INDEX TO VOLUME 48 - Mineralogical Society of AmericaINDEX TO VOLUME 48 Only leading articles are...

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Only leading ar t ic les are set in bold face type.

Absite (povilaitis) 1+t9Adler, H. H. and Kerr, P. F. In-

frared absorption frequencytrends for anhydrous normalcarbonates. 124

Infrared spectra, sym-metry and structure relationsof some carbonate minerals. 839

Ahlfeldite, Cobaltomenite (Gat-tow, Lieder) 1183

Akaganeite (Mackay) . 711Aksaite, the probable chen.rical

formula of, a new hydratedmagnesium borate (Clark,Erd) 930

Aksaite (Blazko, Kondrat'eva,Yarzhernsk i i . l

Alias, L. J. u,-ith De Castro, A. H.Almeriite: Natroalunite (De Cas-

tro, Al ias)Aluminobetafi te (Kawai).Aluminum, tetrahedrally coordi-

nated, in some natural bio-tites: an infrared absorptionanalysis (Liese).

Ames, L. L., Jr. Mass action rela-tionships of some zeolites inthe region of high competingcation concentrations

- Syr-rthesis of a clinoptilo-lite-like zeolite

Amphibole, on brown, irr gabbroicrocks of Koraput, Orissa,

2091 184

1 1841 18.3



137 1

I r rd ia (Bose) 1405Amphiboles, alkali, polymorphism

in (Ernst). 2qlAmphiboles, orr the microscopic

determination of the, ingrains (Gazzi) 422

Andalusite from kyanite, hydro-thennal synthesis of (Weill) 94+

Andres, F. H , rvith Gentile, A. L.and Cripe, D. M The flamefusion synthesis of emerald g4O

Ankinovich, E. A. . 1180Anorthite, solid state formation of,

from some clay mineral-cal-cium mixtures (Ruotsala). . . 792

Anthonyite and calumetite, twonewminerals from the Michi-gan copper district (Williams) 61+

Aomine, S. with Yoshinaga, N. 434Applernan, D. E. X-ray crystal-

lography of wegscheiderite(NarCO3.3NaHCOa) . . 404

with Skinner, B. J. Mela-nophlogite, a cubic polymorphof silica 854

with Skinner, B. J 216Aramaki, S. and Roy, R. A new

polymorph of AlzSiOs andfurther studies in the systemAlzO;-SiOz-HzO 1322

Armstrong, R. L. New data onmargarosanite 698

Atlas of placer minerals (Trush-kova, Kukharenko) (Book re-view) 721

Authigenic minerals in sedimen-tary rocks (Tedorovich) (Bookreview) 220

Babbage, W. D. with Tauber, A.,Kohn, J. A. and Winfrey,C. G. The occurrence of anenstatite phase in the subsys-tem GeOr-MnGeOe. . 555

Bailey, S. W. Polymorphism of thekaolin minerals. 1196

- with Brown. B. E. Chloritepolytyptism: II. Crystal struc-ture of a one-layer Cr-chlo-r i t e . . . . . . . . + 2

Baker, G. Detrital heavy mineralsin natural accumulates withspecial reference to Australianoccurrences (Book review) 720

Bariand, P., rvith Branche, G ,Chantret, F., Pouget, R andRimsky, A. 1 4 1 5 , 1 4 1 6

- and Herpin, P.. . . 1417Barnesite, NazVoOro.3HzO, the oc-

currence and properties of, anew hydrated sodium vana-date mineral from Utah(Weeks, Ross , Marv in ) - . . . . 1187



Barrer , R. NI . , Bul t i tude, F. W.

and T(err , I . S. .

Barth, T. F. W. Theoretical petrol-

og1' , a ter lhook on the or ig in

and evolution of rocks (Book

review)Bassett, W. with Boutin, H.

A comparison of OH- motions

in bruci te and micas. . . . .

Basutoland, kimberlites and as-

sociated inclusions of : A min-

eralogical and geochemical

study (Nixon, von Knorring,

Rooke)Bauer, J., Fiala, J. and Hiichovd

Natural a-silicon carbide

Baur, G. S. with Montoya, J.'W.Nickeliferous serpentines,

chlorites and related min-

erals fourd in lateritic oresBavenite, the composition of


Bayliss, P. and Loughnan, F. C.

Mineralogical evidence for

the penecontemporaneous

lateritization of the basaltsfrom New England, N.S.W.

Beamish, F. E. with Sen Gupta,

J. G. The determination ofplatinum metals in sideritemeteorites. . .

Beard, E. H. wi th Wal l , J . R. D. ,

Wolfenden, E. B. and Deams,

T . . . . . .Bearsite (Kopchenova, Sidorenko)

Beck, C. W. r,vith Vitaliano, C. J.Huntite. Gabbs. Nevada. .

Belov, N. \,'. and Organova, N. I.

Bentor, Y. K., Gross, S. and Hel-

ler, L. Some unusual minerals

from the "Mottled Zone"

complex, IsraelBemer, R. A. wi th Evans, H. T.

J r . a n d M i l t o n , C . . . . . . . . .

Berry, L. G.The un i t ce l l o f e t t r i r r g i t eThe composition of bave-

n i t e . . .Beryllium, Evaluation of deposits

during prospecting and explora-



work (Beus) (Book re-7 1 8

Beta-alumohydrocalcite (Mora-wiecke) 212

Beta-lomonosovite (Gerasimov-221 skii, Kazakova) 1413

Beus, A. A. Beryllium. Evaluation

of deposits during prospect-

ing and exploratory work(Book review) 7l8

Bhattacharjee, S. with Bhatta-

charjee, S. B. Occurrence of

cryptomelane in manganese

ores, in Balaghat District,

I n d i a . . l t 7 1

Bhattacharjee, S. B. and Bhatta-

charjee, S. Occurrence of

cryptomelane in manganese

ores, Balaghat District, India 1174

Bibliographies of Clarence S.

Ross on Waldmar T. Schaller,

ten-year supplement to the(Hooker) . 1410

Bilgrami, S. A. Further data on

the chemical composition of

ZhobYal ley chromites . . . 573- Serpentine-limestone con-

tact at Taleri Mohammad

Jan, Zhob Valley, West Pakis-

tan-acorrect ion . . 1176

Biotites, synthetic, physical prop-

erties of, on the join phlogo-

pite-annite (Wones) 1300

Biringuccite (Hoeferite), Nasinite

(Cipriani, Vannuccini) 709

Bismutotantalite, stibiotantalite

and chemically similar ABOr

compounds, sYnthesis and

stability of (Roth,'Waring), 1348

Blazko, L. N., Kondrat'eva, V. V.

and Yarzhemskii, Ya. Ya. 209

Bloss, F. D. with Faust, R. J.X-ray study of lecontite 180

and Gibbs, G. V. Cleavage

in quartz. . 821

Bokite (Ankinovich) 1180

Bor isenko, L. F. Scandium, i ts

geochem istry and mineralogy(Book review) 7 l9

Bose, M. K. On brown amphibole

7 1 1






4 1 0



I 1581413


2t5l 1 2 r939



in gabbroic rocks of Koraput,Orissa, India 1405

Boutin, H. and Bassett, W. Acomparison of OH- motionsin brucite and micas 659

Boyer, Robert (Book review) 1423Branche, G., Bariand, P., Chan-

tret, F., Pouget, R. and Rim-sky, A. 1415

Briggs, L. L, Jr. (Book review). . 1430Brindley, G. W'., de Souza Santos,

P. and de Souza Santos, H.Mineralogical studies of kao-linite-halloysite clays: partI. Identification problems. g97

- arrd Sandalaki, Z. Struc-ture, composition and genesisof some long-spacing, mica-l i k e m i n e r a l s . . . . . . 1 3 g

Brown, A. and Lewis, B.. 435Brown, B. E. and Bailey, S. W'.

Chlorite polytypism: II. Crys-tal structure of a one-layerCr-chlorite 42

Brucite and micas, a comparisonof OH- motions in (Boutin,Bassett). 659

Brunner, P. with Feitknecht, W.and Oswald, H. R.. 1420

Bullard, F. M. Volcanoes: In his-tory, in theory, in eruption( B o o k r e v i e l r ' ) . . . .

Bultitude, F. W. with Barrer,219

R. M. and Kerr, L S. 71IBurley, G. Polymorphism of silver

iodide. 1266Bustamite and wollastonite, com-

parison of the crystal struc-tures of (Peacor, Prewitt) 5gg

Butler, J. R., with Flinter, B. H.and Harral, G. M. A study ofalluvial monazite from Ma-laya . . . 1210

Calafatite:Alunite (De Castro,A l ias ) . . 1184

Call is, C. F. with lrani, R. R.Particle size: measurement,interpretation and applica-tion (Book review) 1413

Cameron, E. N. Optical symmetryfrom reflectivity measure-ments. l0I0

(Bookrev iew) . . 713Campbell, I. State mineralogy.'Why,

whence and whither. . 227Carbonates, anhydrous flormal,

infrared absorption frequencytrends for (Adler, Kerr). . . . . 124

Carminite, the crystal structure of(Finney) |

Carpenter, A. B. Oriented over-growths of thaumasite onet t r ing i te . . . . 1394

Chang, 1,. L. Dimorphic relationin AgrSbS: 429

Chang, P. rvith Semenov, E. L . . Il79Chantret, F., with Branche, G.,

Bariand, P., Pouget, R. andRimsky , A . . 1415

Chapman, C. A (Book review) 713Chervetite (Bariand, Chantret,

Pouget, Rimsky) 1416Chlorite polytypism: II. Crystal

structure of a one-layer Cr-chlori te (Bai ley, Brown) .. . . 42

Chromites, Zhob Yalley, Furtherdata on the chen'rical compo-sition of, (Bilgrarni) 573

