating period:

1. Evaluate the results achieved and overall effectiveness.

2. Discuss and establish if objectives were met, the level of success, and effectiveness.

3. Evaluate each competency/level of success, and effectiveness.

4. Evaluator completes Section III/Summary performance rating.

5. Evaluator and employee should date and sign the review.

6. Complete salary review, Section IV (must be approved prior to discussing with employee).

Preparing for the Performance Discussion

1. Formulate positive goals

2. Identify what is needed to improve performance (only state the facts)

3. Concentrate on the causes of the performance issues, not the symptoms

a. Does the employee know if performance is not satisfactory?b. Does the employee understand what he/she is supposed to do

and when?c. Are there any obstacles that are beyond the employee’s


Preparing for the Performance Discussion (cont.)

• If you need to document new issues for the first time in an annual review, acknowledge it: “I recognize that this has not been formally addressed, but I feel it is necessary to bring this to your attention so that. . .”

• Make certain the review matches reality. Courts/arbitrators take a dim view of disciplinary terminations matched against glowing performance reviews.

• If there are concerns around performance, document them accurately in the review. You may need to use Corrective Action in addition to the review so the employee is put on notice that failure to improve may result in further corrective action up to and including termination.

Preparing for the Performance Discussion (cont.)

Suggestions for Positive/Reinforcing Remarks:

• Regularly asks for immediate feedback to ensure understanding

• Works well with clients as well as team/staff members• Asks well-thought out and well-prepared questions• Welcomes new ideas• Is not afraid to say I’ll check and get back to you (and

does follow up)• Assumes new responsibilities when given the opportunity• Technically proficient

Preparing for the Performance Discussion (cont.)

Suggestions for Remarks When Improvement Is Needed:

• Fails to provide constructive feedback• Fails to take Corrective Action when subordinate’s

performance/behavior is unacceptable• Argues and uses inflammatory language with customers/team

members• Has made numerous remarks that others considered offensive• Resists training• Has difficulty locating information related to job

For both positive and negative situations, describe objective behaviors and avoid using general terms such as “attitude” or “personality”.

Scheduling the Discussion

1. Approach the employee privately.

2. Explain the purpose of the meeting.

3. Suggest that the employee prepare for the meeting:

• Job Performance Issues• Things he/she is doing well• Personal career objectives • Challenges or concerns about the present job• Goals for improving performance and productivity

What should the employee take away?

Know how/what he/she is does relative to expectation and department goals.

How performance will be measured.

What feedback (helpful and constructive) will be given:

• How things are going on the job

• Are there any challenges/performance issues?

• Suggested area for improvement

Communication Skills

When managers have poor communication, skills it results in their employees:

• Hesitating to work with them.• Arguing and rejecting their input and opinions.• Filing grievances related to performance issues.• Failing to keep their managers informed, avoiding talking to

them.• Refusing to accept any responsibility.

That is why it is essential to communicate effectively with your employees!

Barriers to Effective Communication

• Lack of listening and understanding

• “Less than” communication

• Communicating mistrust

• Violation of conversational rules

• Blatant generalizations and exaggerations

• Power-based or status-based comments


Positive Communication Strategy Principles

• Help people reach their full potential – catch them doing something right!

• We are not just our behavior – We are the person managing our behavior!

• Goals begin behaviors – Consequences maintain behavior!

• Take a minute – Look at the goals – See if the behavior matches the goals!

Positive Communication Strategies

• Be non-threatening, encouraging – emotionally neutral• Body language• Be direct, tactful• Be specific, describe behavior• Be considerate• Request and receive feedback• Share in the action plan• Confirm to ensure mutual understanding


Read and become familiar with the Case Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual.

Senior leadership receives a monthly list of all late reviews.

If the incident/performance issue is not documented and discussed with the employee, it may make it difficult to address the incident/issue as a performance issue!


• Completed an overview the performance management process.

• Compared the common practices and best practices in performance management and the university’s process.

• Discussed common errors in evaluation process

• Looked at some how-tos for preparing Performance Reviews.

• Discussed effective communication strategies.

University Performance Management Policy and Procedure

Contact Employee Relations as soon as possible for guidance,

support and help!

Lorraine Watson368-4503


Carolyn Gerich 368-2458


Kathy Willson368-0195


*Please refer to the policy and procedure for detailed

descriptions - Performance Management, III-2.

Bibliography/Recommended Reading

Robert Bacal; Manager’s Guide To PerformanceReviews; New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.

Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, One Minute Manager; New York: Morrow, 1982.

Bruce Bodaken and Robert Fritz, The Managerial Moment of Truth, New York: Free Press, 2006.

Paul Falcone; 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews; New York: AMACOM, 2005.

Teresa Daniel; Managing Employee Performance; Virginia: SHRM Online, 2009.