Chrysoberyl structure, refinementof the (Farrell, Fang, Newn-ham) 804

Chrysocolla, the nature of, fromInspiration Mine, Arizona(Sun) . . 649

Cipriani, C. and Vannuccini, P.. . 709Clark, G. VI. with Kopp, O. C.,

Harris, L. A. and Yakel,H. L. A hydrothermally syn-thesized iron analog of pollu-cite-its structure and sig-nificance 100

Clark, J. R. and Erd, R. C. Theprobable chemical formula ofaksaite, a new hydrated mag-nesium borate

Clarke, R. S., Jr. with Desautels,P. E. Re-examination of leg-


1 258randite


Classification of the pyrochloregroup (Van der Veen). . . 1420

Clay and clay minerals-Proceed-ings of the ninth national con-ference (Srvineford, ed.) (Book

review) 138

C leavages o f BeO and o l he r m in -

erals having the wurtzitestructure (Frechette, Cl ine). 1 381

Cl ine, C. F. wi th Frechette, V. D.The cleavages of BeO andother minerals having thewurtz i te st ructure 1381

Clinochlore, synthesis of, at highpressures (Segnit) 1080

Clinohumite and associated min-erals, paragenesis of, fromWolf Creek, Montana (Hein-

rich). 597

Clinoptilolite-like zeolite, synthe-s is of a (Arnes) I37+

Coon.rbs, D. S. Acceptance ofthe Mineralogical Society ofArnerica Award for 1962 450

"Coulsoni te," d iscussior of , byArthur S. Radt l<e, Arn. N{ in-eral. 47, 128+ 1291 (Perrv) 948

"Coulsor.rite," reply to (Radtke) 952Cowgill, U. M., Hutchinson, G. E.

and Joensuu, O. An ap-parently triclinic dimorph ofcrandallite from a tropicalswamp sediment in El Pet6n,Guatemala 114+

Crandallite from a tropical swampsediment in El Pet6n, Guate-mala. An apparently triclinicdimorph of, (Cowgill, Hutch-inson, Joensuu) ll44

Cripe, D. M., wi th Gent i le, A. L.and Andres, F. I{. The flamefusion synthesis of emerald 940

Cryptomelane in manganese ores,occurrence of, Balaghat Dis-trict, India (Bhattacharjee,

Bhattachar jee). 7174

Crystal data determinative tables(Donnay, Donnay). (Book

review) 1422


Crystallography of rneta-autttnite( I ) (Ross) 1389

Dachille, F. with Miller, W. S.,

Shafer, E. C, and Roy, R.

The System GeOz-SiOz. . 1024

De Castro, A H. and Al ias, L ' J . 1184

de Souza Santos, P., with Brind-

ley, G. W. and de Souza

Santos, H. Mineralogical

studies of kaolinite-halloY-

site clays: Part I. Identifica-

tion problems 897

Deams, ' f .

wi th Wal l , J I { . D. '

Wol fenden, E. B. and Beard,

E . H . 2 l +

Deer, W. A. , Howie, R. A and

Zussman, J. Rock forming

minerals. Vol . 1. Ortho- and

ring silicates (Book review) 218

Denningite (Mandarino, Wil-

l iams. Nl i tchel l ) 1+I9

Desautels, P. E. and Clarke, R. S.,

Jr. Re-examination of leg-

randi te 1258

Detrital heavy n'rinerals iu natural

accumulates rvith special

reference to Australian oc-

currences (Baker) (Book re-

v i ew) . 720

Diarsenides, Co-Ni-Fe: Compo-

sitions and cell dimensions

Roseboom) 271

Differential thernral analysis of

corrosive materials, appa-

ratus for controlled-atmos-phere (Picker ing). . 1383

Digenite, polymorphism in (Mori-

moto, Kullerud) 110

Dimorphic relation in AgrSbSr(Chang) 429

Djurleite (Roseboom) 215

Dodd, R. T., Jr. Garnet-pyroxenegneisses at Bear Mountain,

New York 811

Dolomanova, E. I . , Senderova,

V. M. and Yanchenko,

M. T . 210Donnay, G. wi th Donnay, J. D.H.

(Book review) l+22

Donnay, J. D. H. and Donnay,G. (Book review)

Dorfman, I . D.Dorfman, M. D.Double spots and their elimina-

tion in precession photog-raphy (Zoltai)

Drysdal l , A. R. and St i lhnan,C. J. An optically r-regativevariety of staurolite fron-rNorthern Rhodesia

D zhezkazganite (Poplavko, Mar-chukova, Zak) . .

Eardley, A. J. (Book review). .Edelsteine und Perlen (Schloss-

macher) (Book review). . . .Efivov, A. N. with Nikol'skii,



Fahey, J. J. and Yorks, K. p.Wegscheiderite (NazCO:.3NaHCOs), a new sal inemineral from the Green Riverformation, Wyoming . . . . . 400

Fang, J. H. Cell dimensions of de-hydrated natrolite. 414

-'- {'ith Farrell, E. F. andNewnham, R, E. Refinementof the cbrysoberyl structure g04

Farrell, E. F., Fang, J. H. andNewnham, R. E. Refine-ment of the chrysoberylstnrcture. .. . 904

Faust, G. T. (Book review). . . . . 21gFaust, R, J. and Bloss, F. D. X-

ray sfudy of lecontiteFeitknecht, W., Brunner, p. and

O s w a l d , H . R . . . .Fenghuangi te (Peng, L iu) . . .Ferrimolybdite, the nature and

synthesis of (Kerr, Thomas,



Langer) 1"+Ferrohexahydrite (Vlasov, Kuz-

netsov) $3Fiala, J. with Bauer, J. and

Hiichovd, R. Natural a-sili-con carbide. 620

Finch, J. A colorimetric classifica-tion of Australian pegmatiticmuscovite S2.5

Finney, J. J. The crystal structureof carminite I

- The composition andspace group of legrandite 1255

Fischer, K. The crystal srrucnrredetermination of the zeolitegisrnondite, CaAliSi:Os .4H:O 664 fusion synthesis of emerald(Gent i le , Cr ipe , Andres) . . . . g10

Fleischer, NL New Mineral Names209, 433, 7 08, 1 17 8. 1413







I 1 8 1Eite l , W. (Book review) 1123,1425F)lroquiteEngelhardt, W. v., Miiller, G. and

Kron re r , H . .Enstatite phase in the subsystem

GeOz-MnGeO3, the occur-rence of an (Tauber, Kohn,Whinfrey Babbage). . 555

Erd, R. C with Clark, J. ll. 't-he

probable cher-nical formula ofaksaite, a new hydrated mag-nesiurn borale . .

trrd, R. C. with Lee, D. E. phena-

kite fronr the Mount Wheelerarea, Snake Range, WhitePine County, Nevada. . .

Erdi lyi , J

1 + 2 1


Ernst, W. G. Polymorphism in al-kali amphiboles 211

-- Significance of phengiticmicas from lowgrade schists 13.57

Errors in the measurement of 2Vwith the universal stage(Munro) 308

Eschman, D. F. (Book review). 21gEttringite, the unit cell of (Berry) 939Evans, H. T., Jr., Berner, R. A.

and Mi l ton , C. . . z ls

- wi th Mrose, M. E. Theprobable idenr i ty oI rnagrr io-borite with suanite

Flinter, B. H. A note on ferroangahnite frorn Malaya and itsbearing on the published dataf o r h e r c y n i t e . . . .





9 1 5


(Gaertner, Roese,

2 1 2


Butler, J' R. and Harral,G. M. A studY of alluvialmonazite from MalaYa.. l21O

Fluoborite from Crestmore, Cali-fornia (Segnit, Lancucki) . ' 678

Frazier, A. W., Lehr, J. R. andSmith, J. P. The magnesiumphosphates hannaYite, scher-telite and bobierrite 635

Frechette, V. D' and Cline, C. F.The cleavages of BeO andother minerals having thewurtzite structure : 1381

Frenzel, G. On crYstal data foridaite 676

Frondel, C. IsodimorPhism of the

polybasite and Pearceites e r i e s . . . . . 5 6 5

- The system of mineralogy

of James Dwight Dana and

Edward SalisburY Dana

(Book review) 437

and l to, J ' Manganber-

zeliite from Franklin, New

Jersey . 663

Ford, R. J. wi th Groves, D. I '

Note on the measurement of

pyrrhotite comPosition in the

presence of both hexagonal

and monoclinic Phases 911

Forsterite crystals, sYnthesis of

(Shankland, HemmenwaY). ' 200

Furbish, W. J. Geologic imPlica-

tions of jarosite, Pseudomor-phic af ter pyr i te. . 703

Fuschi l lo, N. wi th GimPl, M. L.

ar-rd Nelson, C. E. Some

properties of Platinum mono-

telluride (PtTe). 689

Fused cast refractories (Litvakov-

sk i i ) (Book rev i ew) . . . 716

Gaertner, H., Roese, K.-L. and

K i i h n , R . K . . . . . 2 1 2

Gahnite, ferroan, from MalaYa

and its bearing on the Pub-lished data for hercynite, a

note on (Flinter). . . 194

Galeite and related phases in the

system NarSO4-NaF-NaCl


(Pabst, Sawyer, Switzer) . '. 485

Garnet-pyroxene gneisses at Beat

Mountain, New York (Dodd) 811

Garronite (Walker, Barrer, Bulti-

tude, Kerr) 7 l l

Gates, R. M. and Scheerer, P. E.

The petrologY of the None-

waug granite, Connecticut 1040

Gattow, G. and Lieder ' O. J. . 1183

Gazzi, P. On the microscoPic de-

termintaion of the amPhi-

bo les i n g ra i ns . . . . . +22

Gem cutting, a laPidarY's manual,

second edition (Sinkankas)

(Book review). . 1+29

Genkin, A. D. and ZvYzgintsev,

o . E . . . ' 7 0 8

Zhuravlev, N. N. and

S m i r n o v a , E . M . . . ' . . ' 1 1 8 1 ' 1 1 8 4

Gent i le, A. L. , Cr iPe, D. M. and

Andres, F. H. The flame

fusion synthesis of emerald. 940

Geology and earth sciences source-

book for elementarY and

secondary schools (Heller)

(Book rev iew) . . 218

Geology of EgYPt (Said) (Book

r e v i e w ) . . . . . 1 4 2 8

Geology of NorwaY (Holtedahl)

(Book rev iew) . . . . 1430

Gerasimovskii, V' I. and Kaza-

k o v a , M . E . . . . . . 1 4 1 3

Gibbs, G. V. with Bloss, F. D.

Cleavage in quartz. 821

Gimpl, M. L. , Nelson, C' E. and

Fuschillo, N. Some Proper-ties of Platinum monotellu-

r ide (PtTe). 689

Gismondite, Zeolite, the crYs-

tal structure determination

of the, CaAlzSizOs'4HzO(Fischer). 664

Goddard, E. N' (Book review). 1428

Graf, R. 8., W'ahl, F. M. antl

Grim, R. E. Phase transfor-

mations in silica-alumina-

magnesia mixtures as ex-

amined bY continuous r-raY

difiraction: II. SPinel-silica

compositions 150

Green, J. C. HighJevel metamor-phism of pelitic rocks innorthern New Hampshire. . .

Grigoriev, D. P.. .Grim, R. E. (Book review)Grim, R. E. with Graf, R. B. and

Wahl, F. M. Phase transfor-mations in silica-alumina-magnesia mirfures as ex-amined by continuous r-raydiffraction: II. Spinel-silicac o m p o s i t i o n s . . . . .

Grooved plate, a simple petro-graphic aid for size measure-ments of elongate minerals(Sargent)

Gross, S., with Bentor, Y. K. andHeller, L. Some unusual min-erals from the "MottledZone" complex, Israel. . .

Groves, D. I . and Ford, R. J.Note on the rneasurement ofpyrrhotite composition in thepresence of both hexagonaland nonoclinic phases

Gruner, J. W. Acceptance of theR o e b l i n g M e d a l . . . .

Gugiaite (Peng, Tsao, Zou)Guidotti, C. V. Metamorphism of

the pelitic schists in the Bry-ant Pond Quadrangle, Maine


lucite-its structure a:rd sig-nificance 100

Haussi.ihl, S. and Muller, G.. . . . 1419Hawley, J. E. The Sudbury ores:

their mineralogy and origin(Book review) 713

Fledleyite. . . 435Heinrich, E. Wm. Xenotime and

thorite from Nigeria. 206-- Paragenesis of clinohumite

and associated minerals from'Wolf

Creek, Montana. . . . . . 597- Notes on western min-

e r a l o c c u r r e n c e s . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 7 2- ( B o o k r e v i e w ) . . . . . . 2 2 1 , 4 3 9 ,

7 1 8 , 7 1 9 , 7 2 0 , 7 2 1and Quon, S. H. Rogersite

: weinschenki te . . . . .

Heller, L., with Gross, S. andBentor, Y. K. Some unusualminerals from the "Mottled

Zone " comp lex , I s rae l . . . . . .

Heller, R. L. (ed.) Geology and

earth sciences sourcebook for

elementary and secondaryschools (Book review). . . . . .

Hemmenway, K. with Shankland,

T. J. Synthesis of forsterite


Herpin, P. with Bariand, P.. . . . .Heterogenite (Hey) .H e y , M . H . . . . . .Hiller, J. E. Die mineralischen

RohstolTe (Book review). . . .

Hobbs, B. E. with Talbot, J. L.'Wilshire,

H. G. and Sweat-

man, T. R. Xenoliths and

xenocrysts from lavas of theKerguelen Archipelago . .. . .

Holtedahl, O. Geology of Norway( B o o k r e v i e w ) . . .

1 168









200r4172 L 6216


7 7 )

Haase, D. J., W'eiss; E. J. andSteinfink, H, The crystal --

structure of a heramethylene-diamine-vermiculite complex 267

Hanl6ite(:Uvarovite) (Sastr i) 1+21Hannayite, schertelite and bobier.

rite, the magnesium phos-phates (Frazier, Lehr, Smith) 635

Hariya, Y. Note on isiganeite andyokosukaite. 952

Ilarral, G. M. with Flinter, B. H.and Butler, J. R. A study ofalluvial monazite from Ma-.'laya l2l0

flarris, L. A. with Kopp, O. C.,Clark, G. W. and Yankel,H. L. A hydrothermally syn-thesized iron analog of pol-

Hooker, M. Ten-year supplement

to the bibliographies of Clar-

ence S. Ross and Walder T.

Schaller 1410

Ifower, J. with Velde, B. Petro-

logical significatrce of illitepolymorphism in Paleozoic

sedimentarv rocks. . 1239




Howie, R. A. wi th Deer, W. A. Ix io l i te (Nickel , Rowland) 216Zussnan, J. Rock forming lxiolite-a columbite substruc-rn i ne ra l s , Vo l . l , O r t ho - and ture (Nickel, Rowland, Mc-ring silicates (Book review) 218 Adam) . 961

Hiichov6, R. with Bauer, J. andNatural o-silicon carbide .. . 620 Jambor, J. L. 1421

Huang, W. T. Petrology (Book Jarosite, pseudomorphic after py-

review) 713 rite, geologic implications of

Huanghoite (Semenov, Chang) 1179 (Furbish) 703

Huntite, Gabbs, Nevada (Vita- Jimboite (Watanabe, Kato, Mat-

l iano, Beck) 1158 sumoto, I to) . 1416

Hutchinson, G. E. with Cowgill, Joensuu, O. with Cowgill, U. M.

U. M. and Joensuu, O. Anapparently triclinic dimorphof crandallite from a tropicalswamp sediment in El Pet6n,

Infrared spectra of minerals,

san rp l e con ta i ne r con l i l n r i na -

and Hutchinson. G. E. Anapparently triclinic dimorphof crandallite from a tropicalswamD sediment in El

eralogical studies of: PartI. Identification problems

Guatemala l1+4 Petdn, Guatemala. 1141Hydrohalloysite (Erddlyi) 214 Johannsen, Albert, memorial ofHydrohausmann i t e ( a m i x t r r r e ? r (Pett i john) ,151

Feitknecht, Brunner, Os- Johannsenite from the Aravaipa

wald) 1120 mining district, Arizona (Si-

Hydrotungsite, X-ray data for mons, Munson) 1154(Mitchell) 935

Kal is t ront i te(Voronova) . . 708(Idaite) cr1'stal data for synthetic Kaolin minerals, polymorphism

Cus s"Fe*Se s* (Yund) 672 of the (Bailey) 1196

Idaite, on crystal data for (Fren- Kaolinite and halloysite, quanti-

zel) 676 tative determination of byNHaCI retention.) (Wada) 1286Illite polymorphism in Paleozoic

sedimentary rocks, petro- Kaolinite, structural aspects of,logical significance of (Velde, using infrared absorptionHower) 1239 (Vloltr)

Irnogolite(Yoshinaga,Aon'rine) +34 Kaolinite-halloysite clays, min-

tion in the (Lyon) 1170 (Brindley, de Souza Santos,Infrared spectra, symmetry and de Souza Santos) 897

structure relations of some Karelianite. a new vanadiumcarbonate minerals (Adler, mineral (Long, Vuorelainen,Kerr) 839 Kouvo)

I rani , R. R. and Cal l is , C. F. Kato, A wi th Watanabe, T. ,

Pa r t i c l e s i ze : r l e : r su ren re r r t , Matsumoto, ' f .

and l to, J . 1416

interpretation and applica- Kawai, 'l '.


tion (Book review) . . 1430 Kaye, C. A. (Book review) 9.56

Iranite (Bariand, Herpin) 1417 Kazakova, M E. rvith Gerasimov-

Ishiganeite arrd vokosukaite, Note sk i i , V . I . 1413on (Hariya) 952 Keller, W. D. (tsook review) 716

I to, J. wi th Frondel , C. Nlangan- Kerr , I S wi th Barrer , R. M. and

berzeliite from Franklin, Nerv Bu l t i t ude , F . \ \ - . 711

Jersey. . . . 663 I(err, P. F. Presentation of the

with Watanabe, T., Mat- Roebling Medal to John W.

sumoto, T. and Kato, A. . . . . 1416 Gruner. . . 443



for anhydrous normal car- Kullerud, G. with Morimoto, N.bonates 121 Polymorphism in digenite 110

-- with Adler, J. J. Infrared Kumskova, N. M. u.ith Mathias,

- with Adler, H. H. Infraredabsorption frequency trends

spectra, symmetry and struc-ture relations of some car-

bage, W. D. The occurrenceof an enstatite ohase in the

G. W. and Yakel, H. L. Ahydrothermally synthesizediron analog of pollucite-its

rapid measurement and com-parison of r-ray powder pat-

KotulskiteKouvo, O. with Long, J. V. P. and

Vuorelainen, Y. Karelianite,

-- Vuorelainen, Y. and Long,J. V, P. A tetragonal ironsutfrde


kova, N. N. Atlas of placer

rninerals (Book review) . . 721

V. V., Rossovski i , L. N ,Shostatski i , L. N. 1,182

Fluoborite frorn Crestmore,

California 678

neous, Nlirreralogical evidence

for the, of the basalts frorn

New Engl : rnd, N.S. \ \ r . (Bay-

of a Pennsylvanian age lime-

stone, measurement of small

1181 Laudise, R. A. and Kolb, E. D.The solubility of zincite inbasic hvdrothermal solvents 642

mensions and symmetry of.[I. Octahedral ordering

511 (Veitch, Radoslovich) 62

bonate minerals 839 Kupriyanova, I. I., Stolyarova,-Thomas, A. W. andlanger, T. I . and Sidorenko, C. A. 433

A. M. The nature and syn- Kuznetsov, A. V. with Vlersov,thesis of ferrimolybdite I + V. V. 433

Kohn, J. A. with Tauber, A.,'Whinfrey,

C. G. and Bab- Lancuki, C. J. rvith Segnit, E. R.

subsystem GeOz-MnGeOr 5.55 Langer, A. M. with Kerr, P. l'.Kolb, E. D. with R. A. Laudise. and Thomas, A. W'. The na-

The solubility of zincite in fure and svnthesis of ferrimo-basic hydrothermal solvents 642 lybdite

Kondrat'eva, \i. V. with Blazko, Lalonde, R E. X-ray diffractionL. N. and Yarzhemskii, Ya. data for taeniolite 201Ya. 209 Lapham, D. M Leonhardite and

launrontite in diabase fronrKopchenova, E. V. and Sidorenko,G. A. 210 Di l lsburg, Pennsylvania 683

Kopp, O. C,, Harris, L. A., Clark, Lateritization, penecontempora-

1 4

structure and significance 100 liss, Loughnan). 410Koritnig, S. C. Two devices for Lattice spacing applied to calcites

terns . . 418 changes in (Waite) . . 1033

a new vanadium mineral 33 Laver-lattice silicates, the cell di-

Kranrer, J. R. Authigenic r.ninerals the cell dimensions and

in sedinrentary rocks (Book symmetry of. IV. Interatomic

review) 220 forces (Radoslovich) 76

Kraus, E. H. (Book revierv) 438,439 -, the cell dimensions and

Krauskopf, K B. (Bookrevier,r,') 9.55 symmetry of. V. Composi-

Kromer, H. with Engelhardt, tion limits (Radoslovich) 348

\V. v. and Nltiller, G. 213 --, the cell dimensions and

K i . i hn , R . K . w i t h Gae r tne r , H symmetry of. VI. Serpentineand Roese, K. L.. 212 and kaolin morphology

Kukharchik, M. V. wi th Semenor ' , (Radoslovich) 368

E. I. and Organova, N. I. 1,{13 Lecontite, r-ray study of (Faust,Kukharenko, A. A. with Trush- Bloss) . 180


Lee, D. E. and Erd, R. C. Phena-kite from the Mount Wheelerarea, Snake Range, WhitePine County, Nevada. . 189

Lee, H. C. and McConnell , D.Memorial of William JohnM c C a u g h e y . . . . . 4 5 9

Legrandite, re-examination of(Desautels, Clarke) 1258

-, the composition arrd spacegroup of (Finney) 1255

Lehr, J. R. with Frazier, A. W.and Smith, J. P. The magne-sium phosphates hannayite,schertelite a.Ild bobierrite. 635

Leonhardite and laumontite indiabase from Dillsburg,Pennsylvania(Lapham) .. 683

Lewis, B. with Brown, A. . . . 435Liddicoat, R. (Book review). . . 1429Lieder, O. J. with Gattow, G... 1183Liese, If. C. Tetrahedrally co-

ordinated aluminum in somenatural biotites: an infraredabsorption analysis. 980

Litvakovskii, A. A. Fused castrefractories (Book review) . 716

L i u , Y . w i t h P e n g , C . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 1Lodochnikite, Absite, Thorutite

(Povilaitis)Lombaardite (:Allanite ?) (Neu-

mann, Ni lssen)Lomonosov i t e . . . . . .

r420l + 1 . )

Long, J. V. P. with Kouvo, O. andVuorelainen. A tetragonaliron sulf ide .. . 511

--, Vuorelainen, Y. andKouvo, O. Karelianite, a newvanad iumminera l . . . . . 33

Loughnan, F. C. with Bayliss, P.Mineralogical evidence forthe penecontemporaneouslateritization of the basaltsfrom New England, N.S.W.. 410

Luth, W. C. and Tutt le, O. F.Externally heated cold-sealpressure vessels for use to10,000 bars and 750'C 1.101

Lyon, R. J. Sample container con-tamination in the infraredspectra of minerals. lI70

Macka1., [ . 1-. 711Mackinawite (Evans, Berner,

Mil ton) 215Magnioborite with suanite, the

probable identity of (Mrose,Fleischer) 915

Magnocolumbite (Mathias, Ros-sovskii, Shostatskii, Kums-kova). 1182

Mandarino, J. A., Wil l iams, S. J.and Mitchel l , R. S.. 1419

Manganberzeliite from Franklin,New Jersey (Frondel, Ito) 663

Marchukova, I. D. with Pop-lavko, E. M. and Zak, C. SH 209

Margarosanite, new data on (Arm-strong) 698

Marvin, R. F, with Weeks, A. D.arrd Ross, D. R. The occur-rence and properties of barne-site, Na2V6Or6.3H:O, a new

-hydrated sodium vanadatemineral.-from Utah .. . . . 1187

Mason. B. Meteorites (Book re-view) 439

Mathias, V. V. Rossovski i , L. N.,Shostatski i , A..N. and Kums-kova, N. M. 1182

Matrix corrections in trace ele-ment analysis of r-ray fluo-resence: estimation of themass absorption coefrcientby Compton scattering @eyn-o lds) . . 1133

Matsumoto, T. with Watanabe,T., Kato, A.,, and Ito, J. . . 1416

Mauritzite (Tokody) 1183McAdam, R. C. with Nickel, E. H.

and Rowland, J. F. Ixiolite-a columbite substructure ,,961

McAdam, R. C. with Nickel,E. H. and Rowland, . f . F.. 1417

McAndrew, J. Relationship ofoptical axial angle with thethree principal refractive in-d ices . . . 1277

McCaughey, William John, me-morial of (Lee, McConnell). 459

McConnell, D. Thermocrystalliza-tion of richellite to produce a

. lazulite structure (calciumlipscombite). 300


- with Lee, H. C. Memorialof William John McCaughey 459

M e i x n e r , H . . . . . 1 1 8 4Melanophlogite (Skinner, Apple-

man) 216cubic polymorph of silica

(Skinner, Appleman). . . . 854

Metalomonosovite (:beta-lomo-nosovite) Ortholomonosovite(:lomonosovite) Metamur-manite (Semenov, Organova,K u k h a r c h i k ; B e l o v ) . . . . . . 1 + 1 3

Metamorphism of the peliticschists in the Bryant Pond

Quadrangle, Maine (Gui-dott i) . . 772

Metamurmani te . . . . 1413Meteorites (Mason) (Book re-

view). . 439Meyrowitz, R. A semimicropro-

cedure for the determinationof ferrous iron in nonrefrac-tory silicate minerals. . . 340

Mica-like minerals, long-spacing,strucfure, composition andgenesis of some @rindley,Sandalaki) 138

Micas, phengitic, from low-gradeschists, significance of(Ernst) 1357

Michenerite (Genkin, Zhuravlev,Smirnova) 1184

Mil ler, W. S., Dachil le, F., Shafer,E. C. and Roy, R. The sys-t e m G e O r S i O 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 4

Milner, H. B. (Book review). . . . . 1427Milton, C. with Evans, H. T., Jr.

and Berner, R. 4.. . 215Mineralischen Rohstoffe (Hiller)

(Book review) 438Mineralogical Society of America,

forty-third annual meeting,proceedings of, at Houston,T e x a s ( S w i t z e r ) . . . . 4 6 5

Mineralogical Society of AmericaAward for 1962, Acceptanceof (Coombs) 450

presentation of, to Doug-lasS. Coombs (Turner ) . . . . . 449

Mineralogy, state: Why' whenceand whither (Campbell) . . . . 227

Mitchell, R. S. X-ray data for

hydrotungstite 935- with Mandarino, J. A.

and Williams, S. J. . 1419

Mrose, M. E. and Fle ischer, M.

The probable identitY of

magnioborite rvith suanite 915- wi th von Knorr ing, o. . .215,216

Moer.rke. H. (Book review). . 1423,1425

N4olybdeni te-3R (Trai l l ) 1419

Moncheite, Kotulskite (Genkin'

Zhu rav lev , sm i rnova ) . . . 1181

Montoya, J. W. and Baur, G. S'

Nickeliferous serPentines'

chlorites and related minerals

found in lateritic ores .. 1227

Morawiecki , A. . . 212

Morimoto, N. and Kullerud, G.

Polymorphism in digenite . . 110

Morris, R. C. Osarizawaite from

Western Australia-a correc-

t i on . . . 947

"Mottled Zone" comPlex, Israel,

some unusual minerals from

the (Bentor, Gross, Heller) 924

Miiller, G. with Engelhardt, W. v.

a n d K r o m e r , H . . ' . . . . ' 2 1 3

with Haussiihl, S. l4l9

Munro, M. Errors in the measure-

ment of 2V with the univer-

sal stage. . . 308

Munson, E. with Simons, F. S.

Johannsenite from the Ara-

vaipa mining district, Ari-

zo\a. . 1154

Muscovite, Australian pegrnatitic'

a colorimetric classification

of (Finch). 525

comparative studY of the

etch patterns on, from dif-

ferent sources (Patel and

Ramanathan) . ' 69I

Natrolite, dehydrated, cell di-

mensions of (Fang) 414

Nelson, C. E. wi th GimPl ' M. L.

and Fuschillo, N. Some ProP-erties of platinum monotellu-

ride (PtTe). 689

Neumann, H. and Ni lssen, 8. . ' . 1420

New mineral names (Fleischer) ' .

. . 209, 4s3, 708, 1178, l{rs


Newnham, R. E. with Farrel, E. F.and Fang, J. H. Refinementof the chrysoberyl structure 804

Nickel , E. I l and Rowland, J. F. 216- Rowland, J. F. and Mc-

Adam, R. C. Ixiolite-a colum-bite substructure 961

- Rowland, J. F. and Mc-Adanr, R. C. . . 1117

Nikol'skii, A P. and Efimor',A N . . 1 1 8 1

Nilssen, B with Neurrann, H. 1420Nixon, P. H., von Knorring, Oleg

and Rooke, J. M. Kimber-lites and associated inclu-sions of Basutoland: A min-eralogical and geochemicalstndy 1090

Nonewaug granite, Connecticut,the petrology of (Gates,Scheerer) 10i10

Nordstrandite (Wall, Wolfenden,Beard, Dearns) 214

Nur l ' beav , A . N . . . 7O9

Optical axial angle, relationshipof, with the three principalrefractive indices (McAn-drew). . tz77

Optical symmetry from reflec-tivity measurements (Came-ron) 1o7o

Organova, N. I with Senenov,E. I . and Kukharchik, M V. 1413

Ortholononosovite (: lorrronoso-v i t e ) . . 1413

Osarizawaite from Western Aus-tralia-a correction (Morris) 947

Oswald, H. R. with Feitknecht,W. and Brunner, P. . . . 1+20

Pabst , A. (Book review) . . 437,1422_- Sawyer, D. L. and Switzer,

G. Galeite and related phasesin the system NazSOr-NaF-N a C l . . . .

Pa pageorga k is, J .Parsous, W. H. (Book review).Particle size: measurement, in-

terpretation and application(Book review) (Irani, Callis)

Patel, A. R. and Ramanathan, S.



Colnparative study of theetch patterns on muscovitefrom different sources

Pau l y , HPeacor, D. R. The unit cell and

space group of stewartite-- (Book review) . .

-- and Pre*'itt, C. -f.

Com-parison of the crystal struc-tures of bustamite and u'olla-stonite. 588

Pelitic rocks, high-level meta-morphism of, in northernNew Hampshire (Green)

Pe r rq , C . a r rd L i r r , Y .-Isao,

R. and Zou, Z. . .Perry, J. K. Discussion of "Coul-

sonite" by Arthur S. Radtl<e,Am Mineral. 47. 1284-1291

Petrology (Huang) (Book review)Petrology, theoretical, a textbook

on the origin and evolution ofrocks (Barth) (Book review)

Pett i john, F. J. Memoria l of Al-be r t Johannsen . . .

- (Book revieu')Phase transformation and thermal

hysteresis in the system AgI(Schneer, Whiting)

Phase transformation in silica-alumina-magnesia mixturesas examined by continuousr-ray diffraction: II. Spinel-silica compositions (Graf,'Wahl,

Grim) 150Phenakite from the Mount

Wheeler area, Snake Range,White Pine County, Nevada(Lee, Erd) 189

Phosphochromite 1:P"rrlun Uu-r isc i te) Elroqui te (a: mix-ture of quartz and ferrianvariscite (Jambor) 1421

Physical geochemistry (Smith)(Book Rev iew) . . . . . 955

Pickering, R. J. Apparatus forcontrolled-atmosphere dif-ferential thermal analysis ofcorrosive mater ia ls.

Picot . P. and Pierrot , R.Pierrot , R. wi th Picot , P. . . . . .Platinum monotelluride (PtTe),




9487 1 3

2 2 r


1 383117 8r 1 7 I


sonle properties of (Gimpl,

Nelson. Fuschillo) 689

Polybasite and pearceite series,isodimorphism of (Frondel). 565

Pollucite, a hydrothermally syn-thesized iron analog of,-itsstructure and significance(Kopp, Harris, Clark, Yakel). 100

Polymorph of AluSiOo a new, andfurther studies in the systemAlrO3-SiOr-HrO (Aramaki,

Roy ) . . 1322

Polymorphism of the kaolin min-erals (Bailey) 1196

Poplavko, E. M. Marchukova,

I. D. and Zak, C. SH. . . 209Pouget, R. with Branche, G ,

Chantret, F., Bariand, P.and R imsky , A . . 1415

Povi la i t is , M. M.. . 7419

Pravd i t e (Nu r l ' baev ) . . . 709Pressure vessels, externally heated

cold-seal, for use to 10,000

bars and 750oC. (l-uth, 'fut-

t le) 140i

Prewitt, C. T. with Peacor, D. R.Comparison of the crystalstructures of bustamite andwollastonite 588

Principles of soil mechanics (Scott)

(Book review) 9.56Probable identity of laitakarite

and selenjosei te (Berry) . . l+21

Proustite-pyrargyrite solid solu-tions (Toulmin) 725

Pyrrhotite composition, note onthe measurement of, in thepresence of both hexagonal

and monoclinic phases(Groves, Ford) 911

Quartz, cleavage in (Bloss, Gibbs) 821

Quon, S. H. wi th Heinr ich, E. Wm.Rogersi te:Weinschenki te 1168

Radoslovich, E. W. The cell di-mensions and symmetry oflayer-lattice silicates IV. In-

teratomic forces 7 6_ The cell dimensions and

symmetry of layer-lattice sili-cates. V. Composition limits 348

_ The cell dimensions and

symmetry of layer-lattice sili-

cates. VI. Serpentine andkao l i nmorpho logy . . . . . 368

__ with veitch, L. G. The celldimensions and symmetry oflayer-lattice silicates. III. Oc-tahedral ordering 62

Radtke, A. S. Reply to "Discus-

sion of 'Coulsonite' " 952

Ramanathan, S. with Patel, A. R.

Comparative study of the

etch patterns on muscovite

frorn different sources 691Ramdohr, P. 1419Rammelsbergite ar.rd algodonite,

crystals of (\\rill iams) 421Reynolds, R. C., Jr. Matrix cor-

rections in trace elementanalysis of x-ray fluo-

rescence: Estimation of themass absorption coefficientby Compton scattering 1133

Richellite, thermocrystallizationof, to produce a lazulitestructure (calcium lipscomb-

ite) (McConnell) 300Rijkeboerite (r'an der Veen) 1415Rinrsky, A. wi th Branche, G.,

Chantret , F. , Bar iand, P. andPouget, R. . 1415, 1416

Rittmann, A. Volcanoes and theiractivity (Book review) 219

Rock forming minerals, Vol . 1,Ortho- and ring silicates(Deer, Howie, Zussrnan)( B o o k r e v i e w ) . . . . 2 1 8

Roebling Medal, acceptance of(Gruner) 445

presentation of, to JohnW . G r u n e r ( K e r r ) . . . 4 4 3

Roese, K.-L. with Gaertner, H.and Ki ihn, R. K. 212

ILogersite :Weinschenkite (Hein-

r i ch , Quon ) . . 1168Rooke, J. M. with Nixon, P. H.

and von Knorring, Oleg.Kimberlites and associatedinclusions of Basutoland: Amineralogical and geochemi-

cal study. 1090Roquesite (Picot, Pierrot) 1178


Roseboom, E. H. Jr. Co-Ni-Fediarsenides: Compositionsand cell dimensions. 271

215Rosenberg, P. E. Synthetic solid

solutions in the systemsMgCOTFeCOg and MnCOa-FeCO: . . . 1396

Ross, D. R. withWeeks, A. D. andMarvin, R. F. The occurrenceand properties of barnesite,NazVsOro.3HzO, a new hy-drated sodium vanadate min-eral from Utah. . 1187

Ross, M. The crystallography ofm e t a - a u t u n i t e ( I ) . . . . . . . . 1 3 8 9

Rossovskii, L. N. with Mathias,V. V., Shostatskii, A. N. andK u m s k o v a , N . M . . . : . . . . . . 1 1 8 2

Rotating sample holder, a rapidchange, for x-ray diffractionof powders (Waite) 406

Roth, R. S. and Waring, J.Synthesis and stability of bis-rnutotantalite, stibiotaataliteand chemically similar ABOrcompounds. 1348

Rowland, J. F. with Nickel, E. H. 216- with Nickel, E. H. and

McAdam, R. C. Ixiolite-acolumbite substructure... . . 961

with Nickel, E. H. andMcAdam, R. C. . . 1+17

Roy, R. with Aramaki, S. A newpolymorph of AlzSiOs andfurther studies in the systemA l z o s - S i o z - H z o . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 2 2

with Miller, W. S.,Dachille, F. and Shafer, E. C.The sys tem GeOz-S iO: . . . . . 1024

Ruotsala, A. P. Solid state forma-tion of anorthite from somec layminera lmix tu res . . . . . . . 792

Said, R. (Book review) 1+28Salotti, C. (Book review). 1430Sanidine-quartz-liquid-gas, the

four-phase curve, between500 and 4000 bars (Shaw) . . S83

Santlalaki, Z. with Brindley, G.W.Structure, composition and

genesis of some long-spacing,mica-like minerals.

Sargent, K. A. The grooved plate,a simple petrographic aid forsize measurements of elongateminerals .

Sastr i , G. G. K.. .Sawyer, D. L. \vith Pabst, A. and

Switzer, G. Galeite and re-lated phases in the systemN a r S O 4 - N a F - N a C l . . . . . . . .

Scandium, its geochemistryand mineralogy (Borisenko)(Book review)

Scheerer, P, E. with Gates, R. M.The pekology of the None-waug granite, Connecticut. .

Schlossmacher, K. Edelsteine undP e r l e n ( B o o k r e v i e w ) . . . . . .

Schneer, C. J. and Whiting,R. W., Jr. Phase transforma-tion and thermal hysteresisi n t h e s y s t e m A g I . . . . . . . . .

Science of ceramics: Vol I(Stewart) (Book review). . . .

Scott, R. F. Principles of soilmechanics (Book review)

Sedimentary petrography (Mil-ner) (Book review)

Sedimentology, Journal of theInternational Association ofSedimentology (Book review)

Segnit, E. R. Synthesis of clino-chlore at high pressures. .

and Lancucki, C. J.Fluoborite from Crestmore,California.

Semenov, E. I . and Chang, P... .- Organova, N. I. and Kuk-

harchik, M. V.. .Sen Gupta, J. G. and Beamish,

tr'. E. The determination ofplatinum metals in sideritemeteorites

Senderova, V. M. with Doloma-nova, E. I. and Yanchenko,

M . T . . .Serpentine-limestone contact at

Taleri Mohammad Jan, ZhobValley, West Pakistan--acorrection (Bilgrami)

Serpentines, chlorites and related


1403t 4 2 l















117 6


4 J J



t2 I0


minerals found in alteriticores, nickeliferous (MontoYa'B a u r ) . . . . .

Shafer, E. C. with Miller, W. S.,Dachille, F' and RoY' R.The system GeOz-SiOr

Shankland, T. J. and Hemmen-way, K. Synthesis of forster-ite crystals

Shaw, H. R, The four-Phase curvesanidine - quartz - liquid - gasbetween 500 and 4000 bars

Shostatskii, A. N. with Mathias,V. V.. Rossovskii, L. N. andKumskova, N. M.. .

Sibirskite (Vasilkova) .Siderite meteorites, the deter-

mination of platinum metalsin (Sen Gupta, Beamish)

Sidorenko, G. A. with KoPchen-ova, E . V . . . . .

with Kupriyanova, I. I.and Sto lyarova, T . I . . . . . .

Silicate minerals, nonrefractory, asemimicro-procedure for thedetermination of ferrous ironi n ( M e y r o w i t z ) . . . . . . . '

Silicon carbide' ilatural a @auer,Fiala and Hiichov6).

Silver iodide, PolYmorPhism of(BurleY)

Simsons, F. S. and Munson, E'

Johannsenite from the Ara-vaipa mining district, Atizona

Sinkankas, J. (Book review)Skinner, B. J. antl APPleman'

D. E. Mela:rophlogite, a cubicpolymorph of silica.





l t82433







1 1541429


Smirnova, E. M. with Genkin,

A. D. and Zhuravlev, N. N.

. . . 1 1 8 1 , 1 1 8 4Smith, F. G. Physical geochemis-

try (Book review). 955

Smith, J. P. with Frazier, A. W.and Lehr, J. R. The mag-nesium PhosPhates hannaY-ite, schertelite and bobierrite 635

Smithson, S. B. A Point-counterfor modal analysis of stainedr o c k s l a b s . ' . . . . 1 1 6 +

Snow, R. B. (Book review) 716

Sonolite (Yoshinaga) l4l3

S f r e n s e n , H . . . . . l l 7 8

Spektralanalyse von Mineralien

und Gesteinen (Moenke)

(Book review) 1423

Stained rock slabs, a Point-counter for modal analYsis of

(Smithson) 1164

Staurolite, an opticallY negative

variety of, from Northern

Rhodesia (DrYsdall' Still-

man). . 20I

Steinfnk, H. with Haase, D. J.and Weiss, E. J. The crystal

skucfure of a hexamethylene-

diamine-vermiculite comPlex 261

Stenonite (Pauly) 1178

Stevenson, J. S. The tectonics of

the Canadian shield (Book

review) 720

Stewart, G. H. Science of ceram-

i cs :Vo l 1 (Book rev iew) . . . 716

Stewartite, the unit cell and sPace

group of (Peacor) 913

Stillman, C. J. with DrYsdall,

A. R. An opt ical lY negat ive

variety of staurolite from

Northern Rhodesia. 201

Stipoverite (:Stishovite) (Grig-

o r i e v ) . . . ' 4 3 4

Stolyarova, T. I. with KuPriYa-

nova. I. I. and Sidorenko,

G . A . . .Structural analysis of metamorphic

tectonites (Turner, Weiss).(Book review)

Structure Reports for 1953 volume17 (Pearson-Ed') (Book

revrew.Study of alluvial monazite from

Malaya (Flinter, Butler,Harral)

Sudbury ores: their mineralogYand origin (HawleY) (Bookreview)

Sudo, T. with Ueda, S. Artificialcrystallization of volcanicglass to carnegieiter neph-eline and albite at room

' pressure.Sudoite (Engelhardt, Miiller'


5 Z +



Sun, M. The nature of chrysocollafrom Inspiration Mine, Ari-zona

Svi ta lsk i te (Nikol 'sk i i , Ef inrov)Sweatman, T. R. with Talbot,

J. L., Hobbs, B. E. and'tffil-shire, H. G. Xenoliths andxenocrysts from lavas of theKerguelen Archipelago

Swineford, A. Clay and clayminerals-Proceedings of theninth national conference(Book rcview)

Switzer, G. Proceedings of theforty-third annual nreeting ofthe Mineralogical Society ofAmerica at Houston, Texas

_.- with Pabst, A. and Sawyer,D. L. Galeite and relatedphases in the system Na:SOr-NaF-NaCl .

System GeO:-SiOi (Miller,Dachille, Shafer, Roy)

System of mineralogl' of JamesDwight Dana and EdwarclSal isbury Dana, Vol I I I(Frondel) (Book lleview)

Systems MgCO3-FeCOr andMcCO:-FeCO3, syntheticsolid solutions in the (Rosen-berg)

Taeniolite, r-ray diffraction datafor t LaLonde,;

Talbot, J. L., Hobbs, B. E., Wil-shire, H. G. and Sweatman,T. R. Xenoliths and xeno_crysts from lavas of theKerguelen Archipelago

Tauber, A., Kohn, J. A., Whin-frey, C. G. and Babbage,W. D. The occurrence of anenstatite phase in the sub_subsystem GeO:-MnGeO;

-Iectonics of the Canadian Shield

(Stevenson) (Book review)Tellurobismuthite, u.ehrlite, hecl-

l ey i t e tB rown , Lew is l-feodorovich,

G. I. Authigenicminerals in sedimentary rocks( B o o k R e v i e w ) . . . .


Tetragonal iron sulfide (Kouvo,Vuorelainen, Long) .511

6+9 'fhaumasite,

oriented over-1 181 growths of , on et t r ingi te

(Carpenter) 1394Thomas, A. VI. with Kerr, p. F.

and Langer, A. M. The natureand synthesis of ferrimolyb-

I 59 diteThorosteerrstrupine (Kupriya-

nova, Stolyarova, Siderenko)Thorutite (Povilaitis)

4.r8 - fokody,

I - .Toulmin, P., 3d. Proustite-pyr-

,aryyrite solid solutionsTrai l l , R. J. . . .

465 'l-mshkova,

N. N. and Kukhar-enko, A. A. Atlas of placerminerals (Book review)

1'sao, R wi th Peng, C. andZou, Z.

4g5 Tugtupi te(Slrensen)Tumer, F. J. Presentation of the

1024 1962 Mineralogical Societ-v ofAmerica Award to DouglasS . Coombs .

-- and \\reiss, I_. E. (Bookreview) l 4 ) I

' I -Lr t t le, O. F. wi th Luth, W C.

Externally heated cold-sealpressure vessels for use to10,000 bars and 750o C. 1400

Ueda, Z. and Sudo, T. Artificialcrystallization of volcanicglass to carnegieite, nephel-ine and albite at room pres-sure 32+

Linnamed (sodium fluoride-phos-phate) (Dorfman) 1418

Llnnamed minerals from meteor-ites (Ramdohr) 1119 c ler Veen, A H. 1415,1420Vanal i te(Ankinovich) . . . 1180Vannuccin i , P. wi th Cipr iani , C. . 7Og

JJJ \ranuralite (Branche, Bariand,Cha r r I r e t , Po r rge t . R i n r sky ) . l 4 l 5

7 20 Vas i l ko r a . \ . \ . . . 4 j JVeitch. L, G. and Radoslovich.

435 E. W. The cell dimensionsand symmetry of layer-latticesilicates. III. Octahedral

220 order ing . . . 62

7 4

4331 4 1 91 183


7 2 1211

11.7 8



1 396




Velde, B. and Hower, J. Petro-

logical significance of illitepolymorphism in Paleozoic

sedimentary rocks. . 1239

Verhoogen, -|. (Book review) 219

Vermiculite complex, hexamethyl-ene-diamine-, the crystal

structure of a (Haase, Weiss,Steinfink) 261

Vita l iano, C. J. and Beck, C. \ \ r .Hurr t i te. Gabbs. Nevada 1i58

Vlasov, V. V. and Kuznetsov,A . V . . . . . 4 3 . 1

Volcanic glass, artificial crystalli-

zalion of, to carnegieite,nepheline and albite at roompressure (Ueda, Sudo) 32+

Volcanoes: In h istory, in theor-v,in erupt ion (Bul lard) (Book

review) 219

Volcanoes arrd their activity (Ritt-

mann) (Book review) 219

von Krrorring, O. and Mrose,N4. E . 2 1 5 , 2 t 6-- with Nixon, P. H. andRooke, J. M. Kimberletesand associated inclusions ofBasutoland: A mineralogicaland geochemical study, 1090

Voronova, M. L.. . 708Vuorelainen, Y. with Kouvo, O.

and Long, J. V. P. A tetra-gonal iron sulfide 511

- with Long, J. V. P. andKouvo, O. Karelianite, a newvanadium mineral 33

Vysotskite(Genkin,Zvyzgintsev) 708

'Wada, K. Quantitative (deter-

mination of kaolinite andhalloysite by NHaCI retention 1286

rilIahl, F. M. with Graf, R. B. andGrim, R. E. Phase trans-formations in silica-alumina-magnesia mixtures as exam-ined by continuous r-ray dif-fraction: II. Spinel-silicacompositions. 150

Waite, J. M. A rapid change ro-tating sample holder for rc-raydiffraction of powders . . ... 406

Measurement of small

changes in lattice sPacingapplied to calcites of a Penn-sylvanian age l imestone. . . . . 1033

\Valker, G. P. L. . . . 711Wall, J. R. D., Wolfenden, E. B.,

Beard, E. H. and l)eams, T' 214

Waring, J. L. with Roth, R. S.Synthesis and stabilitY of bis-mutotantalite, stibiotantaliteand chemically similar ABOrcompounds 1348

\\ iatanabe, T., Kato, A, N'Iatsu-rnoto, T. and Ito, -f . . 1416

\ \ 'ay land i te l vor r Knor r ing ,Mrose) 2 1 6

Weeks, A. D., Ross, D. R. and

Marvin, R. F. The occurrence

and properties of barnesite,

NarVoOro'3I IzO, a new hY-

drated sodium vanadate min-

eral from Utah 1187

Wegscheiderite (NazCOr' 3NaHCOr),

a new saline miueral fronr

the Green River formatior.r,

\['yonring (Fahe-v, Yorks) il00

crystallograPhY of

(Appleman). . 401

\\ehrlite 435

Wei l l , D. F. Hydrothermal sYn-

thesis of anclalusite from

kyanite 94+

Weiss, E. J. with Haase, D' J. andSteinfink, H. The crYstalstructure of a hexamethYlene-diamine-vermiculite comPlex

\Veiss, I- . E. with Turner, F. J.(Book review) . .

\ \ 'errkite (Papageorgakis).\Vestgrenite (von Knorring,


2 6 1

14232 1 3


Western miueral occurrences,nores on lF le in r ich) 1172

Whinfrey, C. G., with Tauber, A.,Kohn, J. A. and Babbage'W. D. The occurrence of anenstatite phase in the sub-systemGeO2-MnGeO3 .. 555

Whiting, R. W., Jr. with Schneer,C. J. Phase transformationand thermal hysteresis in thesystem AgI . . . 737


Williams, S. A. Crystals of ram- Yanchenko, M. Y. with Dolo-melsbergite and algodonite. . 421 manova, E. I. and Senderova,

- Anthonyite and calumetite, V, M. . . . . . 210two ne$' minerals from the Yarzhemskii, Ya. ya. with Blaz-Michigan copper district 614 ko, L. N. and Kondrat'eva.,

Williams, S. J. with Mandarino, V. V. 209J. A. and Mitchel l , R. S.. . . . 1419 yashinaga, N. and Aomine, S. 434

Wilshire, H. G. with Talbot, J. L., Yorks, K. p. with FaheyHobbs, B. E. and Sweatman, J. J. Wegscheiderite (NarCO:T. R. Xenoliths and xeno- .3NaHCOa), a new salinecrysts from lavas of the Ker- mineral from the Green Riverguelen Archipelago 159 formation, Wyon-ring 400

Wodginite (Nickel, Rowland, Mc- Yoshinaga, M., 1,+13A d a m ) . . . . . . . 1 4 1 7 Y u n d , R . A C r y s t a l d a t a f o r s y n -

Wolfenden, E. B. with Wall, thetic Cus s*Fe*So 6* (Idaite) 672J. R. D., Beard, E. H. andDeams, T. . . . . . . 2L+ Zak, C. SH. with Paplavko, E. M.

Wolff, R. G. Structural aspects of and Marchukova, I. D. 209kaolinite using infrared ab- Zavaritskite (Dolomanova, Sen-sorption... . . . . 390 derova, yanchenko) 2lo'Wones,D.R,Physicalpropert ies

Zeir ingite(Zeyringite):Aragoniteof synthetic biotites on the fAurichalcite(Meixner). 1184join phlogopite-amite. . . 1300 Zeolites, mass action relationships

Wurtzite - 9R, Wurtzite - 12R, of some, in the region of highWurtzite - 21R (Haussiihl, competing cation concentra-Muller). l4t9 tions (Ames) 868

Zhuravlev, N N. with Genkin,Xenoliths arrd xenocrysts from A. D. and Smirnova, E. M.

lavas of the Kerguelen Archi- 1181. 1 184pelago (Talbot, Ifobbs, Wil- Zincite, the solubility of, in basicshire, Sweatman).. . . . . . . . 159 hydrothermal solvents (Lau-

Xenotime and thorite from Ni- dise, Kolb) 642ger ia (He inr ich) . . . . . 206 Z i rs i te (Dor f i r - ran) . . . 1182

X-ray powder patterns, two de- Zoltai, T. Double spots and theirvices for rapid measurement elimination in precessionand comparison of (Koritnig) 418 photography 759

Zou,Z.with Peng, C. and Tsao, R. 211Yakel, H. L. with Kopp, O. C., Zussman, J. with Deer, W. A. and

Harris, L. A. and Clark, Howie, R. A. Rock formingG.W.Ahydrothermallysyn- minerals, Vol. 1, Ortho- andthesized iron analog of pol- ring silicates (Book review) Zlglucite-its structure and sig- Tvyzgintsev, O. E. with Genkin,nificance 100 A. D. 70g

The American


Journa/ 'f the Mineralogical Societl of Arnerica


Vor.uun 48, 1963

Mineralogical Society of America

Assocrlruo wrrq TrrE Gror-ocrclr, Socrnrv or Aurnrc.q.

Presiilent: C. S. Hurlbut, Jr., Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass.Past-Presiilent; Ian Campbell, State Divis. Mines, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco 11, Calif.Honorory Presiilent: E. H. Kraus, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.V'ice-Presddentr; Leonard G. Berry, Queens Univ., Kingston, Ontario.Secretary: George Switzer, U. S. Natl. Museum, Washington 25, D. C.Treasurer: Marjorie Ilooker, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington 25, D. C.Councilors:

(1961-63) Robert M. Garrels, Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass.(1961-63) O. F. Tuttle, Pennsylvania State Univ , University Park, Penn.(1962-64) Francis J. Turner, Univ. California, Berkeley 4, Calif.(1962-64) Hatten S. Yoder, Jr., Geophysical Lab., Washington 8, D. C.(1963-65) W. F. Bradley, Univ. Texas, Austin 12, Texas(1963-65) Howard T. Evans, Jr., U. S. Geol Survey, Washington 25, D. C.

Ed.itor: E. Wm. Heinrich, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.Board, of Assoc,iate Ed,itors:

(1961-63) Herbert Insley Carl W'. Correns(1962-64) Carleton A. Chapman Howard T. Evans, Jr.(1963-65) Donald L. Graf Alfred J. Frueh, Jr.

Ad.vertising Manager: Mrs. Rita Ehrman, 369 South Robertson Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif.

The enlarged issues of this journal for 1963 are made possible by a grant from the

Penrose Fund of the Geolosical Societv of Amerrca.

Printed by George Banta Company, Inc., Menasha, WisconsinPrinted in the United States of America

Copyright 1963 by the Mineralogical Society of America



The crystal structure of carminite J. J. I'inney IThe nature and synthesis of ferrimolybdite

Paul F Kerr, Arthur W Thomas and Arthur M. Langer 74Karelianite, a new vanadium mineral

J V P. Long, Yrjii Vuorelainen and Olavi Kouvo 33Chlorite polytypism: II. Crystal structure of a one-layer Cr-chlorite

rhe ieu dimensions and symmetry of layer-latticesuti;*.?il:&ilf.1;"Y;,?3.1'i| 42

. L. G. Veitch and E. W. Radoslovich 62The celi dimensions and symmetry of layer lattice silicates. IV. Interatomic forces

D. W Radoslovich 76A hydrothermally s1'nthesized iron analog of pollucite its structure and significance

O. C. Kopp, L. A. Harris, G W. Clark and H. L. Yakel 100Polymorphism in digenite N. Morimoto and G. Kullerud 110Infrared absorption frequency trends for anhydrous normal carbonates

Hans H Adler and Paul F- Kerr 12+Structure, composition and genesis of some long-spacing, mica like minerals

. G W. Brindley and Zefr Sandalaki 138Phase transformations in silica alumina-magnesia mixtures as examined by con-

tinuous r-ra1' difiraction: II Spine lsilica compositionsR. B Graf, F. M. Wahl and R. E. Grim 150

Xenoliths and xenocrysts from lavas of the Kerguelen Archipelago

J. L. Talbot, B. E. Hobbs, H. G. Wilshire and T. R. Sweatman 159X-ray study of lecontite Robert J. Faust and F. Donald Bloss 180MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Phenakite from the Mount Wheeler area, Snake

Range, White Pine County, Nevada Donald E. Lee and Richard C. Erd 189A note on ferroan gahnite from Malaya and its bearing on the published data for

hercynite B. H. Flinter 194S1'nthesis of forsterite crystals l'. J. Shankland and K. Hemmenway 200An optically negative variety of staurolite from Northern Rhodesia

X-ray diffraction data for taenioliteXenotime and thorite from NigeriaNelv Mineral Names

A. R Drysdall and C. J. Stillman 20IR. E. Lal,onde 2O4

E. Wm. Heinrich 206Michael Fleischer 2O9


Book Rev ieusNotices


Panr 1

State mineralogy: Why, whence and whither Ian Campbell 227Polymorphism in alkali amphiboles W. G. Ernst 24I'Ihe

crystal structure of a hexamethylenediamine-vermiculite complex. D J. Haase, E. J. Weiss and Hugo Steinfink 261

Co-Ni-Fe diarsenides: Compositions and cell dimensions Eugene H. Roseboom 271Thermocrystallization of richellite to produce a lazulite structure (calcium lips-

combite) Duncan McConnell 300Errors in the measurement of 2V with the universal stase M. Munro 308



Artificial crystallization of volcanic glass to carnegieite, nepheline and albite at roompressure. . . Satoru Ueda and Toshio Sudo 324

A semimicroprocedure for the determination of ferrous iron in nonrefractor-v silicateminerals Robert Meyrorvitz 340

The cell dimensions and symmetry of layer-lattice silicates. V. Composition limitsE. W. Radoslovich 348

The cell dimensions and symmetry of layer-lattice silicates. VI. Serpentine andkaolin rnorphology E. W. Radoslovich 368

The determination of platinum metals in siderite meteorites

J. G. Sen Gupta and F. E Beamish 379Structural aspects of kaolinite using infrared absorption R. G. Wolff 390MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Wegscheiderite (Na:COr.3NAHCOa), a new saline

mineral from the Green River formation, Wyoming

Joseph J. Fahey and K. P. Yorks 400X-ray crystallography of wegscheiderite (NarCO3.3NaHCO:) D. E. Appleman 404A rapid change rotating sample holder for * ray diffraction of powders

Jerry M. Waite 406Mineralogical evidence for the penecontemporaneous lateritization of the basalts

from New England, N. S. W. P. Bayliss and F. C. Loughnan 410Cell dimensions of dehydrated natrolite : J. H. Fang 414Two devices for rapid measurement and comparison of r-ray powder patterns

Sigmund Ch. Koritnig 418Crystals of rammelsbergite and algodonite Sidney A. Williams 421On the microscopic determination of the amphiboles in grains Paol,o Gazzi 422Dimorphic relation in Ag3Sb$ Luke Li-Yu Chang 429New Mineral Names Michael Fleischer 433Book Reviews. 437N o t i c e s . . . . . . . 4 + 1

Pnnt 2

Awards 443Memorials. 454Proceedings, 43d Annual Meeting, Mineralogical Society of America. 465

NOS. 5 AND 6, MAY-JUNE, 1963

Galeite and related phases in the system NazSOr- NaF-NaClA. Pabst, D. L. Sawyer and George Switzer 485

A tetragonal iron sulfide Olavi Kouvo, Yrjd Vuorelainen and J. V. P. Long 511A colorimetric classification of Australian pegmatitic muscovite J. Finch 525'fhe

occurrence of an enstatite phase in the subsystem, GeOrMnGeO:A. Tauber, J. A. Kohn, C. G. Whinfrey and W. D. Babbage 555

Isodimorphism and the polybasite and pearceite series Clifiord Frondel 565Further data on the chemical composition olZhob Valley chromites S. A. Bilgrami 573Comparison of the crystal structures of bustamite and wollastonite

Donald R. Peacor and C T. Prewitt 588Paragenesis of clinohumite and associated minerals from Wolf Creek, Montana

E. Wm. Heinrich 597Anthonyite and calumetite, two new minerals from the Michigan copper district

. .Sidney A. Williams 614Natural a-silicon carbide. T. Bauer. I. Fiala and R. Hiichov| 620


The magnesium phosphates hannayite, schertelite and bobierrite"

. A. William Frazier, James R' Lehr and James P' Smith 635

The solubility of zincite in basic hydrothermal solventsR' A' Laudise and E D' Kolb 642

The nature of chrysocolla from Inspiration Mine, Arizona ' 'Ming-Shan Sun 649

MINERALOGICAL NOTES: A comparison of oH- motions in brucite and micas

Henri Boutin and William Bassett 6'59

Maneanberzeliite from Franklin, New Jersey Clifford Frondel and Jun Ito 663

The crystal structure determination of the zeolite, gismondite, CaAl'zSi'zO8' H'zO

Karl Fischer 66+

On crystal data for idaite Gerhard Frenzel 672

Fluoborite from Crestmore, California E. R' Segnit and C' J Lancucki 678

Leonhardite and laumontite in diabase from Dillsburg, PennsylvaniaDavis M' LaPham 683

Some properties of platinum monotelluride (PtTe) . .

M. L Gimpl, C' E' Neison and N' Fuschillo

comparative study of the etch patterns on muscovite from difierent sources

N"* dutu o.' -u'*uro.u.i*. ^ .

""i::ff1?$Tffi::X;Geologic implications of jarosite, pseudomorphic after pyrite Wm' J' Furbish

Nerv Mineral Names ' Michael Fleischer

691698703708713Book Reviews

NoticesProustite-pyrargyrite solid solutions Priestley Toulmin, 3d 725

Phase transformation and thermal hysteresis in the system AgI "Cecil J' Schneer and Richard W' Whiting' Jr'

Double spots and their elimination in precession photography " Tibor Zoltai

Metamorphism of the pelitic schists in the Bryant Pond Quadrangle, Maine ' '

' Charles V' Guidotti

Solid state formation of anorthite from some clay mineral-calcium mineral mixtures.

Albert P. Ruotsala

Refinement of the chrysoberyl structureE. F Farrell, J. H. Fang and R. E. Newnham

Garnet-pyroxene gneisses at Bear Mountain, New York R' T' Dodd' Jr'

Cleavage in quartz. F' Donald Bloss and Gerald V' Gibbs

Infrared spectra, symmetry and structure relations of some carbonate minerals

Hans H' Adler and Paul F' Kerr

Melanophlogite, a cubic polymorph of silica

M ass action relati onship s or .o*.,""t,,:"'?J *"'lT;:;' ;ifl tff ::11,*T::T:lconcentrations L' L' Ames, Jr'

The four-phase curve sanidine-quartz liquid gas between 500 and 4000 bars

" Herbert R Shaw

Mineralosical studies of kaolinite-halloysite clays: Part I Identification problems

.G. W. B.ittdley, Persio de Souza Santos and Helena de Souza Santos

MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Note on the measurement of pyrrhotite composition


l 3 t




8048 1 182r






in the presence of both hexagonal and monoclinic Bl1l"tr"r",

""0 *

Donald R.J. Ford 9llPeacor 9t3The unit cell and space group of stewartite

tn" ::**:to":tltl

t.T:*"t:o:'n" lll il:il3. M,o." and Michaer Freischer els


Some unusual minerals from the ,.Mottled Zone,, complex, Israel

. . . . . . y. K. Bentor, S. Gross and L. Heller 924rne protlabte chemrcal lormula of aksaite, a new hydrated magnesium borate. . ..

Book Reviews

J. Kent PerryArthur S. Radtke

Yu Hariya


Reply to "Discussion of ,Coulsonite, ,,

Note on ishiganeite and yokosukaite


NOS. 9 AND 10, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1963Ixiolite-a columbite substructure. . E. H. Nickel, J. F. Rowland and R. c. McAdam 96rTettahedrally coordinated aluminum in some natural biotites: An infrared absorp-

tion analysis. . Homer C. Liese 9u0High-level metamorphism of pelitic rocks in northern Neu, Hampshire. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . J o h n C . G r e e n 9 9 1The system GeOrSiOz. ..W. S. Miller, F. Dachille, E. C. Shafer ani Rustum Roy 1024Measurement of small changes in lattice spacing applied to calcites of a pennsyl-

vanian age limestone. . . . Jerry M. Waite 1033'fhe petrology of the Nonewaug granite, Connecticut.

opticar sy.nmetry from reflectr.,ri,u ,''"u.u."lo.ll'.t M' Gates

Tl-"":: -: $l:::";Synthesis of clinochlore at high pressures E R. SeEnitKimberlites and associatecl inclusions of Basutoland: A minerarogicar and ieo-

chemical study Peter H. Nixon, Oleg von Knorring and Joan M. RookeMatrix corrections in trace elementanalysis by rtay fluorescence: Estimation of

the mass absorption coefficient b). Compton scattering R. C. Reynolds, Jr.An apparently triclinic dimorph of crandalite from a tropicar swamp sediment-in

El Pet6n, Guatemala Ursula M. Cowgill, G. E. Hutchinson and Oiva JoensuuMINERAIOGICAL NOTES: Johannsenite from the Aravaipa mining district,

Arizona Frank S. Simons ancl Elaine MunsonHuntite, Gabbs, Nevada Charles J. Vitaliano and Carl W. BeckA point-cou.ter for modal analysis of stained .ock slabs scott B SmithsonThe composition of Lravenite L. G. BerryRogersite:rveinschenkite E. Wm. Heinrich ancl Shi H. euonSample container contamination in the infrared spectra of minerals R J. p. LyonNotes on western mineral occurrences E Wm. HeinrichOccurrence of cryptomelane in manganese ores, Balaghat district, India



1 133


1 1541 158r16411661 168r170r172

SerpentineJimestone contact at r.'..i ri"l-"":T;IlT:f#fl;;fi':::ff 1','.T t171

-a correction. . S. A. Bilgrami 1176New mineral Names. .iM. Fleischer l17gNotices.

1 18S



I-he occurrence and properties of barnesite, NazVsOr 3HrO, a new hydrated sodiumvanadate mineral from Utah

. Alice D. Weeks, Daphne R Ross and Richard F. Marvin 1187

S W. Bailey 1196Polymorphism of the kaolin minerals

A study of alluvial monazite from Malaya

Nickerirerous serpentines, chrorites ",'1,5;,1il,lii:1;'.";"31i'ii lli fi,#-tlJ#t 1210

J. W MontoYa and G' S. Baur 1227Petrological significance of illite polymorphism in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks

Bruce Velde and John Hower'l'he

composition and space group of legrandite J. J FinneyRe-examination of legrandite Paul E. Desautels and Roy S. Clarke, Jr.

Quantitative determination of kaolinite and halloysite by

: G Burley

refractive indices

John McAndrew

NH+C1 retentionKoji Wada

Physical properties of synthetic biotites on the join phlogopite-anniteDavid R' Wones 1300

A new polymorph of AlzSiOs and further studies in the system AhO:-SiOg-HrO

Shigeo Aramaki and Rustum RoY 1322

Synthesis and stability of bismutotantalite, stibiotantalite and chemically similar

ABOa compounds R S. Roth and J. L' Waring 1348

Significance of phengitic micas from low-grade schists W. G Ernst 13.57

MINERALOGICAL NOTES: Svnthesis of a clinootilolite-like zeoliteL L Ames, Jr ' 1374

'Ihe cleavages of BeO and other minerals having the lvurtzite structure

V. D. Frechette and Carl l-' Cline 1381

Apparatus for controlled-atmosphere difierential thermal analysis of corrosive

materials I{. J. Pickering 1383

The crystallography of meta-autunite (I) Malcolm Ross 1389

Oriented overgrowths of thaumasite on ettringite A. B Carpentet 7394

Synthetic solid solutions in the systems MgCOr I'eCOr and MnCOr-IreCOr

. P E R o s e n b e r g 1 3 9 6

Externally heated cold-seal pressure vessels for use to 10,000 bars and 750' C.

'r'he grooved plate, a sirnple petrographic aid ,", .,J-t";t*XtJ''::i.o"tt;ll:t"tl: 1401

minerals K. A. Sargent 1403

Calciferons brown amphibole in alkalic gabbro of Koraput, Orissa, India

. M. K' Bose

Ten-year supplemenl to the bibliographies of Clarence S Ross and Waldemar 'l''

Schaller . Marjorie Hooker


Polymorphism of silver iodide

Relationship of optical axial angle with the three principal

t239I Z.).)






Nerv Mineral NamesBook ReviewsPublications ReceivedNotices

M. Fleischer

Index to Volume 48